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9 charming poems by Adélia Prado analyzed and commented

A writer from Minas Gerais Adélia Prado published her first book, 40 years old. Entitled Bagagem (1976), this first publication was sponsored by Carlos Drummond de Andrade who, in addition to praising the stressful author, sent a series of poems to Editora Imago.

Assim that it was released, or I brought it to the attention of specialized critics and Adélia passed to be seen as good olhos. From here to now, I have seen the poet publishing with certain regularity, I have become one of two great names of Brazilian poetry.

Dona de um style muitas once is characterized as a critical romanticism, Adélia Prado uses in her poems uma linguagem colloquial and intends to convey for or leitor new points of view on or everyday, many times or re-signifying.

1. With poetic license

When I was born a slim man,
After playing trombeta, he announced:
vai carregar bandeira.
Very heavy load for mulher,
This species is still embarrassed.
Oil you subterfuge that fits me,
sem need to lie.
I don't think I can get married,
acho or Rio de Janeiro uma beauty and

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now sim, now no, I believed in childbirth.
More, or that I feel screvo. I comply with sina.
Inaugurated linhagens, founded kingdoms
- dor não é bitterness.
Minha sadness I do not have a pedigree,
ha to minha vontade of joy,
Its root goes ao meu thousand avô.
It will be coxo na vida, é curse for homem.

Mulher é undobrável. Eu sou.

Inserted em Bagagem, seu livro de estreia, With poetic license é o poem that inaugurates a work and face a species of author's presentation It is now unknown to the large public.

You verses have a clear reference (e homagem) ao Sete Faces Poemby Carlos Drummond de Andrade. Or poet, aliás, was of great importance in Adélia's career. Drummond was not only material of poetic inspiration as it helped a writer from Minas Gerais to us first times of her career, indicating or being released to an editor who saw her publish it.

We find us verses above um tom de oralidade, marked by informality and hair desirous of proximity as a reader. How he or eu-lyrical was generously offered to the reader, thus giving his qualities and defects in the form of verse. No poem we also see what it means be a woman in society Brazil will be sublimating the difficulties that the genre is customary to face.

2. Alfândega

Or that I could offer sem macula foi
meu choro por beleza ou cansaço,
um dente extracted,
or preconceito favorável in all the ways
from baroque to music in Rio de Janeiro
Let me visit once and leave me in suspense.
‘Não serve’, disseram. And will demand
a foreign language that I did not learn,
or registration of my lost diploma
no Ministry of Education, more tax on vaidade
apparent, unusual, and captious forms - not that
Estavam certos - porém da-se that unusual and deceitful
foram his ways of detecting emptiness.
All the time that the United States apologized, said:
‘Look polite and humble, out of presumption’,
e oneravam os impostos, knowing that the ship left
when we got confused.
When I grabbed my teeth and went to Rio,
soon to crash with fatigue, consummaram:
‘Fica or bem de root to pay a deposit’.
Deixei meu dente.
Agora only tenho three reféns sem macula.

Alfândega It is a title of a poem that is quite interesting and compatible with the escort of the poet, we will think that it is not included: Bagagem. Both words will press in the presence of a eu-lyrical in transit, that is dislocated, that brings with me just those things that it considers essential.

In fact, travelers habitually declare physical bens that they intend to carry, not so much, or that the eu-lyrical offers this moment of their travels são sentimentos, impressões, lembranças, subjectivities.

This is how sensations seem to have been cast a year ago, moved by um flow of consciousness that traz à tona emoções ao perhaps. Final year of the poem or poetic subject comes to an unusual conclusion: the deixa behind a two bens (or dente) to be able to continue adiante.

3. Moment

Enquanto eu fiquei happy,
it will remain a blue bule with a non-peeling shell,
a carafe of medium hair pepper,
a heartbeat and a very clean heart
com recém-feitas estrelas.
They will resist us in their places, in their offices,
constituting or world pra mim, anteparo
for what was an attack:
sudden é bom ter um corpo pra rir
and shake the head. A vida é mais tempo
happy than sad. Melhor é ser.

O poem acima treats da temporary tempo, do running gives life and how you should be escort cam-la.

To illustrate the various phases of existence, the eu-lyrical face use of symbolic images such as a peeled blue bule in a carafe of medium hair. As duas imagens sublinham or process of wear and use inherent to life.

Lined with the objects are random signs such as a heartbeat and a clean heart, items that occupy space not just our everyday repetitive.

Após essa justposição de matérias e affetos, or eu-lrico concluded or poem in a positive way and com um otimista, highlighting or body that laughs at joy that overcomes sadness.

4. A formalistic

O cerebral poet took coffee sem açúcar
e foi pro cabinet to concentrate.
Seu pencil and a scalpel
that elea na pedra,
na calcined stone of words,
imagem that she chooses because she loves difficult,
or respectful effect that produced
I am treated as a dictionary.
Faz three hours that he is still the muses.
O day it burns. Seu prepúcio coça.

The verses acima fazem part of a more extensive poem, which criticizes a certain type of poet descolado da realidade, concerned with schools, literary movements, norms and formulas. It is about a cerebral poet, focused not rationally and precisely.

A formalistic Possibly a tom of provocation and irony, long after the first verses we find a small showing of the type of composition that Adélia repudiates and against which genre of poetics she fights.

Adélia Prado led her poetic nonsense contrary to the personagem poet mentioned: her lyric of her is based on simplicity, na lived experience, not everyday e na informality.

We find here or example of um meta-poem, isso é, verses that I think to your own condition. A poet has a series of verses written without meaning, gives reflection on his own literary fazer. Long year of her literary career Adélia has also researched the construction of a more in-depth research on linguistic paper.

5. Fragment

Bem-adventurous or pressentiu
when to manhã começou:
I am not going to be different today.
Prolonged will remain or corpo sem pouso,
or thought divided between deitar-se primeiro
à esquerda ou à direita
The same also announced the patient ao half-day:
some hours e já anoitece, or mormaço abranda,
um vento bom enters nessa janela.

The poem begins with the indifference of the day and the night and as a compliment to those who have the sensitivity to perceive when the sun is born.

There is a series of conflicts present us verses: o tempo that passes and does not pass, noite that chega e não chega, or body that wants to move more at the end is in repouse, or restless thought with a position to stop.

We do not know that I am or patient in a questão that face or announcement takes more hours, but we can conclude that, despite the anguish, or poem is closed in a solar way. Despite the dichotomies presented in Fragment, or the leitor ends with a quiet reading with the presence of a pleasant breeze that enters the janela.

6. Casamento

There are women who say:
My husband, he wants to fish, fish,
more than clean you peixes.
Eu não. At any hour of the night I get up,
Help to scale, open, retalhar and salgar.
É tão bom, only people sozinhos na cozinha,
from time to time when the cotovelos slipped away,
ele fala coisas like "this was difficult"
"Prateou not giving slices"
e face or gesture com a mão.
Or silence when we saw each other the first time
through cozinha like a deep river.
By fim, os peixes na travessa,
let's sleep.
Espocam prated coisas:
we are noivo and noiva.

Casamento It tells the story of a seemingly mature, serene, calm house that experiences a calm love and is high.

O eu-lyrical emphasizes o seu I wish to take care of my partner e to be next to you, even if it implies many times it gives your comfort zone. She gets up in the middle of the night to be together with the cozinha when you two, together, prepare a reference for the day to follow. All occur with profound naturalness. A long-term relationship was based on small gestures of daily companionship.

Or casal partilha or silêncio and each two members seems comfortably padded in the presence of the parceiro.

7. Dona Doida

Uma time, when I was a girl, choveu grosso
com trovoadas e clarões, exactly like chove agora.
When you can open these janelas,
as few tremiam as the last pingos.
Minha mãe, how do you know that I will write a poem,
Inspired decidiu: chuchu novinho, angu, molho de ovos.
I went looking for you chuchus and I'm turning now,
thirty years of age. I did not find any more.
To woman who opened me to porta riu de dona tão velha,
With a children's umbrella and coxas à show.
Meus filhos will disown me in shame,
My husband was sad I tied to death,
eu fiquei doida not encalço.
Só melhoro quando chove.

O beautiful poem begins with the narration of a seemingly banal dinner, experienced not passed, na company da mãe. It is from a concrete situation - at the beginning of a lived experience - that arises a broader reflection on life.

A repetition of the dinner on the side of the fora (a chuva forte) face with which a species of tempo machine. To me, such a poet, face to his escort of her: enquanto a poet escolhe as words a mãe will procure two ingredients for a recipe. A menina sai to look for the ingredients and returns home thirty years later. Já não is la mãe and not the place where he found his own family.

The verses focus, therefore, on the questão of the memory and the relation of the lyrical subject as tempo and as relatives (these are alive or dead). As words recovered or passedado and fazem as that or eu-lrico experienced um tempo that mixes or ontem, or leaf e or amanhã.

8. Um jeito

Meu amor é assim, sem nenhum modesty.
When I want to, I scream, give Janela
- ouve quem estiver passing -
ô so and so, see me depressa.
Tem urgência, half of broken charm,
It's hard as it is hard.
Ideal eu tenho de amor as quem diz coisas:
I want to sleep like you, straighten your hair,
espremer de suas coasts as montanhas pequenininhas
of branca material. For an hour I scream and scare.
Few gosta people.

Um jeito é mais um exemplar da lyrical love of Adélia Prado. Ao long two verses or eu-lyrical vai transparent to sua way of loving: urgent, full of desire and pressure, um jeito de amor que no se contém.

To illustrate the ideal way of loving the poetic subject he refers to practical and everyday examples: a partilha gives bed, or cafuné no cabelo, a mania to squeeze as espinhas das costas do amado.

The verses differentiate between two ways of loving: what or eu-lyrical sentence and what you would choose to feel. Or that the clam was a quiet love, full of security, stability and affection, or that it was, for the time being, a love afoito, disgraced and stupid.

9. Janela

Janela, cute word.
Janela é o bater das handles da borboleta amarela.
Open up for as duas folhas de madeira à-toa painted,
janela jeca, in blue.
Eu pulo você pra inside e pra fora, I ride a cavalo em você,
meu pé esbarra no chão. Janela on the open world, where I saw
o casamento da Anita waiting for baby, for me
Pedro Cisterna urinating na chuva, where I saw
meu bem chegar from bicycle e dizer to meu pai:
Minhas intentions with his filha são as melhores possíveis.
Ô janela com tramela, brincadeira de Ladão,
skylight na minha soul,
olho no meu heart.

A janela is an extremely interesting poetic object: it divides the inside of the outside and, at the same time, allows these two universes to be vexed.

To janela é também a place where the world attends: vê-se burns e quem vai embora, accompanying the phases gives life to two conherencies. É da janela that or eu-lrico records even important moments of his own life (to check of the loved one and or request of marriage).

The verses shared by Adélia Prado são um praise to this everyday object that so often goes unnoticed. Or take lyrical and solar, otimistic, positive. Ao celebrate janela or poetic subject, in a certain way, also celebrate life.

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