Candido Portinari retirees: analysis and interpretation
Retirees This is a painting by Candido Portinari, painted in 1944 in Petrópolis, not Rio de Janeiro.
The panel is an oil on canvas and is 190 X 180 cm, part of the collection of the São Paulo Museum of Art (MASP) and It portrays a family of retirees, people who retired from a region to another in search of better conditions of life.
Analysis and interpretation
The main elements of fabric
Or quadro is composted by earthy tons and cinza. A family of retirees to the center takes quase a totality of cloth. Or dark outline two personagens from a heavy tom to work. Ao fundo you see a landscape of the sertão.
Or chão é hard, you buy and bear backs, and the only side that is seen is not the horizon or the almost indistinct contour of a mountain. O horizon is clear, more or dark and black birds that surround the family as they are waiting for the death of them.
Ainda sees a small group of birds that descended in a single direction, all very close, like urubus attacking a carniça.
There are five children in painting. Duas estão ao colo e as other three estão em pé. Uma das crianças is not big, therefore rickety. The dark brushstrokes over the years give a figure that gives an impression that it is scarcely beaten.
Not in the foreground we see a young girl with a protruding belly and a very fine fish. Or the size of the belly, disproportionate to the rest of the body, indicates that the child has a belly of the water.
This is very common in places marked by extreme dryness, where the only source of water is seen and not treated. A presença dessa criança drew us an image of uma extreme poverty that also coexists with headquarters.
When the old children are distant and desolate, the adults appear expressões mais fortes, that beiram or despair.
Or homem who runs a trouxa on the coasts and led a child but mine seems to be looking for a painter, or that gives a portrait character to painting. Seu olhar de him also seems to be an appeal, a request for help.
Or quadro é um portrait of misery of a family of retirees among so many others. Fogem da dry and the development of the Northeast in search of a better life than the South. O quadro face part of a series composted by more than two works: Criança morta and Burial na Rede.
All the peças are composed of the same hair theme and with the same shades, giving a unit for the set. Or fear is dry, that provokes many mortes and uma mass migration.
The political convictions and the social conscience of the painter are essential in the composition of the work. Portraying misery, in a cruel way, in a way to position himself against her. The same time as Brazilian cities developed, or field was or box of fome.
Portinari nasceu e cresceu born in the city of Brodowski, which is located in the interior of São Paulo, in 1903. Filho of Italian immigrants who work in the coffee plantation, Portinari has a simple childhood.
As images of when he was raised there are constant inspirations for his works. Portinari fails as retreats or impressions, mainly in the big dry phase of 1915, which killed thousands of people and escaped many others.
To misery two retirees and hope for a life melhor marcaram o menino that via a cam of migrants passing through its city.
Portinari moved to Rio de Janeiro for fifteen years to study painting. Lá, he first uses his techniques and dedicates himself to portraits as the objective of winning the medal of ouro do Salão da Escola Nacional de Belas Artes (Enba). He de fato ganha or Prêmio in 1928, or that gives him the opportunity to live in France for two years, where he travels in Europe.
Regardless of the continent, Portinari comes into contact with various works, with great admiration for Rafael and Ticiano, classical painters. O time spent in Europe serves for the artist whose vision is most afflicted from his childhood and from his native city.
This vision allows an understanding of his origins, which will be addressed several times in his works. He returned to Brazil in 1931, determined to to portray the images of his childhood and his life.
Portinari defines his painting of him as sendo "de camponês". His country was poor countrymen and he could not tell from them. As the end of the Second War and the beginning of the political opening in Brazil, Candido was affiliated with the Brazilian Communist Party (PCB).
Portinari said he did not understand politics, but he had deep convictions and chegou to them due to his poor childhood, to his work and mainly due to his artistic interest. For the painter there is no neutral work. The same when an artist has no intention, or a square always indicates a social meaning.
Conheça also
- Life and work of Candido Portinari
- Candido Portinari: the main works analyzed
- Artists Essenciais da Arte Moderna
- Livro Vidas Secas, by Graciliano Ramos
- Analysis of O lavrador de café, by Candido Portinari
Formed in Literature at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2010), Master of Literature at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2013) and doutora in Studies of Culture of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and of the Portuguese Catholic University of Lisbon (2018).