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Donnie Darko: summary, explanation and detailed analysis

Donnie darko It is a scientific fiction film written and directed by Richard Kelly. In 2001, dating from its launch, or the film did not capture much attention from distributors or the public. Contudo, due to its theme related to quantum physics and travels no tempo, was awakening the curiosity and interest of more and more spectators and moviegoers.

In 2002, when it was released on DVD, or a succession of bands was surprising, exceeding ten thousand dollars. Considered complex or absurd, feared various theories and discussed, conquering the status of a film cult.

Donnie Darko - Official Trailer

Attention: from this point on, you will find spoilers!

I summarize

Donnie is a lonely adolescent who suffers from sleepwalking and wandering around the city when he is asleep. Uma noite, he hears a voice that attracted him to the garden, where he sees someone using a fantasy of coelho. A mysterious figure, by seu nome Frank, launches a regressive contagem to the end of the world.

At that time, an airplane turbine fell on top of his house, destroying a fourth of him. From that moment, or adolescent began to see Frank frequently, he agitated in an increasingly erratic way and worried the family and the therapist. Fulfilling orders of estranho coelho, or protagonist commits apparently random vandalism.

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Several of his unleashed consequences: it is because of the flood that Gretchen knows, her in love with him, and thanks to the fire to police discovered that Jim was involved with a network of pedophilia. When I read or read from Roberta Sparrow, former Freira and science teacher, he realizes that she is experiencing travel-related phenomena and has no chance of interfering with reality.

Explanation of the film

Embora understand Donnie darko It is not an easy task, a chave for the mystery seems to be not free of Roberta Sparrow. We will pay attention to the sections that have arisen in the film, or we will consult you that are available on the official site, everything seems to be more clear.

A work is presented as a guide that Roberta created for um moment of great perigo. Let the readers know that, as described above, I must send a letter to her. Give your obsessão to visit or run daily.

Second to the author's explanation, the fourth dimension can be corrupted, giving rise to a Tangent Universe, a alternative and install reality It lasts just a few weeks, transforming itself from a black buraco capable of destroying humanity.

O sinal more evident of the creation of the Tangent Universe é o emergence of an artefact, a strange metal object that appears without a logical explanation and awakens or interests everyone. In this case, or engine is a turbine.

During a Tangent Universe, those who are closest to the vortex are the most shaved hairs, their effects, or that explains the erratic behavior of the adolescent.

OR protagonist é o Recetor VivoSomeone amazed by hallucinations and heaviness, a scolhido to carry or an artifact of volta for the Primary Universe. His task is "to ensure the destiny of all humanity" and as people to his volta, Manipulated Live, devem ajudá-lo to meet it. His bizarre and violent acts serve to guide Donnie to his goal.

Frank and Gretchen fulfilled the role of Handled Mortos, raising an armadilha that obrigue or Live Receptor to return artifact to the Primary Universe before the black buraco collapses itself. Guided by the visões do coelho and pressed by the death of the girl in love, not with another option.

Gathering the essential elements to travel no time (water as a portal, metal as a vehicle to transport or artifact) as a plane, you get go back no tempo e restore to order the Primary Universe. In this way, he sacrifices his life to save all humanity.

Still second or free, when manipulated according to the experience, we can fully figure out what happens or be astonished in dreams. Frank, repeatedly unraveling the fantasy of a coelho and touching what was hit, seems to be scared. Já Gretchen, he does not appear to have the memory of the young man that he loves.

Personagens and cast

Donnie Darko (Jake Gyllenhaal)

Donnie darko

Or the protagonist is a solitary and troublesome teenager who suffers from sleepwalking. Astonished strange hair coelho, beaten by Gretchen and obsessed as a book by Roberta Sparrow, the subject that traveling does not stop and save humanity.

Frank (James Duval)


Frank is the figure that emerges as a coelho masquerade and as soon as Donnie gets to see. When he removes the mask, he reveals his face as a bullet I don't forget. Guiding him or her through a contagion at the end of the world, or his appearance of him seems to be related to the possibility of traveling at no time.

Darko Family (Holmes Osborne, Mary McDonel, Maggie Gyllenhaal)

Donnie Darko Family

A Darko family is a typical North American family whose life is at a loss when a turbine falls not a quarter of Donnie. From that moment on, Darko's hair is shaved by the erratic behavior of the adolescent.

Gretchen Ross (Jena Malone)


Gretchen is a nova aluna that chega à cidade, escaped from a violent stepfather who tried to kill his mother. Conhece or protagonist, both of them turned off and began to fall in love, but in relation to an abrupt ending.

Karen Pomeroy (Drew Barrymore)


Karen is an English teacher, accused of being a negative influence on serious students. Defender of critical sense and dialogue, she ends up being demitted.

Kenneth Monitoff (Noah Wyle)

Kenneth monitoff

He is with Kenneth, professor of science, who talks to someone for the first time about quantum physics and travels no time. When I think that a young person has gone beyond his serious knowledge, or a professor he has delivered a book written at a very short time, by Roberta Sparrow.

Jim Cunningham (Patrick Swayze)

jim cunningham

Jim Cunningham is an author and motivational speaker who will give a lecture at Donnie's school. We see her videos of her, as well as her lectures, she tries to guide the followers as lazy conselhos and inúteis. Donnie, upset with Jim's hypocrisy, ends up revealing his seniority.

Kitty Farmer (Beth Grant)


Kitty is a teacher of gymnastics and chef of the children's dance group ao which Samantha, irmã mais nova de Darko, belongs. Conservative and follower of Jim, she demands from Karen's demissão on the face of how the country of the protagonist be chamados na escola, depois to discuss during a classroom.

Roberta Sparrow (Patience Cleveland)

Roberta sparrow

Roberta Sparrow was a freira, I tied up an epiphany that I took to leave the convent and write a book on travels no tempo. Former science teacher, idosa lives sozinha and visits or runs every day, waiting for a correspondence. It is not free of Roberta that Donnie finds an explanation for all the phenomena that he has assisted.

Film Review Donnie Darko

Donnie: Troubled Teen

Since I started the film, I noticed that the protagonist is a peculiar young man. Suffering from sleepwalking, it was common to disappear during a night and remember, lost and confused, our strangest places.

His family seems worried about his behavior and encourages him to attend therapy sessions and take psychiatric medication correctly. Na porta da geladeira is a bilhete:

Where is Donnie?

Na school, he also does not adapt well, involved in conflicts with teachers and students. Embora he is extremely intelligent and good, his presence seems to disturb the school environment, causing the same or temporary confinement of the school.

Conversing with Gretchen, he reveals that he had never failed a school before, when he set fire to a house abandoned by accident. When his country is called for a meeting with a therapist, he says that his aggression and inability to deal with external problems could be indications of paranoid schizophrenia.

Two most interesting elements of the film is or the way or spectator himself asks health of the protagonist, divided between Frank's chances of being real or just a hallucination.

Contagem para o fim do mundo

On the 2nd night of Outubro, Donnie is asleep in his bed and hears a voice ordering what chord. He lifts up and walks, tied to porta, passing hair so that he cochilava not sofa. No garden, he sees a strange figure that he said:

28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds. É when the world is going to end.

When the rest of the family is sleepy, most velha is trying to get into the house without agreeing to anything, when she hears a deafening noise and she sees a tremulous luster. Nessa manhã, or teenager agrees to my golf course. Not your arm is written the numbers that Frank gave.

donnie's arm

When you return home, there is a multidão na su porta. Donnie discovers that, during the night, an unidentified aircraft turbine fell at the top of the fourth of him.

From that moment on, his behavior becomes more and more erratic, trying to confess to the therapist to the existence of a new imaginary friend who fears he will continue with his future.

Flood at school

During the English classroom, a turma studied You Destroyers, A classic by Graham Greene that reveals the adventure of a group of garotos who vandalize and destroy a house. To Professor Karen sublinha that the motivations of them were not financial, that we will find a pilha of money and queimaram.

Assim, he asks some years what his intention would be behind that. Donnie gives his interpretation of him, claiming that they were loving destroy the world to change things. The identification of the protagonist as the garotos do livro becomes more evident nessa mesma noite.

donnie darko vandalism

Donnie sounds like flooded school corridors. He lifts up, hits a machado and leaves the house to destroy a water pipeline in the school. Na manhã Seguinte, or building and enclosed due to flooding. Or machado is na cabeça a estatua no patio, with the phrase: "Eles obrigaram me a fazer isso".

Fire at Jim's house

When Kitty, a gym teacher, forces the class to watch videos of motivational guru Jim Cunningham, Donnie listens to Frank's voice: "Pay attention." O young people join as a teacher for the sake of Jim's approach, which summarizes the human actions of love, limiting the scope of our emotions and motivations.

Later, na palestra, or guru of an example like Frank, on a garoto that finds a carteira na rua. A mysterious figure confirms that it does not coincide: "We are moving no tempo".

donnie darko na jim's fore

He confronts Jim with hypocrisy and uselessness of his councilors, assuming that he enriches thanks to Alheio despair. Some people applaud and or everyone and expelled from the room.

Pouco depois, while he is walking on the street, he finds a carteira. Inside, he discovers Jim's documents and Frank's voice again:

Agora you know where he lives.

The protagonist invites his nova namorada to the cinema and enquanto the dorme, he left hidden and went tied to Jim's house, burning or place. Enquanto isso, or homem is not the talent show of the escola, perto das crianças, including Irmã mais nova de Darko, who faces part of the dance time.

When investigating or burning, the police discovered that Jim collected explicit images of minors and guru. Kitty, his fervent follower of him, decides that she can no longer accompany the dance time on a trip to Los Angeles, demanding that Donnie's wife go instead of her. In this way, because of the fire, or youth expôs um pervert and place your mãe naquele avião.

Roberta Sparrow's Livro

Na manhã next to the turbine remains, or Donnie's country who runs over a multitude of people on the road, which is indo to see his caixa do correio. O young man sai do car to see it is ela a mulher is bem e ela whispers an enigmatic phrase I do not know of her:

All the creatures of this world morrem sozinhas.

donnie darko e grandma death

After flooding the school, during the country meeting, Frank's reflection or reflection does not spell when he is going to take his remedies. Or else it seems liquid, made of a malleable material. When you ask a friend how he gets to do it, to his reply he is: "I get to do it or what I want. E você também ".

Anyway, he confirms that you two seem supernatural powers. The question of the reasons for the flooding of the school and the coelho just said that "they run perigo". As his explanation continues, he asks:

Você accredit em viagens no tempo?

Or protagonist seeks his science professor to talk about the topic. Kenneth recommends reading A Brief History of Tempo by Stephen Hawking. In short, she explains that to travel it is necessary to find a buraco de minhoca (wormhole), um atalho no espaço-tempo that allows us to pular between two temporary places. Apart from the portal, it is also essential for a vehicle that travels at the speed of light.

Kenneth also gives it a book, written by a former school teacher, Roberta Sparrow. Roberta, who was formerly a freira, gave up the convent and dedicated herself to science, Philosophy of Viagem no Tempo. A 101-year-old woman never left home because she lives waiting for a letter.

donnie trace

During your reading, you will start to see phenomena that are being described. When he is sitting in the living room I sell television with my friends, he starts to put out something that seems like something, like um energy trail That appoints your next action, determining the movements of your immediate future. He segue or trilho tied a armário, where he found a weapon that keeps no purse, thinking to be related to Frank's orders.

Second or light, or world would be ready to end and it would be necessary for someone to travel no time to save him. Donnie visits Roberta so much to ask for help, but he doesn't open to porta e or young man ends up sending a letter.

Or garoto talks de novo as a science teacher, seeking an explanation for what is happening. Debate on the concepts of destiny and free arbitration. Either master argues that someone can see or his path, or his future, he would have the possibility of altering it at any moment. Darko explains that I know or subject is traveling not "channel of Deus" he does not have a possible escort, because he sees his destination but does not manage to move.

Revelation of Frank

donnie darko cinema

It's not a cinema, but Gretchen is sleeping, that Donnie saw or Frank's face for the first time. When he throws the mask of a coelho, he reveals to be a young man of his life, as a bullet lodged, not directly and slipping away. Either the mysterious figure seems to reflect or tragic fate of companheiro.

- When is that going to end?
- You should know.

From the first time he appeared, Frank has been repeating the same contagem, guiding or starring at a specific moment to which he would be destined. A buraco seems to be opening in a cinema cloth, accompanied by images and sons of religion. Ele asks: "Você já viu um portal?".

Later, in therapy, Donnie confesses his crimes and is repentant. He explains that he fears that he will follow the friend's order to understand what is happening. Finally, he said he feared the power to build a tempo machine, throwing two prophecies: "Frank will kill" and "O céu vai open".

Gretchen: paixão e morte

Gretchen's destiny seems to be intertwined with Donnie's from or beginning. When she goes to the classroom for the first time, the teacher recommends that she sit on the side of the protagonist. Talk for the first time about the flooding of the school, when you defend a colleague.

Logo trocam histories about serious past difficulties and despondency about or desire to be able to go back no time and turn off more memories, I substituted them for lembranças melhores. Before starting to fall in love, Gretchen said that "Donnie Darko" is not a super hero or protagonist responds that maybe it is the same um. Over the course of the film, he tries to protect his beloved or custodian, ending up by sacrificing his own life.

Na noite de Halloween, eat me and irmã more nova traveling, or young woman and irmã mais velha resolvem to give a festa, in which appears to your lover. Desperate as a disappearance gives me, a garota defies the destiny of her family:

Acho that some people nascem com a tragedy do not bleed.

Pouco depois, elemeça to see again or trace of energy that came out of seu peito and or led to geladeira. Na porta, he's on an errand from Frank, saying he's going out to buy beer. Donnie resolves to procure Roberta Sparrow to tell about everything or what's going on. He followed the bicycle tied to the house, accompanied by Gretchen and her two friends.

donnie e gretchen noite halloween

Or group discovers that the garage door is open and decides to enter to see the place. Inside, there are two assailants with faces that attack or casal. During a fight, he went to the street and to the girl, bruised, fica fallen, no chão. Na scuridão, a car arises that deviates from Roberta and ends running over gretchen, let me die for an hour.

Quem is directing and Frank, fantasy of coelho. Nervous, or young out of the car to see or adolescent state. When he shoots the mask, or the protagonist gives a shot, it is not his face with the weapon that he has found he did not arm a few days before. Trying to calm down or pass the car, he orders it to go home, guaranteeing that "everything is going to be true."

Roberta fails for Donnie to have him arrested because he is checking on the storm. Ele vê apparently disconnected images: portais, coelhos, videogames of cumshots. Securing o corpo da namorada, o heroi barnacle that chegou o moment of fulfill or your destiny: go back no time, saving humanity and the woman he loves.

Final do film

Traveling no tempo

As a storm begins to form, Donnie enters the car like Gretchen's corps and police sirens, directing the road. When he stops, he sits on top of the car and starts to see a plane unfolding. At the same time, we can see that Darko's me and Darko's irmã is no avião. Or protagonist sees codes, equações, escuta a contagem regressiva, like or launching of a foguete. Então ele ri e declares: "I'm home for home."

Whenever we see artifício fire and images of the protagonist's life, like a film walking backwards, we listen to the letter that a young man created for Roberta. Suddenly, he is turning to his bed. He eats, realizing that he managed to turn back in no time. We see, again, or pai sleeping in the living room and irmã mais velha entering the house sem fazer barulho; Donnie waits smirking. TO turbine cai de novo not fourth, killing or protagonist this time.

Final dinner

Donnie Darko ending

The last moments of the film, accompanied by music Mad world, in the voice of Gary Jules, there are some of the most remarkable dinners. Assim that the protagonist dies, we can see several people who agreed to be upset or who were never awake: a therapist, teachers, friends. Frank is particularly upset. Surrounded by the unforeseen fantasy of a coelho, he fixates the horizon and touches it, not directly, as it was sown.

Pela manhã, or the young body raised by his family is working, in the plane turbine and removed from the local. Gretchen goes on her bike and asks what happened. but not the protagonist, because nessa versão do tempo will never be understood. A moça e a mãe de Donnie are complimented.

Hints of tragedy

When we replay or film, we get to perceive that from the beginning there are hidden sinais that apontam or the tragic end of Donnie. Na first manhã, when he is returning home from a bicycle, he crosses with an announcement from a Halloween party, noite na what all happens.

Ainda nessa dinner, a music what is he playing Never tear us apart of the INXS group. The letter mentions "two worlds in collision", a reference to the Tangent Universe that would be forming. Depois, no day gives poetry, Donnie lê o poem that he created for Gretchen, where he announces, as you guessed it:

A tempest is chegando, princess.

Outro sinal é o cumshot videogame that you are in love with jogam, directing a convertible car. The image is repeated quase not the end of the film, as the protagonist of a similar car, lift or body of the beloved.

To teacher Karen and you books studied The classroom also seems to be directly related to the protagonist's destiny. The Destroyers (1968) by Graham Greene echoed Donnie's revolt and his desire for destruction as a form of transformation of reality.

Ha A Longa Jornada (1972), by Richard Adams, is the history of a society of anthropomorphized children who are forced to flee from their homes to survive. In the work, two protagonists have visited the spiritual guide of two coelhos, El-Ahrairah, and led their way to salvation. He ends up leaving as a guide and leaving his body behind, ou seja, I will die for save your community, assim like Donnie.

A reference becomes even more explicit when Karen, embora she does not have knowledge of the "hallucinations" of the one, suggests: "Maybe you and Frank will be together". When she is demitted, she writes "cellar door" (porta da adega) to lousa, saying that it is a favorite combination of words of a famous linguist.

Another indication regarding the events of the Halloween night is the conversation that the protagonist has with his country about Roberta. They contam that she is a very rich woman and left her home for many attempted assaults.

When Donnie and I will combine to make a Halloween party, the internal feita de Abóbora, typical of the celebration, which is on top of the table theme or format of Frank's face. Já na festa, or protagonist is skeleton dress, sinal of his iminent death. Donnie walks to his own death, conscious of his check.

Finally, when or casal decides to leave the fourth and descend as escadas, let him know what it would be or seu last moment to sós, it is possible to see that the shadows do not relogio de parede formam or desho de una rosto sad.

Donnie Darko Tangle


Or film começa com Donnie Darko, an adolescent who suffers from sleepwalking, remembering not to leave a road. Barefoot and in pajamas, he rides his bike and returns home. Or the young man seems to disturb the atmosphere of family harmony, arguing with the country that is concerned about his disappearances and wanting to force him to take psychiatric remedies.

Nessa mesma noite, the voice is asleep and guided to the garden, where you will find someone wearing a scary fantasy of coelho. A mysterious creature, who is called Frank, he said that the world will end, determining the exact moment with a contagem: 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds.

Enquanto isso, a turbine of aviation fell not telhado, according to the whole family. Donnie woke up a golf course and went home. He discovers that the turbine fell at the top of the fourth quarter of him and that the dead eleter was not sleeping. Seu pai de he tells that the authorities did not find a plane from where the caiu. During a conversation, not a car, Roberta Sparrow, a lonely and lonely woman who was visiting or visiting Caixa do Correio, was run over. Or young man go to the car to see if she is bem and she says something to or was ouvido of her.


A therapy consultation, or adolescent reveals that he has a new imaginary friend who will guide him to the end of the world. Na school, he studies a work in which the protagonists destroy a house. Nessa mesma noite, he sounds like the school corridors flooded and heard by Frank's voice, leaving home with a machado na mão.

Na manhã next, some of you discovered that the school was flooded and the statue of its pet was vandalized. There are errands back home and, no way, Donnie meets Gretchen and offers to accompany her. A young man tells that she moved to a city with me to escape from a violent stepfather. He reveals that he fears social problems and has been suspended from the school for setting fire to an abandoned house.

All students are forced to write the sentence left in front of the statute, no attempt at the school to discover or be responsible. A colleague of Donnie or ameaça com a faca no banheiro, or accusing of being or author of crime. At the meeting of the country, the English Teacher was appointed as the most influential, because of the freedom that she was reading.

In this case, Donnie sees Frank not asking about the ban and asking him if he has failed to stop at no time. The protagonist talks about the subject as a professor of Science and he dá an exemplar do livro de Roberta Sparrow. He began, then, to see phenomena described not free, such as a trilho of energy that comes from each person and guides or their destiny, betting or future. He segue or seu trilho tied an armário, where he found a weapon, which he keeps.

Na school, he was forced to attend a Jim Cunningham lecture and discuss how it, stating as hypocritical and manipulative. He tells Gretchen that he is selling disgusting things that Roberta disbelieves and decides to go visit-most of the time he does not open to porta. Frank sends Donnie to send a letter to her.

The protagonist finds a letter on the street and barnacle that belongs to Jim. Listen to the voice of Frank who said: "Now you know where he lives", Gretchen suffers bullying in the classroom because of her violent stepfather and running away from school. O friend goes behind the beijam. Nessa noite, vão ao cinema e enquanto Gretchen dorme, Donnie vê Frank. An enigmatic figure pulls out his mask and reveals a young face, like an old man killed by a bullet. Or adolescent sai do cinema hidden and ignited at casa do palestrante. You bombeiros find images of pedophilia not written by him.

Follower of Jim, a Gym Teacher cannot accompany or dance group até Los Angeles, asking Mrs. Darko to accompany the men during the trip. In therapy, Donnie is hypnotized and confesses his crimes of vandalism, announcing that Frank will kill soon.


Donnie e a irmã mais velha resolvem to give a Halloween party. Dressed as a skeleton, he realizes that he was afraid he would go to Roberta's house to tell on Frank; Gretchen and you friends too. The garotos enter the garage of the house and surpreendem two thieves. One of them turns on Donnie and another empurra Gretchen for the middle of the road. Roberta is on the side of the caixa do correio.

A car arises and, deviating hurts, runs over Garota, who dies for an hour. Quem is directing and Frank, disguised as a coelho, what a car to see or what happens. Or protagonist shoots against him.

You deposit him or her body of Gretchen até house and place no car, departing from the road to the police or procure. Vê, ao longe, o avião de sua mãe unraveling and waiting as a corpo da namorada. A portal opens and Darko manages to walk behind no time. She is on her back in bed, laughing at the turbine falling in the top of her fourth, killing or hurting and restoring to order.

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