Northeast string: conheça 8 important poems
Or northeastern cord é uma popular expression which is characterized by the declamation of poems. These rhymed texts are printed on folhetos and hung on strings - you cordéis! - and sold in free trade shows.
This type of art customizes regional themes, local people, folkloric legends, apart from social questões.
Normally são texts um little longos, for isso we select stretches and small string poems. São 8 works that represent Brazil (mainly or northeast), select by your personalities, situations or questions.
1. O poet da roça - Patativa do Assaré
Sou fio das mata, cantô da mão grosa
I work na roça, winter and summer
A minha chupana is covered with mud
I only smoke a paia de mio cigar
Sou poeta das brenha, não faço o papé
From argum menestrê, ou wandering sang
That I have seen wandering, with his viola
Singing, pachola, à percura de amô
I don't know, I never studied
Barely eu seio o meu nome assiná
Meu pai, coitadinho! lived sem copper
E o fio do poor I can't study
Meu rastero verse, singelo e sem graça
Do not enter the praça, not rich salão
Meu verse only enters no field da roça and two eito
E times, remembering happy mocidade
I sing a sodade that dwells in meu peito
O poem em questão portrays o worker da roça, or simple homem do field. Or author, Antônio Gonçalves da Silva, who was born into Patativa do Assaré, born in Ceará in 1909.
Filho de Camponeses, Patativa always trabalhou na lida do campo e I studied for few years at school, or enough to be literate. He began to make string poems for about two 12 years and, same as recognition, he never left to work on the ground.
Nesse cordel, Patativa então descreve seu way of living, fazendo a parallel with the life of so many Brazilians, homens e mulheres filhos do sertão and rural workers.
2. Ai se sesse - Zé da Luz
Se um dia nós se gostasse
Se um dia nós se queresse
Se dois se parasse
Se together nós dois vivesse
Se juntin nós dois morasse
Se juntin nós dois durmisse
Se juntin nós dois morresse
Be pro céu nos assubisseBut porém happened de São Pedro não abrisse
A porta do céu e fosse te dizer qualquer tolice
E se eu will pull me close
And you like the EU insist that the EU solve me
E a minha faca puxasse
E o bucho do céu furasse
Maybe you give us ficasse
Maybe that you give us fall
E o céu furado arriasse e as virgem all fugisse
Em Ai se sesse, the poet Zé da Luz elaborates a fantasy and romantic dinner of a house of lovers that spends a whole life together, being companions na morte also.
Or author imagine that when you chegasse ao céu, or casal teria uma discussão com São Pedro. Or homem, com raiva, puxaria uma faca, "furando" or firmament and liberating the fantastic beings that live it.
It is interesting to observe the narrative of this poem, creative and surprising, combined with regional linguagem and considered "wrong" in terms of grammar. Poems are also exemplary of how or called "linguistic preconception" has no reason to exist.
This poem was played in 2001 by a northeastern band Enchanted Cordel do Fogo. Check out a video below as an audio of the singer Lirinha reciting-o.
3. As Miseries of the Epoch - Leandro Gomes de Barros
It is eu soubesse that this world
It was so corrupted
Eu tinha feito uma greve
Porém não tinha born
Minha mãe não tell me
The monarchy remains
Eu was born, I was deceived
Pra viver neste mundo
Lean, trapilho, corcundo,
Além de tudo selado.
Assim mesmo meu avô
When he hit me,
Ele dizia não chore
O tempo vai melhorar.
Eu de tolo credited
For innocent I waited
Ainda me sit my throne
He came back to distract me
Dizia tempo ha de vir
What a dinheiro I do not fear.
Leandro Gomes de Barros was born in 1860 in Paraíba and began writing for two 30 years, at this time, working in various functions.
Leandro foi um critical homem, denouncing abuses of power, addressing issues such as politics, religion, and important events at the time such as War of Canudos and Halley's Comet.
Nesse poem As miseries of times, or author exhibits discontent with a difficult human condition in the face of injustices two powerful. At the same time, it relates to the expectation of melhores days, combined with a certain frustration.
4. Being northeastern - Bessa hydraulic
Sou o gibão do vaqueiro, sou cuscuz sou rapadura
Your life is difficult and hard
Northeast Brazilian Sou
Sou cantador violeiro, sou alegria ao chover
Sou doutor sem saber ler, sou rich sem ser granfino
How much more northeastern, more proud to be
Da minha cabeça chata, do meu sotaque dragged
We are only streaked, dessa battered people
Quase always unjustified, used to sofrer
Mais mesmo nesse suffer eu sou happy since childhood
How much more Northeast, more proud I have to be
Terra de cultura viva, Chico Anísio, Gonzagão by Renato Aragão
Ariano e Patativa. Boa people, criativa
Isso only gives me prazer and hoje more uma vez eu quero dizer
Muito obrigado ao destination, quanto mais sou northeastern
Mais I am proud to be.
The poet from Ceará, Bráulio Bessa, born in 1985, has seen a lot of success lately. Using videos on the internet, Bráulio managed to attract thousands of people and spread the art of literature and declamação de cordéis.
Nesse text, he disagrees about a honor of being northeastern and also on the difficulties and preconceito esse povo sofre. The author cites important personalities born in the Brazilian region, including Patativa do Assaré, which is for a reference.
See a video of a poet reciting or a poem above.
5. A greve two bugs - Severino Milanês da Silva
Long before the Deluge
it was or a different world,
you bugs all falavam
melhor do que muita people
e passavam boa vida,
working honestly.O director of two Correios
was or doutor Jaboty;
or littoral prosecutor
was or matreiro Siry,
what do you have as adjuvant
or thug Quaty.O while it was nomeado
for customs chief,
fazendo muita "moamba"
earning a lot of money,
com Camundongo ordered,
marinheiro dress.Or Cub was a singer,
gostava serenade,
andava a lot of tape,
from colete and from gravata,
passava a noite na rua
mais o Besouro e a Barata.
The author of that poem is Severino Milanês da Silva, from Pernambuco who was born in 1906. He became known as a repentista, rhymer, and popular writer.
Severino built a work that mixes historical references with a universe of dreamlike and fantasy creatures.
Nesse poem (exhibited just a stretch of the work), or author apresenta um creative devaneio em que animais assumem human positions.
Also, each species of bug has a function in society, allowing an interesting narrative about the condition of people in the world of work.
6. Or romance do mysterious pavão - José Camelo de Melo Resende
Eu vou tell a story
Of a mysterious pavão
That you raised vôo na Grécia
As a courageous raptor
Kidnapping a condessa
Filha of a proud count.Residence in Turkey
A capitalist widower
Pai de dois filhos solteiros
O mais velho João Batista
Então or filho mais novo
She was called Evangelista.Or turkish velho was dono
Duma textile factory
With long properties
Dinheiro e bens posuídos
He deu de herança a seus filhos
Because they were united (...)
José Camelo de Melo Resende is considered one of two great Brazilian rope players. Born in 1885 in Pernambuco, he was the author of two major events of the cord, or folheto Or romance do mysterious pavão.
The work was for a long time attributed to João Melquíades, who is endorsed. Depois discovered that, in reality, it belonged to José Camelo.
This work, which we show as three first stanzas, tells about love story between the young chamado Evangelista and Condessa Creusa.
Em 1974, or singer and composer Ednardo launched into music Mysterious Pavão, baseada nesse famous twine romance.
7. Cartilha do povo - Raimundo Santa Helena
(...) Answer não é crime
Where is democracy
Só ao cidadão belongs
To your sovereignty
No coercive power
Jesus was subversive
Na version of tyranny.Eu sou dono do meu passe
Faço arte sem patrão
Só quem tem capacidade
Must be opposition
Why fight hairs?
É tatear us buracos
Na dense draining.
Raimundo Santa Helena belongs to the chamada second generation of northeastern rope players. The poet saw the world in 1926, not the state of Paraíba.
A literary production of Raimundo é muito turned for you social questions and complaints das mazelas do povo, sobretudo or nordestino.
Here, the author questions democracy and defends or popular power, citing Jesus Christ as an example of rebellion. Raimundo is placed next as a gift of his art and birds or years of patronage. The poet also summons, in a certain way, other people to unite in a fight against the oppressed.
8. A peleja do Cego Aderaldo with Zé Pretinho - Firmino Teixeira do Amaral
Appreciate, my readers,
Uma forte discussão,
What do you think about Zé Pretinho,
Um cantador do sertão,
O qual, not tanger do verso,
Vencia any questão.
One day, I determined
A sair do Quixadá
Uma das belas cidades
State of Ceará.
I was até or Piauí,
See the singers of la.
I stay at Pimenteira
Depois em Alagoinha;
Cantei no Campo Maior,
No Angico e na Baixinha.
De la eu tive um convite
To sing na Varzinha.
Firmino Teixeira do Amaral, born in Piauí in 1896, is the author of this famous string. Nessa historia (which we only show a stretch), Firmino places Cego Aderaldo (another important northeastern rope player) as a character.
Na history, and narrated a discussion between Cego Aderaldo and Zé Pretinho. Or fate is placed in questão by many people, subtracting from dúvida if such a "peleja" happens. In the meantime, it is quite certain that it has been a invention do author.
This text was recorded in 1964 by Nara Leão and João do Vale, recorded on a disc Opinion.
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- String literature: origin, characteristics and examples
- Patativa do Assaré: analyzed poems
- Bráulio Bessa e seus melhores poems
- Morte e Vida Severina, by João Cabral de Melo Neto
- Auto da compasdecida, by Ariano Suassuna
- Works to conhequer cordel literature