Dom Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes: complete summary and analysis
Dom Quixote of La Mancha (The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha, not original) is a work by the Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes, published in two parts. At first it arose in 1605 and in the second ten years after, in 1615.
When it was translated into English and French, it achieved sudden success, capturing readers from various origins.
Considered a major work of Spanish literature and the second book of History, it is a contributor to Western and incalculable culture. Dom Quixote é apontado as o first modern romance, I have influenced several gerações of authors that will be followed.
Thus, her characters seem to be free for contemporary imaginations, being represented through various means (painting, poetry, cinema, music, among others).
I summarize
The work narrates the adventures and misadventures of Dom Quixote, a home of my life who resolved to become an errant cavaleiro depois de ler many romances of cavalaria. Provided with armor and armor, he resolves to prove his love for Dulcineia de Toboso, an imaginary woman. He also gets a squire, Sancho Pança, who decides to accompany him, proving that he will be rewarded.
Quixote mixes fantasy and reality, behaving as is expected in a romance of cavalaria. Transform banana obstacles (such as windmills or ovelhas) into giants and exércitos of inimigos.
He has been defeated and scattered many times, being beaten as "Cavaleiro da Fraca Figura", but he always recovers and insists on his objectives.
He only returned home when he was beaten in battle by another cavaleiro and forced to abandon cavalaria. Longe da estrada, he fica doente and ends up dying. In our final moments, he regains consciousness and lost his friends and family.
Entanglement gives work
First part
O protagonist is a homem of meia idade who was dedicated to reading romances of cavalaria. Confusing fantasy and reality, he resolves to imitate each other and set out in search of adventure. As he needs a beloved in my name, he raises Dulcineia, a great lady inspired by a youth community.
He finds a simple lodge that he mistakes for a castelo. Thinking that or dono é um cavaleiro willing to order it, she decides to save or place during a night. When a camponese band approaches, he thinks that they are attacking you, ending up bruised. Depois a false sagração, or donate the shelter or send embora, saying that he já é cavaleiro. Embora ferido, Quixote turned to happy house.
He convinces Sancho Pança to join the voyage as a squad, committing money and glory. A niece of the main character is concerned with his mental health and can help the Father, who diagnoses him as Louco. He decided to burn his books to solve the problem, but he thought it would be the work of Frestão, his inimigo feiticeiro.
He sets out in search of vingança and finds himself with everyday events that, in his imagination, transforms him into adversaries. Assim, he fights against wind moinhos thinking that they are giants and when he is flushed by them, he declares that we are enchanted by Frestão.
Passing by two priests who carry a statue of a saint, he thinks that he is waiting for two feiticeiros sequestering a princess and resolves to attack them. It is during this episode that Sancho or batiza of “Cavaleiro da Fraca Figura”.
Next, he tries to confront twenty homens who appear for rouba-them and both end up being scattered. When they recovered, they found two flocks that walked in opposite directions and are ready to cross. Quixote imagines that there are two opponents' exércitos and decides to join the side more fraco. Sancho tempts chamar or amo à reason but he refuses to fight and ends up fighting as shepherds and losing his teeth.
Depois he meets a group of prisoners escorted by guards, who are being led to forced labor camps. I sell that they are cornered, he questions the homens about serious crimes and all seem harmless (love, music and feitiçaria, for example). He decides that it is necessary to save them and attack you, freeing you from their currents. Eles, no entanto, or agridem e assaltam.
Sad, Quixote wrote a love letter for Dulcineia and sent Sancho delivered. I do not walk, or shield himself as Father and or Barbeiro who or force to reveal or paradeiro do seu amo. Or "Cavaleiro da Fraca Figura" is raised for home but persists with his fantasies of cavalaria.
Second part
Logo Quixote returns to the street and, to see a group of walking atores, to think that they are waiting for demons and monsters, attacking you. A supper and interrupted pela chegada de outro homem, or Cavaleiro dos Espelhos, who affirms that his beloved is more beautiful and that he is willing to hurt than to disser or otherwise.
To defend Dulcineia's honor, he faces or adversary and wins or fights. He discovers that the Cavaleiro dos Espelhos was, by no means, Sansão Carrasco, a friend who was trying to dissuade him-gives him the life of a cavalaria.
Mais adiante, Quixote e Sancho conhecem a mysterious house, or Duque e a Duquesa. They revealed that they know their little things through a light that circulates in the region. Resolvem received-him eat all the honors worthy of a cavaleiro, I give his illusions. Also ask Sancho Pança a peça, nominating or squire for the position of governor of a povoado.
Exhausted by trying to fulfill all the duties of the position, Sancho cannot rest and enjoy life, having to pass fos for fear or poisoning. After a week, he resolves to give up power and return to being a squire. Newly reunited, they left the two dukes and left on the road to Barcelona. It is here that Cavaleiro da Lua Branca arises affirming the beauty and superiority of his beloved.
For the love of Dulcineia, or the protagonist, it hurts like Cavaleiro da Lua, agreeing to leave it to cavalaria and go home to lose it. Quixote is defeated before a multidão. O adversário was, once again, Sansão Carrasco, who set up a plane to save him from his fantasies. Humbled, he returns home but ends up feeling depressed and depressed. It is not deadly, he regains consciousness and lost his sister Sancho Pança, who continues on his side with the final sigh.
Dom Quixote
Or the protagonist is a fidalgo of meia idade, a dreamy and idealist who both read cavalry romances and sonhar as heroic feitos, lost by reason. Convinced that he is a walking cavaleiro, he lives in search of adventures and duels to prove his value in his country for Dulcineia.
Sancho Pança
Um homem do povo, Sancho is ambitious and joins Quixote in search of money and power. Realistically, he sees his master's fantasies and tries to help him face reality but ends up wrapping himself in his confusion. Despite all the faults of Quixote, I respect him, friend and loyalty of Cavaleiro hair remained attached to the end.
Dulcineia de Toboso
Fruit of the imagination of Quixote, Dulcineia is a lady of high society, incomparable in beauty and honor. Inspired by Aldonza Lorenzo, his love of youth, his beloved of Quixote and a project of women represented in our romances of cavalaria. I want to fight for love, or the protagonist creates a platonic and indestructible bond with that figure.
Father and Barbeiro
Due to the concern of Dolores, to the niece of Quixote, these two people resolve to intervene and help or friend. They are convinced that either home would have been corrupted by his other readings, even when destroying his library, he won't be able to cure it.
Sansão Carrasco
In an attempt to save him, my friend, Sansão needs to use loucura in his favor. Assim, and through the cavalry that manages to solve the questão. For isso, he needs to disguise himself and defeat Quixote, in front of everyone.
Analyze the work
Dom Quixote of La Mancha I am free divided in 126 chapters. The work was published in two parts, reflecting different influences: first it approximates the Maneirist style and the second one is Baroque.
Inspired by our romances of cavalaria that had fallen into disuse and not idealism that crossed the arts and letters, Dom Quixote é, at the same time, a satire and a tribute.
Misturing tragedy and comedy and combining popular and scholarly registers of linguistics, this is a very rich work. To his structure he contributed in a large measure to its complexity, creating several narrative layers that dialogue with each other.
In the first part, the narrator states that this is a translation of an Arabic manuscript, whose author is somebody called Cid Hamete Benengeli. Contudo, he does not limit himself to translating: he has frequent comments and corrections.
The next part, or protagonist and his team discovered the existence of a free chamado O Engenhoso Fidalgo Dom Quixote da Mancha, where his little fears were narrated. I found the Duke and Duchess, among other individuals, who have been readers of his adventures, also becoming characters.
Romances of cavalaria and imaginary love
Or protagonist, of his true name Alonso Quijano, he is a homem whose mind to have been "contaminated" by the reading of romances of cavalaria. Furthermore, the reading is appointed as a very powerful activity, capable of changing the behavior of an individual and attaching itself to or corrupting.
Attracted hair values transmitted nessas narratives (glory, honor, courage), Quixote troca or tédio da bourgeois life pelas adventures da cavalaria. Trying to imitate his heroes, he needs to fight to defend the honor of his beloved, running all the cliffs to conquer his heart. Breed, then, Dulcineia de Toboso.
It is through this imaginary love that Quixote remained motivated and willing to re-energize once a week. Adopting a Petrarchan posture (loving feeling like service), justify his actions of him:
(...) o Love nem attends to respects, nem keeps limits of reason or his speeches, and the same condição que a morte, to which both the Alcáçares dos reis attacks, as the humble choças dos pastors; and, when he takes the interest of a soul, at first glance that face and throw-he or fear and to shame "
Part 2, chapter LVIII
In this way, explain that paixão is a kind of loucura allowedThank you to whom all the people lost by reason. Either his platonic sentiment seems to be longer lasting, since it does not materialize and, therefore, it also does not deteriorate as a tempo.
Dom Quixote and Sancho Pança
Two elements that most capture the attention of two readers are the relationship between Dom Quixote and Sancho Pança and the strange symbiose that is formed between them. Presenting opposing views of the world (spiritualist / idealist and materialist / realist), the contrasting characters complement each other simultaneously, creating a great friendship.
Embora for a large part of the narrative Sancho seja to "voz da reason", trying to face all the events with sense and realism, he began to be infected by the loucura do seu amo. Initially motivated by dinheiro, he leaves his family to follow the deliriums of the cavaleiro.
This is one of the crucial differences between the companions: Quixote was a bourgeois home, with financial conditions that allowed us to go for a walk and have adventures. Sancho, contrary hair, was a homemaker, worried about supporting his family and guaranteeing the future.
Ambitious, he credits the promises of Cavaleiro and hopes to become the governor of a kingdom conquered by Quixote.
His admiration and respect for his hair is growing and Sancho ends up turning a dreamer too:
Esse meu mestre, for a thousand sinais, I was seen as a lunatic, and also I am not fiquei for the back, pois sou mais kick that he, ha that or I continue and or I serve ...
Part 2, Chapter XX
Or his desire for him ends up being made when the Duke and Duchess, who have been told about the adventures and aspirations of the duo, resolve to ask Sancho a peça. The event that decorates the Barataria Island is a kind of fiction within the fiction where we attend the period in which the squad and governor.
It is interesting to note the rationality of the two councilors that Quixote gives to his friend about his responsibilities and the importance of maintaining an irrepressible conduct.
Or that it should be a brincadeira ends up working and Sancho reveals himself to be fair and competent. However, give up after a week, unhappy and exhausted. He realizes, then, that dinheiro and power are not synonymous with the happiness and saudades of his family, deciding to return.
Imagination as a transfiguring lens
Dom Quixote mixture and counterpart, fantasy and reality, through the character of the protagonist. Facing the books of cavalaria as a refuge from banal and monotonous life, or cavaleiro use imagination to reinvent the world that or rodeia. By creating inimigos and obstacles out of everyday objects, he ignores the setbacks of real life.
Of all his duels with imaginary opponents, he stands out dinner two moinhos de vento: a imagem became a symbol for impossive causes, for idealists and dreamers. Quixote, faced by all as a louco, can hardly be seen as a homem willing to run back two serious dreams of him.
Despite the impossibility of being a true walking cavaleiro, or the protagonist of the play, he lives his utopia, through fantasy and adventures that he creates for himself.
Or "Cavaleiro da Fraca Figura" goes longer, molding and transforming also the reality of those who accompany them during the trip. Isso happens with Sancho Pança, his greatest accomplice, as Duke and Duchess and also as his own readers of the work.
If he did not start, we ache that he is just a louco, few years we are repairing his wisdom, the greatness of his values and his strange lucidity facing the rest of the world.
Meaning of work
The narrative does not end, when he loses a duel and is forced to give up a cavalaria, or the main character is depressed and depressed. Nesse moment, he seems to regain consciousness, realizing that he was never a walking cavaleiro. He asks for the loss of family and friends, mainly Sancho, or faithful companion who risked life on his side.
To work, not for, leave or question: Could it be that Quixote was really louco? We can argue that "Cavaleiro da Fraca Figura" was just living what he wanted and changing his reality, in order to be more happy and re-find joy and enthusiasm.
Its supposed loucura possibility of adventures that does not live in any other way, something that is clearly not epitaph:
I had everything in a lot of pouco / Because I live like um louco
Or idealism of the protagonist, in contrast with the harshness of reality, provokes gargalhadas and, simultaneously, conquers the empathy of the reader. Through several journeys and defeats of Quixote, Miguel de Cervantes face uma criticism of political and social reality do seu country from him.
In the sequence of the absolutist regime of King Philip II, Spain is facing a phase of poverty caused by military and expansionist spending. A long year of the work, and notorious to misery two various individuals who deceive me and roubam to survive, contrasting in all how you wounded two romances of cavalaria.
Also, the seemingly three-dimensional behaviors of the protagonist can be interpreted as a form of protest, of social criticism, in search of values that seem lost or outdated.
Quixote inspires his readers to fight for the world no qual querem viver, believing that we must never accommodate ourselves and ignore injustices.
Symbol of dreamers and idealists long two seculars, or personagem represents importância da liberdade (to think, to be, to live) Above all other things:
At liberty, Sancho, there are two more precious gifts than you homens received two ceus. As we cannot equalize, we are treasured that the earth encloses nem that the sea copper; It peels freedom, even as it peels honor, one can and must venture to life ...
Part 2, Chapter LVIII
Dom Quixote no contemporary imaginary
A huge influence for countless romances that will be followed, by Miguel de Cervantes catapulting Dom Quixote and Sancho Pança for the contemporary imaginary. Over the years, the figures have inspired artists from more diverse areas.
Great painters such as Goya, Hogarth, Dali and Picasso represent the work of Cervantes, who also inspired several literary and theatrical adaptations.
Na Portuguese language, "quixotic" It became an adjective attributed to linguistic people, dreamers and with noble objectives. Em 1956, or Brazilian painter Cândido Portinari I launch a series of vintage and engravings that portray passages that mark the work.
Em 1972, Carlos Drummond de Andrade publicou um livreto com vinte e um poems, based on illustrations by Portinari, among the quais "Disquisição da Insônia" stands out:
Disquisição na insônia
What is loucura; be a walking cavaleiro
Ou did I follow it as a squire?
De nós dois, quem o louco verdadeiro?
Or that, agreed, sonha doily?
Or that, same bandaged,
Vê o real e segue o sonho
De um doido pelas bruxas bewitched?
Eis-me, maybe, or only maluco,
And I know such, sem grão de siso,
Sou - que doideira - um louco de juízo.
Em 2003, a band Engenheiros do Hawaii He launched into "Dom Quixote" music, recovering the humorous character of the character. Totally out of control in society, he continues to dream and fight "for the love of lost causes."
Dom Quixote
Muito prazer, meu nome é otário
I come from other tempos, but always not time
Peixe fora d'água, borboletas not aquário
Muito prazer, meu nome é otário
Na ponta two helmets and fora do pareo
Pure sangue, puxando CarroçaUm prazer every time more rare
Aerodynamics num war tank
Vaidades that a terra um day has to eat
Ás de Espadas fora do baralho
Big business, small business owner
Muito prazer, me chamam de otárioFor love of lost causes
Tudo bem, até can be
That you dragões sejam moinhos de vento
Tudo bem, seja o que for
For the love of lost causes
Recently, Terry gilliam Directed and created an adaptation for the cinema. Or fantasy, comedy and adventure film entitled O Homem Que Matou Dom Quixote It was launched on March 19, 2018 at the Cannes Film Festival.
Miguel de Cervantes: author of Dom Quixote
Miguel de Cervantes y Saavedra (September 29, 1547 - April 22, 1616) was a Spanish romancist, poet and playwright. Her contribution to literature and the Spanish language itself was shocking that this is, many times, entitled "a language of Cervantes".
He was also a soldier and his love for arms seems to emerge in some passages of his most famous romance, Dom Quixote of La Mancha. Publicou also Exemplary novels (1613), Viagem of Parnassus (1614) e Oito comedies and oito entremezes novos never before represented (1615). Depois de sua morte de el, was published as a work The works of Persiles and Sigismunda (1617).
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