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8 famous chronicles commented

As chronicles are short texts that have the potential to catch the attention of two readers.

They generally trace everyday situations or historical events in a direct way and, sometimes, they are humorous.

1. Ciao - Carlos Drummond de Andrade

64 years ago, an adolescent, fascinated by printed paper, noticed that, not being on the ground of the morava market, a placar exibia each manhã the first page of a very modest salary, porém salary. He didn't look dúvid. He entered and offered his services to the director, who was, sozinho, all or personal of the redação. Or homem olhou-o, cetic, e perguntou:

- About or what do you intend to save?

- About you. Cinema, literature, urban life, morals, things from this world and from any other possibility.

Or director, to or perceive that someone, himself inept, is willing to work or pay for him, practically of grace, topou. Born in Belo Horizonte for two years 20, a chronicler who still leafs through, thanks to Deus e com ou sem afunto, commits his chronicles.

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Make the wrong verb tempo. Melhor dizer: I was committing. Pois chegou or moment of this stubborn writer of letters hang as chuteiras (that na practice jamais calçou) and say aos readers um ciao-adeus sem melancholy, more opportune.

He believed that he could win a title that is not contested by any of the Brazilian chroniclers. He attended, sitting and writing, the parade of 11 presidents of the Republic, more or less elect (being received), to count the high military patents that were awarded this title. Viu de longe, mas de coração arfante, to World War II, accompanies the industrialization of Brazil, the movements popular frustrated but reborn, you are isms of avant-garde that we will ambition to reformulate forever or universal concept of poetry; noted the catastrophes, the visited Lua, as women fighting braço to be understood hairs homens; The little joys of everyday life, open to anyone, who certainly are melhores.

Viu tudo isso, now sorrindo, now zangado, pois a zanga tem seu place the same as our tempers more watery. He endeavored to extract from each coisa não uma lição, more um traço than how to distract or read, fazendo-o sorrir, se não do event, less than his own chronicler, who at the same time becomes a chronicler of his umbigo, ironizing himself before others or façam.

Chronic tem essa vantagem: not obriga ao palletó-e-gravata of the editorial writer, forced to define a correct position due to two major problems; It does not demand that you burn the face or jumpy nervousness of the reporter, responsible for the rush of the event at the same time that it happens; It dispenses with suada specialization in economics, finances, national and international politics, sports, religion and more than imagining possa. It is known that there is a political, sports, or religious, or economic chronicler, etc., more often than not that he is failing that one that he does not need to understand at all or failing at all. The general chronicler is not required to provide precise information or comments that we charge two others. Or that we asked for a kind of gentle loucura, which unfolds a certain non-orthodox point of view In not trivial and I woke up in a inclination to play fantasy, or absurd and a vadiação of spirit. Of course, it must be a trustworthy face, ainda na rambling. I do not understand myself, or I do not understand, a factious chronicler, who serves personal or group interest, because Chronic and free territory of imagination, engaged in circulating between the events of the day, I am trying to influence neles. Fazer more do that isso would be misguided pretense on your part. He knows that his availability is limited: minutes of coffee from manhã or waiting for collective.

As this spirit, a tarefa do croniqueiro released no tempo by Epitácio Pessoa (some of your voices had been born years ago. C. 1920? duvido) não foi painful e valeu-lhe algumas doçuras. Uma delas was relieved to my bitterness that I would lose filha jovem. In compensation for some anonymous and unnamed or disenchanted, as he said: "For you to say nothing to do, asking what your comments will pass to History." He knows that he will not pass. E daí? Melhor oil as louvações and esquecer as descalçadeiras.

Foi o que esse outrora-rapaz fez ou tentou fazer em more than six decades. In a certain period, he devoted more time to bureaucratic tasks than to day labor, and for that matter, jamais deixou de ser homem de jornal, leitor implacable of journeys, interested in following not just or undoing the news as different ways of appearing the years public. Uma page bem diagramda causava-lhe aesthetic prazer; a charge, a photo, a reportagem, a legend bem feitas, or particular style of each newspaper or magazine eram for the (e são) reasons of professional joy. Two great houses of Brazilian journalism are proud to have belonged to - or extinct Correio da Manhã, de valente memoria, e o Jornal do Brasil, by its humanistic conceit da função da Imprensa no world. Fifteen years of activity not first and more than 15, atuais, not second, feeding as melhores lembranças do velho jornalista.

And for admitting this notion of velho, consciously and happily, that the page is breaking away from chronically, I am saying goodbye to the taste of Handle a written word, on other modalities, you can save his vital status from him, nowadays sem periodicity and soft preguiça. Give space for more new years and you will cultivate or your garden, less imaginative hair.

To the readers, thank you, that's a word.

The latest chronicle of Carlos Drummond de Andrade impressa em jornal foi Ciao. Published in the Jornal do Brasil on September 29, 1984, or text approaches trajetória do writer as chronicler.

Drummond reveals ao leitor sua paixão pela news e também pela written simple things, corriqueiras e, ao same tempo, philosophical. It is with transparency and enthusiasm that the author refaced as a chronicler allied to world events.

Also, his farewell to two days also became a story of his history and his ideas about the chronicle genre.

2. Cafezinho - Rubem Braga

He read a complaint from an irritated reporter who needed to fail as a delegate and the dissenter that or homem had gone to drink a coffee. He waited a long time for him, and he concluded that he would either pass a job or have a coffee for the day.

Tinha razão or rapaz de ficar zangado. But with a little imagination and good humor, we can think that some delicacies from the Rio de Janeiro genre are exactly this phrase:

- I was for coffee.

Life is sad and complicated. On a daily basis I have to fare with an excessive number of people. Or remedy and go have a "cafezinho". To quem nervously waiting, this "cafezinho" is something infinite and torturous.

You should wait two hours or three hours for vontade de dizer:

- Bem cavaleiro, I am retiring. Naturally or Mr. Bonifácio morreu afogado not cafezinho.

Ah, sim, we mergulhemos de corpo e alma no cafezinho. Sim, let's leave this simple and vague message everywhere:

- He left to have a coffee and said that he turned back.

When Bem-beloved saw her sad eyes and ask:

- Is he?

- Someone will give or nosso a message sem edereço.

When you see or friend and when you see or believe, and when you see or family, and when you see sadness, and when you see death, or message will be the same:

- I said that I would have a cafezinho ...

We can, ainda, deixar or chapéu. We must buy a chapéu especially for deixá-lo. Assim will say:

- I was to have a coffee. Com certain volta logo. Or chapéu dele is there ...

Ah! We fled assim, sem drama, sem sadness, we fled assim. To life is complicated too. We spend a lot of thought, a lot of sentiment, a lot of words. O melhor é não be.

When Friday is high time from our destination we will have five minutes to have a coffee. Come on, let's have a cafezinho.

Chronic Cafezinho, by Rubem Braga, integra o livro O conde e o passarinho & Morro do isolaciones, published in 2002. No text accompanies the reflections of the author during a situation in which a reporter will speak as a delegate and it is necessary to wait for him for a long time, pois or homem has left to drink a cafezinho.

This is a great example of how chronicles can approach everyday issues to mergulhar in subjective and profound questions of life. Assim, it is from something correct that Rubem Fails us about sadness, or tiredness, or destiny and death.

3. Insônia unhappy and happy - Clarice Lispector

Suddenly we olhos bem open. E a draining all dark. It must be high noite. When I give birth to the head and stop or despair for two hours a night. E a clear and lucid head. Ainda will start someone the same as quem eu possa phone às duas da noite and do not curse me. Quem? Quem sofre de insônia? In the hours I do not passam. Saio goes to bed, I have coffee. And on top of that, with some horrible substitutes for açúcar because Dr. José Carlos Cabral de Almeida, dietitian, here I need to lose four kilos to increase with superfood depois do fire. E or what happens to the light in the room? Think of it as a clear drain. No, no one thinks. Sente-se. Sente-se uma coisa that only tem um nome: solidão. Read? Jamais. Escrever? Jamais. Passa-se um tempo, olha-se or relógio, who knows only five hours. Nem quatro chegaram. What will be agreed agora? E nem posso ask to phone me no meio da noite pois posso be asleep and not perdoar. Take a sleeping pill? But what did you expect from us? No one would lose me or die. Then I sat in the living room, feeling. Feeling or what? Or nothing. E or phone mão.

More than many times to insônia é um dom. Suddenly agree not to meio da noite and ter that rare thing: solidão. Quase nenhum noisy. You only give waves of the sea batting in the praia And I drink coffee to eat, all sozinha no world. No one interrupts me or anything. It is nothing at a time empty and rich. E o phone mute, know that sudden touch that stands out. Depois is going amanhecendo. As nuvens clearing up in the sun, at the same time pale as a lua, at the same time as pure fire. Vou ao terraço e sou maybe the first day of the day to see the white foam of the sea. Or mar é meu, or sol é meu, a terra é minha. And I'm happy for nothing, for everything. Até that, as the sun rises, I go home remembering and having or re-meeting with my sonolentos filhos.

Clarice Lispector has many chronicles published no Jornal do Brasil us 60 and 70. Boa part desses texts is not free Uncovered to the world, 1984.

Um, give them that little chronicle that disagrees about insônia. Clarice got trace both sides of the same situationAt the same time, she sat lonely, helpless and anguished; Other times you get access to all the power and freedom of isolation, experiencing or customizing yourself as "solitude".

To read more texts from Clarice, access: Clarice Lispector: annotated poetic texts.

4. O fim do mundo - Cecília Meireles

For the first time that ouvi falar no fim do mundo, or world for me no tinha nenhum sense, ainda; So I'm not interested in nem or seu começo nem or seu fim. I woke up, why, vaguely, of a few nervous women who choravam, meio ungrained, and allude to a comet that has hair ceu, responsible for the event that they are so afraid of.

Nothing disso was understood with me: either the world belonged to them, or the comet was for them: nós, crianças, we barely existed to jump with the flowers of goiabeira and the cores do mat.

But, uma noite, get up-give me a bed, enrolled in a number of lençol, and, stunned, lift me up to janela to make me appear forcibly to a fearsome comet. But here I am not interested in anything, that nem vence to preguiça dos meus olhos seems to me, all of a sudden, marvelous. Was it a white pavão, pousado no ar, at the top two telhados? Was uma noiva, que caminhava pela noite, sozinha, ao did you find her party? Gostei muito do comet. Devia always haver a comet not ceu, as ha lua, sun, stars. Why are you people walking away? A mim não was causing me half nenhum.

Pray, or comet disappears, those who choravam enxugaram os olhos, or the world is not over, maybe it has made a little sad - more than importance, fear of the sadness of children?

Passou-se muito tempo. He learned many things, entre as quais or supposed meaning of the world. I have no doubt that the world made sense. Deve ter same many, numbers, pois em reor of my most illustrious and knowledgeable people fazem every thing that is seen to have a sense of the world peculiar to each um.

Tell me that the world ends next February. No failing a comet, it is a shame, because I would like to see a comet again, to verify that it will be broken What do I keep dessa imagem do ceu é verdadeira ou invented hair sono dos meus olhos naquela noite já muito ancient.

Or the world is going to end, and we will certainly know what it was or its true meaning. It is worth it that some work has been done so much and some others are not enough. Why are we so sincere or hypocritical, we are false and we are not. Why do we think so much about ourselves or ourselves. Why do we sign a vow of poverty or raid public coffers - além two individuals. Why do we lie so much, with such judicious words. We will all know how much more it is possible to list a chronicle.

Se o fim do mundo for the same in fevereiro, convém we think since já we used this sun of viver da maneira more dignified.

Em many pontos da terra ha pessoas, in this moment, I ask Deus - donor of all worlds - to treat with kindness the creatures who prepared to lock up his mortal career. There are also some mystics - second read - who, in India, throw flowers to fire, a number of adoration.

In so doing, the planets assume the places that they compete, in the order of the universe, in this universe of enigmas to which We are linked and not which at times we assume positions that we do not fear - insignificant that we are, tremendous total grandeur.

There are still a few days of reflection and repentance: why won't we use you? Se o fim do mundo não for em fevereiro, we will all be fim, em qualquer mês ...

A crônica Fim do mundo, by Cecília Meireles can be read in Quatro Vozes, a work published in 1998. Here the author discloses an event of her childhood, in that after a comet she left the women of her família apavorada.

Cecília, criança, ao testemunhar to passage of the comet is not assustou, contrary hair, the ficou marveled. Assim, this episode marks the life of the writer, which clearly and precisely explains its Considerations about life, time and finitude, fazendo a parallel like the mysteries of the universe.

5. Rich country - Lima Barreto

There has never been anyone who or Brazil is a very rich country. We do not live; We do not notice bem disso, and até, ao contrario, or we suppose very poor, pois at all hours and at Every moment, we are selling or I regret that I do not face or face here due to lack of verba.
Nas ruas da cidade, nas mais centralis até, scamp small vadios, to attend perigosa universidade da calariça das sardamientos years quais or governo não dá destination, or puts you num asylum, num colégio profissional qualquer, because no tem verba, no tem dinheiro. É or rich Brazil ...
Astounding epidemics arise, killing and making thousands of people sick, which we see in the absence of hospitals in the city, even more than two existing ones. Pede-se à construction of other bem located; The government responds that it cannot work because it does not have a word, it has no money. E or Brazil is a rich country.

Annually about two thousand mocinhas seek an abnormal or abnormal school to learn useful disciplines. All observe me or case and ask:

- There have been so many girls who want to study, why does the government increase or the number of schools destined for them?
Or government responds:
- I do not increase because I do not have verba, I do not have money.
E or Brazil is a rich country, very rich ...
This is the news that chegam das nossas guarnições fronteiriças, são desoladoras. Não ha quartéis; the regimes of cavalaria não tem cavalos, etc; etc.
- More than face or government, reasoning Brás Bocó, that does not build quartéis and does not buy cavalhadas?
O doutor Xisto Beldroegas, civil servant of the government acode logo:
- - Não ha verba; or governo no tem dinheiro
- - E or Brazil is a rich country; And so rich, that despite not taking care of the things that I saw enumerating, I will give thirteen counts for some latagões irem ao estrangeiro fun-se like ball games like fossem crianças de calças curtas, let's jump two recesses colleges.

Or Brazil is a rich country ...

The text in question was written by Lima Barreto in 1920 and can be read in Chronicles Escolhidas, published in 1995, which brings together part of the production of a famous writer.

Lima Barreto was a very attentive author and questioner, contributing significantly to think about Brazil from a critical point of view, tracing issues such as inequality and poverty.

The sociologist and literary critic Antônio Candido describes Lima Barreto as follows:

"Even brief pages, he understood, felt and loved the most insignificant and common creatures, the skeletons, the injured and the avoided hair. establishment."

Assim, nesse text - unhappily ainda atual - we come forward with An Acid Criticism of the Brazilian Government at the Beginning of the XX CenturySince the priorities are for superficial things, the public services that must function alone are left aside.

6. O Homem Trocado - Luis Fernando Veríssimo

Or homem agrees to give anesthesia and olha em volta. He is still in the recovery room. There is a nurse on your side of him. The question was foi tudo bem.

- Tudo perfeito - said to nurse, sorrindo.
- I am doing this operation ...
- Because? There was no cliff nenhum.
- I eat, there is always a cliff. Minha life has been a series of deception... And she tells that you deceive us começaram com seu nascimento.

I have a non berçário baby truck and it was raised for ten years by a casal de orientais, who will never understand the fate of terem a clear filho as round olhos. Uncovered or wrong, the fora lived as your true country. Ou com your true mãe, pois o pai will leave the woman depois that this one cannot explain or the birth of a Chinese baby.

- E o meu nome? Another deception.
- Seu nome não é Lírio?
- It was to be Lauro. They cheated on not a letter and... They deceived you.

Na school, I lived receiving punishment hair that I did not fazia. He will be physical or vestibular as a result, but he will not be able to enter a university. Or the computer will be cheated, it doesn't appear in the list.

- For years I have counted my phone number with incredible numbers. No more spent than paying more than R $ 3 thousand.
- Or senhor não faz interurban chamadas?
- Eu não tenho telefone!

He will concede his mulher for deceit. Ela or confuse as another. We are not happy.

- Because?
- Ela cheats on me.

He was imprisoned for deceit. Several times. She received intimações to pay dívidas that no fazia. Até she tivera a brief, louca alegria, quando ouvira or doctor said: -O senhor is disillusioned. But it was also a medical deception. It was not that serious as well. A simple appendicite.

- You say that the operação was bem ...

A nurse parou de sorrir.

- Appendicite? - Perguntou, hesitant.
– É. A operation was to shoot or appendix.
- Wasn't it to barter for sex?

Or bartered homem, by Luis Fernando Veríssimo é um example of a chronicle of humor, a type of text is present in the author's work. Nela we see an improvavel situation in which a homem performs a surgery and is impatient to know if it is correct. Or personagem tells that throughout his life he was a victim of many deceits.

Also, as the personagem relates to the nurse some of the episodes, to the curiosity of two readers and readers eager, eager to know the end.

On the other hand, or home, I was attacked by a medical deception, since the operation should have been for the removal of the appendix, but a sex truck is missing.

7. Fizeram to credit people - Martha Medeiros

Fizeram people to credit that love itself, love to be worth, only happens once, generally two 30 years before. We will not tell us that love has not been added to us with a set time.

We encourage people to accredit that each one of us is a goal of a farm, and that life only has meaning when we find another goal. We will not tell us that we are newly born, that no life in our lives deserves to carry the costs to complete responsibility or that we lack: people grow through the same people. We are in good company, it is more pleasant.

Fizeram people to credit a formula called "dois em um", two people thinking the same, I do the same, that it was that it worked. We will not be told that isso tem nome: annulment. That it is only by being individuals with their own personalities and that we can have a Saudi relationship.

Fizeram people to accredit that marriage and obligation and that other people outside of time must be repressed.

Fizeram people to accredit that you are beautiful and lean are more beloved, that you are transam pouco são masks, what do you say, don't trust me, and there will always be a chinelo velho for um pé torto. Só não disseram that there is much more head cake than torto.

Fizeram people to accredit that there is only a formula to be happy, even for everyone, and those who escape from it are condemned to marginality. They will not tell us that these formulas are wrong, frustrating people, are alienating, and that we can tempt other alternatives. Ah, nem will tell that no one will tell. Every um vai ter to discover sozinho. And there, when you are very beaten by yourself, you will be able to be very happy to be beaten by someone.

Martha Medeiros is two names made in contemporary Brazilian literature. A writer produced romances, poems and chronicles and já teve works adapted for theater and audiovisual productions.

Two themes that the author addresses is love and relationships. Chronic na Fizeram people credit The tracing of a certain and conclusive analysis on a idealization not romantic love.

Martha presents her thoughts on the subject in an honest way, showing that life has different paths, there is no formula to experience or love. Or how clear is her words? need for self-lover before anything else.

8. Jornal News - Fernando Sabino

Leio did not pay the news that um homem morreu de fome. Um homem de cor branca, thirty years you presume, poorly dressed, morreu de fome, sem relief, in full center of the city, remaining in bed in the calçada for seventy two hours, to finally die from fome.

He morreu de fome. Depois insistent requests from merchants, an ambulance of Pronto Socorro and a radiopatrulha for a local, but they will return to provide help to or homem, who ended up dying of fome.

Um homem that morreu de fome. O comissário de plantaão (um homem) affirmed that the case (morrer de fome) was alçada da Delegacia de Mendicância, a specialist in homens that morrem de fome. E o homem morreu de fome.

The home body that has been returned to the Legal Medical Institute will be identified. Nothing is known about him, senão que he morreu de fome. Um homem morre de fome in the middle of the street, among hundreds of passers-by. Um homem down on the street. Um baby. A bum. A beggar, an abnormal, a moron, a pária, a marginal, an outlaw, a bug, a coisa - não é homem. E os other homens fulfilled their destiny as passers-by, which is to pass. For seventy and two hours, all passam, next to homem that morre de fome, com um olhar de nojo, desdem, inquietação e ate same piedade, ou sem olhar nenhum, e o homem continues morrendo de fome, sozinho, isolated, lost among the homens, sem relief and sem sorry.

Not from the commissary, from the hospital, from the radiopatrulha, why should it be from the minha alçada? What is that eu tenho com isso? Deixa or homem morrer de fome.

E o homem morre de fome. Thirty years of age you boast. Poorly dressed. He morreu de fome, diz or jornal. Louve-se insisted two merchants, who are never dying to foment, asking the authorities for provisions. As authorities nothing else can fazer senão remover o corpo do homem. Deviam deixar that apodrecesse, to chastise two other homens. Nothing else can be done to hope that it will be better off.

E ontem, after seventy-two hours of inanição in the middle of the street, not the most moved center of the city of Rio de Janeiro, a homem morreu de fome.

He morreu de fome.

More a chronicle that traced a journalistic context in News from Jornal, by writer Fernando Sabino from Minas Gerais. Or text integrates or livro To mulher do vizinho, of 1997.

Sabino explained his ideas and indignation about the problem of fome no Brazil. It relates in a pertinent way to the insensitivity of a part of the society in the face of misery and or abandonment of people in a street situation.

Assim, it appears or absurd that it is a naturalization of death in the middle of the moving city, in the light of day and in the public eye, which does not seem like it.

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