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12 love poems by Carlos Drummond de Andrade

Um dos maiores nomes da poesia Brasileira, or Modernista Carlos Drummond de Andrade (1902 - 1987) wrote some two more famous verses from our literature.

Attentive to life in great cities and transformations that go through us or their own time, the poet also spoke about human emotions and dedicated various compositions to countless facets of love.

1. Love and Seu Tempo

Mature love and privilege
Stretched out in my little bed,
That becomes longer and more relvosa,
Spraying, in each pore, or céu do corpo.

É isto, love: o ganho not planned,
O subterranean and coruscante prize,
Encrypted lightning reading,
That, deciphered, nothing else exists

Worth the price of land,
Salvo or minute of ouro no relógio
Tiny, vibrating not twilight.

Love is what you learn does not limit,
You must archive all of the science
Wounded, ouvida. Love comes late.

Na composition, or loving sentiment, is presented as something special that is hardly reserved for some. Second or little subject, or true love arises with a passage of time and demands maturity.

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A bed where the lovers are deitam or local where we can connect and find the body of another. Magical, filled with surprises and segregated, that love is crystallized and the face or the rest will be worth it.

Assim, depois all or knowledge acquired through life experience, essa ligação vem trazer uma nova sabedoria transformative.

Drummond Amor e seu tempo

2. Quadrilha

João loves Teresa who loves Raymond
that Maria loved that Joaquim loved that Lili loved,
that he did not love any.

João was for the United States, Teresa for the convent,
Raimundo morreu from disaster, Maria ficou for tia,
Joaquim suicidou-se e Lili casou with J. Pinto Fernandes
that has not entered history.

Using the metaphor of the quadrilha, a popular dance in which you pair with each other, Drummond portrays love as um game of misunderstandings.

As a childish and humorous quase, or little subject transmits a rather negative view: Individuals are paired with other hairs, but they are not reciprocated and that no one gets or what do you want

Here, practically all the people will find destinations marked by the solid or the tragedy. Lili, who in the first stanza did not love any, was the only one who ended up marrying.

The same way, or the way in which my husband is presented suggests Frieza and um tom impessoal. In this way, the apparent innocence of the poem is transforming into disenchantment and sublining to impossibility of love true and reciprocated.

Trust also nossa Detailed analysis of the Quadrilha poem.

3. Love

Either to be seeks or another to be, e ao conhecê-lo
acha by reason of being, já divided.
São dois em um: love, sublime selo
that life prints cor, grace and meaning.

"Love" - ​​eu disse - e floriu uma rosa
embalming melodious afternoon
I do not sing more hidden from the garden,
more seu perfume of him não chegou a mim.

Nas duas quadras and affirmed that the human being was able to relate to others, the necessity of raise laços, ha that is that or its purpose.

When I find him someone to love, he barnacles even more to the importance of his union. É as estivesse pela metade e fosse, suddenly, preenchido pela chegada de outra pessoa.

Drummond rises, then, a praise of the loving sentiment: the traces of happiness to life, see color to our experience on Terra. Or his power is so intense that springs from nothing, sem uma explanation, but capable of alter reality.

4. Final Song

Oh! I loved you, and how much!
But it was not so much the same.
Até os deuses claudicam
in arithmetic nuggets.
Meço or passado com régua
to exaggerate such distances.
You are so sad, or more sad
é não ter sadness alguma.
I do not venerate the codes
of acasalar e sofrer.
É viver tempo to spare
I know about miragem.
Agora vou-me. Ou me go?
Ou é vão to go or not to go?
Oh! I loved you, and how much,
quer dizer, nem so much assim.

The verses appear to have been written in a sequence of separation, when or subject tends to perceive or feel that the otter pela antiga companheira.

The perception of that time at a distance will confuse you, with emotions such as saudade e nostalgia disturbing her vision of him.

A former paixão seems to be enlarged or exaggerated for solidity, to sadness and or vazio of the present moment. That is what the eu-lyrical confesses in the last stanza, as he became aware of that, at the end. she nem loves "so much assim".

5. Destruction

Lovers cruelly loved each other
e com se amarem so much no se veem.
Um se beija no outro, refletido.
Dois lovers, what are you? Two inimigos.

São meninos lovers ravaged
hair mimo de amar: e não percebem
how much is pulverized will not bind,
and how or what was the world returns to nothing.

Nothing, no. Love, pure ghost
What a mild, assim a cobra
It is printed na lembrança de seu trilho.

They are bitten forever.
Deixaram to exist, more or existed
continues to doer eternally.

In this poem, Carlos Drummond de Andrade reflects on a paixão, not only as a breeding force, but mainly olhando his gross force, its destructive potential.

O subject accredits that, when they breastfeed, the individuals revealed their cruelty and are dominated by exacerbated feelings, stopping to enforce the necessities um do outro. Like uma combat species, ou uma luta de vontades, they love each other, refletidos na outra pessoa.

Or overwhelming sentiment takes their souls a few days and nothing else seems to matter. At the same time, the memory of that love continues to amaze those who will live and mark their paths for the rest of life.

6. Memory

Love or lost
deixa confused
this heart.

Nothing can or forget
against or make sense
I appeal do Não.

As coisas tangíveis
you become insensitive
to palm da mão

More as coisas findas
much more than beautiful,
essas ficarão.

No false poem about loss and absence, or eu-lyrical reflecting on a love that remains alive through time and space.

He confesses that he loves someone who has never been more and, just as he wants to create, you feelings disobey à sua vontade of him. Isso does not come to realize that, when something is na nossa mão, it can become indifferent.

Contrary hair, aquilo that já face part do nosso past and immortal and inesquecível, it continues always on our side.

Memoir recited by Carlos Drummond de Andrade

7. Ainda bad

Ainda bad ask,
ainda that you answer badly;
ainda how bad I understand you,
ainda bad repeat;
ainda bad insists,
ainda bad apologize;
ainda how bad I squeeze myself,
ainda how bad you turn me;
ainda how bad it showed me,
ainda how bad you vex me;
ainda how bad I faced you,
ainda how bad you furte;
ainda bad I follow you,
ainda how bad you turn around;
ainda how bad I love you,
ainda that bad or saibas;
ainda how bad I grabbed you,
ainda how bad you kill yourself;
ainda assim i ask you
I'm burning in your eyes,
It saved me and it hurt me: love.

Nesta composition, or subject face a list of various difficulties and setbacks that we can exist in a relationship. Among the people who love, there are communication problems: they don't understand each other, they know each other, brigam, they separate and reconcile, softening during the process.

Likewise, despite everything, he shows that he does not want to give up the love affair and, contrary hair, or hug, run behind him. Our final verses, or eu-lyrical express a great contradiction: o amor é, ao mesmo tempo, here that saves and condemns.

8. As Sem-Razões do Amor

Eu I love you because I love you.
You don't need to be a lover
e nem you always know I know.
Eu I love you because I love you.
Love and state of grace
e com amor is not paid.

Love is given of grace,
I do not sell,
na cachoeira, do not eclipse.
Love foge to dicionários
e to various regulations.

I love you because I don't love you
quite ou de mais a mim.
Because love does not change,
não conjugates nem se ama.
Because love is love to nothing,
happy and forte em if same.

Love and cousin gives death,
and death is victorious,
for more than or math (e matam)
at every moment of love.

Uma das composições mais famous de Drummond, or reference poem or love as something that it cannot be explained ou rationally justified. It happens in a magical way, and enchantment, a "state of grace" that is spread everywhere or anywhere.

By isso, or sentiment cannot be transmitted by words and nem segue a set of defined regras. Second this or little guy, or love exists in itself e in case, sem wait more nothing.

Tremendously contradictory, it is ephemeral and eternal, something that can sink in a second or transcend to death itself.

Trust me too Detailed analysis of the poem As Sem-Razões do Amor.

9. Or old love

Or old love lives on itself,
não de cultivation alheio ou de presença.
Nothing demands nem pede. Nothing waits
more of destiny vão denies sentença.

O old love rooted in sheaths,
feitas de sofrimento e de beleza.
For those mergulha not infinite,
e for these supplants nature.

It is all part or time crumbles
here it was great and dazzling,
or old love, porém, never dies
e more lover appears every day.

More burning, poorer in hope.
More sad? No. He won the day,
and it shines, it is not his dark song,
much more velho quanto more love.

Or an exciting poem about a love that doesn't need any more than anything else. He does not have to be fed, he does not need to be in the presence of being loved.

In these verses, we realize that you do not have more hopes, or that you also do not oil a separation that or your destiny.

For him, as Lembranças of a lost love are eternal, as roots that we unite lovers and defy each other as they give nature. O tempo, então, do not manage to defeat or feeling, just or strengthen.

10. to love

May a creature be senão,
among creatures, to love?
love and love, love and love,
love, unlove, love?
Semper, and tied with olhos vidrados, love?

May I, I ask, or be loving,
sozinho, in universal rotation,
Senão roll também, and love?
love or what or sea traces to praia,
or that buries him, and or that, na marinha breeze,
Is it salt, or a need for love, or a simple feeling?

To solemnly love the palms of the desert,
or that he delivers or expectant adoration,
e love or inhospitable, or cru,
a glass with a flower, a chão de ferro,
e o peito inert, e a rua vista em sonho, e
a rapina bird.

This or our destiny: love sem conta,
distributed with perfidious or null coisas,
unlimited doação to a complete ingratidão,
in an empty shell of love to seek fearful,
patient, of more and more love.

Loving us is lacking in love,
e na sure we love implicit water,
e o beijo tacit, e a infinite seat.

This is two of Drummond's most notorious poems on a love theme. Nele, or human being is presented as uma creature that was feita to love, Above any other coisa.

Lost in the depths of the world, individuals are secure in love ties as well as in their paths.

Between paixões, rompimentos, overcomes and new loves, all are touching their lives. Or serious love, then, or motor and o purpose Let us make sense of our existence.

LOVE Carlos Drummond de Andrade

11. Obituary two Disappointed do Love

You are disappointed in love
He is throwing away shots, I do not fight.
Do meu quarto ouço a fuzilaria.
So beloved, twist with joy.
Oh quanta matter for you journeys.

Disillusioned more photographed,
escreveram explanatory letters,
take all the provisions
for or remorse the beloved ones.

Pum pum pum adeus, jeweled.
Eu vou, you guys, we'll see each other more
Seja not clear céu ou turvo inferno.

The doctors are doing an autopsy
two disillusioned who will kill each other.
What great hearts they have.
Immense viscera, sentimental guts
e um stomach cheio of poetry ...

Agora we go to o cemitério
take two disillusioned bodies
competently encaixed
(First class and second class paixões).

You are disappointed, you remain deluded,
sem heart, sem guts, sem love.
Only fortune, os seus dentes de ouro
I will not serve as a financial burden
e covers of terra perdão or brilliance
enquanto as beloved dance um samba
brave, violent, on the grave of them.

Tragic, these disenchanted verses seem to have been written by a little magician with hair contempt of quem amava. Agora, andHe listens and documents dor alheia, metaphorized hairs suicide shots that disillusioned you shoot no fight.

Zangados and moved pela raiva, they deixam farewell letters that intend to wake up or remorse and to blame the loved ones. Still hopeful, they declared that you are going to reverse them, seja no céu ou no inferno.

You romantic are represented, therefore, as a particular nature: More sensitive, with a higher heart and a tendency towards melancholy. As a mere spectator, with sadness and cynicism, or eu-lyrical, he registers the total indifference of the loved ones before the death of their deaf ears.

Fernanda Torres- Obituary two disappointed in love

12. O Love Bate na Porta

Cantiga do amor sem eira
nem beira,
vira or world of head
for baixo,
suspend saia das mulheres,
throw the oculi two homens,
or love, look like for,
é or love.

Meu bem, não chores,
Check out Carlito's film!

O love bat na porta
o love bat na aorta,
I went to open and I constipei.
Cardiac and melancholic,
o love husky na horta
between pés de laranjeira
among medium green grapes
and mature scraps.

Among green grapes,
meu love, don't torment yourself.
Acid certos adoçam
to mouth murcha dos velhos
and when you dents no mordem
and when your arms are not pledged
o love face uma cocega
o love unhack a curve
own a geometry.

Love and educated bug.
Olha: o love pulou o wall
o love subiu na arvore
in tempo of crashing.
Soon, or love crashed.
Daqui I'm selling or sangue
that runs off the androgynous body.
Essa ferida, meu bem,
sometimes it's never sara
sometimes sara amanhã.

Daqui am I selling or love
irritated, disoriented,
more also see other things:
old bodies, old souls
vejo beijos que se beijam
ouço mãos who converse
I am traveling on a map.
Vejo many other coisas
that I do not understand ...

Neste poem adored by readers of various gerações, Drummond fala on as adventures and misadventures do love. Or strong and powerful feeling that manages to alter everyone's behavior, subverting social norms and turning everything "from head to bottom".

Personified by the figure of an androgynous body, he is described as something that is, at the same time, jungle and skillful, courageous and irresponsible. Assim, when it battles us, as a surprise, it can lead us to commit the most varied atos.

For times, as acrobatics give certain, but, other times, that love ends up "crashing", ou seja, giving wrong. A ferida can leave a deep scar or heal every day for a night, being this a number of its major contradictions.

All this is narrated in a mild way and com um humorous, like sores and joys provoked by feeling fossem uma natural part of our lives.

O love bat na aorta - Drica Moraes (Carlos Drummond de Andrade)

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  • The most romantic poems of literature
  • Greatest love poems of Brazilian literature
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  • Melhores poems by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
  • Poems by Carlos Drummond de Andrade about amizade
  • Poem E agora, José? by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
  • Poem No Meio do Caminho by Carlos Drummond de Andrade
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