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17 famous musics against a Brazilian military leader

Just as Brazil is subjugated by authoritarianism and censorship, artists will refuse to commit silence. During the Brazilian military service (1964 - 1985), there were many forms of resistance to culture.

MPB (Brazilian Popular Music) has been the main evidence of denunciation to combat or control ideological control of the system. Sem liberdade de expressão, have to invent codes, metaphors and word games to communicate with the public.

Despite two incontáveis ​​cases of censorship, persecution and exile that these musicians have to face, their children continue to be frames in national history and culture.

1. Chalice by Chico Buarque and Milton Nascimento

Calyx (Cale-se). Chico Buarque & Milton Nascimento.

Pai, afasta de mim esse chalice
Of red wine from sangue

Chalice It is one of the two most famous themes by Chico Buarque and one of the two most important pamphlets of the military period. Embora had been written in 1973, it was censored and was only released 5 years ago, in 1978.

With metaphors and double meanings, Chico drew harsh criticism of the authoritarian government. Quoting biblical passagem (Mark 14:36), he seems to compare the Jesus no calvário's relief as do povo brasileiro.

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Assim, or chalice would be full of sangue daqueles that were tortured and dead, less than the violent State. On the other hand, due to semelhança between the words "chalice" and "cale-se", refer to to oppression and or silence that viraram rotina.

How difficult it is to agree on draft
Se na calada da noite eu hurt me
I want to launch a human scream
What a way to be shielded
Esse silence everything haunts me
Atordoado eu stay tuned
Na arquibancada for any moment
See emerge or monster da lagoa

The "monster" of the age was an ever-present ameaça, which seemed to approach a few years, leaving or subject in a permanent state of alert.

He fears being or next year of a common practice of the epoch: the military police invaded the houses during the night and lifted the people, many sumiam forever.

I also read to Complete analysis of Calyx music.

2. Happiness happiness by Caetano Veloso

Alegria, Alegria - Caetano Veloso

Walking against or wind
Sem lenço, sem document

A reference not a Tropicalist movement, Happiness happiness It was presented, in 1967, not Festival da Record. Despite being the fourth place in competition, music was a favorite of the public and was a huge success.

During a time of stagnation and lack of freedom, a song propunha movement and resistance. Caetano falava em walking "against or wind", ou seja, against the direction for which he was being pissed off.

Sem lenço, sem document
Nothing no bag or no mine
I want to keep living, love
Eu vou
Why not, why not

As Caetano explained later, to music and a story, na first pessoa, of a young man who passed the city.

Citing elements of popular culture, traça um portrait of seu tempo, representing a youth who felt lost and wanted to escape but never knew where.

I also read to Complete analysis of music Alegria, Alegria.

3. Please do not say that you do not fail flowersby Geraldo Vandré

Geraldo Vandré - Pra não dizer que no falei das Flores

Vem, come on, what to expect, I don't know
That knows face to hour, it does not expect to happen

Please do not say that you do not fail flowers, song written and sung by Geraldo Vandré, is one of the two most famous men against a Brazilian military leader.

Also known as "Caminhando", the music was presented in the 1968 International Song Festival and was ranked second. A letter, highly politicized, chamou a atenção do regime or musician I end up having to leave the country.

Nas escolas, nas streets, fields, construções
We are all soldiers, armed or not
Walking and singing and following the song
We are all equal braços dice ou não
I love each other in the mind, as flowers no chão
To certainty in front, to history in mine
Walking and singing and following the song
Learning and teaching uma nova lição

With elements that we lembravam the songs used in passeatas, protests and demonstrations, to music and um I appeal to união e à ação collectiva. I will go to the misery and the exploration of the Brazilian povo, showing that all of the social partners must fight together for freedom.

To music shows that all who are aware of the oppressive reality are responsibility of agir, we cannot passively hope that you will coisas melhorem.

I also read to Complete analysis of music Pra não dizer que no falei das flores.

4. O Bêbado e o Tightrope walker, Elis Regina

Elis Regina - O Bêbado e a Tightrope walker

To nossa Pátria mãe gentil
Choram Marias e Clarisses
Not only do Brazil

O Bêbado e o Tightrope walker It is a song written in 1979, by Aldir Blanc and João Bosco, which was recorded by the singer Elis Regina. Or bêbado, "bringing mourning", seems to refer to confusion and sadness do povo Brasiliro, that sofria as a final gives freedom.

To his own Pátria, together with all the others, wives, filhas and companions tell them that we are being raised by the military police. Ao mentioning nuvens as "tortured spots", by letter denounces the cases of torture and death that multiplied in the internal country.

Desbafando on or "sufoco" diary of "noite do Brasil" (metaphor for a ditadura), lembra of "so many people who left", the exiles that fugiram to survive.

More sei than uma dor assim pungent
It must not be uselessly
To hope
Dança na corda bamba by sombrinha
E in every step dessa linha
I can be bruised

To Esperanza tightrope walker
Know what or show of every artist
I'm afraid to continue

Despite the dysphoric tom of the composition, the last stanzas trazem uma Encouragement message for companions and contemporaries of Elis.

I eat so much sauce, to hope and "tightrope walker" and to keep up. You Brazilians, mainly artists, need to continue with your life, proving that you are going to be happy days.

5. Eu quero é throw my bloco na rua, Sérgio Sampaio

Sérgio Sampaio - Bloco Na Rua

Há quem say that eu dormi de touca
That eu lost to mouth, that eu fugi da briga
That I fell from the galho and that I never saw saida
That eu died of medo when or pau broke

Eu quero é throw my bloco na rua é a music of 1973, in which Sérgio Sampaio expresses the seus feelings of anguish pending military rank. Scared, this little guy seems to be failing in a common Brazilian nome, showing general dissatisfaction and constant terror.

Try-se também de uma Criticism of the Medici government and assumed "economic miracle" that was being announced by political propaganda.

Eu quero é throw my bloco na rua
Jump, bounce pra gemer
Eu quero é throw my bloco na rua
Gingar, to give and sell

Eu, for me, I wanted isso and aquilo
Um quilo mais daquilo, um grilo less disso
I say that it is necessary or that I do not know at all
I want everyone nesse carnival

Sampaio, like many of his geração, just wanted to see or seu "bloco na rua", ou seja, a united youth, having fun. O Carnival, known to be a time of joy and liberation, appears as an antidote to constant repression.

Assim, through this song, or musician from his voice to another way of resisting: or "overflows" that defies or conservatism current.

Artists against ditadura
I protest two articles against the ruling

6. That hug, Gilberto Gil

Gilberto Gil - Aquele Abraço

Meu caminho pelo mundo
Eu mesmo traço
To Bahia já me deu
Régua e compasso
What do you know about me?
That hug!

That hug It is a music from 1969, written and sung by Gilberto Gil. Conceived when the precise artist went into exile in London, we years of chumbo da ditadura, it is about a farewell message.

Facing all censorship and persecution, a barnacle that fears to go to work to trace its "way to the world", what do you want? Gil shows that he I donate myselfHe gives his life and gives his life, planning to regain freedom and autonomy that he will lose.

Alô Rio de Janeiro
That hug!
All or all Brazilian
That hug!

Saying hello to several famous locations in the Rio de Janeiro city, including Realengo, where he is imprisoned, he prepares to leave. Thus his words from him seem to suggest that it is something temporary: Gil knew that one day he would return.

7. In spite of you, Boy Buarque

Despite Você

Hoje você é quem manda
Falou, you falado
Do not discuss, do not
A minha people hoje go
Falando side and olhando pro chão
You invented this state
Inventou to invent
All draining
You invented or sin
Scheme to invent or lose

Directed to the military government, In spite of você It is obvious and courageous provocation. Written and recorded by Chico Buarque in 1970, a song was censored at the time, being released only in 1978.

With a repetition of the opening verse, "Amanhã vai ser outro dia", Boy shows that he hopes he has not died, that he is still waiting for the regime to remain.

Be, not present, or povo faced or authoritarianism and repression with a "contained scream", or musician knew that no future as things would change. Assim, as a form of encouragement, dared to sonhar com a liberdade.

In spite of você
Amanhã has to be another day
I'm asking you where to hide
Give huge euphoria?
How am I going to prohibit
When or Gallic insist on singing?
Água nova sprouting
And people are loving sem stop

Or raiar do sol symbolize or be born of a new tempo, or end of sadness and escape that dominates the country. The same is being censored and persecuted by the police, or a musician insists on defying or instituting power and encouraging his own ouvintes.

A canção transmits to resilience of um povo that, despite everything, I did not give up. Tired and half-half, Chico Buarque ameaçou or authoritarian regime, announcing that his final was checking.

You will be bitter
Sell ​​or day
I have to ask for a license
E eu vou morrer de rir
That day is going to be
before do you think

8. It is forbidden to prohibit, Caetano Veloso

Caetano Veloso - é proibido proibir (LEGENDED)

I say no
I say no ao no
I say:
It is forbidden to prohibit
It is forbidden to prohibit

Caetano Veloso compôs It is forbidden to prohibit In 1968, a terrifying year in the history of Brazil that culminated with Institutional Ato Number Five. Between several authoritarian measures, or AI-5 It will determine the prior censorship of culture and printing, the illegality of unauthorized public meetings and the suspension of directives of two cities seen as incompetent to the system.

No next year, accompanied by Mutant hairs, or apresentou singer or theme no III Festival Internacional da Canção. Empty, under conditions of continuing to appear, he addressed the audience: "You are not understanding anything!".

What does it sound like to me, how eternal it lasts
That is that I will return.

In May 1968, in Paris, the universities began a movement that originated from a Greve Geral on several days of conflicts between citizens and the police. Among other things, the youth demanded a change of paradigms, not the whole of society, fighting or conservatism.

Inspired by French social movements, Caetano used some of his traditional phrases such as the nickname "É forbidden to prohibit!". No Brazilian context, as words faziam more sense than ever, as sudden prohibitions that multiply.

Refusing all isso, revolting and resisting, or cantor lembrava or seu public that we all must be as we dream, not as we obrigam. More than a denouncement music, it's about um Hino à disobedience.

9. What country is thisby Legião Urbana

Legião Urbana - What country is that? (Official Clip)

Nas favelas, not Senate
Hold for all sides
No one respects Constituição
But everyone accredits the future of the nation

What country is that?
What country is that?
What country is that?

A song was written by Renato Russo in 1978, but has only been recorded for 9 years, giving title to the third album by the band Legião Urbana.

O singer confessou que adiou o lançamento because you hope that as well as melhorassem e music deixasse de fazer sense. However, almost a decade ago, everything has remained the same.

O subject lança fortes critic sociais, showing or Brazil as um country crossed with impunity, in the absence of regulations and corruption generalized.

More or Brazil will be rich
Let's go fat um milhão
When we sell all the souls
Two nossos indios num leilão

In 1987, the country was living a complex period: despite there being no more than two military personnel, there were no direct elections. Tancredo Neves, elected by an electoral college in 1985, morreu before assuming power.

Seu vice of him, José Sarney, signed in front of the nation and instaurou o Cross Plane, a set of economic measures that trace a new moeda and will end up failing.

Renato Russo demonstrates everything or his fright, or his shock and his sadness, questioning the motivations of a nation that ignores or suffers from its own povo and hardly cares about it.

I also read to Detailed analysis of music What country is this.

10. Like our country, Elis regina

Elis Regina - Like Nossos Pais

By isso care meu bem
Ha perigo na corner
They will win and win
It is dated pra nós
That we are young ...

Like our country It is a Belchior song, composted and recorded in 1976, which is more known in the version of Elis Regina, released not the same year.

O theme gives voice to a generation of young people who violate their confiscated liberty, who are forced to change or their way of life due to the establishment of a decision.

Marked hair questions, to experimentation and the motto "peace and love" of the movement hippie, his quotidianos will be transformed into means, persecution and constant ameaça.

OR cultural and social regression I have sentiments of anguish and frustration among young people, as you or your time have been routed, at the same time you have never been checked.

Minha dor é perceber
That despite thermos feito tudo or that we fize
Ainda we are the same and we live
Ainda we are the same and we live
Like us country ...

Assim, to music illustrates or gerational conflict of the time. Embora think differently and have struggled for freedom, these young people will end up condemned to live second to the same conservative morality than the previous generation.

11. General behavior, Gonzaguinha

Geral Behavior - Gonzaguinha

You must stamp forever um ar de alegria
e dizer: tudo tem melhorado
You must pray hair bem do patrão
it is clear that it is unprecedented

Gonzaguinha was two musicians who most criticized the military, having more than 50 songs censored by the regime. Among them stands out o seu first successso, Geral Behavior, 1972.

To music, it peels its cruelty, provokes or non-public shock and Gonzaguinha was named as a terrorist and known as "rancor singer. Na letter, or musician fala as a Brazilian city, commenting on the current precariousness of the country.

Despite all the oppression, it gives encouragement and poverty disguised as an "economic miracle", or Brasiliro comum continued agindo as it all estivesse bem. This would be, then, or general behavior: not complain, alienate, pretend to be happy.

You must learn to go down to the head
E dizer semper: "Muito obrigado"
São words that ainda deixam dizer
For being homem bem disciplined
Deve pois só fazer pelo bem da Nação
All here for ordered
Pra ganhar um Fuscão no final judgment
E diploma of behaved bem

OR medo e a passividade of his contemporary revoltava or artist, who felt that we were all living a farce. As a provoção, he asks "Zé", nome comum no Brasil, or que fará se roubarem or Carnival, which seems to be the last reduction of joy and collective freedom.

Acima from tudo, to music questions that blind obedience That fazia os cidadãos viverem e morrerem second as arbitrary rules that form imposts.

12. Sinal Dated, Paulinho da Viola

Paulinho da viola - Sinal Dated

Olá, how am I going?
Eu vou indo e você, tudo bem?
Tudo bem eu vou indo running
Paste my place not future, and you?
Tudo bem, eu vou indo em looking for
I sound calm, you know ...

Sinal dated It is a music written and sung by Paulinho da Viola, as the V Festival da Música Popular Brasileira, in 1969. Music, quite different from the singer's usual register, provokes strangeness and conquers public attention.

Na song, two people are not in transit and talk about the car, when or when it is dated. Or dialogue, however, hides deeper messages than it may seem at first glance. More important than your words, são os seus silêncios, as things that I want to say but no way.

So much coisa that eu tinha a dizer
More eu sumi na poeira das ruas
Eu also had something to say
But I went to Lembrança
Please phone, eu precise
Drink some coisa, quickly
Pra week
Or sinal ...
Eu I hope you
I will open ...
Please, no esqueça,
Adeus ...

Or own title seems to be uma metaphor for oppression e in the absence of freedom to live. It makes sense, we can assume that you guys are not failing vaguely because you are under pressure but because we cannot fare lightly, because you fear retaliation.

Embora does not hold a direct reference to the government, it deals with protest music. Or public, that listens and partilhava or the same social context, managed to complete the empty spaces of the song and understand their message.

13. Agree love, Chico Buarque

Chico Buarque agrees love

Agree, love
Eu tive um pesadelo agora
Sonhei que tinha la fora people
Batting I do not carry, what an affliction
It was hard, numa muito escura viatura
Minha nossa holy creature
Chame, chame, chame la
Chame, chame or Ladão, Chame or Ladão

In 1973, Chico Buarque has never been censored so many times that he could no longer assimilate compositions. No next year, lançou or disco Sinal Dated with music written by friends, among as quais it consists Agree Love, assassinated by Julinho da Adelaide, um de seus pseudônimos of him.

Na music, or little subject agrees to companheira to tell him that she sonhou was being raised pela police during a night. Não worrying more em disfarçar, Chico aponta or finger ao inimigo, "hard". Or it does not work as an abbreviation for "ditadura" and also as an adjective for his inflexibility and violence.

"Chame o Ladão" is the two most famous lines of music: when the police who should protect us, attack us, what can we fight to defend ourselves? Boy suggest that to The authority of the time was more criminal than the bandits themselves.

It takes a few months
Convém, at the same time, você sofrer
More depois de un ano eu não vindo
Ponha a roupa on Sunday
E can skecer me

Before being lifted, this little guy parted with the woman and allowed her to continue with her life, he did not return. A passagem reference or destination of many "inimigos do regime": dragged from their beds during a night, the agents' hairs, simply disappeared, ou seja, they were dead.

14. Sunday no park, Gilberto Gil and Os Mutantes

Gilberto Gil e Os Mutantes - Domingo no Parque

Or sorvete é morango
É vermelho!
Oi, turning pink
É vermelha!
Oi turning, turning
É vermelha!
Oi, turning, turning ...

Sunday no park It is a music from 1967, written and sung by Gilberto Gil. Not the same year, or the singer appeared or the subject was not the III Popular Music Festival, accompanied by the Mutantes band, and was in second place. It is about a narrative that tells the story of two homens: José, "o rei da brincadeira" and João, "o rei da confusão".

No Sunday, João decided not to fight and go fall in love Juliana no park. José, I am selling or a friend accompanied by a moça de quem ele gostava, deixa to be brincalhão and fica furioso. During a city attack, she kills or kills as a knife.

Olha a faca! (Olha a faca!)
Olha or sangue na mão
Ê, José!
Juliana no chão
Ê, José!
Outro corpo fallen
Ê, José!
Your friend João
Ê, José ...

Amanhã não tem feira
Ê, José!
No more construction
Ê, João!
No more brincadeira tem
Ê, José!
I am not more confused
Ê, João ...

A song, which comes as an innocent story of a Sunday in the park, the logo takes violent and sinister outlines. Disturbing, to music transmits to feeling of an iminent perigo, it gives violence that breaks the lives of two individuals and ends up being their ruin.

15. Fly in soup, Raul Seixas

Fly in Soup - Raul Seixas

Eu sou a fly
What a pousou in your soup
Eu sou a fly
What a painting to abuse him

Eu sou a fly
What disturbs or seu sono
Eu sou a fly
I don't know the fourth to buzz

Fly in Soup é um famous song by Raul Seixas, part of his first album Krig-Ha, Bandolo!, 1973. Apparently it makes sense, music saves a lot strong message of resistance. Nela, or lyrical subject, identifies as a fly, a small insect that seems to exist to bother you.

Faking like the military, he announces himself as a small winged being who is there to to disturb or I guess. Despite all the repression, Raul and his contemporaries continue to fighting or conservatism, even knowing that Luta still has a long time to finish.

E não adianta
Vir dedetize me
Pois nem or DDT
Can assim exterminate me
Because you kill uma
E vem outra em meu place

However, it is hard to resist, also resistant. Raul Seixas calls attention to you "subversives" that we were multiplying, making it clear that killing a não was worth it, you can always emerge more.

As a metaphor like a mosca na soup, or a singer summarized, in a brilliant way, a form of viver "do contra", of fazer counterculture, of regrowing and surviving in times of chaos.

Find out more about Fly in soup e other great events of Raul Seixas.

16. Jorge Maravilha, Chico Buarque

Chico Buarque - Jorge Maravilha

And nothing like um tempo após um contratempo
Pro meu heart
It is not worth ficar, hardly ficar
Chorando, resmungando, até quando, no, no, no
And like já dizia Jorge Maravilha
Prenhe of reason
Mais vale uma filha na mão
What do you country flying

To music Jorge Maravilha It was released by Chico Buarque in 1973, with lyrics by Julinho da Adelaide, his pseudonym. Or theme passes a message of força, stating that everything is passing and that It is not worth resigned and regretted. Então Chico foi à luta, or that this was not the case, it meant creating protest music against the dictatorship.

Embora uncomfortable to the more velhas and conservative litters of the Brazilian society, Chico Estava conquering the hearts das gerações mais novas.

Você não gosta de mim, mas sua filha gosta
Você não gosta de mim, mas sua filha gosta

When it was discovered that Julinho da Adelaide and Chico Buarque were the same pessoa, we began as suspended. The public blames that music was directed to the general and president Ernesto Geisel, whose filha tin has declared to be a fã do singer.

Boy, not so much, I denied and told the true story: once, when he was prisoner DOPS (Department of Political and Social Order), two agents took the opportunity to request an autograph for a filha.

17. Spring us Dentes, Dried & Molhados

Spring us dentes

Quem tem consciência para ter coragem
Quem tem a force to know that it exists
In the center of its own engrenagem
Invent against a cool that resists

Spring us dentes It is a music by the Secos & Molhados group, recorded in 1973, with lyrics by João Apolinário. Apolinário was a Portuguese poet who went into exile in Brazil during the time of Salazar and combat or fascism. He was also the father of João Ricardo, who played his poems for the band.

A letter, inspiring, lembra that to resist it is necessary we be strong, courageous and aware daquilo that surrounded us. Even after the first defeat or "tempest", we fear that it will survive, keep a little hope, ensure "spring between you."

Quem não hesitates, defeated
Quem ja lost never despairs
And wrapped in tempest, deceased
Between you safely to spring

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Escute these and other musics about a military ditadura na playlist that we prepare for you:

Brazilian military authority - hinos de resistência

Conheça also

  • Music Cálice, by Chico Buarque
  • Melhores Brazilian music
  • Music Pra não dizer que não falei das flores, by Geraldo Vandré
  • Memoraveis music by Chico Buarque
  • Chico Buarque: biography, music and books
  • As major music from Tropicália
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