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The 15 things you should do before you get married

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Marriage is very exciting, but it is said that it is better enjoyed if before reaching the commitment, goals and dreams have been achieved alone. For that reason, it is that Before starting the plans of a wedding, you have to raise or rethink your own life plans.

Statistics say that, on average, women marry at 27 years old. This is 7 years more than in the 70's. These studies conclude that this is due to educational attainment and the fact that women yearn for various things to do before getting married. Of course, not everything in this life comes down to going through the altar ...

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The 15 things you should do before you get married

Living as a couple is a rewarding experience and should never be a limit to move forward with personal illusions. But some things to do before getting married imply a useful personal and individual growth to later live the marriage stage to the full.

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Enriching yourself with lived experiences is undoubtedly a way of knowing yourself and gaining maturity. For that reason, it is that Doing some or all of these 15 things listed here, before you get married, is one of the best ideas to live intensely and fully.

1. Live alone

To learn to live as a couple, you have to learn to live alone. Especially if you have always been in the parents' house, living the experience of becoming independent and living alone will bring maturity and self-knowledge. Do not be afraid to leave your comfort zone and face the daily routine and the challenge of solving and facing things on your own.

Home live alone

2. Control finances

Controlling finances, cleaning them up and getting everything in order can be challenging. The truth is that during youth little is thought about this point, however it is more important than is usually imagined. It is best to learn to control finances and start saving. It is a bad idea to formalize a relationship where either of the two does not have mastered this part, as it can lead to situations of economic dependency.

3. Develop professional or educational life

Singleness is a perfect stage to give priority to professional life. Although living as a couple does not prevent you from developing professionally or continuing to study, it is a fact that is enjoyed in a different way if it is done while there is no marriage commitment. For this reason, working on professional development is one of the things you should do before you get married.

To work

4. Travel alone

Daring to travel alone provides learning about yourself. It can be a short or long trip, to a nearby place or daring to go further. Doing it alone is a completely different experience than traveling in a group or with a partner. You learn about yourself and your personal limits and scope, which is why it should be experienced at least once.

5. Traveling with friends

Trips with friends become unforgettable experiences. Before everyone begins to formalize their relationships or plan their weddings, it is an excellent idea to go on a trip together. The more responsibilities and commitments grow, the more difficult it will be to coordinate dates and times, so the time is now.

Traveling with friends

6. Choose a sport

It is time to try several until we find a sport that we like. Exercising and taking care of your health will always be good recommendations, but sometimes it is not easy if you cannot find a sport that motivates you. You have to look for and practice several sports until you find one that you can become passionate about to practice for much longer.

7. Work on emotional aspects

Working on emotional aspects is one of the things you should do before getting married. Although it is an aspect of the person that requires constant attention throughout life, doing it before getting married has great benefits to be able to enjoy a life as a couple with greater fullness. Do not forget that emotional health is as important as physical.


8. Confront some fear

Confronting fears is important to free yourself from ties. Some phobia, public speaking, fear of heights or anything that prevents you from living fully, it is time to confront and overcome it. Carrying it out and experiencing the feeling of overcoming a fear provides security and autonomy, which are necessary aspects to have healthy relationships.

9. Live an extreme experience

Living an extreme experience is exciting and challenging. We must dare to go beyond our limits and extreme activities such as jumping from a parachuting, an extreme zip line or extreme sports are perfect activities to challenge ourselves themselves. It is certainly one of the things you should do before you get married.


10. Close emotional cycles

Closing emotional cycles is vital so as not to carry problems from the past. Sometimes it is difficult to get over past relationships, even when there is no desire to return. Unfinished situations or feelings remain that do not end up being extinguished. Taking the time to close cycles will bring great benefits and emotional stability down the road.

11. Learn to cook

Learning to cook is one of the things you should do before getting married. And of course, this suggestion goes for both women and men. It may be just learning the basics. It is not so much about cooking for your future partner, it is about learning to cook to be more autonomous and experience new flavors and ingredients. One option is to attend classes, but with the help of tutorials on the internet it can be more than enough.

To cook

12. Reconcile family problems

Reconcile family problems to heal resentments and move on. If there are unresolved situations with a family member, it is better to try to reconcile than to evade or let go. Especially if it is about parents or siblings. We do not have to wait or let more time pass, with professional advice we can try to fix the conflicts that afflict us.

13. Meet a lot of people

Knowing a lot of people helps you know yourself. Through others we learn more about ourselves, that is why daring to meet friends and have several partners is one of the things you should do before getting married. Meeting people helps us understand what we like and what we don't like and it is recommended to enrich ourselves with the life and experience of others.

Meet people

14. Define life expectancies

Defining life expectancies is important when planning for the future. Taking the time to set individual goals and desires is crucial to having certainty and common goals. Topics such as having children or not, the lifestyle you want to have, how relevant or not religious matters are... are some of the aspects in which you can meditate and reach common points.

15. Enjoy

Fully enjoying the single stage is essential. One of the things to do before getting married is to learn to enjoy each phase in which you live. None of the stages are ideal and they have their setbacks, learning this in an introspective way is very useful so that in life as a couple you can also enjoy the good and proactively face the negative.

Bibliographic references

  • Goleman, D. (1996): Emotional intelligence. Barcelona, ​​Kairos.
  • Oller Vallejo, J. (2001). Living is Self-Realization: Reflections and Creations in Transactional Analysis. Barcelona: Editorial Kairós.
  • Oller Vallejo, J. (2004). The integrating personality: The double achievement of being oneself and bonding. Barcelona: CEDEL Editions.

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