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How to care for an orchid? 8 tips and tricks

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Orchids are very pretty flowers that brighten up any home. Although there are around 35 thousand species of orchids around the world, the most common for it is known as Phalaenopsis. This plant is full of life, but many people will wonder how to care for this orchid.

The phalaenopsis orchid is medium in size, unlike some species in which the flower reaches up to 20 cm in diameter. Its care is not many, and it is easier to have it indoors, as long as you carry out some care that can be found in this article.

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8 Tips and tricks for caring for an orchid

The phalaenopsis orchid is ideal to have in a pot inside the home, although it can also be had in the garden. Its flower lasts for many weeks and also blooms several times throughout the year.

Although it is a very showy and more popular flower, once we have it in front of us, the question arises about how to care for an orchid. With a few tips and tricks you can see how easy it is to make an orchid look beautiful and live for many years.

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1. Use the ideal pot

The ideal pot for the orchid is one that has drainage holes at the base. This type of pot allows excess water to flow out of the pot without problem. This is very important, because the orchid does not require a lot of water, so the excess water has to be able to come out.

It is recommended that it be made of plastic so that at the time of transplanting, the pot can be cut and this makes it easier to remove the root of the orchid. It is also convenient that the pot has a tray at the base to prevent the water from draining.

2. Get the right substrate

Orchids need a substrate that allows the rapid passage of water. Because this flower does not require much water, it is convenient that the soil in which it is planted is humid or easily drained.

To find out more about this, you just have to ask at the place where the orchid was purchased. When the substrate is not ideal, it can be changed for one based on bark or moss. In greenhouses and gardens they offer the right substrate.

3. Find the correct location

The correct location inside or outside the house is essential for the care of your orchid. One of the most common questions about how to care for an orchid is about what place it should occupy in the house.

If you want to place it outside it is important that it does not get direct sun. On the other hand, if it is indoors, the best thing is a window where there is light but not direct sunlight. If the window faces north or east, there will be no major problem. If not, it is convenient to put a thin cloth that allows the passage of light but that protects from rays.

4. Control the temperature

Orchids require a temperate environment. In cold environments it is very difficult for the Phalaenopsis orchid to survive for long. It is a flower that needs the environment to be in a range of 10 ° C to 23 ° C during the day.

Make sure that the temperature does not drop below 8 ° C during the night for more than a couple of days. The orchid can withstand some days in cold weather, as long as this is not usual. In houses that are very cold, you can try to move to the warmest possible place at night.

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5. Water properly

One of the most efficient tricks to care for an orchid is to water it properly. The orchid needs a precise amount of water. Too much water damages it, and too little water dries up quickly. The approximate periodicity is once a week.

The best way to know when to water an orchid is to check that the soil is dry. To check it, it is enough to bury a finger deeply and check if there is moisture or not. If it is completely dry it is time to water. If humidity is perceived, you can wait a few more days.

6. Maintain adequate humidity

Orchids require a humidity level of 40% to 60%. Those who do not know the humidity level in their home can buy a hygrometer. This useful tool can be found in a gardening or even in some supermarkets.

If the humidity in a house is less than 40%, it is necessary to spray the orchid on the leaves, flowers and the substrate once a day, but gently and lightly. If the humidity is greater than 60% then a dehumidifier is necessary. This is the way to prevent unwanted bacteria and fungi from growing.

7. Check the condition of the sheets

The leaves of the orchid induce on the general state of the plant. If the leaves look very dark green, they lack light. On the contrary, if they look rather reddish, they are receiving too much light. If black spots appear, they have been too exposed to the sun.

The color of the leaves therefore indicates whether to take action and reposition the plant, but to act quickly. If insects appear, it is convenient to remove them by hand and then wet a cloth in water and clean the stems and leaves to eliminate a possible plague.

8. Fertilize

In order for them to stay healthy, it is necessary to fertilize the orchids. Applying a balanced liquid fertilizer is best, and can ideally be added from March to October. It's wise to wait a bit before watering them so that the water doesn't wash away the nutrients from the fertilizer.

It is convenient to water less and not apply fertilizer until new leaves come out and the stem is strengthened. Details like these make the difference between those who know how to care for an orchid and those who do not know the technique.

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Bibliographic references

  • Editorial DK (2018). How not to kill your plants: Tips and care for your plants to survive. Madrid: DK.

  • Mccreary, R. (2007). Indoor gardens: 40 projects with plants and flowers to decorate your home. Barcelona: CEAC Editions (Planeta).

  • Segurola, I. (2013). How to take care about inner plants. Barcelona: Bainet.

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