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What are the 8 differences between Psychopathy and Sociopathy?

Is psychopathy the same as sociopathy? They are two sides of the same coin? If not, how are they different? In this article we will know the 8 differences between Psychopathy and Sociopathy.

Before clarifying the differences between psychopathy and sociopathy, let's first define what each of these is disorders, to later analyze their differences related to their behavior, origin of the pathology, emotions, etc.

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Psychopathy vs. sociopathy

Psychopathy is a mental disorder, which in the DSM-5 (Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders) is classified as an antisocial personality disorder. This alteration leads to deviant social behavior, manipulation towards others For their own benefit, lack of respect for the rules or for the rights of others (and violation of them), as well as lack of empathy and the ability to experience emotions.

On the other hand, the intellectual capacity of the psychopath is preserved. Sociopathy, on the other hand, is considered by some experts, more than an “innate” personality disorder (such as psychopathy), an acquired trait, influenced by the environment and education. However, other authors do classify sociopathy as an antisocial personality disorder as well.

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Thus, we could say that for many, psychopathy and sociopathy are two variants of the same disorder of personality (the antisocial personality), characterized by contempt and violation of the rights of the rest. It's known that up to 3% of the population you can develop an antisocial personality disorder.

In this way, though these are two different disorders, share some characteristics, such as a general pattern of contempt for others (their rights, freedoms, security ...), and the presence of manipulation and deception for their own benefit.

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The 8 differences between Psychopathy and Sociopathy

But how is Psychopathy different from Sociopathy? We are going to look at the most important differences between a psychopath and a sociopath below.

1. Origin of the pathology

Many experts believe that “a psychopath is born and a sociopath is made”. In other words, psychopathy is of innate origin, with a certain genetic predisposition to suffer from it. Instead, sociopaths “emerge”, influenced by the environment (environmental factors) and the education they receive.

In fact, that is why numerous investigations have tried to analyze the brain differences that exist in psychopaths vs. healthy people". Namely, the apparently genetic origin of psychopathy, has led to study their brain structures and functions, finding certain differences with respect to people without psychopathy or sociopathy.

Specifically, it has been found that psychopaths have less activity in certain brain regions (those responsible for impulse control and emotional regulation). Sociopaths, on the other hand, are believed to arise primarily from certain environmental factors. (for example sexual or emotional abuse, childhood trauma, psychological abuse, etc.).

2. Type of behavior and impulsiveness

Another difference between psychopathy and sociopathy is that generally sociopathic people tend to be more impulsive and manifest a more erratic behavior (aimlessly) than psychopathic people. This means that sociopaths can manifest uncontrolled attacks of rage, as well as disorders of the impulse control, facts that make it difficult for them to lead a “normal” life, as we will see more go ahead.

Namely, sociopaths act less calculated, more erratic. Psychopaths, on the other hand, are capable of displaying a more "controlled", reasonable, serene or "contained" behavior; thus their behaviors are more calculated. Psychopaths may be able to control everything they do and devise highly calculated plans to get what they want.

3. Culpability

Psychopaths don't experience guilt when they make mistakes or when they harm others (even if these are serious damages, such as raping or killing someone); In sociopaths, on the other hand, the feeling of guilt can exist.

4. Dissociation

Another difference between psychopathy and sociopathy is that psychopaths are more able to dissociate ("Separate") from their actions. This is related to the previous difference, since the greater the dissociation, the less sense of guilt.

Dissociation involves not getting emotionally involved with actions, that is, acting "as if they had not been carried out." In other words, in general the emotional involvement is lower in psychopaths than in sociopaths.

Sociopaths and psychopaths

5. Empathy and emotions

Although empathy may be absent or altered in both pathologies, in psychopathy the alteration is greater; namely, a psychopath lacks empathy; he can see someone suffer and not feel the slightest compassion, since he does not connect with emotions (or with others), he does not experience them (although he can make it appear that he feels them), he is dissociated from they.

This is the case with many psychopaths, although We must emphasize that suffering from psychopathy or sociopathy does not necessarily imply falling into violence or crimeThat is, these people do not have to be violent or murderous.

6. Handling

On the other hand, continuing with the differences between psychopathy and sociopathy, the degree of manipulation in both disorders also varies; thus, psychopaths are generally more manipulative than sociopaths. This means that psychopaths can be seen as more charming people than sociopaths, without arousing any "suspicion" of their intentions, actions or behaviors.

7. Type of life

As a result of the above, the type of life of each one of them also usually varies. Psychopaths, as a consequence of "dazzling" the people around them, and of manipulating (many times without being realize it), they can lead an apparently normal life, with recognized job positions (for example, high executives).

8. Manner of crime (if they do)

The last of the differences between psychopathy and sociopathy has to do with their way of committing crimes. We insist that neither psychopathy nor sociopathy implies violence or crime; that is, they are people who can commit crimes, but that does not have to happen. However, when it happens and they commit a crime, the way to do it is different.

Thus, while psychopaths can significantly reduce the risks of their criminal acts (because they prepare everything a lot, they have everything under control), sociopaths, by acting more erratically, are more reckless (they do not take into account the consequences of their actions), and are more likely to be discovered or "hunted". That is, and for us to understand each other, the crimes of the latter tend to be more "sloppy."

Bibliographic references

  • Horse, V. (2005). Handbook of personality disorders. Ed. Synthesis: Madrid.

  • Valencia, O.L. (2007). Brain asymmetries in psychopathy. Diversitas Magazine - Perspectives in Psychology, 3 (2): 275-286.

  • Walsh, A., and Wu, HH (2008). Differentiate Antisocial Personality Disorder, Psychopathy, and Sociopathy: Developmental, Genetic, Neurological, and Sociological Considerations. Criminal Justice Studies, 2, 135-152.

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