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The 75 best phrases of Chavela Vargas

Eccentric people can leave us many lessons for our life, not only in how we live it, but in how we can live it. Inspiration can come from many places, a lived experience, a deep conversation or a story of someone else who has gone through a peculiar event that has transformed her life to forever. However, sometimes motivation can come from the most unexpected places.

As is the case of María Isabel Anita Carmen de Jesús Vargas Lizano, which you probably recognize as Chavela Vargas. A great Mexican singer of ranchera music, whose style was so unique that she left indelible marks in history.

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Thus, we have brought in this article the most iconic phrases of this great singer, so you can motivate yourself and come out of your shell a bit.

Great phrases by Chavela Vargas

Here you will see a mixture of appreciation for a land that was a home, love and life in general. Delight yourself with this selection of famous phrases and quotes by Chavela Vargas.

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1. I'll die on Monday, the most boring day, but I don't want crosses or crying. I want Vargas to rest.

A funny reference to the singer's wishes for peace at the time of her death.

2. Our only mission here, at the end of the day, at the end of all roads, is to come to know love.

It's not love what are we all looking for?

3. Love does not exist, it is an invention of drunken nights.

This is the perception of those who have experienced the darker side of what they believed to be love.

4. What hurts is not being homosexual, but being held in the face like a plague.

Labels, far from ‘identifying’, is a weapon that makes people a target to despise them.

5. Nobody dies of love, neither for lack nor for excess.

You can have a great uneasiness product of an unrequited love. But you can always love again.

6. The planet must be filled with violins and guitars and not with submachine guns.

Why wage war if we are happier in tranquility?

7. In a restaurant, a beautiful lady approached me and whispered: Chavela, when do we go to bed? How daring! Love it.

A funny anecdote about daring proposals.

8. Love like there is no tomorrow.

An important reminder about love.

9. I will meet you with you with death. I'm not afraid; I'm not afraid; I have respect for him. Ma'am, here I am, whenever you want ...

A great phrase about embracing death as a natural event, rather than a misfortune.

10. You always go back to the old places where you loved life and then you understand how absent things you love

As much as we love to experiment, we always return to what we call home.

11. Frida spread tenderness like flowers, yes, like flowers. A great tenderness, an infinite tenderness.

Always give the sweetest of you and you will have good things in return.

12. My relationship with music comes from nature, not from academia.

Some passions are not those in which we have prepared and studied.

13. I am one of those people who would rather love than be loved. But one has to be thankful because they love it.

It is important to love without reservation, but also to give ourselves respect and not let them mistreat us.

14. When I sing those who listen feel and cry because they realize that they are still capable of feeling, despite the evils of the world.

Songs can bring out the most emotional that lives within us.

15. To believe, you have to feel the need to believe.

When you think you can achieve it, the path will be easier to achieve it.

16. I have had to fight to be me and to be respected, and carrying that stigma, for me, is a pride.

When we get to have confidence in who we are. The criticisms are nothing more than background noise.

17. Lovers of the world: sometimes it is more beautiful to remember than to live.

Memories have with them the most beautiful things we have ever experienced.

18. If she had studied to be a singer, she might have been a great musician, but never Chavela Vargas.

Sometimes, taking the expected path leads us to the place we least want to travel.

19. To enjoy: love. To suffer: love. To live: love. To die: love. To laugh: love. To cry: love... and for everything else love.

No matter what you go through, never put aside your ability to love.

20. I have done everything knowingly and do not regret anything. Neither good nor hand nor happy moments nor sadness.

Despite the fact that you have made mistakes or you will miss opportunities. Never regret your decisions, especially if they have led you to a good place.

21. Bear the name of lesbian. I'm not bragging, I'm not trumpeting it, but I don't deny it.

A stigma can be a brand, but also a pride. Everything is a matter of perception and acceptance.

22. When I enter the stage I feel fear. But something I find or something finds me. Before finishing the first song I'm already somewhere else. On the side of my audience.

It is normal to feel nervous, but doing what we like, the rest is just enjoyment.

23. In the end, my soul is full of peace and tranquility.

No matter how hectic your life is, always go for something that calms you down.

24. Distances separate cities, cities destroy customs.

When we forget where we are from, we can destroy our heritage.

25. I have had 45,000 liters of tequila and I assure you that I can still donate my liver.

Apparently dear Chavela had a very strong system for loving alcohol.

26. Life looks better at 93... check it out.

An invitation to live life as much as we can.

27. Music has no borders, but it does have a common ending: love and rebellion.

The beauty of music is that it can connect many people around the world.

28. I always knew. There is no one who can endure the freedom of others; nobody likes to live with a free person.

It is not the same to have freedom in a relationship, than to allow debauchery to disrespect it.

29. Loneliness does not weaken me, it strengthens me, it fills me with something strange that nourishes me, it speaks to me at night, it tells me stories, stories that are true, that are true.

Loneliness is not always synonymous with emptiness.

30. I inherit my freedom.

Freedom is one of the most precious assets to have.

31. Whatever you want from me I will give it to you, but I will never give you anything back. This is how it worked.

You always do your best, but you never regret doing it.

32. I am not a politician or a militant of anything. Singing is my instrument. And I say it singing.

We are free to express our opinions, even in art.

33. If you are free, that is the price you have to pay: loneliness.

Not everyone will share your own vision of freedom.

34. The years have taught me nothing. I always make the same mistakes again to toast strangers and cry over the same pain.

There are times when we keep stumbling over the same stone, not wanting to go another way.

35. Love is a step. Goodbye is another... and both must be firm, nothing is forever in life.

If you love, love. If you want to leave, don't look back.

36. You have to know how to feel, that you have to know how to fight to earn the respect of others and respect those others.

More than fighting to have a good economic position, we must fight to be respectable people.

37. I am one of those women who have fun even in their own wake.

Enjoying life in its entirety is the best way to live it.

38. If diplomats sang, there would be no wars.

Sometimes, we must take the example of art to stop conflicts.

39. The soul is worth more than the millions. This is how we are. And I love being like that and that's how I'm going to die, free!

Our integrity is so invaluable that no tangible asset can match.

40. Only drunk to drunk do we understand each other.

A metaphorical phrase that only those who go through a similar situation may be able to empathize with the other.

41. I want it to be understood one day that my message is no longer from the throat, it is no longer a record, it is no longer a concert: It is the immense voice of the human individual that is silent, that has no name, that cannot be called by any way.

The call that we must make to people is not to remain oblivious to the injustices of the world.

42. Love without measure, without limit, without complex, without permission, without courage, without advice, without a doubt, without price, without cure, without anything.

Love without question!

43. Goodbye? You never say goodbye, you say I love you.

To stay in people's hearts, you have to show them love.

44. I will scream with all my soul so that the world knows that I am alive. Live from so much living. Live from so much loving

Express the happiness of living your life and never feel bad about it.

45. We must take care of the world, protect love, peace, justice.

The values ​​most appreciated by people, should be a treasure to protect.

46. That is what I feel, that is what does not let me die until people know that my song is not song, that it is something beyond pain, beyond anguish, beyond knowledge, beyond everything, art itself same.

If you want to send a message with your work, then scream with your soul.

47. Do not be afraid to love, you will shed tears with or without love.

Suffering is part of loving, but we suffer anyway, even if we are not loving someone.

48. Those simple things that are left aching in the heart.

The impact does not always come from great injuries, but from distant memories.

49.… And when you are happier, out of nowhere, a tear will come out for my memory.

Sadness is also a part of life and always comes without warning.

50. Women with a past and men with a future are the most interesting people.

Stories are what make us the people we are.

51. People look at me like the crazy old woman that I am.

Never get carried away by what other people think. Just laugh about it and keep enjoying your life.

52. There are times when I think I am dead… when I wake up I hear myself speak and I think that, in reality, I am dead. But I return, I always return to life.

We can feel unmotivated or disoriented. But if we try a little, we can find the direction of our life again.

53. I love that they entertain me now that I am alive, but yes, when I die, they leave me alone.

An important phrase of how we should treat the transition of people in this world.

54. A life well lived is the best thing to remember.

And you, how do you live your life?

55. If I have already given you life, what more do you want? Do you want more!

How much of you can you give to a person?

56. Freedom is not only loneliness, it is also poverty. Being free is poor.

In the sense that there are no riches to bind you to unwanted duty.

57. Mexico has magic. And I looked for magic and I found it.

A beautiful vision of this country.

58. Since I got on the plane and saw the flag of Mexico I was very excited. I was looking for Mexico, I believed in Mexico without knowing it

Sometimes in another country, we can find a second home that we cherish more than anything.

59. I wouldn't want, for the world, to be in the shoes of that Mexican who they say is one of the richest or the richest in the world. Surely it is not a free being.

For Chavela, money was nothing more than a chain that ties you to misfortune.

60. Give your kisses, sell your caresses, rent your soul... after me, do whatever you want.

Give what you want from yourself.

61. I didn't give a damn what they said… The males didn't like me to sing in men's pants. But I didn't care unless they got too smart. So I did come out with Chavela Vargas

Never let the malicious and prejudiced opinion of others prevent you from achieving your dreams.

62. When Mexicans believed in their gods, it was different. The Indians are still strong people. Despite everything, his strength continues to sustain the world.

An important reminder about the respect we should have towards other cultures.

63. Mexico has a place for foreigners, it has a strange song. To say Mexico is to say sweet, sweet Mexico.

Another loving and beautiful reference from Chavela to Mexico.

64. Love is simple and simple things are eaten by time.

Simple things have the power to stay deep in our minds.

65. Mexico hurts. I searched, I found Mexico and I made it mine. That is why Mexico hurts. That is why I do not understand that Mexico does not defend its own, that it does not go out and shout to the world that it is a terrible pain.

But despite her love, Chavela was also aware of the injustices that stain her beloved Mexico.

66. I am like the llorona green chili: spicy but tasty.

A fun way to describe Chavela herself.

67. The weight that falls on the skin after a concert is too much. An enormous weight that covers the soul. It is the weight of loneliness.

Sometimes we can feel alone, despite being surrounded by so many people.

68. I'm going to see how I can resist without the applause

When people withdraw from doing what they love, it can be a somewhat traumatic step.

69. One day I went for a walk and fell. I couldn't get up anymore. It is life collecting your salary.

A stark reminder that life is not eternal.

70. We are an impossible dream that seeks the night to forget its shadows.

A beautiful and somewhat sad metaphor for a short-lived romance.

71. It is life that charges you for what it gave you or what is to come.

In the end, we only owe someone everything we've ever had: life.

72. I don't deserve anything more than what I have. That's why they call me a millionaire, because I have what I want without having money, and that is wonderful.

Being millionaires is not necessarily having lots of money, but the satisfaction and happiness that you long for.

73. Life is ahead of you. It's life that tells you I'm going to charge you for this. Well, it doesn't tell you, but there is the combination of life and soul.

A beautiful reference to the moment when life ends, which is a natural step.

74. Mexico is my land. I wasn't born here but I love it. It is the most beautiful country in the world

Your second home is as important as where you come from.

75. Neither Isabel nor Chabelita, Chavela!

A woman who always knew who she was.

With these phrases Chavela teaches us the importance of loving and accepting ourselves as we are

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