Education, study and knowledge

80 Christian and Biblical Proverbs that will make you think

Proverbs and sayings are a means that Christianity (including the Bible) He has used it since the beginning of time to convey wisdom to his parishioners.

This way of transmitting knowledge has been widely used in ancient times, as it is a simple way and abbreviated to give to a third person very important and maximum knowledge to face life.

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Great Christian and Bible Proverbs

We should be grateful for these types of phrases or sayings for many of the universal knowledge that we enjoy today, that is why we have made a selection of the 80 Christian and Biblical Proverbs more relevant that will undoubtedly make you think.

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1. Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him demonstrate it with his good behavior, through works done with the humility that his wisdom gives him.

Our actions say much more about us than the words we can speak.

2. The brat does not like to be corrected by anyone, nor does he hang out with the wise.

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He who has an inappropriate behavior will never relate to those who do not have the same traits as him.

3. Blessed is the man who finds wisdom and the man who gains understanding.

When we achieve certain knowledge we are very lucky people, because not all people have the opportunity to receive them.

4. Certainly, he who is surety for a stranger will suffer, but he who hates to be surety is safe.

We must place our trust only in those people worthy of it, on the contrary we can get scalded.

5. Before destruction goes pride, and before fall, haughtiness of spirit.

Our attitude it is of relevant importance in the life we ​​lead and where we are going.

6. Cast your luck among us; let's all have a bag.

Each person carves out our own future, regardless of what the rest do.

7. The wise in heart obey orders, but the grumbling fool is on his way to disaster.

The knowledge that forms us as a person are those that will save us from the greatest misfortunes.

8. The wise son follows his father's advice; the mocker ignores reprimands.

Knowing how to accept advice from someone who loves us can lead us towards the goals we pursue.

9. The fool gives vent to his anger, but the wise man knows how to calm him down.

How we face our problems says a lot about us, we must think before acting.

10. He who acquires sanity loves himself, and he who retains discernment prospers.

Knowledge is a source of well-being that we can use throughout our lives.

11. Whoever stops punishment hates his child, but whoever loves him tries hard to correct him.

The one who loves us the most, the more he will make us suffer. People who care about our well-being will try to correct what may harm us in the future.

12. He who is wise and cunning knows where he is going; Fools are deceived by their own folly.

Our own ignorance may not let us see how ignorant we are, that way the ignorant thinks he is more intelligent than the rest.

13. He who despises his neighbor lacks understanding, but the prudent man is silent.

We must allow our fellow human beings to develop their full potential, and even encourage them to reach it.

14. Wine is scornful, strong drink is a boisterous one, and anyone who gets drunk on them is not wise.

This phrase tells us that alcohol consumption is not a symptom of a developed intelligence.

15. Commit your works to the Lord and your thoughts will be affirmed.

A phrase that encourages us to follow the teachings of Christ to improve our lives.

16. Teach us to count our days well, so that our hearts may acquire wisdom.

Mathematics is a universal knowledge that we should all have, as it will help us in all aspects of life.

17. We will find wealth of all kinds, we will fill our houses with spoil.

Material goods are not of vital importance, goods of real importance are cultural and intellectual.

18. There is a way that seems right to man, but in the end, it is the way of death.

The easiest path may be the most unsafe path and the most personal risk.

19. The wisdom that descends from heaven is above all pure, and also peaceful, kind, docile, full of compassion and good fruit, impartial and sincere.

The knowledge that is given to us by God and the Bible can help us in all aspects of our life.

20. A gentle response turns away anger, but a hurtful word raises anger.

Modulating how we act on a problem can help us overcome it successfully.

21. It is better to acquire wisdom than gold; it is better to acquire intelligence than silver.

Knowledge will give us all the tools in life to be able to achieve our goals.

22. Many seek the favor of the generous, and each is a friend of the man he gives.

Friends out of interest are not real friends, we must know how to differentiate them.

23. Never ask why all past times were better. It is not wise to ask such questions.

There is a brain mechanism that makes us believe that all past times were better, because if this did not exist and we remembered all the bad times we would be much more prone to depression.

24. For they will be an ornament of grace on your head, and necklaces around your neck.

Material goods are unnecessary and the fruit of personal vanity that will not lead us anywhere.

25. If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink. By doing this, you will make him ashamed of his conduct, and the lord will reward you.

Do I not destroy my enemies if I make them my friends? George Washington quote.

26. Go to the ant, you lazy one, look at his ways, and be wise; which, having neither captain, nor governor, nor lord, prepares his food in the summer, and gathers his maintenance at harvest time.

We must reap in due course the fruits that we will need later, being cautious is undoubtedly an indispensable quality in life. One of the most remembered Christian proverbs.

27. If you love wisdom and never abandon it, she will take care of you and protect you. What really matters is that you are wiser every day and that you increase your knowledge, even if you have to sell everything you own.

Knowledge is intangible assets that have great value, they can help us in countless aspects of our lives.

28. Hear, my son, your father's instruction, and do not despise your mother's guidance.

We should be grateful for the knowledge that our parents give us, they are wiser than us.

29. Hardworking woman, who will find her? The value of it far exceeds that of the jewels.

This phrase encouraged women to do household chores, but in today's society the role of women has drastically changed and their role goes far beyond these tasks.

30. A good name is better than great riches, and favor than silver and gold.

The person we are is much more valuable than material goods, because even if we have wealth, if we are a bad person this will take its toll on us in many other aspects.

31. Roaring lion and hungry bear. He is the wicked prince over the poor people.

Those who are unjustly given a very high status in society tend to become despotic and self-centered people.

32. The path of the upright is to turn away from evil; he who guards his way preserves his soul.

Leading an orderly life will help us achieve our goals, we must be upright people and keep away from bad actions.

33. Justice makes the nation great, but sin is an affront to the peoples.

Justice is one of the pillars by which a nation of law is built, and sin represents all the evil that human beings can cause or cause.

34. Even a fool is considered wise if he is silent; he is considered prudent if he closes his mouth.

We must speak when we have something intelligent to say, first I think then I exist.

35. The mouth of the righteous is a source of life, but the mouth of the wicked conceals violence.

With our words we can guide other people to carry out positive or negative acts.

36. Teach the child the way to go, and even when he is old he will not stray from it.

The education we receive in our youth will be our base on which we will build our lives.

37. A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born in times of trouble.

We must value our friendships and they will help us when we need them.

38. The rich rule over the poor, and the debtor is the creditor's slave.

Economic relationships between people can lead us down a path of happiness or misfortune.

39. Whoever spares the rod hates his child, but whoever loves him disciplines him diligently.

Knowing how to educate our children is something very important, to whose work we must dedicate time and effort.

40. Whoever conceals his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will find mercy.

To overcome our mistakes we must recognize and solve them, if we never recognize them we will never learn from them.

41. He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.

Our friendships largely dictate the person we are, tell me who you hang out with and I'll tell you who you are.

42. The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord; Fools despise wisdom and teaching.

To become wise we must be hungry for knowledge, if we do not have that desire we will never acquire the necessary knowledge.

43. The man of many friends is ruined, but there is a friend more united than a brother.

Friends can be like brothers to us, helping us in times of weakness.

44. Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.

The people around us will shape the person we will be tomorrow.

45. A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.

Our emotions can affect us greatly, even taking a toll on our health.

46. Where there is no vision, the people rampage, but blessed is he who keeps the law.

We must respect the law and justice, because without them we would only be mere animals.

47. With all diligence guard your heart, for from it flow the springs of life.

The person we are and how we relate to others arises from our emotions.

48. Seek God's will in everything you do, and He will show you which way to go.

Searching for wisdom to use in our life is paramount, whether it is looking for it in books or in our faith in God.

One of the most recommended Christian and biblical proverbs.

49. So be careful how you live. Do not live as fools but as wise, making the most of every opportune moment, because the days are bad.

We must act in our life with great intelligence, because our actions will lead us to where we should be.

50. Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all the wretched.

We have to fight for all those people who cannot fend for themselves, with this we will be able to make this society a more just one.

51. Listen to the voice of your parents in their words there is life.

We must listen to our parents, as they want the best for us.

52. The connoisseurs will have length of days.

Knowledge will lead us to live a much fuller life.

53. He show mercy and speak the truth.

We must be honest people and banish lies from our lives.

54. Recognize God's favor in life.

Giving thanks for all that we have in our lives is something that we should definitely do.

55. Be humble and don't be wise in your own opinion.

Being humble is one of the best qualities of a man because he dignifies us as a person and helps us to relate to others.

56. Honor God with your goods, And with the first fruits of all your fruits; And your barns will be filled with abundance.

Being aware of the help that God has given us to achieve our goals helps us to be much more humble. This is one of the most famous biblical proverbs.

57. God whom he loves punishes.

God can put problems in our lives so that we can learn from them and become stronger as individuals.

58. Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, and gets understanding; For his profit is better than silver's profit, and his fruits more than fine gold.

Knowledge is more valuable than any material good, we must be grateful for having received it.

59. When you lie down, you will not be afraid, But you will lie down, and your sleep will be pleasant. You will not be afraid of sudden fear, Nor of the ruin of the wicked when it comes, For God will be your confidence, And he will preserve your foot from being imprisoned.

Having faith can help us in many aspects of life and give us greater confidence in ourselves.

60. Do not deny help to those who need it, as long as it is in your hands to give it.

We must help people in need, because perhaps tomorrow we will be the ones who need help.

61. Do not brag today about what you plan to do tomorrow, no one knows what the future will bring.

The future is uncertain and anything can happen, the only sure thing is now.

62. I love those who love me, those who seek me ardently, will find me.

We must treat others the same as they treat us and return their friendship.

63. The fruit of justice is a tree of life, and the wise captivate hearts.

Justice and wisdom make this society a good place where we can all live and develop.

64. Above all things, take care of your heart, because it is the origin of life.

We must know how to take care of our emotions and understand what they want to tell us.

65. The memory of the righteous is blessed, but the name of the wicked will rot.

What we sow in our life will last beyond it, it will be what we leave behind when we die.

66. There is nothing that a prayer cannot accomplish, except that it is outside of God's plans.

When something is not destined for us, we must be humble and know how to accept that what we long for is out of our reach.

67. The prudent see evil and hides, but the naive pass and receive the damage.

We must act cautiously in life and always think before taking action.

68. God does not choose capable people, He enables His chosen ones.

God's will may seem somewhat strange to us, but if he has set us on a path it is because he trusts that we can overcome it.

69. A great crowd would be one with God.

Minds often function collectively, and we get carried away by what the majority think.

70. A door closed by God is worth much more than a door opened by the Devil.

If God takes something from us, it is for our good, but what the Devil gives us is for our evil.

71. Never put a question mark, where God has already put an end.

When something is over due to the vicissitudes of life, we must let it go and continue on our way.

72. With Jesus, good news will never be the last.

When we lead a life of righteousness and faith, the good news will come one after another.

73. I'll only have all of God, when he has all of me.

To achieve our goals we must put all the meat on the grill.

74. My faith is the only one that can laugh at something impossible.

With the necessary faith, anything can be done, it is only a matter of having hope.

75. God never talks to people who are in a hurry and have no time to talk.

We must be cautious and learn to wait for the right moment to do anything.

76. If you want revenge on your enemy, forgive him.

By leading our enemies to our side we will achieve much more of them.

77. Never fear pressure, remember that pressure turns coal into a diamond.

Life's problems will make us the best version of ourselves.

78. In this world I am just a detail, but with Jesus I am the difference from the rest.

Faith makes us more confident, more skilled, more powerful. With enough faith, everything is possible in life.

79. If you want to get discouraged, look at yourself, if you want to be disappointed, look at men and if you want to be happy, imitate Jesus.

The path that Jesus showed us is the one that we must all follow, a path of peace and love with our neighbor.

80. Sadness makes you back down, worry makes you slow down and faith makes you walk with your head held high.

With the strength of our faith there is nothing we cannot achieve, let us have faith.

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