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The 85 most famous phrases and verses of Alejandro Sanz

Alejandro Sánchez Pizarro, known better to all as Alejandro Sanz, is a singer and musical composer of great recognition in the world of romantic songs, enchanting an entire generation with his passionate, dark and deep lyrics about love from all its angles.

With a long musical career that has more than 25 million copies sold of his albums and 24 Latin Grammys to music won, he is one of the greatest exponents of pop music in Spanish.

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Best phrases and verses of Alejandro Sanz

Do you know any song by Alejandro Sanz? Well, in this article we bring you some of the best quotes from songs and interviews to enjoy.

1. I have looked for you every afternoon, my life. I take my breath away for you.

Finding that true love that did not know we needed.

2. I don't write to make records, I write out of necessity, not out of revenge.

Talking about his passion for songwriting.

3. Why did you heal me when he was hurt. If today you leave me again with my heart I will break.

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One of the most popular and recognized songs of his authorship.

4. I believe in love and in life, not in love for life.

There are people who do not consider themselves cut out for a lifetime commitment.

5. I have nothing, but I have your look. But I have you, I have you, and I have nothing. Only you.

That person who becomes everything in our life.

6. Always as I speak, I am wondering what to say next.

It is important to think before acting and much more before speaking, as we can make fatal mistakes.

7. I will kiss you like no one in this world kissed you, I will love you with my body, with my mind and with my heart.

That promise of unique love that no one else can offer.

8. After the storm calm always comes but, I know that after you, after you there is nothing.

There are separations that are so painful that they seem to take life.

9. Separate us, if they can. Let them separate us, let them try. I am your soul and you are my luck.

A relationship should be so close and firm that it can face any obstacles.

10. He does not forget who pretends to forget, but who can forget.

To forget is to completely leave the experience behind without generating any type of important emotion.

11. Tonight I would go crazy if you left at dawn without having told you that I have been so happy with you.

More than sleeping with a loved one, the important thing is to wake up next to him.

12. The best friend is your own heart.

Sometimes we must close our ears to reason and listen to our instincts.

13. Where do I keep the look you once gave me? Where do I keep the promises? Where do I keep yesterday?

What remains of a rupture is the eternal question of what to do with what was between them.

14. My friend, I hope one day listening to my song you suddenly understand that what I never wanted was to tell your story because it could be moving.

One of the most memorable songs of hers that talks about the suffering of a troubled love.

15. Dreaming is so beautiful, and the truth is so violent.

There are times when we want to keep our illusions because we don't know how to face reality.

16. Either you love with balls, or you don't love yourself.

In love there is never (nor should there be) anything by halves.

17. The two holding hands through the streets and giving us a thousand kisses in every corner.

Public displays of affection are the greatest expressions of love.

18. Only that you are not and time passes slowly.

In the absence of someone we love, time is a toruta.

19. When love ends, something is still missing.

After a separation there is a great void that disorients us.

20. What does it matter what they say, what does it matter if they hurt me, it shows that you love me.

Remember that, in your relationship, those who should be happy are you, not others.

21. Love shines in your eyes when you see the shadow of your loved one.

The raw and beautiful emotion of loving a person cannot be hidden.

22. Sharing glances with the lights off.

The deepest things of each are known intimately.

23. Because there are stars that shine, but cannot be seen.

Sometimes we do not have the ability to see who is in front of our eyes, despite their brightness.

24. I love you like that, just as you are.

Your partner should accept you and help you grow, never mold you into what he wants you to be.

25. God made the world in 6 days, but maybe he would have needed 7, because he failed to put a soundtrack on it.

Music is as necessary for everyone as food or education.

26. It could have been and it wasn't, because life was what it is, it turned us upside down.

There are things that we will always wonder if they could have been, no matter how long.

27. I'm crazy for you to come back so long since you left.

The wait becomes intolerable when we need someone important.

28. My girl has come straight from heaven. My girl does not know about doubts or fears. My child, her game is to give me life and for her I die.

There are those who show us such a unique and different way of living life that it leaves us ecstatic.

29. A song of mine undergoes several stages: I compose it and perhaps I start in a defined musical style, but I don't like to pigeonhole the compositions and in the end, each one takes a certain course.

Here we can see what he considers to be his own creative process, with his functional quirks.

30. Come, I will give you all my dreams, that I live on illusions and thus I do not know how to live.

Although illusions are uncontrollable, we must understand that they are the product of our imagination and are not real.

31. You need to have discipline to lose it.

You always have to know the rules to find a way to break them.

32. Show me your hands, mine have gotten tired of trying to grasp the world with clenched fists.

Sometimes it is necessary to allow ourselves to be helped by a person who has a point of view different from ours.

33. She combs my soul and entangles it, she goes with me but I don't know where she goes.

A reference to those relationships that fill us but at the same time we cannot know in which direction they are advancing or retreating.

34. Your love is a promise that crosses me, that sails from coast to coast in my head.

In a relationship, it is important to show love with actions.

35. There is only one way to be happy in life, and that is to dedicate yourself to what you like the most.

There is no greater happiness than working on something we love.

36. How easy to say "I love you" when we are alone, how difficult is to do it when everyone is listening.

There are those who, for whatever reason, are intimidated by showing their affection in public.

37. To those who lent me your heart, to those who followed me, who else?

Eternally thanking his fans for the opportunity to be where he is.

38. If someone asks me, I will tell them that behind a new goodbye, it is always difficult to wake up.

When something ends or someone leaves, it is always difficult to start over, but it is not impossible.

39. Yes, even if I don't want to, I think of you.

Has someone ever gotten stuck in your mind?

40. My rival, my partner, who is so in my life.

Your partner should be someone who motivates you to pursue your dreams, but who pressures you and keeps you in reality.

41. Play for me, I want to hear you. I want to be part of your madness. We will put our souls to score.

Couples find a perfect harmony in their love that only they understand.

42. With music, life has more meaning.

Can you imagine life without being able to listen to music?

43. For being my partner and giving me your energy, my gratitude does not fit in a life.

We are always grateful to have the right person by our side.

44. For her, who appears and hides, who leaves and remains, who is a question and an answer, which is my darkness, my star.

Some find relationships that are unstable but seductive irresistible.

45. I swear it is to see your face and my soul lights up and you take out your eyelashes in the sun and the world blooms.

When we are in front of who we love, the day lights up.

46. Because I lack you, I want to give the soul the consolation that it lacks.

We cannot be in perpetual mourning for a broken relationship.

47. In life it is allowed to fall, but it is obligatory to get up.

It doesn't matter how many times you fall, but rather that you have the ability to get back up.

48. I would like to be the dream that you would never share.

We all long to be that one reason to love in another's life.

49. Today I live in the ruin of a silence that is leaving me speechless.

When we isolate ourselves, we end up doing ourselves more harm than good, as we consume ourselves in our own misery.

50. I have looked for you in a million auroras and none of them make me fall in love, as you know.

Well it says that true love happens once in a lifetime. Is it true?

51. You only learn from mistakes and today I know that my heart is yours.

Even in love, it is sometimes necessary to make mistakes to find true happiness.

52. Manuela has been the most beautiful thing that has happened to me in my life.

Speaking of his daughter, as one of the best things in his life.

53. You are the most beautiful chance that heaven brought me.

Do you think it's a coincidence to be with the person you are with now?

54. And she is the force that takes you, that pushes you and fills you, that drags you and that brings you closer to God.

What motivates you to keep going?

55. Madly in love, yes, everything will be fine, you'll see, I tell myself because I want to be convinced.

When we are in love we are always in perpetual contradiction between security and insecurity.

56. Why are there stars that shine but cannot be seen? And are there places that I could never know?

Those doubts that attack us about the unknown and what we could not do.

57. Sometimes, even in solitude we can not speak honestly.

It is quite difficult to be honest with ourselves, because we are afraid to face what we hide.

58. Travel to the corners that mean something to you, where the important things in your life happened.

Good memories can bring joy in the present and future inspirations.

59. There is no better poetry than that of your gaze.

Is it possible that the best poems are those that are written in the name of love?

60. It scares me to think that for some people, I am just a memory.

We do not always mean to someone the same as they do to us.

61. I have a lot to say and a lot of advance material.

To continue to be successful, it is necessary to keep working and evolving.

62. We were who we were yesterday and who we will be tomorrow. We are the ones to stay, if you stay.

The past shapes us and the future tests our abilities.

63. Success is made up of 90% effort, 5% talent, and 5% originality.

All success is achieved through perseverance and the ability to adapt to changes.

64. What I don't like sometimes is that I'm too playful.

It is difficult to find that moment of seriousness to face life.

65. All I want is for you to name me and for all fears to go away.

Fear is almost expected in a relationship, but it is important to learn to work through it and overcome it.

66. And I'm dying to find a way to teach you my soul and the only thing I can think of is loving you.

Through love we can show more of ourselves to a person.

67. I want the air that your soul has.

The only thing that matters in a romance is sharing.

68. When we sail, the rudder moves, the more you move it the more I move.

It is necessary to be able to adapt to new changes. That way it is possible to move forward.

69. What I do is not just to do it, but to feel it.

Again the Spanish singer-songwriter reminds us of the importance of dedicating ourselves to what makes us happy.

70. Everything I was is everything I am, what I came with yesterday is what I'm leaving with.

Is it possible that a person can change?

71. Love is what everyone talks about but nobody really knows what it is.

Love is a complex and complete feeling. We can feel it towards many people, but that does not imply that it is true love.

72. You have to write a lot of nonsense to come up with something new.

This phrase reminds us that it is necessary to make mistakes to find what we are looking for.

73. Words of a new language that I have built for ourselves, for the persecuted lover who has to hide his voice.

Each person has their own way of teaching their love, one that only their loved one will be able to hear.

74. She slips and I get hit.

Have you ever met someone with so much power over you?

75. You are that woman for whom I feel that man capable of loving.

There are correct beings for each person, for whom we are willing to change and be a better version of ourselves.

76. My friend, princess of an infinite tale. My friend, I just want you to count on me.

Sometimes it is necessary to remind our friends that we are there for them, even in difficult times.

77. It is very important to say what you think, even if you are wrong.

We must never remain silent, as silence can be misinterpreted.

78. To return, the condition is that we learn to grow without the passion expiring.

It is difficult to get back with an old partner, because it involves an even greater commitment to change and facing problems.

79. Sometimes my heart goes where my voice doesn't go.

This is why it is necessary from time to time to listen to our hearts.

80. I already managed to leave you aside, I do nothing but forget you. I appreciate but not.

Although it is almost impossible, it is necessary to get away from those who only harm us.

81. I know that the day I lose her I will suffer for her again.

Have you suffered the fear of losing someone you love?

82. That sometimes I am yours and sometimes from the wind.

There are those who are comfortable in casual relationships and are not willing to get out of there.

83. There are people you can never forget, no matter how long that lasts.

People who have been so important, significant or have left a great impression on us that they do not leave.

84. A man is never ripe neither to be President of the United States nor to be Pope nor to be King.

There are things for which you are never really prepared.

85. No more postponed deadlines, if you have to, go ahead.

Avoid procrastination and take a chance. Better to try and learn from a fall than to regret never having.

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