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50 great phrases of hope to believe in the future

The power of words and a phrase full of wisdom should never be underestimated. In moments of overwhelm, sadness or disappointment, a phrase of hope can help us regain self-confidence and believe in the future. And there is no doubt that phrases of hope feed the soul.

Philosophers, writers, scientists and great thinkers of history have managed to summarize messages full of wisdom in one sentence. These teach us a lesson and invite us to reflect to regain hope and to find meaning in everything.

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50 great phrases of hope to believe in the future

Hope is the last thing you lose, and there are great phrases about this idea. This article presents a large selection of phrases that are part of the legacy of many famous people. They can represent a very efficient form of motivation, both for oneself and for someone who wants to read it.

Among these great phrases of hope are answers that make you believe in the future. Situations that overwhelm us may be less important than we think. The wisdom and experience of what the people who said them are shared for posterity to learn from.

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1. As long as there is life, there is hope (Marcus Tullius Cicero).

This sentence is short but forceful, and the last thing you lose is hope.

2. There is always something good in this world that is worth fighting for (J.R.R Tolkien).

Remember that there will always be something or someone that motivates us to keep going.

3. Everything that is done in the world is done through hope (Martin Luther).

Behind the great achievements there is hope, and otherwise it would not have been possible.

4. Optimism is the hope that leads to achievement (Hellen Keller).

The fundamental engine to achieve our objectives is to remain optimistic.

5. You are never given a dream without the power to make it come true (Richard Bach).

We must know that if we yearn for something it is because we have the ability to achieve it.

6. Things begin as hopes and end as habits (Lillian Hellman).

We must work day by day for what we want to achieve.

7. Hope keeps you alive (Lauren Olive).

The key to continue with the obligations day by day is the hope of achieving what we dream of.

8. Hope is not the same as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will work out, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out (Václav Havel).

A deep reflection to understand the difference between optimism and hope.

9. Hope is like the sun, it casts all the shadows behind us (Samuel Smiles).

A phrase to remind us that hope makes us overcome difficulties.

10. What is the dream of those who are awake? Hope (Charlemagne).

Having hope in something is like dreaming with your eyes open.

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11. Eating bread without hope is the same as dying little by little of hunger (Pearl S. Buck).

We can have everything we need to be happy, but if we do not have hope in something it is as if we have nothing.

12. Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. You can not do anything without hope and confidence (Hellen Keller).

If we believe in our dreams we will find the tools to achieve it.

13. Our calculations are wrong whenever fear or hope enters them (Moliere).

Our attitude and emotions directly influence our results.

14. Where one door closes, another opens (Miguel de Cervantes).

Faced with something that we cannot achieve, we must be attentive to another opportunity that comes our way.

15. Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and they never last forever (Roy T. Bennet).

Hope is what brings us afloat and will make us resist in the face of adversity

16. We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope (Martin Luther King Jr.).

A realistic phrase to understand that reality may not be what we expect, and even then we must not lose hope.

17. A person needs three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for (Tom Bodett).

Tom Bodett gives this key to feel complete and find meaning in the face of adversity.

18. Hope belongs to life, it is life itself defending itself (Julio Cortázar).

A phrase full of truth and beauty that makes you reflect on life.

19. If I knew that the world would end tomorrow, I, still today, would plant a tree (Martin Luther King).

A great phrase and a great lesson in what it means to have hope.

20. Hope is a waking dream (Aristotle).

A forceful way of explaining the importance of having hope.

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21. Hope means waiting when everything seems hopeless (GK Chesterton).

Keeping hope means having a strong spirit in the face of adversity.

22. I am prepared for the worst, but I hope for the best (Benjamin Disraeli).

You have to be realistic but do not lose optimism, faith and hope.

23. The poor man endowed with hope lives better than the rich man without it (Ramón Llull).

The material has no value next to hope.

24. It's probably my job to tell you that life isn't fair, but I think you already know. So instead, I'll tell you that hope is precious, and you're right not to give up (CJ Redwine).

When we have hope and others do not understand it, this phrase reminds us of the value of keeping it.

25. I planted seeds of happiness, hope, success, and love; Everything will return to you in abundance. This is the law of nature (Steve Maraboli).

We reap what we sow. This is why it is so important to sow hope.

26. When you lose hope, you become reactionary (Jorge Guillén).

A political reading on what generates the lack of hope.

27. Hopelessness is founded on what we know, which is nothing, and hope on what we ignore, which is everything (Maurice Maeterlinck).

A vision of hope simply as an act of faith.

28. It is better to travel full of hope than to arrive (Japanese proverb).

Sometimes what matters more is the path and the motivation than the goal itself.

29. Each creature, at birth, brings us the message that God still does not lose hope in men (Rabindranath Tagore).

A reflection on what a new life means.

30. A ship should not sail with a single anchor, nor life with a single hope (Epictetus of Phrygia).

We should not put all our efforts only in one wish.

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31. Hope and fear are inseparable and there is no fear without hope, nor hope without fear (Francois de La Rochefoucauld).

It is normal to feel fear when we are hopeful about something.

32. Retiring is not running away, nor is waiting sanity when danger outweighs hope (Miguel de Cervantes).

You have to learn to recognize when to abandon sleep without this being an impediment.

33. In each dawn there is a live poem of hope, and when we go to bed we think that it will dawn (Noel Clarasó).

A poetic way of understanding the importance of maintaining hope.

34. Disappointments do not kill, and hopes make life (George Sand).

This phrase emphasizes the importance of hope to face problems.

35. In adversity a person is saved by hope (Menander of Athens).

A powerful phrase about hope that gives strength to fight.

35. Hope is a good breakfast but a bad dinner (Francis Bacon).

A great phrase to understand that you have to approach your days with energy and not think too much at night.

36. Hope is a risk that must be taken (Georges Bernanos).

It will always be worth having hope, because a life accompanied by it is better regardless of the result.

37. That was all a man needed: hope. It was the lack of hope that brought a man down (Charles Bukowski).

Sometimes hope is the only thing you need to be able to face it all.

38. It's amazing how a little tomorrow can make up a lot of yesterday (John Guare).

You have to leave the past behind in order to enjoy everything that is to come.

39. In a world full of hatred, we must dare to hope, in a world full of anger, we must dare to console, in a world full of despair, we must dare to dream and in a world full of mistrust, we must dare to believe (Michael Jackson).

You have to be brave to keep your hopes up, and if so, the world is better.

40. The desires in our life form links and those links make a long chain called hope (Seneca).

An incredible reflection on the role of hope in our life.

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41. You never give as much as when you give hope (Anatole France).

Hope is the best gift you can give someone.

42. Hope is paradoxical. Having hope means being ready at all times for what is not yet born, but without despairing if the birth does not occur in the span of our lives (Erich Fromm).

A reflection on the paradox of hope, which is nevertheless most necessary.

43. What we call our despair is often only the aching longing for hope without feeding (Geroge Eliot).

A phrase that makes us think about the origin of our despair.

44. Hell is waiting without hope (André Giroux).

Hope makes everything so much more bearable.

45. The most terrible of all feelings is the feeling of having dead hope (Federico García Lorca).

This poet reflects on the importance of hope and feelings.

46. It is difficult to say that it is impossible, because the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow (Robert H. Goddard).

Hope must always be present in our lives.

47. The birds of hope are everywhere, stop to listen to their song (Terri Guillemets).

There's always hope. Never forget what may be to come.

48. Don't spoil what you have by wanting what you don't have; remember that what you ever have today was what you wanted (Epicurus).

We must value what we have today, because it is easy to forget the value it has.

49. The past is built with facts, I guess the future is only made up of hope (Isaac Marion).

Hope is the foundation for all that is to come.

50. Hope is the phrase that God has written on the forehead of each man (Victor Hugo).

A phrase to understand that hope is inherent in man and that it should not be forgotten.

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Bibliographic references

  • De Benito, J.I. (2007). The Great Book of Famous Quotes and Phrases. Madrid: Libsa.

  • Fernao, X.K. (2019). 365 Quotes of Wisdom: Daily Quotes of Wisdom to Become Wiser and Happier.

  • Jionde, E. (2017). Who Said Dat?: 500 Black A ** Quotes From Intellectuals, Historical Figures, Celebs, and Everyday People.

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