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The 50 best phrases of Rosalía (and lyrics of her songs)

We love music, there is no doubt about it. Regardless of whether there are people with exclusive tastes, such as rock or pop, or if you are one of those who have a huge varied gallery in their music player.

This is both a means of expression when the words do not want to flow, and an entertainment environment to share with people to the sound of a good dance.

As music fills us so much, it is not surprising that the artists who bring music to life through their songs, become idols whom we admire and even want to imitate in some aspect of their lifetime.

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50 phrases by Rosalía to know her way of being

Next we are going to know what are the 50 best phrases of Rosalía, taken from both her songs and interviews with the media.

1. Take this golden dagger and put yourself in the four corners, and give me the dagger

(If you only knew partner) Love hurts and that is a reality that we must accept.

2. An angel comes out of the lights that fell, it has a mark on her soul but she did not see it

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(Bagdad, Ch.7: Liturgy) Sometimes people are not as they say they are.

3. I swear that, I swear that, I swear that, I swear that, as long as you are inside I will wait for you

(I swear) Time and distance are just obstacles that can be overcome in a relationship.

4. Nobody has told you that no dream knows hours or times, nor does it have an owner

(Nana, Ch. 9.: Concepción) Dreams are personal and can come true at any time, sooner or later.

5. Like the blades of a knife his acai shone when I gave him the ring

(That the moon does not rise, Ch. 2.: Wedding) Sometimes, accepting an engagement also implies losing freedom.

6. Do not say that you forget me, that with the air that you carry me when you are going to walk

(If you only knew partner) The memory of a special person always remains

7. I'm not going to waste a minute thinking about you again

(If you only knew partner) But sometimes it is better to let go of something that hurts us.

8. Point out ’I was at the point of a raw razor, on the wall

(That the moon does not rise, Ch. 2.: Wedding) The album of this song is very particular because it talks about a novel called Flamenca, that she lived through an ordeal when she was forced to marry.

9. I carry Camarón in the glove compartment (De la Isla) I do it for my people and I do it my way

(With Height) A memory that, despite its changes, does not forget where it comes from

10. The origin of it I do not know, because it does not have it, but I know that all origin of it comes

(Although it is night) This song is inspired by the poem ‘How well I know the fountain’ by San Juan de la Cruz, which talks about hope, even in dark moments

11. If I knew, partner, that the sun that rises offends you, with the sun I would fight

(If you knew partner) What are you willing to do for your partner?

12. She alone in hell, in hell she is trapped '

(Bagdad, Ch. 7: Liturgy) This song is a real portrait of the women who work in the night places.

13. That the one above has pointed us out. And it is that the one above has pointed out to us

(Aute Cuture) Do you think that everyone has an indelible written destiny?

14. Senta'íta, his hands were joined, which to the beat of bulerías seemed to be praying

(Bagdad, Ch. 7: Liturgy) Necessity leads us to do things that we can repent of.

15. When you walk out the door I think you never come back and if I don't hold you tight, I feel like it will be my fault

(I think of your look, Cap. 3: Jealousy) Jealousy arises from obsessive thoughts that have no apparent reason.

16. What a highlighter if you shine alone

(Shine) To be beautiful, what matters is to accept yourself as you are.

17. How lucky I was the day I found it, I have pointed it out at the point of a raw knife, on the wall I have pointed it out at the point of a raw knife, on the wall

(That the moon does not rise, Ch.2.: Wedding) No one can be happy in a relationship where they are out of obligation, even if they say otherwise.

18. From the world leagues and leagues although my body has run 'from the world leagues and leagues, as here I have left' my soul

(If you only knew partner) A simple moment can mark us forever.

19. That broken glass, I felt how it creaked before falling to the ground, I already knew it was breaking

(Badly, Ch. 1: Augury) There are times when it is better to listen to our instincts.

20. Hand of my heart How well you will know that I am dying And I ask and I entrust you to call a notary

(Catalina) Death can call at any time, whether we are ready or not.

21. At heaven's door they sell shoes for the little angels who are barefoot

(Nana, Ch. 9: Concepción) A beautiful tribute to those babies who do not reach the world.

22. To no man do I consent to pass my sentence

(To no man, Ch. 11: Power) No one has the right to judge you.

23. And tie me with your hair to the corner of your bed, that even if the hair breaks I will show that I am tied

(Say my name, Cap. 8: Ecstasy) What we do for 'love' How healthy can it be?

24. Ay, if the love that I have you, if the silver was the love that I have, if the silver were another richer, richer than me Ay, in Spain there still would not be.

(Silver) True feelings is the greatest treasure in a couple.

25. And it's going to burn, if it's still there, the flames go to heaven to die

(Baghdad, Ch. 7: Liturgy) If you follow the same path that hurts you, you will never get better.

26. And that all ’the’ holy ’have their pass’o (Bye) I bless you if I have you at the side (Amen).

(Aute Cuture) We always have to be grateful for what we have, be it a lot or a little. Including those next to us.

27. Get away from my presence that you are martyring me

(Catalina) The power that certain people have over our tranquility.

28. Millions burning, let's burn them, mountains of fire crying banknotes

(Millionaire) As the saying goes, money can't buy happiness.

29. They have told me that there is no way out, I have to find it, even if it costs me my life or even if I have to kill

(Curse, Ch.10: Sanity) We must always pursue freedom and never give up, even if adversity seems impossible to overcome.

30. I couldn't kiss him goodbye 'and that burns me

(I swear) It is said that this song is inspired by a real event of a woman who murdered her violent husband of hers and her lover took the blame for her, so that she would avoid jail.

31. Silver slave, silver slave, without saying anything to me she has sworn that she kills herself for me

(That the moon does not rise, Ch.2.: Wedding) It is always important to listen to both versions of a story. no matter how perfect it may seem.

32. The fourteenth day of April is not erased from my mind, it is not erased from my mind because that day I saw myself at death's door. Ay, just for loving you

(April 14th) Love can lead us to do crazy things, very intense.

33. It scares me when you go out, smiling for the street, because everyone can see the dimples that come out

(I think of your look, Cap. 3: Jealousy) A very clear picture of how distorted a jealous person's mind becomes.

34. Money wants money and I don't want it for na, kings and presidents with short faces

(Millionaire) What is shown here is the dark side that some do with money.

35. The flower that I cut The flower that I cut and a flower that I cut, which they call thought, reminded me of the torments that a woman caused me.

(I revere you) Melancholy can appear with a simple call, image or anything.

36. Until you were a jailer, I was your partner, until you were a jailer

(To no man, Ch. 11: Power) Never let a violent relationship escalate after the first show of abuse.

37. We are two singers like the ones from before, respect in tickets and diamonds. '

(Me x You, You x Me) How would you describe your relationship?

38. She sat down, her head down, clapping her hands while they passed around her, looked at her, looked at her without seeing anything.

(Baghdad, Ch. 7: Liturgy) A picture is worth a thousand words. What does yours say?

39. Man is born and at birth, man is born and at birth, falling by destiny has because it only comes to a continuous suffering.

(I venerate you) They say that we come to this world to suffer, but this can become a great life lesson.

40. I think of your look, your look, nail, it's a bullet in the chest

(I think of your look, Cap. 3: Jealousy) There are looks that we do not want to get, because they disturb us.

41. When I call the bull, I have already mastered it. I'm going to load 'gold

(Aute Cuture) We must have confidence in ourselves and believe that we will always win.

42. I'm going to tattoo your initial on my skin because it is mine to remember forever and remember it all the way, of what you did to me one day

(To no man, Ch. 11: Power) It is important to also remember the bad times, so as not to fall back into those mistakes.

43. Say my name, Put your body against mine, and make bad good, Impure I bless it.

(Say my name, Ch. 8: Ecstasy) Passion is an uncontrollable desire that makes sinful addiction.

44. If I fall, that you hold me, I for you, you for me, that they put the shackles on me

(Me x You, You x Me) A relationship must be based on teamwork.

45. And the sad rain falls to look at you, behind each drop an angel looks at you

(Nana, Ch. 9: Concepción) A perfect description of a sense of sorrow that eats away at us.

46. It hurts much more than it hurts you, make no mistake with me

(You don't leave here, Cap. 4: Dispute) This is a classic excuse of an abuser towards his victim, that what he is doing is deserved.

47. God save us from money moving, moving, moving it

(God save us from money) Undoubtedly money is necessary, but how much do we have to fall for it?

48. Memory already brings me things that I was forgetting

(Catalina) In dark moments, our minds can play very dirty with the pain that we think we have left behind.

49. Millone ’burning (To the sky, burning) Check’ blank Going up to the sky and entering Money

(God save us from money) At what point does money go from being a blessing to something that leaves us empty?

50. Her clarity is never darkened and all light from her is come

(Although it is night) Just as the night is beautiful despite its gloom, if we see the positive, our life is also.

What is your favorite phrase from Rosalía? Will you listen to it more often now?

Rosalía and the return of flamenco

Rosalía always takes flamenco music as a source of inspiration, adding other rhythms to give it a modern and very attractive touch for the new generation. We can say that it is a kind of urban flamenco. Who would say that this classical and elegant musical genre combines perfectly with other rhythms?

But not only that, but Rosalía makes a beautiful tribute to other classic elements such as stories, myths and Spanish stories, to create her lyrics. Which gives it a very poetic sense that leads us to inquire about its meaning. Reasons why, make this artist a creator of wonderful works.

Another element that we love about Rosalía is her wide vocal range that harmonizes with all the rhythms of her songs. Without a doubt, she is a singer who knows how to mix the old with the current, to create something never seen before.

Thus, in this article we recognize her talent with the best phrases of her songs, that will inspire you and listen to it more eagerly.

Fun facts about Rosalía

But first, let's get to know a little more about this artist who moves gracefully through many musical styles.

  • Her full name is Rosalía Vila Tobella her and her passion for music began at the age of 7, where she was trained in prestigious music schools and was educated by great teachers such as José Miguel Vizcaya (El Chiqui).

  • She has an instruction in Cello and composition, a specialty in Flamenco and an interpretive ability for the genres of jazz, soul, pop and now trap music (for which she is best known). This is because she has a wide vocal range as a lyrical soprano.

  • She has a very original style, which is appreciated both in her music and in her clothing. She combining the influences of flamenco with urban styles.

  • In addition to being a singer, Rosalía has a great hobby and talent for the cinema, where she is currently working as a producer alongside the film director Pedro Almodóvar.

  • Likewise, she has worked as a supporting actress in some roles such as Pain and Glory by Pedro Almodóvar himself.

  • His personal style has been so striking that it has become a fashion trend. Especially creating crazy designs on super long nails.

  • He has become an inspiration to many women, teaching that you should not be carried away by appearances or negative comments from others.

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