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The 15 most popular and fun board games

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Whether with friends, as a couple or as a family, a board game is always a lot of fun. There are them for all tastes and for all ages, that is why they should not be missing in any meeting that boasts of being fun, and less in the summer holidays.

Laughing together as a family, competing healthily and teaming up is undoubtedly the magic formula to create unforgettable moments. So for those rainy afternoons or for gatherings, here is a list of the most popular and fun board games.

  • Related article: "12 fun games for two (for kids and adults)"

Board games for the whole family

Sometimes you don't need more to have a good time than a well-chosen board game. There are some of strategy, others that can be played in pairs or in a team, others do not require a lot of head, and some are flat out for those who have a lot of patience.

In addition to being fun, board games can be educational. It's a light and relaxed way to help little ones develop skills in various areas. So let's encourage you to decide which will be the next game on this list of the most popular and fun.

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  • Another interesting game: "40 questions to play Truth or Dare (to test)"

1. Domino

Dominoes is one of the classic board games that does not go out of style. It can be played individually or in pairs. If you haven't played Cuban or Double 9 Dominoes, you have to, because it's even more fun. In addition, this domino variation has colors, so it can be easy to play with the little ones.

2. Monopoly

Monopoly is an ideal board game if you have a lot of free time. It can be exciting when played calmly, as a single game can last several hours. It is a bit of strategy although luck also plays a fundamental role. It is a game for the whole family, so the best thing is to prepare a good snack, get comfortable and play monopoly for hours.

3. Deck of cards

Without a doubt, a deck is never missing at home. It is still one of the most popular and fun board games because with a single deck you can play many different games and adapt to the ages of the participants. Briscola, broom, conquián, basket... There are a variety of ways to use the deck, so a single deck provides fun for an entire night.

  • Learn different card games: "The 10 fun card games to play with friends"

4. Faces and gestures

The game faces and gestures always manages to generate good laughter. The advantage of this game is that you can use the one sold in stores, or improvise with pen and paper. You just have to write down names of books, movies or everyday actions on several sheets, without the participants seeing them. The objective is for each participant to reenact, without speaking, what has been written down on the paper. It is similar to the classic Pictionary.

5. Rummi

Rummi is one of the most popular board games. In addition, it is a good way to help little ones to practice math facts and improve their attention. This classic game can not be missing in the family toy library. Any afternoon can be turned into a fun time by all playing a game of Rummi.

6. One

One has become one of everyone's spoiled games. Since its appearance it has been the favorite especially of children. Currently there are different versions of the classic Uno for sale. They are all fun and ideal for the whole family. Definitely a simple way to spend a fun afternoon.

7. Chess

Chess is a complex and interesting strategy game. Although it has a level of difficulty above most table games due to its high complexity, the truth is that once you understand how to play it is very entertaining. There are chess games that can last for many hours, everything will depend on the skill of the participants.

8. Dixit

Dixit is the best board game in Spain, France and Germany. Although it is a game for the whole family, the truth is that children under 7 may not find it so entertaining. It is undoubtedly the favorite because it is a game where the most important thing is the imagination, so regardless of age, everyone has a chance to win.

9. Trivia or Trivial

Trivial (or Trivial Pursuit) is a board game that tests the knowledge of the participants. One of the greatest attractions of this game is that there are specialized versions according to the taste of each family. For example, there are for moviegoers, Game of Thrones lovers, or other series. It also has special questions for children, so everyone can play and win.

  • Highly recommended: "60 Trivia Questions (and Their Answers)"

10. Jenga

Jenga is one of the most exciting board games. In this game, a tower is built with blocks and later each participant must remove them one by one without collapsing the tower and placing it on top to make it grow. It is undoubtedly very complicated and fun, and although it can sometimes take a long time, it is usually done in short rounds, which makes it even more interesting.

11. Parcheesi

Parcheesi will never go out of style. And it is that each generation rediscovers this game and has fun with it. It is a game that can include children as young as 4 years old. The objective is for each player to be able to carry the pieces of the color assigned to them to the other side of the board. The best thing is that on the way you can eliminate the chips of your opponents.

12. Bingo

Bingo is undoubtedly another classic board game. The best thing is to acquire the game that includes the tombola where the balls with the marked numbers rotate. The work of turning the tombola always excites the little ones, in addition to announcing the number that has come out. It is a game for the whole family, where you can also put more excitement if a prize is assigned to the winners.

13. Chopsticks or Mikado

Mikado or chopsticks is a game of skill. It is highly recommended for the little ones, as it can help develop fine motor skills. The objective is to remove the black or white toothpick from the pile of colored toothpicks, this with the help of another toothpick. Without a doubt, a challenge for children under 8 years of age.

14. Game of the Goose

The game of the Goose is the quintessential board game for the family. Is there someone who has not played it at least once in his life? It is a classic that at the same time can be found in thematic versions. The dynamic is simple, so the whole family can be included. Some fun “punishments” can be added to add even more excitement.

15. Stop the game (Tutifruti or enough)

This game has many names around the world, because it is played everywhere. Although it can be played with just a few leaves and feathers, there is the board game for sale that includes everything you need to make it more fun. Although it is necessary for the participants to know how to write, the youngest can be included, even from preschool.
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