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7 tips to take care of the furniture in your home

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When we talk about furniture we refer to the set of furniture that is essential in a house and that have the purpose of facilitating the activities we do daily such as sleeping, eating, cooking and resting. Chairs, tables, beds, shelves, kitchen furniture, among others, are part of these items that we need to have in our home.

There are endless varieties of furniture that allow you to decorate an environment, be it the bedroom, the terrace, the dining room, the kitchen or the hall. It is very important that each space has the appropriate furniture so that it can fulfill the purpose for which it was designed. Precisely for this reason, in this article we will talk about the most efficient ways to take care of the furniture in your home.

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What varieties of furniture are there?

As we already mentioned, there are different types of home furnishings and here we will give you a list with a summary of which are the most remarkable and necessary.

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1. Living room

This area of ​​the house is where we spend a great deal of time in the company of family and friends; demand for a nice decoration and according to the needs of the people who live in the house. The ideal furniture for this place is a good armchair, furniture, auxiliary and coffee tables, shelves for ornaments and books.

2. In the bedroom

This space is designed for sleep and rest, for which it requires comfortable and comfortable furniture such as beds, a nice armchair, nightstands, closet or dresser where to store clothes and shelves to store.

3. For the dining room

The dining room is another space that we use daily, therefore, it needs strong furniture such as a good table to eat, adequate and safe chairs, cabinets for storing dishes and other furniture.

4. Furniture to store

These must be safe and easy to clean since in them you can store food, clothing, belongings and personal hygiene products. They are very useful in the kitchen, bathrooms, bedroom and dining room.

5. Library furniture

They are ideal structures to keep books, school supplies, documents and office work sheltered and organized. Requires strong furniture to this end.

Building materials for furniture

Here you can learn about the types of materials most commonly used for making furniture.

1. Wood

Wood is one of the most used materials to build furniture for the home, it is an element that makes the place more attractive. We can find hard and slightly softer woods, in different shades, in its pure state or in plywood. It is ideal for the furniture of bedrooms, libraries, cabinets, dining tables and side tables.

2. Glass

It is very employed to create light, fresh, sophisticated and luminous environments. It can be used both indoors and outdoors and is used to make tables, shelves and shelves.

3. Metal

The metal furniture gives a very decorative touch since fill the environments with colors.

4. Fur or leather

Skin or leather it is a very precious material in the world of decoration and it is one of the most popular choices for home furnishings.

5. Cloth

Fabric is another widely used material to dress sofas, chairs, armchairs and armchairs.

6. Plastic

Plastic is very popular in contemporary designs, giving rise to simple and practical furniture.

7. Stone

Marble and granite are widely used in countertops and kitchen furniture.

Tips for taking care of home furniture

Since we have known some kinds of home furnishings and building materials, it is necessary that let's get into the topic of how to take care of them and you can do it effectively with the following tips.

1. Tips for caring for wooden furniture

Wood requires care to keep it clean and healthy, it is recommended not to place very hot objects on the wooden tables since they give off a certain humidity. We may forget that and that is why it is important to place cup holders to protect the surface.

To clean the different types of wooden furniture from dust and dirt, you can use a soft, damp cloth, then wipe another dry one. Products for natural or artificial wood are also highly recommended for scratches.

To restore the shine of wooden furniture, all you need is wine vinegar and olive oil., in equal parts and apply it with a clean sponge or canvas, leave it to act for an hour, the oil nourishes the wood and the vinegar removes the dirt. To give it more shine, a little paste or liquid wax is applied.

Wood furniture

2. Tips for cleaning leather furniture

To keep the leather furniture free from pet hair or prevent them from tearing the surface, it is ideal to place a quilt or protector and thus protect them while the dogs and cats are lying on the sofa. It is advisable to air out leather furnitureFor that, place them in a ventilated place and if the climate is very dry, use a conditioner that allows to nourish this material. Avoid using a vacuum cleaner, just use a cloth to remove daily dust and apply the necessary products.

Leather furniture

3. Tips for cleaning glass furniture

Although it may seem easy to clean this type of furniture, it can become complicated if you do not have the necessary care. Glass or crystal is very delicate, collecting dust and dirt due to permanent hand contact and liquid spills, which can result in a dull and unsightly surface.

It is recommended to avoid the use of ordinary water as it may leave some marks, opt for distilled water which, as it contains no minerals, leaves no trace, as well as too much soap to not leave traces of moisture. Instead, white vinegar is a great ally because its components bacteria and removes dust, you just have to combine it with a little water and apply it with a clean cloth.

Glass furniture

4. Tips for cleaning metal furniture

It is very usual that at home there are metal furniture, cabinets or tables or some of its parts, to clean this material lukewarm water and a clean lint-free cloth are recommended and rub the surface following the grain of the material to avoid leaving scratches or marks. Then pass a dry and clean canvas to sweep away the dirt that remains.

To give it shine, the area should be cleaned with a mixture of water and vinegar, go over the entire surface with a cloth moistened with the solution and then dry with another very dry and clean cloth. To remove stubborn stains, place a little thinner on a piece of cloth and wipe it over the affected area, then wipe with a damp cloth.

A point must be highlighted here and that is that, if it is a piece of furniture made of aluminum material, you must be careful with the use of products with hypochlorite in their formula.

Metal furniture

5. Tips for cleaning plastic furniture

Even though plastic is a very strong material, it can be damaged if it is not treated properly. Chairs and tables made with this material are damaged by the sun and rain, but with a little ammonia it can be cleaned. To do this, place a little of this product in a bucket of water and apply it with a sponge and then dry it, if you do not have ammonia, you can use neutral soap.

Another important point is that it is necessary to avoid leaving the plastic furniture to the action of the rain. That is why it is recommended to keep them indoors at this time.

Plastic furniture

6. Tips for cleaning stone furniture

Granite is a noble material that requires care to preserve its beauty. This is because, being a very porous material, it easily absorbs stains, and to eliminate them you just have to wipe a damp cloth with soapy water and gently rub the surface until the dirt disappears.

In case of yellowish stains, make a mixture of water and vinegar and scrub with a toothbrush soaked in the solution and then wipe with a clean, dry cloth.

Stone furniture

7. Tips for cleaning fabric furniture

Fabric sofas, chairs and armchairs are very common in homes as they can be combined with decoration and other materials. The fabric is characterized by being very colorful and having a great combination of colors and texture, but it is also very easy to get dirty.

To leave it clean and free of dirt, a mixture of vinegar and bicarbonate is made and it is passed over the entire upholstery with the help of a cloth dampened in the solution. Do it with circular movements, especially in those very dirty areas or with difficult stains.

In case the fabric is white, it can be cleaned with a mixture of sodium percarbonate and water, as it is very useful for deodorizing, cleaning, bleaching, removing and removing stubborn stains. In case of greasy stains, apply a mixture of salt and lemon juice on the affected area, leave it to act for a few minutes and then remove it with a very damp cloth.

If blood is the problem, apply a solution of hydrogen peroxide and plain water, apply on the stain and after a reasonable time, remove with a cloth soaked in tap water. With these tips you can have clean, scented and well cared for furniture, which helps you save time and money.

Furniture fabric

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