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10 simple and delicious pasta recipes: ingredients and preparation

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A plate with pasta is never badly appreciated on the menu. There are countless ways to prepare and combine it. Spaghetti, cannelloni, lasagna, fusilli, fettuccine, macaroni or penne, are some of the types that can be used in these 10 pasta recipes.

Preparing the pasta has some simple tricks to make it perfect, and once the technique is mastered, any recipe is delicious. We have selected the simplest pasta recipes to prepare to look good with your guests or enjoy them yourself.

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10 simple pasta recipes: ingredients and preparation

The first step to making a great pasta dish is cooking it properly. To achieve this there are three infallible tricks: follow the directions on the package, boil the water and add salt before boiling and then add the pasta and taste it to see if it is just right optimum.

The way to combine, present and serve pasta is as variable as there are ingredients. You can choose one recipe or another according to personal taste, you also have to look for the ingredient that combines with the main dish that will be served.

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Here you have 10 simple and delicious pasta recipes with which to leave everyone with their mouths open.

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1. Spinach fettuccine

A spinach fettuccine is an ideal dish to accompany dinner. You need 400 grams of fettuccine, 1 chopped onion, 2 minced garlic cloves, 6 chopped tomatoes, 2 tablespoons curry powder, paprika, sliced ​​almonds, cooked peas, 4 red onions, oil coconut.

In a frying pan, fry onion, garlic, curry and paprika, when they are golden add the tomato. Blend these ingredients and season. Blanch the red onions and cut them in half. Cook the spinach fettuccine and add the sauce, peas and almonds.

2. Fideuá with mussels

A delicious fideuá with mussels, very simple to prepare. For this recipe you need mussels in tomato sauce, thick noodle, onion, green and red pepper, carrot, zucchini, thin peas, fish stock.

In a paella pan, cook the onion, peppers, carrot and zucchini with oil. Add the noodle, the mussel juice and the fish stock. Boil over low heat for 8 minutes. Add the mussel and let it boil. The fire is extinguished and it is left to rest.

3. Tagliatelle carbonara with brussels sprouts

Tagliatelle carbonara with brussels sprouts is a delicious dish. You will need 250 grams of bacon, a cup of white wine, a cup of Parmesan cheese, 2 egg yolks, a cup of milk, 400 grams of tagliatelle and a cup of Brussels sprouts. First you have to cook the pasta.

Right after, we must boil the cabbages for 5 minutes, remove from the water, put them in the cold and boil again. Repeat the process 3 times. Fry the bacon, remove the fat and add the wine. Mix the cheese with the egg and milk. Add the pasta to the bacon, add the sprouts and the cheese mixture. It is ready to serve.

In the video you can see an example of tagliatelle a la carbonara, but in this case they do not add brussels sprouts:

4. Spaghetti with belly

These spaghetti with belly are an ideal dish for dinner. For this recipe you need 350 grams of cooked spaghetti, 150 grams of tuna belly in oil, 2 aubergines, 20 g of pitted black olives, oregano, olive oil, tomatoes, onion, salt and sugar.

Fry the garlic and onion together with the tomato to prepare a sauce adding salt, pepper and sugar. Cut the aubergine into cubes and sprinkle with salt before frying. Add the sauce, the aubergine, the olives and the belly to the cooked spaghetti. Mix and serve.

5. Penne with dried tomato and asparagus

A plate of penne with dried tomato is a sophisticated but simple recipe to prepare. 400 grams of penne pasta are used, 2 cloves of garlic, butter, olive oil, 8 tomatoes in half, asparagus, basil and grated Parmesan.

Place the tomatoes face down on a baking sheet, brush them with oil and season. Roast at 140º for one hour. Remove the skin and bake again at 180º with the door open to dehydrate. Cook the pasta normally. Sauté the garlic and asparagus with butter. Add the pasta, tomatoes and present with basil and grated cheese.

6. Spaghetti with pearls

The spaghetti with pearls is a very simple dish with a fresh and somewhat exotic flavor.. You will need 500 grams of spaghetti, ½ cup of olive oil, 2 cups of melon balls, 12 slices of Serrano ham, grated Parmesan cheese and basil leaves.

Cook the pasta until it is al dente. Combine it with the olive oil, melon and serrano ham. Mix to incorporate the ingredients. Serve and garnish with basil and grated cheese. This is an ideal recipe for the summer.

7. Thai soup with prawns, noodles and mushrooms

A different way to prepare pasta with this Thai soup with prawns and mushrooms. You need 150 grams of peeled and headless shrimp, chopped garlic, 2 sliced ​​chives, 100 grams of mushrooms, 100 grams of rice noodles, 750 ml of meat broth, grated ginger, soy sauce.

Cook the noodles in water for 20 minutes or according to the instructions on the package. In a saucepan add the meat broth, the garlic sprouts and onions and cook for 5 minutes. Add the mushrooms and prawns and cook for 2 more minutes. Add ginger and soy. Mix with the noodles.

8. Flash with cherry tomato and parmesan cream

This flask with cherry tomato is an ideal dish for a dinner of 4 people. 12 lasagna sheets, 2 cherry tomatoes, olive oil, 1 cup of milk, 1 cup of whipping cream, grated parmesan, minced garlic, oregano. Cook the pasta until it is al dente.

Cut the leaves lengthwise into strips. Mix the tomatoes with garlic olive oil and oregano. Heat the milk with the cream and blend with the Parmesan cheese and pepper to taste. Brown the cherry tomatoes and add the cheese sauce and pasta.

9. Pasta salad with chicken and vegetables

This Chicken Pasta Salad is a convenient and delicious way to make pasta.. 150 grams of screw paste, 150 grams of chicken breast, 100 grams of green asparagus, 1 zucchini, 1 red peach, basil, olive oil, balsamic vinegar and salt.

Cook the pasta in boiling salted water. Fry the sliced ​​zucchini and chicken. Put the asparagus on the grill, cut the peach into wedges. Add all the ingredients to a salad bowl and mix. Add the vinegar and a little olive oil.

10. Pasta with spinach and bacon

Pasta with spinach and bacon is an excellent dish to offer at a dinner. For this dish you need 300 grams of short pasta, 200 grams of bacon in cubes, ½ chopped onion, 2 cups of chopped spinach, 1 cup of white wine. Cook the pasta in water until smooth.

Fry the bacon with the onion in a frying pan until golden brown. Remove excess fat and add white wine, let it heat until the wine is reduced. Add the pasta and spinach. Mix the ingredients, season and serve.

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