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How to be a morning person in 12 effective keys

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Do you have the feeling that you miss a lot during the day by staying up late and waking up the next morning too late? Maybe you should change some habits.

If you want to discover how to be a morning person so you can feel energetic During the first hours of the day, thus getting more out of it, we recommend that you take note of our proposals. They will surely be very useful to achieve your purpose.

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How to be a morning person

Even the little details make the difference. Sight!

1. Advance your alarm clock and set just one alarm

Before deciding to set a new time to get up each morning, make a realistic assessment to be able to fulfill it and that it does not remain as one of many things that we propose that we finally leave for impossible.

Yes for to be able to take advantage of the mornings with enough time you have to set the alarm much earlier and you don't seem able to get it at the first change, You can set yourself up to do it after several days of gradually advancing the alarm, about 15 minutes before every time.

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Of course: Forbidden to stop it and make it sound again! If you wonder how to be a morning person, start by eradicating this habit, since you only manage not to finish catching the rhythm of getting up early. One way to avoid this is to place the watch far enough from the bed that you have to get up to stop it when it rings.

Did you know that there are some alarm clocks that go around the room until you stop them? If you are one of those who has too much trouble getting out of between the sheetsConsider getting one of these.

It is necessary to acquire a daily routine and get used to waking up at the same time.
It is necessary to acquire a daily routine and get used to waking up at the same time. Fountain:Unsplash

2. Establish a new habit: go to bed early

Obviously, if you want to be able to get up early in the morning, the more rested you do it, the better. And to achieve this, you have to set a time limit to go to bed, like when we were little.

Did you know that you can establish a new habit by repeating it for 21 days in a row? Well, take advantage of this information and propose to incorporate your routine of going to sleep at the same time for three weeks in a row. Surely with that purpose and following the rest of the ideas that we give you you will be able to stay more active during the mornings.

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3. Turn off devices with waves and screens in your bedroom

And that includes mobile phones, laptops and televisions, in addition to deactivating the wi-fi whether you have it inside your room or if it is in the next room.

The waves generated by these types of devices alter the quality of sleep. If you have set the firm intention of being a morning person, do not hesitate to turn off or remove everything that contains screens or establishes connections from your bedroom.

4. To sleep at the first sign of tiredness

As you put these suggestions into practice, you will see how little by little your sleep and wake times begin to vary. You will gradually notice how, on the one hand, you notice that you wake up more rested and with more energy than before, and on the other, that the feeling of sleep comes before.

Since this would be a good sign that you are starting to incorporate your new routine, ideally you should support your progress by doing something else: Going to sleep at the first sign of sleep.

In this way you will be accompanying the natural process that your own body has started and that will promote a more restful sleep.

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5. Avoid getting active before sleeping

If among your daily habits is rushing late at night doing certain activities that even when finishing them keeps you in a state of excessive activation, you should consider leaving them or changing the schedule, what when the nervous system remains excited it prevents sleep.

What types of activities are we referring to? From practicing high-impact sports just before going to bed, to watching movies or series whose plot is tense or too stimulating, as well as playing a video game.

Avoid stimulating activities before going to bed.
Avoid stimulating activities before going to bed. Fountain:Unsplash

6. Relaxation at night

To get to be a morning person, pay attention to your nights. Are they calm and do you rest well? How do you get to bed time?

If you drag the tension or nervousness of the day until you go to sleep, you will probably add some extra time being awake tossing and turning in bed. To avoid this, try to enter the night hours accompanied by a more relaxed state.

You can choose to take a hot shower or bath and incorporate essential oils that promote relaxation, such as lavender, chamomile or orange blossom. You could even resort to the effects of aromatherapy by using a pillow mist with any of these scents. Put on soft and calm music, take an infusion of linden, lemon balm or passionflower to calm your body and even resort to some relaxation technique.

In any case, use (and repeat) whatever suits you to go into the night with the maximum guarantees of a good rest.

7. Energy when you get up

And in the same way that you try to slow down at the end of the day, surely you want to increase it effectively at the beginning. In fact, If you were wondering how to be a morning person, probably what interests you the most is seeing yourself with energy when you wake up.

A good habit is, as soon as you wake up, drink a lemon juice on an empty stomach, as it will inject a large dose of vitamin C into your body and prepare it to face the day with enthusiasm and energy. In addition to helping you purify your body of toxins.

Go to the window and let the sun go into the room where you are, but if it is too early and it is still night, turn on the light to that your body perceives that the day begins and begins to function as such.

Wash your face and leave it a little damp when you dry it, and step out onto the balcony to feel the air clearing you up. A few stretches to stretch the muscles and put on music (something more sugary than the one at night, yes). When you go to the shower, try to finish it with cold water on both arms and legs, since you will activate the return circulation and you will feel more active.

8. Positive attitude: What is your motivation to get up early?

Ask yourself a question and answer yourself. What is the reason for deciding to get up early? Go without stress, make the most of the day, do some activity first thing in the morning ...

Whatever, with that answer you give yourself adds a positive attitude boost And keep your goal in mind when the urge to stay in bed holds you back.

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Some people are activated very quickly upon waking up.
Some people are activated very quickly upon waking up. Fountain:Pexels

9. Limit the consumption of excitants to a time slot (and reduce them)

If you are a consumer of coffee, cola or tea, it will probably be difficult for you to reduce the daily amount you drink. In any case, value the possibility of doing it as part of the small sacrifice you will make to be able to get more energy during the day.

Remember that by consuming less excitements, after a few days, your body will regulate itself and suffer fewer ups and downs of fatigue and at bedtime, your sleep will be more restful. In any case, what you should do is set a time limit to have the last coffee, since it can end up affecting your ability to fall asleep or prevent it from not being enough repairman.

10. Plan your mornings so as not to be overwhelmed

If you are able to create a sequence for the first hours of the day, so that you can get anywhere without worrying about being constantly late, you will save much more time than improvising freshly raised.

If you also try to leave your things ready the night before, surely all that extra time that you spent in the morning first thing you can take advantage of to dedicate it to other types of tasks

Plan your mornings to be able to go more relaxed.
Plan your mornings to be able to go more relaxed. Fountain:Unsplash

11. Two-phase exercise

The benefits of sport are more than explained and known, for which we will only give you one suggestion in this regard if what you want is to know how to combine the exercise factor with how to be a person of mornings.

We suggest you incorporate a sports routine that you see yourself able to maintain over time initially in the afternoon or evening, so that After a few hours after finishing it, you begin to notice the effects of fatigue that help you to reconcile dream later.

After time, you could choose to spend that afternoon time first thing in the morning. In this way you could use sport to activate your energy levels with which to face the day with much more charged batteries.

12. Room as a space for rest and relaxation

And to finish our suggestions on how to be a morning person, we suggest you rethink the idea of ​​your bedroom so that it can be perceived as a place that invites you to rest as soon as you see it and enter it.

Use soft colors that convey serenity such as pastel tones or different types of green, avoiding elements of red, bright yellow or fluorine tones that increase activation.

Try to maintain both cleanliness and order and aesthetic harmony, do not encourage turn into a kind of multipurpose room that does not end up being clear if it is an office or a bedroom. But if due to lack of space you have to combine both functions, make sure that both spaces are visually separated.

Cheer up! Surely if you are serious about following these proposals, you can change your habits to enjoy more time in your mornings with energy and effectiveness.

Apply these tips to enjoy getting up every morning!
Apply these tips to enjoy getting up every morning! Fountain:Unsplash

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