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Detox juices: 5 green and rich recipes to prepare at home

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Detox shakes and juices have become the protagonists of the diet for those who lead a healthy lifestyle, as they help purify and eliminate toxins from the body, that is, to detoxify, hence its name 'detox'.

Here We tell you its benefits and we share some easy recipes so you can start incorporating them into your diet and experiment with them.

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Why incorporate detox juices into your diet?

Detox shakes and juices are smoothies that are made from 100% natural fruits and vegetables that provide a good amount of nutrients such as fiber, vitamins and minerals to your body, while helping with the process of eliminating toxins.

Although you will find orange, red and green juices, depending on the type of food they include, detox juices are characterized by being mostly green. Besides being super healthy, they are also a good source of energy with a low caloric content, they help to control weight and to be cleansing, having them for breakfast is a great way to start the day.

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In any case, depending on the detoxifying function that you want the detox juice to fulfill, you can mix the ingredients including only fruits, only vegetables or mix both. Here are 5 recipes for these juices.Choose the one you like the most!

The best green juice and smoothie recipes

With these recipes you can prepare your own juices and natural detox shakes at home to enjoy them instantly.

1. Basic green juice

Ingredients: Celery stalks, cucumber in pieces, a handful of spinach, 1 green apple, juice of half a freshly squeezed lemon and ginger.

Preparation: Mix all the ingredients in the blender until you get the texture of the juice. Serve at room temperature and drink it right there so its nutrients do not oxidize.

2. Basic cleansing juice

Ingredients: celery stalks, 2 cucumbers, a handful of spinach, 2 pineapple slices, juice of half a freshly squeezed lemon, ginger and parsley to your liking.

preparation: Chop all the ingredients and mix them in the blender until you get the texture of the juice you prefer. In summer, you can add two ice cubes at the end to make your detox juice more refreshing.

Rich proposals very easy to prepare at home.
Rich proposals very easy to prepare at home. Fountain:PIxabay

3. Green juice of 2

This cleansing detox juice is perfect for those who are not so fond of vegetables and they prefer a greater quantity of fruits. Make sure to take it in the morning so that the sugar content of the fruits can be fully digested.

Ingredients: 1 cup of water, 2 green apples, 2 lemons, 2 kiwis, celery stalks and ginger to taste.

Preparation: Clean and peel the fruits, chop all the ingredients well and mix them in the blender until you get a light texture.

4. Super green digestive juice

Ingredients: Celery stalks, 1 cucumber in pieces, a handful of spinach, kale, parsley, mint, 1 green apple, juice of half a freshly squeezed lemon and ginger.

Preparation: Wash the ingredients and peel the apple and cucumber. Mix all the ingredients in the blender until you get the texture of the juice. Serve at room temperature and drink it right there so that its nutrients do not oxidize.

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5. Green smoothie

Another way to enjoy these juices is to turn them into detox shakes.. What you have to do is add the type of non-dairy milk that you prefer, but make sure it does not have added sugars. You can take the ingredients of the basic detox juice as an example.

Ingredients: Celery stalks, 1 cucumber in pieces, a handful of spinach, 1 green apple, juice of half freshly squeezed lemon, ginger to taste and 250 ml of unsweetened almond milk with vanilla flavor.

Preparation: Mix the almond milk with the spinach, until you get a green milk. Add the other ingredients to the mixer until you get a homogeneous texture. Serve at room temperature and drink it right there so that its nutrients do not oxidize.

Some more tips about these juices

We give you some last tips to take into account so that you get the most out of these juices.

If they are bought, make sure they are Cold Pressed

If you are not one of those who like to prepare their own detox juices, in the market you can find several brands that sell different types of already prepared drinks, but make sure these are Cold pressed or cold pressed.

The Cold pressed is a preparation method by which the ingredients are blended without heating by high pressure, extracting the maximum juice from fruits and vegetables, but minimizing their early oxidation. This means that the juice you drink will contain all the nutrients and vitamins that your food provides.

Cold Pressed juices provide us with more nutrients.
Cold Pressed juices provide us with more nutrients. Fountain:Pixabay

Try adding some nuts

You can also add small amounts of nuts or peanuts to your juices. either whole or in the form of butter. This helps you have a greater feeling of satiety and it will also provide you with other types of nutrients such as proteins and healthy fats.

Don't give up on a balanced diet

Finally, do not forget to accompany your juices with a balanced diet, since what it is about having a healthy diet compatible with your lifestyle. A juice-based diet can be dangerous and should be done under medical supervision.

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