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The 10 best virtues of a person

All people have a series of strengths and weaknesses that make them unique. Sometimes defects call our attention more and it is something that we should take into account. Surely our relatives have many virtues that sometimes we do not value enough.

In fact, if we reflect on it, we know what the virtues of our loved ones are, whom we sometimes know better than ourselves. But it is very interesting to be aware of what are the best virtues of a person to be able to appreciate them and work to be able to have them.

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The 10 most important virtues that a person can have

In order to be able to acquire any of the virtues that makes a person special, it is first necessary to know them. Surely around us there are magnificent people to whom we can identify some of the 10 most desirable virtues in a person.

Below we can find a selection of the best virtues that a person can possess, and we encourage you to try to develop the maximum number of them.

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Thanks to these qualities we can be people with greater well-being and enjoy better social relationships.

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1. Generosity

Being generous is one of the best virtues there is, and although many people think quickly about the material, this quality goes beyond money. You can be generous in love, time, dedication, smiles or nice words. Who is generous is kind, close and good with other people.

Generosity is a characteristic quality of those who do not think so much about their personal benefit but about the collective benefit. Everyone would like to have a generous partner or friend. To be generous, try to dedicate part of your time and energy to others. You will see that over time their perception of you will improve.

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2. Empathy

That someone knows how to put themselves in someone else's shoes is something highly valued by anyone. This interpersonal ability is related to emotional intelligence, since it allows us to interpret the emotional states of the other person.

Everyone is interested in having people around them who know how to put themselves in their shoes to interpret their personal experiences. It allows to be attentive and understanding from the beginning, and to be able to reach certain conclusions about what someone is going through emotionally, which can have an impact on professional life, family life, etc.

3. Assertiveness

Things can be said in many ways, but all the ways of expressing an opinion can be basically classified in three great possible ways: aggressive, passive and assertive.

Assertiveness is the ability to say things correctly and by name, without entering into intimidation or accepting everything that the other person says without question. Being assertive allows everyone to clearly understand a message and allows positions to be brought closer together.

4. Responsibility

Respect is one of the best virtues or qualities of a person. When someone makes a decision, they have to be consistent with it at all levels. If you do not have this attitude, many negative consequences can appear in the life of the person and those around him.

The responsible person honors other people by fulfilling the given commitment, and takes the necessary actions to carry it out. By acting in this way, confidence and credibility are acquired, as well as well-being in an indirect way.

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5. Joy

Who doesn't like having happy people around them? People who are happy give energy to others and make everything live in a more positive way. The smile and positive energy is an indicator of happiness that we must value a lot. Cheerful people share their good humor and tend to emphasize the bright side of things.

6. Honesty

Honest people go straight ahead and don't wear masks. Their sincerity allows their social relationships to be solid, as they are supported by the guarantee that the person respects and shares their truth about things. In any context (work, family, friends), people who express their opinions without double intentions generate trust and security.

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7. I respect

Respect is one of the best virtues of a person, and it is born from consideration towards other people and towards oneself. In the world we live in, not everyone treats others as they would like to be treated, and this is a shame.

Recognition and tolerance for other people is very important to develop a civic spirit essential for individual and collective well-being. Respect more the interests, feelings and conditions of others and you will see that they will also respect you more.

8. Prudence

People who act prudently understand that things have to be analyzed a bit to avoid messing up. This is also a virtue that makes other people value whoever possesses it, since those who always act impulsively and thoughtlessly end up being involved in problems. Being cautious when making decisions or when saying things is always a value.

9. Commitment

People who give their commitment to a cause or person and keep their word have a high appreciation of those around them. The effort to keep promises has great rewards because others trust those who have commitment. In the end it is a question of credibility, respect and coexistence, and the people who demonstrate their commitment are highly respected by others.

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10. Sense of humor

The sense of humor is one of the strengths of the human being. Humor allows us to laugh, unequivocally a positive emotion, and it is scientifically proven that it brings us health. In addition, learning to laugh at ourselves is also a key point in our growth and denotes maturity.

We all know those who really have a very good sense of humor and make us have a great time with them. Life should always be lived with a little humor and savored with those we cherish.

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Bibliographic references

  • Hilbig, B.E. and Zettler, I. (2009). Pillars of cooperation: Honesty – Humility, social value orientations, and economic behavior. Journal of Research in Personality, 43 (3), 516-519.

  • Rogers, C.R. (1964.) Toward a modern approach to values: The valuing process in the mature person. The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 68 (2), 160-167.

  • Volf, M. (2016). Joy and Human Flourishing. Minneapolis: Fortress Press.

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