Education, study and knowledge

The 80 best jokes for kids

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Jokes are a clever form of language to entertain ourselves and even learn new things, such as lessons, values, or cultural trivia.

In addition, it is a good way to interact with others, that is, laughter always brings people together. It is a point that regardless of foreign differences, languages ​​or ages, everyone in this world will have in common.

For children, jokes are a lot of fun because they develop their creative ingenuity and it is a good way to 'Break the ice' with friends or surprise family members with a new joke they may never have listened. They love to be funny, because they love to see people being happy and more so if the main actors in the plots of said jokes are children.

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It is because of that the following article brings the 80 best children's jokesSo you can have a range of options that your little one will love to share.

Benefits of jokes in childhood

Children have their own sense of humor during their childhood,

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these have the ability to laugh even 10 times more than adults do. Which helps them to promote themselves as people of integrity and even to develop the capacity for empathy, if in addition to laughter, they obtain a correct education at home.

1. Mental health

Not only physical, but also mental and psychological, since laughter releases so-called 'happiness hormones' (serotonin, dopamine, endorphin, oxytocin). Which helps to create neural connections, oxygenate the bloodstream, improve your higher mental abilities, have physical energy and prevent various types of diseases.

2. Low anxiety

Laughter and happiness decrease negative emotions and feelings of pressure they may feel children, especially when faced with something unfamiliar or when they experience their first defeat. Children do not know how to handle frustration well and can get discouraged easily, but laughter can help them improve their spirits and move on.

3. Greater social openness

Jokes can help children to be more sociable in their school and even family environment. That way they can put aside shyness, withdrawal and have a more positive development, as well as experience new things.

4. Be careful with the words

As they are children, we must be very careful with the language and tone of the jokes we share with them. It must be remembered that children are like sponges that absorb all the information they learn around them and emulate them around them.

For example, if a joke contains very vulgar language, children can get used to expressing themselves that way. While if they are very complex, they may not enjoy the jokes in the future as they will not be able to understand them.

80 best jokes for kids

With these jokes you can have a whole range of options so your little one can make everyone laugh.

1. Short jokes

With these jokes, any child can hit the spot with just a few words.

1.1. - Waiter, there's a hair in the soup and it's not mine.

  • Give it to me and we will keep it in case the owner comes to ask for it. 1.2. - What is the last letter of the alphabet? -The O '.
  • Isn't it the Z? -Obviously not! If not, it would be 'abecedarioz'.

1.3. Once upon a time there was a very, very small man who climbed on a marble and said:

  • The world is mine!.

1.4. - Why is the broom happy? -Because sweating.

1.5. - A friend asks the other while they walk:

  • What time is it?
  • Twelve o'clock.
  • What a late!
  • Well, you would have asked before.

1.6. In the fridge were two tomatoes and one says:

  • Oh! I feel very cold! And the other responds: -Hala! A tomato that talks!

1.7. - Dad, how does it feel to have such a handsome son?

  • I don't know son, go and ask your grandfather.

1.8. Two small rats were walking down the street, when a bat passes overhead and one of them asks. -What was that? The other responds:

  • My boyfriend, who is a pilot. 1.9. When leaving school, a girl says to her mother: -Mom! My writing has moved the teacher a lot.
  • Really?
  • Yes, he told me it was sad.

1.10. Two fellow students go down the street and one asks. -How did the exam go? - Too bad, I've left everything blank. "Good grief!" The teacher is going to think that we have copied!

2. Witty jokes

If your little one is looking to surprise the people around him, these jokes are the best for it.

2.1 - Do you know what one jaguar says to another?: "Jaguar you?"

2.2. - How do you say dog ​​in English? -Dog. -And how do you say veterinarian? -Well, obviously: 'Dog-tor'.

2.3. -In jail, one inmate asks the other

  • Hey, why are you here?
  • Well, for the same as you. Because they won't let me out!

2.4. - What is the difference between a flea and an elephant?

  • Very easy! That the elephant can have fleas and the flea cannot have elephants. 2.5. A teacher asks her student:
  • Luisito, what is the A?
  • A vowel, teacher
  • And the K?
  • A consonant that cannot be repeated

2.6. The telephone rings in a house: -Hello? -Hi, is this where they wash the clothes? -Not. -Hala! Well, what pigs.

2.7. -Good, is it 2-22-22-22?

  • Yes it's here
  • Perfect. Can you tell me how I get my finger out of 2 ?!

2.8. -A child comes to his house and says to his mother: -Mom, I have good news and bad news. - Let's see, tell me the good one first. -I got a ten in math. -And what is the bad? -That's a lie.

2.9. A teacher asks in class:

  • Pedrito, which planet comes after Mars?
  • Wednesday

2.10. - What is a vampire doing driving a tractor? Well spread fear!

3. Jokes about doctors

These jokes can reduce the anxiety of the little ones when going to the doctor and also take funny jokes.

3.1. Doctor, doctor, my feet are tingling.

  • Very well! Then I'll prescribe an insecticide. 3.2. - Doctor, I feel bad. The doctor comes over and says:
  • Well then, sit down well!

3.3. - Doctor, doctor, everyone around me ignores me.

  • Next Please!

3.4. - Doctor I have mumps!

  • Well, take 2 euros and you already have some bananas.

3.5. - Doctor, I have a very serious problem. I'm losing my memory!

  • How long?
  • How long ago what?

3.6. - Since when do you think of yourself as a dog?

  • Since he was a puppy, doctor.

3.7. -Doctor, how do I keep what little hair I have left? -Very easy! keeping it in a box.

3.8. -Doctor Doctor! I have a bone out! The doctor answers: -Call him in, please.

3.9. - It seems that his cough is better.

  • Sure! Yes, I was practicing all night!

3.10. - Doctor, doctor, after the operation, will I be able to play the guitar?

  • Yes man, perfectly.
  • How cool! Because before I did not know

4. Jaimito jokes

The classic jokes where Jaimito is the main character never go out of style, they are always witty and very funny.

4.1. - In History class, they ask Jaimito:

  • What happened in 1812?
  • What do I know, teacher, if he was not even born.

4.2. - Mom, mom! At school they call me distracted

  • Baby boy! You live in the house across the street

4.3. - Let's see Jaimito, name me three members of the rodent family?

  • Hmm... rodent potato, rodent mama, and baby rodent.

4.4. Jaimito asks his mother:

  • Mom, what is it you have in your belly? And his mother responds:
  • I have a baby that your dad gave me. The boy looks at her with horror and goes in search of her father to tell her:
  • Dad dad! Don't give Mum any more babies because she eats them!! "

4.5. The teacher asks Jaimito one day in class

  • Jaimito, define what ‘’ telepathy ’’ is.
  • Television set for my mother's sister.

4.6. - Jaimito, do you know what the charge of the electron is?

  • Negative
  • And the proton?
  • I don't know either.

4.7. In class they ask Jaimito:

  • Baby boy, tell me two pronouns
  • Who me?
  • Correct!

4.8. Very angry the teacher asks Jaimito after an exam:

  • Jaimito, have you copied Pedro's exam? Jaimito, making a face of innocence and bewilderment, responds:
  • No teacher!
  • So why in question 3, where Pedro answered '' I don't know '', did you put '' Me neither '' '?

4.9. The father sees Jaimito and asks him:

  • Why do you put the apples in the window?
  • Because he makes a cold that peels

4.10. - Jaimito, you can't sleep in class!

  • I know, teacher, not for you to talk.

5. Pepito jokes

Another classic character from children's jokes, with which your little ones will laugh and even identify.

5.1. - Pepito say a sentence with the verb I suppose.

  • I saw my grandmother tuck the newspaper under her arm. I guess she goes to the bathroom, because she can't read.

5.2. The math teacher asks Pepito in class:

  • Pepito, if you have 10 euros in one pocket of your pants and in the other you have two 100-euro bills, what do you have in total?
  • Someone else's pants, professor.

5.3. - Master, would you punish me for something that I did not do?

  • No Pepito, of course not!
  • What a relief, because I didn't do today's homework.

5.4. The teacher asks Pepito:

  • Pepito, how much does the earth weigh?
  • But teacher, with people or without people?

5.5. - Let's see, Pepito, what can you tell me about the death of Christopher Columbus?

  • I'm really sorry, teacher. 5.6. In English class the mother asks Pepito:
  • Let's see, she translates this phrase into English: "The cat fell into the water and drowned." Pepito excitedly responds:
  • I know this. "The cat cataplum in the water gluglu no more meow meow".

5.7. The angry mother tells Pepito:

  • Let's see if you behave! Every time you do something bad I get a gray hair.
  • Ahhh! So you must have been tremendous, because look at how grandma's hair is.

5.8. - Pepito, why shouldn't children make noise at mass?

  • Well, because there are a lot of people asleep!

5.9. At school, the teacher asks Pepito:

  • Tell me Pepito, how do you imagine the ideal school?
  • Closed, teacher!

5.10. - Tell me Pepito, what country are the Mayas from?

  • Well, from Mayami teacher!

6. Math jokes

These jokes can go a long way toward helping children reduce their math anxiety and have fun with it.

6.1. - Why did the math book die?

  • Because I had too many problems.

6.2. - You have committed a mathematical crime.

  • Well, the most.
  • Then the rest.

6.3. - The pizza, do you want it cut into 6 or 8 pieces?

  • Obvious in 6, that with 8 I will not be able to.

6.4. What is the height of a mathematician? - Dying from calculations

6.5. - What happens when X tends to infinity?

  • Well, infinity dries up.

6.6. - Papa, papa, can you solve this math problem for me?

  • No son, it wouldn't be nice.
  • But try it anyway.

6.7. What does a 2 say to a 0? - Twenty with me handsome

6.8. The teacher asks Jaimito in math class:

  • Jaimito, if I have 15 pears in one hand and 10 in the other, what do I have?
  • Huge teacher hands.

6.9. The math teacher asks:

  • What should I do to distribute 11 potatoes for 7 people?
  • Mashed potato, professor.

6.10. A friend asks the other: - Hey! Do you know a math joke? - More or less?

7. Jokes about animals

Animals can also be the protagonists of funny jokes for children.

7.1. A mosquito mother warns her children about her. -Be very careful with humans, they always seek to kill us! But one of them answers: "That is not true!" The other day a human was clapping for me.

7.2. What is the animal with the most teeth?

  • The little mouse Pérez. 7.3. A mouse asks another that was found:
  • What are you doing sitting there?
  • I'm waiting for a little while

7.4. One iguana meets another and asks: -Hi, what's your name? -Iguana, and you? -Iguanita than you.

7.5. What does a seal say to a dark room?

  • We both need a focus

7.6. What is the oldest animal in the world?

  • The panda bear... because it is in black and white!

7.7. What does a worm say to another worm?

  • I'm going for a walk around the block.

7.8. A cat is walking on a roof and meets another cat. The first cat says to the first:

  • "Meow meow meow" And the second answers:
  • "Guaaaaaau guuuuaaaaauuuu" The first confused cat asks:
  • Hey, why are you barking like a dog?
  • Because I know two languages.

7.9. He was such a lazy horse, so lazy, so lazy. That when they put the saddle on him, he would sit in it.

7.10. What to give an elephant with diarrhea?

  • Space, lots of space.

8. Jokes about nature

Mother nature and the environment give us the perfect setting for children to make us laugh.

8.1. A small tree asks his mother: -When my father was small, did he know the whole environment or was it already half?

8.2. A child was playing in his yard, when his mother yells at him:

  • Don't play on the dirt! So the boy went to Mars.

8.3. - Teacher. Why are hurricanes named after women?

  • Because when they get angry they take everything they can.

8.4. What if planet earth were a cube?

  • We would all be Cubans.

8.5. - Drunk people are the most sensitive beings that exist

  • Why?
  • Because they are the only ones capable of perceiving the rotating motion of the Earth.

8.6. There are two cows talking:

  • Hey, did you hear that rumor that we're crazy?
  • And what are you telling me! I am a dog!

8.7. What is the cleanest mountain?

  • The volcano. Because it throws ash and then it washes.

8.8. What is between the earth and the planets?

  • Much space!

8.9. - Come, my son. Do you see all that land?

  • Yes Dad.
  • All, all?
  • Yes Dad.
  • Well, grab a broom and start sweeping it.

8.1.0 - First act: A boy planted in the ground.

  • Act Two: Another Boy Planted in the Ground
  • Act three: Another boy planted in the dirt. How is the play called?
  • Kinder garden

I hope you enjoyed these funny and witty jokes for kids to share with your little ones at home.
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