Education, study and knowledge

75 Wise Proverbs to Ponder Slowly

Proverbs are a series of phrases that have been captured in time and history, not only because of the characters who said those words, but because of the high content of wisdom they possessed.

Wisdom, which is capable of leading you to reflect on the direction that your life is taking, rather than by containing the answers that so much you can be looking for, it is because you can feel identified with the situations that arise and thus understand that you are not the only one that you may be going through a moment of stagnation or you will know that it is normal to feel lost, but that the important thing is to look for the exit.

  • It may interest you: "50 great Chinese Proverbs (and their meaning)"

Thus, we bring next the best proverbs They contain so much knowledge that they will lead you to reflect on your life.

Wise Proverbs with which to reflect and acquire knowledge

These wise proverbs come from all over the world, different times and people who saw life in a unique way. They are maxims from many parts of the world, so you can consider it an intellectual journey through the wisdom of many nations and cultures.

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1. People do their hair every day. Why not the heart? (Chinese proverb)

There are those who give more priority to superficial things.

2. Birds sing not because they have answers but because they have songs. (African proverb)

Do things to please yourself and not to receive the approval of others.

3. He who seeks a friend without defects is left without friends. (Turkish proverb)

We are all imperfect beings and that is what makes us special.

4. Everyone complains about lack of money, but lack of intelligence, nobody (Jewish proverb)

Many underestimate the importance of preparing professionally.

5. Before changing the world, walk around your house three times (Chinese proverb)

Do not judge others, without making a complete analysis of yourself.

6. Advise the ignorant, and he will take you for his enemy. (Arabic proverb)

Ignorant people will always feel that every help is an attack on them.

7. Love your neighbors, but don't get rid of the fence. (Chinese proverb)

It is important to love and respect people, but never let them take advantage of you.

8. Great souls have wills; the weak only wishes. (Chinese proverb)

Not only does it serve to want to do something, but to have the will to do what it takes to achieve it.

9. Fast is slow, but without pauses. (Japanese proverb)

No matter your pace, what you should not do is stop.

10. The past has fled, what you hope is absent, but the present is yours. (Arabic proverb)

It is useless to be mortified by what happened or worry about what will happen, because that prevents us from living today.

11. Who does not have children, educates them better (Jewish proverb)

It is easy to find fault in others, than in your own children.

12. Stay away from a goat from the front, a horse from behind, and a fool from nowhere. (Latin proverb)

It is better to avoid those who do us no good.

13. Praise only God, criticize only yourself. (Arabic proverb)

Don't seek to blame others for your actions.

14. Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him demonstrate it with his good behavior, through works done with the humility that his wisdom gives him. (Biblical proverb)

Good deeds speak louder than any bravado.

15. Before being a dragon, you have to suffer like an ant. (Chinese proverb)

To be successful it is important to learn the lessons of failure.

16. As you walk the path of life, you will see a great abyss. Jump It is not as wide as you think. (Native American proverb)

This proverb teaches us that there is no obstacle that we can overcome and invites us to overcome them.

17. If what you are going to say is not more beautiful than silence: don't say it. (Arabic proverb)

If you are not going to contribute something good, better be quiet.

18. Better to die of laughter than of fear. (Jewish proverb)

We should always strive to seek our happiness instead of being paralyzed by what scares us.

19. When misfortune looks out the window, friends do not come to look. (German proverb)

True friends are the ones who stay with you in the worst situations.

20. You cannot prevent the bird of sadness from flying over your head, but you can prevent it from nesting in your hair. (Chinese proverb)

Here we are taught that although we cannot avoid misfortunes, we can avoid being dragged down.

21. Consult your wife and do the opposite of what she advises you. (Arabic proverb)

What we say does not always mean exactly that, but quite the opposite.

22. He who does not know how to smile should not open a shop. (Chinese proverb)

Smiles are warm welcome.

23. Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all the wretched. (Biblical proverb)

Do not remain indifferent to injustices, especially if you have the power to change them.

24. Water that you should not drink, let it run. (Spanish proverb)

If you see that something is not for you or does not suit you, let it go.

25. An open book is a talking brain; closed a friend who waits; forgotten, a forgiving soul; destroyed, a heart that cries. (Hindu proverb)

A book is one of the most important objects that we must have with us.

26. Experience is the name that people give to their mistakes. (Jewish proverb)

We learn more from our mistakes than anywhere else.

27. Punish those who are envious by doing good to them. (Arabic proverb)

There is nothing more envious people hate, than the happiness that those around you.

28. Look for a light instead of eternally cursing the darkness. (Chinese proverb)

Stop complaining about your problems and focus on finding a solution.

29. The spoiled person does not like to be corrected by anyone, nor does he hang out with the wise. (Biblical proverb)

Those who feel superior will never want another to advise them.

30. When you drink water, remember the source. (Chinese proverb)

This proverb reminds us that we should always be grateful for what we receive.

31. The tears shed are bitter, but the most bitter are those that are not shed. (Irish proverb)

The feelings we keep inside can hurt us more than those we let out.

32. Patience is a tree with bitter roots but very sweet fruits. (Persian proverb)

Patience may seem tedious, but it's worth it.

33. Gray hair is a sign of old age, not wisdom. (Jewish proverb)

An older person is not someone who knows everything.

34. The moon and the love, when they do not grow up, decrease. (Portuguese proverb)

When a relationship does not grow, it is impossible for it to move forward and for happiness to emerge.

35. The man cannot jump out of his shadow. (Arabic proverb)

We cannot detach ourselves from our actions.

36. So be careful how you live. Live not as fools but as wise, making the most of every opportune moment, because the days are bad. (Biblical proverb)

You have to live life, the good and the bad in it, because there is no going back.

37. Who is afraid of suffering, already suffers about fear. (Chinese proverb)

Life brings happiness but also pain that helps us grow.

38. Pure water is the first and most important medicine in the world. (Slovak proverb)

Water is the most natural and vital thing that our body touches.

39. Before you question your wife's good judgment, take a look at who she has married. (Egyptian proverb)

A couple is a unit, so what happens in the relationship is the responsibility of both.

40. As we age, the human being sees worse but more (Jewish proverb)

The passage of time makes us old, but more knowledgeable people.

41. The best mirror is a friendly eye. (Greek proverb)

With friends, we can discover if we are good or bad people.

42. He who is healthy has hope, and he who has hope owns everything. (Arabic proverb)

Hope is a strong engine that gives us energy to keep going.

43. The best pillow is a clear conscience. (German proverb)

Bad deeds and regrets weigh heavily on the mind.

44. It is easier to vary the course of a river than the character of a man. (Chinese proverb)

People can be so stubborn that they refuse to change, even if it benefits them.

45. A loving heart is always young. (Greek proverb)

Love always fills us with vitality.

46. Falling is allowed! Getting up is mandatory! (Russian proverb)

It does not matter how many times you make mistakes, but that you rectify yourself.

47. Keeping quiet is more complicated than speaking well. (Jewish proverb)

What do you think about it? Is it better to talk for the sake of talking or to be silent

48. We ask the flowers to have perfume. To men, education. (English proverb)

Education is what leads us to be citizens of integrity and kind people.

49. The treasure that is not spent is little used. (Arabic proverb)

If we do not use our assets for a greater cause, we will remain empty.

50. Before destruction goes pride, and before fall, haughtiness of spirit. (Biblical proverb)

You always have to see the positive side of every moment, even the difficult ones.

51. If you do not want it to be know, do not do it. (Chinese proverb)

If you are going to do something secretly, is it okay for you to do it?

52. Absence is to love what air is to fire: it quenches the little one and enlivens the big one. (Spanish proverb)

Absences can break a relationship, but they can also increase great passions.

53. The heart is a child: it waits for what it wants. (Russian proverb)

Is that why we always keep a part of our attitude as a child?

54. The world will disappear not because there are too many humans, but because there are too many inhumans. (Jewish proverb)

Inhumanity should not be accepted in any context.

55. We are all made of the same clay, but not the same mold. (Mongolian proverb)

Although we are people, each and every one of us is different.

56. He who makes the drum beat for the mad man to dance, he is no better than the madman. (African proverb)

Both the perpetrator and the one providing the crime scene are guilty.

57. A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones. (Biblical proverb)

Joys can help us heal any misery.

58. The best closed door is one that can be left open. (Chinese proverb)

If we have nothing to hide, we need not worry.

59. The sun does not know good, the sun does not know bad. The sun illuminates and warms everyone equally. Whoever finds himself is like the sun. (Japanese proverb)

Accepting ourselves implies being aware of our strengths and weaknesses.

60. It is crazy to love, unless you love yourself madly. (Latin proverb)

If you are not going to love with all your might, then don't do it.

61. God, help me to get up, I can fall by myself. (Jewish proverb)

He accepts help when you feel it is needed.

62. Wisdom is not transfered, it is learned. (Arabic proverb)

Wisdom is not a vessel that is inherited, but life lessons that we learn to appreciate.

63. The smile costs less than electricity and gives more light. (Scottish proverb)

Smiles are true acts that reflect the warmth of people.

64. It is easy to dodge the spear, but not the hidden dagger. (Chinese proverb)

Not all the people who claim to be your friends are.

65. When the shepherd returns home in peace, the milk is sweet. (Ethiopian proverb)

Peace is the most essential element to comfort our soul.

66. Visits are like fish, which smell after three days. (Galician proverb)

Sometimes three is a crowd.

67. As sweet as love is, it won't feed you. (Jewish proverb)

Loving is not enough, for a relationship to be lasting, you must focus on every aspect of life.

68. The best visits are the shortest. (Arabic proverb)

Even if things don't last long, they can be very special.

69. Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. (Biblical proverb)

When we fall, we can have our friends to help us get up.

70. Dig the well before you get thirsty. (Chinese proverb)

Better safe than sorry.

71. Even monkeys fall out of trees. (Japanese proverb)

People make mistakes, even those who are very successful.

72. You don't need glasses to see other people's mistakes. (Basque proverb)

To see the mistakes of others, you have to stop believing that they are perfect people.

73. An intelligent enemy is better than a foolish friend. (Senegalese proverb)

Don't be afraid to surround yourself with people who are more experienced than you, as this will help you grow.

74. With my teachers I have learned a lot; with my colleagues, more; with my students even more. (Hindu proverb)

When we share our knowledge, we acquire new information.

75. We want to bequeath two things to our children: the first is roots, the second is wings. (Sudanese proverb)

Try to teach your children valuable lessons that will fill them with the courage to pursue their dreams.

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