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80 phrases about respect (and famous quotes)

Respect is that characteristic that some personality types possess that allows us to have peace and understanding between people.

Without respect, the society we live in would not be possible as we know itWell, to be respected the main thing is also to respect the rest of our fellow citizens.

Thus, on the basis of respect, harmony and cooperation are founded, elements necessary for us to live in harmony and develop as individuals.

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Phrases of respect and tolerance

Then We are going to show you a selection of 80 phrases about respect known and unknown authors that we should all know.

Let us reflect together on this great virtue, which is undoubtedly respect, and put into practice this essential virtue to live in peace.

1. Respect for ourselves guides our morals; respect for others guides our ways. (Laurence Sterne)

Respecting ourselves and respecting others is something that will say a lot about the person we are.

2. Respect was invented to cover the empty space where love should be. (Leo Tolstoy)

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A very poetic phrase by Leo Tolstoy with a very particular vision of respect.

3. Respect yourself if you want others to respect you. (Baltasar Gracián)

All respect begins with the respect we have for ourselves, because without it others will never respect us.

4. If you want others to respect you, it is best to respect yourself. Only then will you force others to respect you. (Fyodor Dostoyevsky)

Another interesting quote that talks about respecting ourselves and where it will take us.

5. Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear. (Albert Camus)

Respect and fear are two different things, respect based on fear is not authentic respect, because respect comes from admiration.

6. A religion or philosophy that is not based on respect for life is not a true religion or philosophy. (Albert Schweitzer)

Respect for life is something that all religions and philosophies share, as this is the highest ideal.

7. Suffering deserves respect, submitting is despicable. (Victor Hugo)

We must suffer to achieve our goals, but never submit to the designs of life.

8. I speak to everyone in the same way, be it the garbage man or the president of the university. (Albert Einstein)

Einstein speaks to us in this sentence of the respect that he professed towards all people, regardless of their level in the social ladder.

9. Respect is what we have; love is what we give. (Philip James Bailey)

All people deserve to be treated with respect, just as we must respect everyone else.

10. One of the sincerest forms of respect is listening to what others have to say. (Bryant H. McGill)

Listening to what others tell us is one of the pillars of respect for others.

11. Give every human being every right you claim for yourself. (Thomas Paine)

We should treat others as we would like them to treat ourselves.

12. All should be respected as individuals, but none idealized. (Albert Einstein)

Respect in society should be a constant and we should all have the same value as individuals within society.

13. The journey is not as important as the way we treat those we meet along the way. (Jeremy Aldana)

We tend to give importance to things that lack it and to others such as respect, we do not value it as we should.

14. Without a feeling of respect, there is no way to distinguish men from beasts. (Confucius)

Respect is something that makes us great as people and shows our integrity to others.

15. The truest form of love is how you behave towards someone, not how you feel towards them. (Steve Hall)

There can be no love between two people if there is not a solid foundation of mutual respect.

16. There is no respect for others without humility for oneself. (Henri Frederic Amiel)

Being humble people generates respect from others towards us, because humility says a lot about us and deserves to be respected.

17. Tolerance for those who agree with you is not tolerance at all. (Ray Davis)

Learning to respect those with whom we disagree is where we truly show that we value respect.

18. Never judge someone by their appearance or a book by its cover, because within those tattered pages there is so much to discover. (Stephen Cosgrove)

Qualities such as respect are shown, among other things, by not judging someone before meeting them as a person, as the outward appearance can send us the wrong message.

19. The worker needs respect more than bread. (Karl Marx)

The person of humble origin deserves the same respect as the most powerful in the world.

20. Show respect for the opinions of others, never tell someone that they are wrong. (Dale Carnegie)

Respecting the opinion of others is the best way to show the respect we have for them.

21. The final test of a gentleman is respect for those who cannot be of any value to him. (William Lyon Phelps)

Even if a person is not useful to you in your life or you owe him anything, he deserves to be respected in the best possible way.

22. Whoever wants a rose must respect the thorns. (Turkish proverb)

All people can have points of confrontation on a particular issue, but we must respect each other without distinction.

23. Seek respect, not attention. Lasts longer. (Ziad K. Abdelnour)

Respect is something that is hard to win in others and that they will always attribute to us.

24. When men and women are able to respect each other and accept their differences, then love has a chance to flourish. (John Gray)

When two people respect each other is when the opportunity to love each other can exist.

25. Self-respect permeates every aspect of your life. (Joe Clark)

Respecting ourselves is something that will help us achieve our goals in life.

26. Everyone in society should be a role model, not just because of their self-respect, but because of respect for others. (Barry Bonds)

We should all learn to respect ourselves and others, that would make this society much better.

27. A respectable appearance is enough to make other people more interested in your soul. (Karl Lagerfeld)

Showing an appearance that may seem respectable can open many doors for us, even generating a positive opinion of us in others before we meet.

28. I firmly believe that respect is much more important and greater than popularity. (Julius Erving)

A person can be popular, but if he is not respected that popularity is not based on true admiration.

29. Anyone who does not have the courage to speak up for his rights cannot earn the respect of others. (René Torres)

We must respect ourselves and make ourselves respected among others so that they take us into consideration.

30. I have more respect for a man who lets me know what his position is, even if he is wrong, than for the other who comes as an angel but turns out to be a demon. (Malcolm X)

Being honest with others can be seen by them as being worthy of high respect.

31. We are all the same due to the fact that we are all different. We are all the same for the fact that we will never be the same. (C. JoyBell C)

That which makes us unique makes us at the same time equal to any other human being, we are unique drops in a vast ocean.

32. Self-respect is the cornerstone of all virtue. (John Herschel)

Self-respect is where all great personalities begin, without it we cannot mature as people.

33. Bread feeds the body, respect the soul.

Respect comforts us as individuals and makes us at peace with ourselves.

34. Sublime qualities command respect; the beautiful love. (Immanuel Kant)

Those qualities that make us a great person such as: character. humility, generosity etc.. They are the ones that create the most respect for us.

35. You have to know how to feel, that you have to know how to fight to earn the respect of others and respect those others.

We must work to earn the respect that we deserve, respect is not achieved without doing our part.

36. To get respect, first think about how you can respect others.

Our respect for others is necessary if we want them to respect us too.

37. Every living being deserves our respect, whether humble or haughty, ugly or beautiful. (Lloyd Alexander)

The respect with which we treat other living beings is the same that we will receive from them.

38. Live with integrity, respect the rights of other people. (Nathaniel Branden)

Being people of integrity begins with respect for others, without this we will never be.

39. Self-respect is the noblest garment and the highest sentiment that can fit the human mind. (Samuel Smiles)

Self-respect makes us great as individuals and makes us someone with greater charisma.

40. Kindness is the principle of touch, and respect for others is the first condition for knowing how to live. (Henri-Frédéric Amiel)

To relate correctly within society, everything begins with respecting others first.

41. Respect is one of the great expressions of love. (Miguel Angel Ruiz)

Respect is a sign of the love that we can profess towards others, respect towards our relatives is a great quality.

42. The secret to a happy life is respect. Respect for yourself and respect for others. (Ayad Akhtar)

Without a doubt a great quote that tells us about how we should live our life, being honest and respectful towards ourselves or towards the rest.

43. Responsibility increases self-respect. (Lea Thompson)

When we absorb responsibilities and are able to fulfill them, our respect for ourselves increases, as we are more aware of what we are capable of.

44. If we want respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable. (Louis D. Brandeis)

All laws must be based on respect for the human being and for his life, because if this were not the case, it would not be fair.

45. I must respect the opinions of others even if I do not agree with them. (Herbert H. Lehman)

Respecting the opinions of others is something that we must learn as soon as possible, because respecting them makes us advance within society.

46. Be modest, be respectful to others, try to understand. (Lakhdar Brahimi)

How we treat other people is how they should treat us, we must be respectful.

47. Civilization is a method of living, an attitude of equal respect for all people. (Jane Addams)

The society in which we live bases its coexistence on mutual respect and tolerance between individuals.

48. Respecting others is the best tool to earn respect. (Junaid Raza)

Without a doubt a quote that is a truth in capital letters and that we should all know.

49. Anyone who teaches me deserves my respect and attention. (Sonia Rumzi)

We must respect our teachers and tutors, as they will teach us to be the adult we will be in the future.

50. If you really want to be respected by those you love, you must prove to them that you can survive without them. (Michael Bassey Johnson)

Showing our loved ones our worth within society will make their respect for us even greater.

51. Self-respect knows no considerations. (Mahatma Gandhi)

We must begin by respecting ourselves and then being able to carry out the rest of life's designs being consistent with ourselves.

52. Don't worry about what other people say; be yourself, say what you want to say with respect. (Mariano Rivera)

We must show ourselves in society as we are, always respecting of course the ideas of others.

53. Respect for oneself is the fruit of discipline; the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself. (Abraham Joshua Heschel)

Being honest with ourselves we will know when we are respecting ourselves and when we are not, we should not be hypocrites.

54. Differences are not meant to divide, but to enrich. (J. H. Oldham)

What makes us different among people makes this species something bigger and without a doubt much something stronger.

55. He who loves others is constantly loved by them. He who respects others is constantly respected by them. (Mencius)

In this quote, Mencio tells us about what a mantra can be in our lives: respect and you will be respected.

56. Love is mutual respect for one another. (Simone Elkeles)

When we love someone unconsciously, we also respect them, if there is no mutual respect, surely there is no love.

57. Honest differences are often a healthy sign of progress. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Being aware of what differentiates us and learning from it helps us to make this society stronger.

58. Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; But if someone lays their hand on you, send them to the cemetery. (Malcolm X)

Malcolm X talks about respect and how we should not let others trample us.

59. If we are not free, no one will respect us. (TO. P. J. Abdul Kalam)

To be respected we must be free people and equal to everyone in society, slavery does not allow the people who suffer it to be respected because they are already being outraged at the base.

60. A person is a person, no matter how small. (Dr. Seuss)

We are all human beings and equal within society, regardless of any detail of our physical appearance.

61. Respect is a two-way street, if you want to receive it, you have to give it. (R.G. Risch)

The respect that we offer to others will be the same that we will receive from them.

62. We must learn to live together as brothers or we will perish together as fools. (Martin Luther King, Jr)

A society where people do not respect each other is hopelessly doomed to failure and self-destruction.

63. I cannot conceive of a greater loss than the loss of self-respect. (Mahatma Gandhi)

When we lose respect towards others it is very serious, but when we lose respect towards ourselves it is calamitous.

64. Respect yourself and others will respect you. (Confucius)

Confucius also endorsed this life mantra that many people in their own words also followed throughout their lives.

65. I respect orders, but I also respect myself, and I will not obey any rules specially made to humiliate me. (Jean Paul Sartre)

Sometimes we must refuse to carry out actions that are imposed on us if they do not respect our physical or moral integrity.

66. Being unique is a great thing, but respecting the right to be different is perhaps the greatest thing. (Bond)

U2's vocalist Bono tells us about the quality we demonstrate by respecting the differences that characterize us as people.

67. Knowledge will give you power, but character will give you respect. (Bruce Lee)

The character that we show to others and how we use it, can give us the respect of our peers.

68. When you're content to just be yourself and don't compare or compete, everyone will respect you. (Lao Tse)

When we are consistent with ourselves and proud of our achievements, we will be respected by those around us.

69. For the living we owe respect, but for the dead we only owe the truth. (Voltaire)

We must respect ourselves in life and honestly appreciate what those who are no longer with us did.

70. Being brilliant is no great feat if you don't respect anything. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

If we do not profess respect for what surrounds us, we show that we have a weak and emotionally miserable personality.

71. It is always more valuable to have respect than the admiration of people. (Jean Jacques Rousseau)

When someone respects you it is because they really value who you are and when someone admires you it is because value what you did, what we did was only something specific but who we are will be forever.

72. Perhaps the highest feeling that can be felt for another person is respect, rather than love and adoration. (Milena Busquets)

Respect is what the beginning of any type of interpersonal relationship should be founded on.

73. I have learned not to try to convince anyone. The work of convincing is a lack of respect, it is an attempt to colonize the other. (José Saramago)

José Saramago talks to us in this quote about why the fact of convincing to pass first by not respecting the opinion of the other.

74. We must build a new world, a much better world. One in which the eternal dignity of man is respected. (Harry S. Truman)

President Truman conveys to us in this quote his firm belief in respect for human dignity.

75. They must respect each other and refrain from arguing; They must not, like water and oil, repel each other, but must be like milk and water, mix together. (Buddha)

A great quote from Buddha that shows us the desire for understanding of him among all the peoples of the world.

76. Respect motivates me, not success. (Hugh Jackman)

Earning the respect of others is the greatest personal success we can achieve.

77. Respect is one of the great treasures of life. (Marilyn Monroe)

Without a doubt, Marilyn knew the value of respect between people.

78. We do not need to share the same opinions as others, but we must be respectful. (Taylor Swift)

Disagreeing with another person is not a reason for anything other than respect for that person's ideas.

79. I believe at the end of the day that all women like to feel appreciated and to be treated with respect and kindness. (Sofia Vergara)

Being treated with respect whether we are men or women is what our soul needs to feel at peace and harmony with others.

80. Respect, honor, words are the base and the foundation, two lives together and constantly growing. (ZPU)

The rap singer ZPU speaks to us in this quote of the respect that two people who have any type of relationship, both friendly and loving, should show each other.

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