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The 90 best phrases about society

Every person lives within a society, for which he is a sociable being, which depends on the various factors that make it a bit difficult to abide by the imposed rules. Society can be defined as an organized system where individuals relate to each other. And with these phrases we will reflect on the impact that living in community has on us.

Great phrases about society

With this compilation of phrases you will be able to see all the influence that society has had on humanity.

1. A nation that spends more money on military weaponry than on social programs is approaching spiritual death. (Martin Luther King)

Wars should not exist as they destroy society.

2. Compatriots. arms will give you independence, laws will give you freedom. (Simon Bolivar)

Freedom is only achieved through laws.

3. What is given to children, children will give to society. (Karl Augustus Menninger)

Education is a fundamental part of society.

4. The bad thing is not man, it is society, because it is made for man to fall. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

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As is society, so is humanity.

5. We are in a situation where we are constantly encouraged and predisposed to act self-centered and materialistic. (Zygmunt Bauman)

We all want to be better than others.

6. He who respects the flag as a child will know how to defend it when he is older. (Edmundo de Amicis)

Love for the country has been taught since childhood.

7. The teacher who tries to teach without inspiring in the student the desire to learn is trying to forge a cold iron. (Horace Mann)

Education and inspiration go hand in hand.

8. The chains of slavery only bind the hands: it is the mind that makes man free or slave. (Franz Grillparzer)

What enslaves man is his way of thinking.

9. Men have not established society just to live, but to live happily. (Aristotle)

Living in community is not an easy task, but we must do it.

10. Society becomes like a ship and everyone must contribute to the good direction of its rudder. (Henrik Ibsen)

Human beings are called to coexist in groups in a harmonious way.

11. Man is born free, responsible and without excuses. (Jean Paul Sartre)

Man is free from the moment he comes into the world and he must be so until he leaves it.

12. The social instinct of men is not based on the love of society, but on the fear of loneliness. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

The man lives in community so as not to feel alone.

13. A people that oppresses another people cannot be free. (Frederick Engels)

No one can enslave others.

14. The moral sense is of great importance. When it disappears from a nation, the entire social structure goes towards collapse. (Alexis Carrel)

Without values, society is destined to die.

15. There are very frightful enemies in our societies, namely: speculation, agio, the metallization of the cultured man, business; but a monster looms over them that destroys more in silence than anyone else: it is the villager's greed. (Benito Pérez Galdós)

Society is full of many enemies, greed being the worst of all.

16. We men build too many walls and not enough bridges. (Isaac Newton)

Education and knowledge must be fundamental in society.

17. The man steps into the crowd to drown out the clamor of his own silence. (Rabindranath Tagore)

Man does not know how to be alone.

18. Learn to live in isolation and meditate in solitude; but if you mix with the crowd try to be, like all of them, one of many. (Cleobulus)

Solitude is important, but living in company is also important.

19. You lack what others have, and they lack what you possess; from this imperfection society arises. (Christian F. Gellert)

There will always be people who want what you have, you long for what others have.

20. Whoever exchanges happiness for money will not be able to exchange money for happiness. (José Narosky)

Money cannot buy everything.

21. Society exists for the benefit of its members, not members for the benefit of society. (Herbert Spencer)

Society makes man and not vice versa.

22. Titles are decorations for fools. Big men have enough with her name. (Frederick II of Prussia)

Man is measured by his actions, not by what he owns.

23. Choose a woman of whom you can say: I could have looked more beautiful but not better. (Pythagoras of Samos)

This refers to the respect that must be given to women.

24. Powerful states can only be sustained by crime. Small states are only virtuous because they are weak. (Mikhail Bakunin)

The strong are always the winners, while the weakest are considered losers.

25. What is acquired with a lot of work, the more you love. (Aristotle)

Everything has a value, especially what is earned with dignity.

26. Do not estimate money more or less than it is worth, because it is a good servant and a bad master. (Alexander Dumas son)

Money has its fair value.

27. I am determined to fight against everything and everyone with no other bulwark than the trust and support of my people. (Emiliano Zapata)

The support of the people for their rulers is something very precious.

28. Society advances to the rhythm of our thoughts, so yes, you want to change society, you must change your way of thinking. (Albert Einstein)

To change society, you must first change the way you think.

29. A state where insolence and the freedom to do everything go unpunished, ends up sinking into the abyss. (Sophocles)

In society there must be rules that govern relations between its citizens.

30. One by one, we are all mortal. Together we are eternal. (Apuleyo)

Teamwork is very valuable.

31. One machine can do the work of 50 ordinary men. But there is no machine that can do the work of an extraordinary man. (Elbert Hubbard)

Man has intelligence, but machines do not.

32. I believe that it is not possible to live without an ideal, a religion or a sense of future. Hospitals would be full of crazy people. (Arthur Miller)

Living without goals is something that leads to nothing.

33. When a crowd exercises authority, it is even more cruel than tyrants. (Plato)

Laws should not be enforced by someone who does not know how to do it.

34. The Church is the caress of God's love for the world. (John Paul II)

Religion is also important to society.

35. If all the televisions in the world suddenly broke down, there would be no scales to measure tidal waves of boredom. (Manuel Campo Vidal)

Leisure moments are also important.

36. At any price he acquires the inheritance of the bad neighbor. (Ramón Llull)

Relationships between people are often conflictive.

37. Society would be a beautiful thing if they cared for each other. (Chamfort)

Living in harmony is the dream of every community.

38. Society is born when man finds a partner. (Ralph W. Emerson)

Marriage is the foundation of every society.

39. I can not stop working. I will have all eternity to rest. (Mother Teresa of Calcutta)

Work is essential to move a nation forward.

40. When they asked me about a weapon capable of counteracting the power of the atomic bomb, I suggested the best of all: peace. (Albert Einstein)

Peace is the only weapon we must fire.

41. A society that isolates its young people, cuts its moorings: it is condemned to bleed to death. (Kofi Annan)

When society does not allow young people to participate in it, it is doomed to failure.

42. Whoever wants to be a leader must be a bridge. (Welsh proverb)

If a person wants to be a leader, he must serve others.

43. A thing is not fair not because it is law, but it must be law because it is fair. (Montesquieu)

Justice is part of society.

44. Large groups of people are never responsible for what they do. (Virginia Woolf)

Irresponsibility, unfortunately, is part of society.

45. Everything that is real in human history becomes irrational in the process of time. (Friedrich Engels)

With the passage of time, everything is forgotten.

46. A society without hierarchy is a house without stairs. (Alphonse Daudet)

Society needs each citizen to have his or her position within it.

47. Being part of society is a nuisance, but being excluded from it is a tragedy. (Oscar Wilde)

Even if we don't want to, we are part of society.

48. The technological society has managed to multiply the occasions of pleasure, but it finds it very difficult to engender joy. (Pope Francisco)

Technology has made relationships between people disappear.

49. The crowd, like the sea, is itself immobile, calm or stormy, depending on the winds or the auras that move it. (Tito Livio)

The masses do not always give the expected results.

50. The best government is not the one that makes men the happiest, but the one that makes the greatest number of people happy. (Jacques Duclós)

A good government is one that cares and takes care of its citizens.

51. Before you question your wife's good judgment, take a look at who she has married. (Egyptian proverb)

Before judging someone, look at yourself in a mirror.

52. If you don't have inner freedom, what other freedom do you hope you can have? (Arturo Graf)

Freedom of thought, feeling and loving are part of true happiness.

53. The work ethic is the slave ethic, and the modern world has no need for slaves. (Bertrand Russell)

Slavery died a long time ago.

54. Be the change you want to see in the world. (Mahatma Gandhi)

If you want the world to change, start with yourself.

55. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. (Anonymous)

If you don't contribute, don't complain.

56. The private life of a citizen must be a walled enclosure. (Maurice De Talleyrand-Périgord)

Privacy is a right that man has.

57. Mass society can be seen with the naked eye and is experienced in everyday life: the streets are full of people, as well as the means of transport, beaches, public places, etc. Our daily life develops immersed in the mass, and is increasingly strongly influenced by the latter. (Maximum Corsale)

In all areas of life, living in community is the best.

58. I know you can call me proud, but I hate crowds. (Walter S. Landor)

Living alone is not always bad.

59. Neighbors that you never see up close are the ideal and perfect neighbors. (Aldous Huxley)

Living together can be difficult in some cases.

60. Falling in love is like a socially accepted madness. (Amy Adams)

Love is a madness where we have all fallen at some time.

61. The minority is always right. (Henrik Ibsen)

Not all the time the majority represent the voice of reason.

62. A house will be strong and indestructible when it is supported by these four columns: brave father, prudent mother, obedient son, compliant brother. (Confucius)

The family is the rock that holds a community down.

63. Women need beauty so that men love us, and stupidity so that we love men. (Coco Chanel)

Beauty attracts and stupidity maintains.

64. Man is born free, responsible and without excuses. (Jean Paul Sartre)

Freedom comes with man from the moment he enters the world and always remains with him.

65. It is not true that marriage is indissoluble. Easily dissolves into boredom. (Chumy Chúmez)

Fatigue, tiredness and routine damage any relationship.

66. It does not matter if a cat is black or white, as long as it hunts mice. (Deng Xiaoping)

Each person has a commitment to society.

67. In the society of abundance no valid distinction can be made between luxuries and necessities. (John Kenneth Galbraith)

The best society is one where you live in peace, harmony and respect.

68. The smartest person in the world cannot remain at peace, if he does not like the bad neighbor. (Friedrich Schiller)

Peace is not necessarily about everyone getting along, but about everyone respecting each other.

69. You have to live as you think, otherwise you will end up thinking about how you have lived. (Paul Bourget)

We must not give up our way of thinking.

70. Everything that is valuable in human society depends on the opportunities for advancement that are granted to each individual. (Albert Einstein)

Each person is important for the construction of a society.

71. Everyone says that honor counts for nothing and instead is more important than life. Without honor, nobody respects you. (Goffredo Parise)

Honesty and decency are qualities that we should all have.

72. Sometimes man stumbles upon the truth, but in most cases, he gets up and goes on his way. (Winston Churchill)

It is difficult for the human being to take the truth as a flag in his life.

73. Peace cannot be separated from freedom, because no one can be at peace without freedom. (Malcolm X)

Living in freedom brings peace.

74. Some people, well accepted in society, have no other merit than the vices they use in human relationships. (François de La Rochefoucauld)

Communities are infested with vices that corrupt the human being.

75. If there were no bad people, there would be no good lawyers. (Charles Dickens)

Evil exists in all spaces of life.

76. The most common elements in the universe are selfishness, hydrogen, stupidity, greed, waste, and the absurd. (Carl William Brown)

Selfishness and stupidity walk side by side.

77. All power emanates from the people, and never returns. (Gabriel Laub)

Citizens have power in their hands, but they hardly ever use it wisely.

78. What we call good society is, for the most part, nothing more than a patchwork of refined caricatures. (Friedrich Schlegel)

There is no such thing as the perfect society.

79. The man perfected by society is the best of animals; but it is the most terrible when he lives without law or justice. (Aristotle)

Living in a society that does not enforce the laws, we live in slavery.

80. The wars will continue as long as the color of the skin remains more important than that of the eyes. (Bob Marley)

Racism always lives within collectivities.

81. The man steps into the crowd to drown out the clamor of his own silence. (Rabindranath Tagore)

The man follows the masses because he does not know how to listen to himself.

82. Deep down, it is relationships with people that give value to life. (Karl W. Von Humboldt)

Life is based on personal relationships.

83. Brotherhood is one of the most beautiful inventions of social hypocrisy. (Gustave Flaubert)

Friendship is not always sincere.

84. The crowd is the mother of all tyrants. (Dionysus of Halicarnassus)

Clashes between citizens never bring anything good.

85. The multitude does not grow old or acquire wisdom; it always remains in childhood. (Johann W. Goethe)

Those who are carried away by others are beings without their own will.

86. Society cannot survive without reciprocal concessions. (Samuel Johnson)

In every society there are regulations that govern it.

87. Society is made up of two large classes: those who have more dinner than appetite, and those who have more appetite than dinner. (Chamfort)

In society there are all kinds of people.

88. The titles differentiate the mediocre, embarrass the inferior and are discredited by the superiors. (George Bernard Shaw)

The titles give popularity, but not respect.

89. The luxury of being better than others must be paid for: society demands a tribute that must be paid in strips of skin. The only possible and respectable aristocracy is that of decent people. (Jacinto Benavente)

Believing yourself the best has a very high price.

90. Common men have invented society life because it is easier for them to bear others than to bear themselves. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

Knowing how to live with oneself teaches how to relate to others.

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