Education, study and knowledge

The 17 types of education that exist (and characteristics)

Education is growing and renewing itself over the years, in every way. There are more and more specializations, different course formats, more options when it comes to studying... In this article we explain what are the 17 types of education that exist.

We will do so according to four classification parameters: context, educational level / age (within formal education), content and format. We will explain what each of these types of education consists of and what their main characteristics are.

The types of education that exist (and characteristics)

Thus, as we anticipated, the 17 types of education that exist and that we are going to comment on in this article can be organized according to different classifications; that is, according to different criteria or parameters. Here we propose four parameters (discussed at the beginning).

1. Depending on the context

If we look at the criterion of context, we find three types of education: formal (regulated), informal and non-formal. We are going to see the characteristics of each of them below.

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1.1. Formal education (regulated)

The first of the 17 types of education that exist that we are going to explain is formal education. Formal education is that regulated or official. It takes place in educational centers (schools, universities ...), and presents a series of characteristics.

To begin with, its content and methodology is regulated (by law), organized and planned (it follows a pre-established order).

Furthermore, it is a deliberate education; In other words, there is an intention behind it, which is to ensure that the people who receive this education acquire certain skills and / or train professionally.

On the other hand, once a formal education course or courses (for example ESO) are completed, the person receives a certificate.

1.2. Informal education

In this other type of education, unlike the previous one, there is no proper intention; that is, it is education and learning that develops throughout life, and is acquired spontaneously through experience or different situations.

For example, it is about the education that parents impart to their children. Sometimes, it is a type of education that we receive even without realizing it, unconsciously.

1.3. Informal education

Non-formal education, for its part, is a type of organized and intentional education, but it is not regulated by law. That is, it is outside the formal sphere.

The certificates that this type of education provides would not have as much value as the certificates issued by regulated education centers, at least at the professional level.

2. According to age and educational level

Other types of education that exist are those that have to do with age and educational level. Thus, within formal education, in turn, we find other types of education. Formal education follows a series of stages that people go through if we want to get to university, for example.

In Spain, this type of education is regulated by the Organic Law for the Improvement of Educational Quality (LOMCE). Formal education in Spain is compulsory until the age of 16 (these are Primary Education [EP] and Compulsory Secondary Education [ESO]).

So, we are going to see the different types of education that exist within formal education:

2.1. Infant education

This is the first stage of childhood (the preschool stage); It is not mandatory, and ranges from 0 to 5 years old. At this stage, children can go first to kindergarten (nursery) and from 3 years old, to school (P3, P4 and P5).

2.2. Primary education

Primary education is the second stage of formal education. It develops from 6 years to 12 years. This is where education is already mandatory in Spain.

2.3. Secondary education

Secondary education, also known as ESO (Compulsory Secondary Education), as its name suggests, is also compulsory. It goes from 12 to 16 years old. It is made up of 4 school years. The knowledge it includes is from different branches: mathematics, languages, science ...

2.4. Post-compulsory secondary education

The next of the types of education that exist is post-compulsory. In Spain it includes the baccalaureate (made up of 2 courses, and of different types: scientific, health, technological and artistic) and intermediate vocational training (FP).

VETs cover many professional categories, and are much more practical in nature than baccalaureate.

2.5. Higher education

Finally, we find higher-level vocational training (FP) and university careers (university degrees). There are a large number of university degrees.

2.6. Post-college education

Once the university studies (career or degree) have been completed, you can continue studying, which implies a greater specialization. In this case we are talking about masters, postgraduate and doctorates (the highest level of formal education).

3. According to the content

If we look at the content criterion, we also find different types of education that exist in practically all countries. Let's see the most important (although there are many more):

3.1. Social education

It is a type of education focused on the development of the autonomy of the person, on their self-determination and their sociability. Furthermore, social education constitutes a university degree and a profession.

3.2. Emotional education

In this case, the content of this type of education is emotions: that is, their management, regulation, identification, etc. It includes topics such as: conflict resolution, emotional intelligence, self-control, emotional self-regulation, etc.

3.3. Education in values

It is about education focused on ethics and morals, emotional health, decision-making, respect for others, freedoms and justice, etc.

3.4. Musical education

In this case we are talking about the teaching of music and all the elements that are part of it (sound, rhythm, different instruments, etc.).

3.5. Physical education

The next of the 17 types of education that exist and that we can find is physical education. That is, the one that teaches how we can use our body to play sports, improve our physical condition, etc.

4. According to the format

The third and last parameter that we are going to follow to classify the 17 types of education that exist is the format. That is, the format indicates whether it is a face-to-face, online or blended education.

4.1. Classroom education

Basically, it is the type of education that takes place in the classrooms (schools, universities, educational centers, etc.). The student directly goes to class and receives the teaching given by the teacher. It is the “classic” format in education in general, and especially in formal education.

4.2. Online education

The next of the 17 types of education that exist is distance education; It is developed, for example, through internet videos, online classes, a virtual campus, etc. It is a more comfortable type of education that offers greater freedom to the student.

4.3. Blended education

Finally, blended education combines the two previous formats: face-to-face and online. In this case, these are, for example, courses where you must attend class in person a minimum of times to get the course certificate, and that are combined with the use of virtual material and "virtual" classes (on-line).

Bibliographic references

  • Marenales, E. (1996). Formal, non-formal and informal education. Theme for teachers contest. Uruguay: Editorial Aula: 1-9.

  • Miras, M. (2014). Education and development. Childhood and Learning, Taylor & Francis: 3-17.

  • Sampascual, G. (2007). Psychology of the education. 2 Volumes. UNED. Madrid.

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