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The 80 best inspirational quotes from Anne Frank

Although a happy ending is not always achieved in a story, we can learn a lot about everything related in this one.

Giving us hope, convictions or filling us with humility that give us a completely different meaning of the world, to appreciate it and not remain blind to injustices alike. Regardless of whether or not it is our story, that of someone we know or that of a historical figure who has left her mark on the world.

One such example is precisely the story of Annelies Marie Frank, better known as Anne Frank, who spent her teenage years locked in an attic to survive during World War II. Although her fate drifted towards her passing away in the Auschwitz concentration camp, she managed to leave beautiful and inspiring messages about life that she has resonated through time.

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Do you recognize it? you might know her as Anne Frank. That's right, the protagonist of the novel 'Ana Frank's diary', the same that her father (the only one in the family to survive the Holocaust) published and for which we now bring you the best inspirational quotes from her in this article.

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Best inspirational quotes from Anne Frank

Don't focus on the bad things that happened in your life, but on the lessons you learned from it. As it happens in these phrases of Anne Frank.

1. How wonderful it is that no one needs to wait a single moment before starting to improve the world!

We usually wait for the perfect day to act, when there is no better time than right now.

2. The dream makes the silence and terrible fear pass more quickly, it helps to pass the time, since it is impossible to kill.

Sleep is our most precious rest.

3. I would like to continue living even after my death.

And we can achieve it, you know how? doing good deeds that make others remember us with love.

4. I know what I want, I have a goal, an opinion, I have a religion and love. Let me be myself

Do you know who you are? If so, never let anyone change you.

5. What is the use of thinking about misery when you are already miserable?

When we are at the bottom, all we have left is to go up, or do you prefer to stay in the abyss?

6. I know that I am a woman, a woman with inner strength and a lot of courage.

Women are powerful people, appreciate it and don't let anyone try to convince you otherwise.

7. He who is happy can make others happy. Whoever loses neither courage nor confidence will never perish from misery.

To care for others or give them hope, we need to believe in ourselves first.

8. Why millions spent on war every day, but not a penny is available to... artists or the poor?

Do governments' priorities need a change? for a better world, yeah

9. We are not allowed to have our own opinion. People want us to keep our mouths shut, but that doesn't stop you from having your own opinion.

Your opinion is your identity and if they shut you up, it is a clear act of violence.

10. Anyway, I have learned one thing now. You can only really get to know people when you have had a good fight with them. Then, and only then, can his true character be judged.

Many people hide their true face in calm. But they well say that its true value is only known in chaos.

11. Misfortunes never come alone.

That is why we must have the strength to wait and face the unexpected every day.

12. Why do people have to starve when mountains of food are rotting in other parts of the world? Oh why are people so crazy?

For some, such necessary things become a weapon to control the population, especially the weakest.

13. Everyone should be able to speak their mind.

That is the only way to give everyone a chance to contribute to the world.

14. Our lives are shaped by our choices. We make our choices first. So our decisions make us.

And with our decisions, we must also embrace the consequences that they bring.

15. How true were Dad's words when he said: All children should take care of their own education?

It is the job of parents to raise their children in the best possible way. But they have a responsibility to choose the right path to follow.

16. In the long run, the sharpest weapon is a kind and gentle spirit.

Why? because a courageous person is unshakable and incorruptible.

17. The weak die and the strong will survive, and they will live forever.

Anne Frank leaves us a fragment of her convictions about the inner strength that makes us feel alive.

18. I have the sensation of being a caged bird whose wings have been violently torn off, and in the most absolute darkness, it crashes against the bars of its narrow cage when it wants to fly

How would you feel if you couldn't leave home because your life is in danger? and you can't even do anything to entertain yourself.

19. Who would have thought how much it would ignite in the soul of a girl?

There is no age limit for an event to inspire us.

20. Women must be respected! Generally speaking, men are recognized with great appreciation in all parts of the world, so why can't women be considered too?

Why underestimate the value of a woman when they do so much for the world?

21. Parents can only give good advice or put us on the path of good, but the formation of a person's character resides in himself.

So do not blame others for the decisions you have made or the path you have decided to travel.

22. Who else but me is going to read these letters?

Sometimes we have no company but loneliness.

23. I don't believe in all the misery but in the beauty that still remains.

No matter the obstacles, always look on the bright side of the world.

24. Laziness may seem attractive, but work is satisfying.

Enjoy your work because it is the most reliable proof of your performance.

25. We young people find it difficult to preserve our opinions in a time when any idealism is being destroyed and crushed.

Youth represents the future of a nation. So you need to feed your intellect.

26. Soldiers and war heroes are honored and commemorated. Scouts are given immoral fame and martyrs are respected, but how many people see women also as soldiers?

In a time when women were confined to housework, how much has this perception changed over time?

27. I don't want to have lived in vain like most people.

Never seek to be like everyone else. Live your way and leave a mark on the world.

28. Even though I'm only 14 years old, I know quite well what I want, I know who is right and who is wrong.

Ana emphasizes that age does not matter, reality is the same for everyone.

29. Riches can all be lost, but that happiness in your own heart can only be veiled, and it will bring you happiness again, as long as you live.

The material can eventually be recovered. But you can never devalue the value of happiness.

30. I want to be useful or bring joy to people, even those I have never met.

Serving others gives us a unique pleasure. That also elevates us as a person.

31. A person can feel lonely even when many people love them.

Loneliness is also a state of mind. That it can attack us without compassion, if we do not face it in time.

32. I have my opinions, my own ideas and principles, and although it seems quite crazy for a teenager, I feel more of a person than a child, I feel much more independent than anyone.

It is very important that from a young age, we teach children to be independent and learn to fight for what they want.

33. Crying can bring relief, as long as you don't cry alone.

It's okay to vent and feel sad. But we must never let this drag us to the bottom, but rather push us to continue and improve.

34. There is only one rule you need to remember: laugh at everything and forget about everyone. It sounds selfish, but in fact, it is the only cure for self-pity sufferers.

The only person you have to please is yourself. That way you can serve others without regrets and without being trampled on.

35. People can easily be tempted by sloppiness... and money.

While money does not buy happiness, many people do not hesitate to sell themselves.

36. Consider me simply as a being who sometimes feels that the cup of his bitterness is filled to the brim.

You don't need to be a happy or happy person all the time. It is normal to feel sadness or bitterness, because you can feel everything.

37. No one has become poor by giving.

On the contrary, when we give we are always rewarded.

38. Every person has something good inside. The news is that you don't know how big it can be.

We may think that our actions are insignificant, but at any moment they can be magnified in the sight of others.

39. I firmly believe that nature can bring comfort to all who suffer.

It is outside, outside, on a day-to-day basis, in opportunities. Where we find our way of arising.

40. I can't imagine how anyone can say 'I'm weak' and still be so. After all, if you know, why don't you fight it?

It is useless if we underestimate ourselves, but we do what we can to remedy and improve it.

41. Think of all the beauty you still leave around you and be happy.

Does it make you happy to focus on the negative in the world? So why do you keep doing it?

42. Why not train character? The answer is: because it is much easier not to.

Nobody likes to be judged. Even when defects that are affecting them are pointed out.

43. I think it is strange that adults fight so easily and so often and over such insignificant matters.

Sometimes it is not our beliefs that are the problem, but what powerful people make us believe, in order to fight their battles.

44. Do not judge me, but consider me simply as a being who sometimes feels that the cup overflows.

It is normal that sometimes we lose control, patience or hope. What matters is that we can get them back.

45. Memories mean more to me than dresses.

The immaterial has a meaning of great value, which material things do not have.

46. ​​I don't think building sandcastles in the air is such a terrible thing to do, as long as they don't take you too seriously.

Anne Frank tells us in this sentence that we don't need to be so serious all the time. Our nonsense is also necessary to be happy.

47. I must maintain my ideals, because perhaps the time will come when I can carry them out.

Always prepare your plans as if you were going to execute them, because you will not know when the time comes to do it and you need to be ready.

48. Until now I have always thought that disputes were just something that children did.

Sometimes adults can behave like uneducated children.

49. I can get rid of everything when I write; my pains disappear, my courage is reborn.

What we are passionate about can become our escape.

50. Since life began, the rule was established: Our faults we ignore, those of others we increase!

By what right do we judge when we do the same behind the backs of others?

51. They all have a piece of good news inside.

We may not be able to see our value. But there will always be someone to remind us.

52. I have realized that there is always a bit of beauty: in nature, in the sun, freedom, in ourselves; and all this can help me.

So look for beauty in your environment and just enjoy it.

53. Where there is hope, there is life. It fills us with fresh courage and makes us strong again.

Hope is that engine within us that does not allow us to give up.

54. Should I finally cry all day? No, it can not be. Also, over time the sadness dissipates ...

The penalties are not long-lasting and it falls to you to let them take longer than necessary.

55. The good news is: You don't know how great you can be, how much you can love, how much you can achieve! and how much potential you have!

The best part is that once you've figured it out, you can never stop or go back.

56. As long as you can look at the sky without fear, you will know that you are pure inside, and that whatever happens, you will be happy again.

A beautiful metaphor about facing our fears and moving forward despite them.

57. I do my best to please everyone, much more than you would ever imagine. I try to laugh to top it off, because I don't want them to know my problems.

Although it is important to stay strong in front of everyone. It is not necessary to be so rigid in showing our feelings.

58. The day will come when this horrible war will end and we will once again be people like everyone else, and not just Jews.

A piece of his hopeful vision for a better tomorrow.

59. Writing a journal is a very strange experience for someone like me. Not only because she had never written anything before, but because later neither I nor anyone else will be interested in reading the reflections of a 13-year-old girl. But it does not matter. I want to write.

Externalizing our emotions is the best way to free ourselves from the weight of it.

60. The dead receive more flowers than the living, since sorrow is stronger than gratitude.

A clear reflection on appreciating people while they are alive, instead of when they are gone.

61. Didn't I just say that I don't want to rush? Forgive me, not for nothing do I have a reputation for being a bundle of contradictions ...

And you, do you usually contradict yourself?

62. It must be horrible to feel that you are not necessary.

Everyone has a purpose, but when we do not find it, that becomes the greatest feeling of defeat.

63. I think a lot, but say little. I am happy when I see him and if the sun is shining at the same time.

May your words have value. So be careful what you say.

64. Obtaining happiness means doing good and work, not speculating and being lazy.

The rewards we get from our work is the greatest pleasure of all. Instead of depending on others.

65. The best remedy for those who are afraid, feel lonely or unhappy, is to go outside, somewhere where they can be alone with heaven, nature and with God.

Seclusion into misery only creates more misery. We should never lock ourselves in when we feel bad.

66. How to get away from your image again? Who would take your place could stop being more than a vile imitation? I love you.

A beautiful phrase towards love.

67. What amazes me is not having completely abandoned my hopes, which seem absurd and unrealizable. Yet I hold on to them despite everything and still believe in the innate goodness of man.

There will always be something, small or big, that continues to help us to believe.

68. See how a single candle can so defy and define darkness.

So shine with your own light, even when there is only darkness around you.

69. This week I have been reading a lot and doing little work. That's the way things should be. That is certainly the way to success.

Educate yourself and get all the knowledge you can. That way you will be prepared for anything.

70. With a love unable to grow more in my heart. It is so strong that it needs to expand and reveal itself in one fell swoop, in all its magnitude.

How much have you loved someone?

71. Don't assume too much, it leads nowhere.

If you have any doubts, the best way to clarify them is by asking.

72. Love cannot be forced.

Because when it is, it stops being love for and becomes a punishment.

73. When will we be granted the privilege of breathing fresh air?

The simplest things in life are the greatest pleasures. and when we are deprived of it, we can see it.

74. What has been done cannot be undone, but it can be prevented from happening again.

As long as we learn from our mistakes and become aware of what is wrong.

75. I will never believe that the powerful, the politicians and the capitalists are solely responsible for the war. No, the common man is also happy to do it. If it were not so, the peoples would have rebelled long ago.

A hard but realistic phrase that does not need further explanation.

76. Free people will never be able to conceive what books mean to those of us who live locked up.

When you have no more connection to the world. books become your best company.

77. The radio with its wonderful voice helps us not to lose hope and say every time "Go ahead, courage, better times will come!"

So listen to people who can lift your spirits, rather than promote decay of spirit.

78. The blade is much more patient than humans.

Impatience is a bad habit that is hard to break.

79. Feelings cannot be ignored, no matter how unfair or ungrateful they may seem to us.

Feelings are like opinions. They all have it and it deserves to be respected.

80. In the future I will not be afraid of the truth, since the longer it is postponed, the more difficult it is to face.

The truth may be painful, but it is necessary.

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