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The 75 best phrases about relationships

Relationships have endless nuances, not everything is rosy, every day is an adventure and sometimes it is difficult to express emotions and feelings that you feel for the person you love. The important thing is to create an atmosphere where respect and empathy are present and are the true protagonists.

That is why we present you these great phrases that tell us about love, heartbreak and romantic breakups.

Phrases about couples' relationships

Get inspired and reflect on your own relationship with these wonderful phrases that will allow you to see all the features of love. Enjoy them and reflect on this shared feeling.

1. No one can hurt me without my permission. (Mahatma Gandhi)

It reflects how important self-respect is, we each have the power to decide whether or not they can hurt us in a relationship.

2. You have to learn to leave the table when love is no longer served. (Nina Simone)

When a separation occurs, you have to let it go, so as not to hurt yourself.

3. Passions are like winds, which are necessary to give movement to everything, although they are often the cause of hurricanes. (Bernard Le Bouvier de Fontenelle)
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A love relationship should not be based only on passions, but life becomes a storm of problems.

4. There is no love in peace. It is always accompanied by agonies, ecstasy, intense joys and deep sadness. (Paulo Coelho)

It makes reference that when one loves not everything is the color of roses.

5. The first love is a little madness and a great curiosity. (Bernard Shaw)

The first love is a unique experience that we must live in a frenzy.

6. Never love someone who treats you as if you were normal and ordinary (Oscar Wilde)

Emphasize that the one who loves sees his partner as someone very special and unique.

7. There is nothing more interesting than the conversation of two lovers who remain silent (Achile Tournier)

It emphasizes that silent dialogues are those that occur most frequently between two people who love each other deeply.

8. Love is so short and oblivion is so long... (Pablo Neruda)

Phrase of the great Pablo Neruda that indicates even when love is fleeting, its forgetfulness is not.

9. In love there is some madness, but at the same time in madness there is always some reason. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

The philosopher makes reference that being in love makes us a little crazy but it is also something very serious.

10. Trust in time, which tends to give sweet outlets to many bitter difficulties. (Miguel de Cervantes)

Time knows how to solve problems, no matter how painful they may be.

11. Stab the body and it will heal, hurt the heart and the wound will last for life. (Mineko Iwasaki)

When the heart is injured, it is usually a wound that heals very slowly.

12. Offering friendship to those who ask for love is like giving bread to those who die of thirst (Ovid)

In love there is no room for friendship, you love it or not.

13. Love is like a war, easy to start, difficult to end, impossible to forget. (Henry Louis Mencken)

Sometimes the romance lived with a person can remain forever etched in the mind.

14. Where there was fire, ashes remain. (Spanish saying)

This popular saying refers to the fact that a true love is almost never forgotten.

15. If you cry for having lost the sun, the tears will not let you see the stars. (Tagore)

When you lose a relationship, you should not fall into despair as there are always surprises along the way.

16. When someone shows you who they really are, trust. (Maya Angelou)

For a love relationship to be true, honesty has to be present.

17. The relationship between husband and wife should be that of two best friends. (B.R. Ambedkar)

Between two people who love each other in addition to love, there must be companionship and fidelity.

18. I no longer know what I prefer: that he hates me from the heart... or to love me without love. (Ricardo Arjona)

This stanza of the song "We Die for Love" tells us that loving without feeling true love hurts more than hatred.

19. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future. (Robin Sharma)

You cannot live immersed in a relationship that has already ended, you have to get up and move on.

20. The worst way to miss someone is to sit next to them and know that you can never have them. (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

If you know that the person next to you doesn't love you, it's time to go your own way.

21. Love is like a war, easy to start, difficult to end, impossible to forget. (Henry-Louis Mencken)

There are love relationships that start in a good way but it is very difficult to end it.

22. Loving is not looking at each other but rather looking at both in the same direction. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

He points out that one of the secrets to having a successful relationship is for both parties to go in the same direction.

23. The first love is loved more, the others are loved better. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

As various love experiences are lived, love matures.

24. Love is not seen, it is felt. (Pablo Neruda)

Love is not a feeling to look at, but to feel it with all the body and soul.

25. People change and you forget to tell others. (Lillian Hellman)

People change over time, sometimes for the better, sometimes not so much.

26. You never lose by loving, you always lose by repressing yourself. (Barbara De Angelis)

It is worth risking to love as not doing so can come at great cost.

27. We are easily deceived by those we love. (Molière)

By loving we become fragile beings, even when we appear strong.

28. A man who has not passed through the hell of his passions has never overcome them. (Carl Gustav Jung)

We have to overcome conflicts with our partner and thus be able to move forward.

29. You can forget the one with whom you have laughed but not the one with whom you have cried. (Khalil Gibran)

Difficult moments are always present even when we try to erase them.

30. One day they will realize that they lost a diamond while playing with worthless stones. (Turquoise Ominek)

A separation always threatens self-esteem, but you should not fall but move on.

31. Love is like wine, and like wine too, it comforts some and destroys others. (Stefan Zweig)

Love makes some people look wonderful, while others are dragged down and dropped.

32. Monotony makes a bad threesome in love. (Danns Vega)

Routine is the worst enemy in a relationship, as reflected.

33. It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved. (Lord Alfred Tennyson)

Loving and ending does not mean failure, it is living fully and accepting the consequences.

34. Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional. (M. Kathleen Casey)

In a relationship, pain will always be present, but suffering is everyone's decision.

35. Not being loved is a simple misfortune, the real misfortune is not loving. (Albert Camus)

It does not matter if you are not loved by whoever catches your attention, the important thing is that you do not leave this world without knowing the magic of love.

36. Intense love does not measure, but simply gives. (Mother Teresa of Calcutta)

The wonderful thing about love is that it is created to give itself, not to measure itself.

37. Relationships based on obligation lack dignity. (Wayne Dyer)

The relationships of couples that are established by commitment and imposition, have their days numbered.

38. Love ends, but the memory never ends. (Socrates)

The experiences will always be present.

39. Never above you, never below you, always by your side. (Walter Winchell)

Love is about fairness.

40. Those who hurry to get away are the ones who never intended to stay. (A stranger)

If in the first difficult situation the relationship is broken, it is not had a solid foundation.

41. That it makes you "smile sometimes" is not an excuse to hold on to something that hurts you. (Alezandra Remón)

If there are more positives than negatives, it is not a relationship you wish you were in.

42. The hottest love has the coldest ending. (Socrates)

Relationships based on passion either.

43. Neither absence nor fear mean anything when you love. (Alfred de Musset)

Love is not synonymous with abandonment or disturbance.

44. Let go of what kills you, even if it kills you to let it go. (Victor Valladares)

If a love doesn't work, then say goodbye.

45. Never ignore the effort of a person who wants to stay with you, not all the time someone cares about you. (A stranger)

Many times we don't see past our noses, and we don't realize how lucky we are to have someone who cares about us.

46. Through tears and laughter, we are stronger than ever. (Anonymous)

Life is made up of happy moments and difficult situations, which make us strong and determined.

47. I will never love you less than I love you in this very second. (Margaret Stohl)

True love never diminishes.

48. I do not want the company of anyone in the world more than yours. (William Shakespeare)

When you are with the right person, nothing is better than being by their side.

49. If I live to be a hundred, I want to live a hundred years minus one day so I never have to live without you. (TO. TO. Milne)

Losing a loved one is one of the greatest fears.

50. Loving someone and having them love you back is the most precious thing in the whole world. (Nicholas Sparks)

Unfortunately, the love we give is not always reciprocated.

51. The sign that we do not love someone is that we do not give all the best that is in us. (Paul Claudel)

A relationship needs work and effort, but not out of obligation but with the desire to want to improve it.

52. It is not my lips that you kissed, it was my soul. (Judy Garland)

When we love, the feeling becomes almost a religious experience.

53. Love is friendship on fire. (Jeremy Taylor)

They say that the best love relationships are those that derive from friendship.

54. I'd rather spend a life with you than face all the ages of this world alone. (J.R.R. Tolkien)

"The Lord of the Rings" leaves us a valuable phrase about the value of being with someone you love.

55. There is more pleasure in loving than in being loved. (John Fuller)

Do you also believe this? Or do you think the feeling must be fair?

56. You are my heart, my life and my only thought. (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

A beautiful display of the impact the right person has on our world.

57. To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of others (Gottfried Leibniz)

When you are in a relationship, part of your happiness is wanting the happiness of the other as well.

58. Tell your partner at least once a day, how great she is and what you love her. (H. Jackson Brown)

You can't take it for granted that your partner knows how you feel about them if you don't tell them.

59. Loves die of boredom, and oblivion buries them. (Jean de la Bruyère)

Tiredness can nest in a relationship and kill it completely.

60. Healthy relationships grow from limitless trust. (Beau Mirchoff)

If we trust and trust us we will be able to love even more and in turn grow as a couple and as a person.

61. I don't want to miss that image of seeing you come back to life every day. (Albert Espinosa)

Seeing our partner makes our day intensely.

62. Friendship often turns into love, but love never becomes friendship. (Lord Byron)

It's easy for a friendship with a lot of chemistry to evolve into something else.

63. It is not just a feeling. It is also an art. (Honoré de Balzac)

Love is the greatest muse of all artistic expressions.

64. At the beginning of a love, lovers talk about the future, in its aftermath, about the past. (André Maurois)

Loving is not about feeling it, it is about expressing it.

65. Being honest is what makes relationships last. (Lauryn Hill)

Trust lays the foundation for a relationship, but honesty is what solidifies it.

66. The first duty of love is knowing how to listen. (Paul Tillich)

With him in our hearts we are the best listeners for comfort, for advice or to have a detail that praises our loved one.

67. No person involved in a relationship should feel that to make it viable they need to give up an essential part of themselves (May Sarton)

Love arises from loving the essence, the real and the enduring of the other. If we need to change to feel mutual love, something is terribly wrong.

68. There are so beautiful loves that they justify all the crazy things they do. (Plutarch)

A pure and well-managed love can lead us to plan and commit crazy things.

69. I am catastrophically in love with you. (Cassandra Clare)

Anyone who has fallen in love has felt that his world is totally turned upside down, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse.

70. I knew from the first moment I saw you that there was something about you that I needed. (Jamie McGuire)

The chemistry that arises between two strangers is so strong that it can become love, in the end they can be two strangers who, if they met perhaps, would be for each other.

71. Love is made up of a single soul that inhabits two bodies. (Aristotle)

All ideas that evoke that true love is a complement, a soul that touches ours so perfectly that it seems to be ours.

72. You know that you are in love when you don't want to go to bed because reality is finally better than your dreams. (Dr. Seuss)

Love makes us dream.

73. And in his eyes I see something more beautiful than the stars. (Beth Revis)

When we fall in love, we see in the simplest things of the other, the greatest beauties in the universe.

74. And to be totally, completely, absolutely in love, one must be fully aware that one is also loved, that one also inspires love. (Mario Benedetti)

A great relationship is where you love and where your feelings are reciprocated.

75. Do you have to have a reason to love? (Brigitte Bardot)

Love does not understand ideas, thoughts and logic; love only needs 2 people to emerge.

Will you continue to see your relationship the same way?

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