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10 foods rich in fiber (to fight constipation)

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Foods rich in fiber are beneficial for your well-being, since they facilitate digestion, help fight constipation and are good for losing weight.

Here is a list of 10 foods with fiber, so you can include them in your diet and benefit from its laxative and cleansing properties.

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Why add fiber to your diet

Fiber is a plant component present in many foods and is a basic element in our diet, since it is essential to maintain our digestive system and promote defecation.

Foods rich in fiber help us with digestive functions and promote a good colon cleansing, which is why they are necessary to combat constipation. For this reason they also contribute to avoid hemorrhoids.

They also favor the elimination of unnecessary elements from our body and help control body weight, so are good for losing weight and preventing obesity.

Another benefit of foods rich in fiber is that they stabilize glucose and cholesterol levels in blood, preventing diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and some types of cancer such as colon.

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List of 10 high fiber foods

Include these foods with fiber in your daily meals to improve the proper functioning of your digestive system. Your health will thank you.

1. Broccoli and other vegetables

Vegetables are a basic element in our diet, but they are also one of the foods rich in fiber that will best suit you. One of the most recommended in this case is broccoli, containing 2.6 grams of fiber per 100. This is very good when it comes to preventing heartburn or stomach inflammation, promoting better digestion.

The same occurs with vegetables such as artichoke, peas, avocado or cauliflower, which in addition to being a great source of fiber, contain many minerals and vitamins.

2. Pears and other fresh fruits

Another essential are fruits, especially fresh fruits from which we can consume their pulp directly. Specifically, pears are one of the foods rich in fiber that you can include regularly in your daily diet to end constipation or help you control weight.

Other fruits that are also high in fiber are apples, oranges, and bananas. Dates, medlars and dried fruits such as figs and prunes are also very rich in this plant component.

3. Beans and other legumes

Legumes are another of the foods rich in fiber, in addition to containing a large amount of vegetable proteins and minerals. They are especially abundant in fiber all kinds of beans, but beans and kidney beans are the most recommended. Other legumes such as chickpeas, lentils, and beans are also high in fiber.

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4. Oatmeal and wheat bran

Oatmeal is ideal if you are looking to increase your daily fiber intake, as it is one of the foods with the most fiber out there and it is very easy to include in your diet on a regular basis. You can take it every morning for breakfast, accompanied by milk and a piece of fruit. What's more contains the type of soluble fiber, which has a satiating effect and helps you absorb fewer calories.

Another type of cereal that contains a lot of fiber is wheat bran, which you can also include in your breakfasts, accompanied by a yogurt or a bowl of milk, to help you start the day with a better digestion.

5. Whole wheat or rye bread

This type of bread, a little darker than the usual wheat bread, is much healthier, since it contains unrefined flour and sugar. However one of its greatest benefits is its high amount of fiber, because when making them they use the whole grain and maintain all the properties of the bran.

6. Integral rice

Brown rice is another of the foods rich in fiber that you can include in your diet on a regular basis to avoid constipation or to help you lose weight. By keeping its cellulose shell intact, it preserves all the fiber that the coating contains. The amount of fiber in a cup of this rice is 3.5 grams.

7. Almonds and other nuts

Nuts are also among the foods rich in fiber that are ideal to consume on a daily basis, either accompanying salads, in breakfasts and snacks or simply as a snack. Almonds are one of the nuts with the highest fiber content. Hazelnuts, walnuts and peanuts are also rich in this vegetable component.

8. Corn

Corn is another ideal food if you want to increase your fiber intake. This provides 2.7 grams of fiber per 100, either raw or cooked sweet corn. Another way to consume it is in the form of popcorn. This snack contains no more and no less than 13 grams of fiber per 100.

9. Chia seeds

The benefits of this superfood are many, thanks to its large amount of minerals, vitamins and proteins. However, they are also one of the foods rich in fiber that can help you improve your digestion, since every 100 grams of this seed contains 34 grams of fiber.

You can easily take it during your breakfasts by including it in your cereal bowl, a yogurt, a smoothie or adding it to salads.

  • Related article: "Discover the 10 superfoods that you should include in your diet

10. Cocoa

Cocoa is a great source of fiber, which added to its antioxidant properties makes it an ideal food to prevent cardiovascular diseases and improve the intestinal tract. The amount of fiber in both cocoa beans and cocoa powder is 33 grams per 100.

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