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9 keys to masturbating a man more pleasantly

Sex is not only about penetration and trying different sexual positions in each encounter, but there are also other factors involved, such as the well-known 'foreplay'.

These preliminaries They not only serve to prepare our partner to enjoy the most intimate moment, but it is an excellent way to give pleasure and get to know each other at the same time. Intimacy does not need to be linear or traditional, it must be appropriate for you and your partner.

Some people make the mistake of not fondling their male partners during sex, they think that they will only be pleased with the moment of penetration and that the job of women is to let themselves play. But this is totally wrong, men enjoy being touched by their partners as it is another sensation different from when they do it themselves, creating a bond between the two at the same weather.

It is therefore, next we will talk about the importance of male masturbation and we will provide you with the ideal keys to ensure its enjoyment thanks to your hand.

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  • We recommend you read: "Female masturbation: benefits and 6 techniques to do it"

What is masturbation?

By definition, masturbation is the act of stimulating the sexual organs through manipulationIt can be done alone, in the intimacy of the home or share a moment of extra pleasure with your partner through mutual masturbation. Obtaining pleasure is achieved thanks to the action of rubbing the hands against the genitals, but also You can also make use of so-called sex toys (more frequently in masturbation female).

As a couple of curiosities of masturbation is that the appearance of this during the childhood stage was discovered by Sigmund Freud who claimed that it was a natural part of development. There is also the fact that some people cannot reach an orgasm through masturbation even though they do obtain a certain degree of pleasure.

Masturbation serves not only to get to know each other, in the case of men, but also to release the pressure accumulated in the scrotal area that causes discomfort and physical discomfort. However, many have stated that they feel more pleasure when their partner masturbates them compared to when they do it themselves. It also gives them the advantage of learning to control themselves during sex so that it lasts longer.

Masturbation myths

Despite the fact that masturbation brings many benefits for the complete health of the organism and guarantee a greater sexual enjoyment, It is in turn riddled with myths that even today make some fear it. They are as follows.

1. Affects fertility

One of the biggest myths about male masturbation that has no scientific basis is that it negatively affects fertility due to the loss of sperm. When in fact the opposite occurs, masturbation benefits to renew the sperm and keep the ducts free of bacteria and infections.

2. Sensitivity decreases

Another myth is that of the loss of sensation in the skin and in sexual enjoyment. Which is false because masturbating helps the body become more sensitive and receptive. Although if you masturbate for example several times in a row there may be internal irritation and discomfort.

3. It hurts the skin

Although, as you just read, doing it in the same instant can cause both internal and external irritations and discomfort. There are no studies that claim that it causes damage to the skin overlying the penis by friction. On the contrary, we know that masturbating helps to have a healthier skin thanks to the blood supply.

4. It's addictive

While masturbation is quite enjoyable, it is not addictive. Although it is completely normal and even recommended that it be done continuously as it keeps the body active.

5. Brings health problems

As it produces baldness, calluses, acne, blindness and even strokes or cancer. There is no scientific basis that affirms this myth, on the contrary, it denies it. Masturbation only offers advantages for the immune system as it strengthens it, helps blood circulation and oxygenation, to release stress and muscle tension.

Disproving the male anatomy

Many women believe that it is only a matter of making movements up and down all over the penis and voila, the man has achieved all the pleasure he wants. No, actually the male sexual anatomy goes a little further. The penis is not the only erogenous zone of man, there is also the glans, the testicles, the perineum and even the anus.

The glans is the male version of the female clitoris, so its stimulation causes great pleasure. This is because it has many nerve endings scattered along the length of the penis. While the testicles are extremely sensitive to the heat of the touch of the hands, as is the perineum.

While, in the anus is where men have their G-spot, so the anal stimulation in it is even more pleasant than in the female one.

Important keys to masturbate a man

While masturbation doesn't require a lot of effort or technique, your partner will appreciate and be surprised that you keep a few key points in mind to absolutely surrender to pleasure.

1. Go slow

This is both a myth and an ignorance. Many women think that they must masturbate their partner with rough and fast movements because there are men who do it with themselves. Which they do not deny.

But in reality, men appreciate that you start with slow and precise movements, that you play a little with them varying the pace, making circular movements or stopping a few seconds more at a point that other. Then increase your speed until you climax.

2. Don't forget lubrication

The skin on the penis is quite delicate and easily irritated. Therefore, you must bear in mind that you must provide lubrication before masturbating your partner, either with an essential oil, creams or with your own special sexual lubricants.

3. Includes oral sex

Including oral sex while you are masturbating the base of your partner's penis or stroking his scrotal sac is something that will drive him crazy with pleasure. it can feel different textures, pressures and sensations that it cannot experience on its own.

4. Read to your partner

There is no ideal technique or steps to achieve the perfect male masturbation, it is all about trying and approving what your partner likes the most. Make sure you communicate, ask if he enjoys it, ask him to guide you and so you can find the point where no one will want to return.

5. Do not complicate yourself

Do not look for an ideal kamasutra sexual position or imitate what some sex video does, just let yourself be carried away by the moment and yes, keep an open mind both. Try simple positions, such as having your partner standing, sitting, or lying down to see which one they prefer.

6. Prepare the environment

Something that men love is that they warm them up before touching them, this keeps them intrigued and in expectation. So when you finally caress your partner, you will feel that your provocations have been worth it. So don't be afraid to call him saying your plans, write him sexy texts or send him pictures spicy, they don't need to be yours, it can be from a sexy lingerie set you would like to wear with the.

7. My bad

Who says you can't show love with masturbation? This is perhaps the big difference between doing it yourself and sharing it with your partner. You can pamper him, speak in a sensual way in his ear, caress his body and show him how important he is to you while you take him to pleasure.

8. Don't forget the rest of her body

Giving previous caresses on his body or a sensual massage will increase the sexual tension of your partner and he will enjoy more when you help him to release it and reach his orgasm. This also shows him that he is attractive to you, that you love being with him and caressing him so intimately, instead of being an obligation of sexual relations.

9. Try different things

Either different postures, toys or places. Remember that sex should not be rigid but on the contrary, it should be fun, spontaneous and very pleasant and it will not be if you stick to the traditional.

So try new things like jerk him off while wearing sexy lingerie or a costume that he loves, go somewhere other than the room, play a bit with each other and include sex toys, also use your body, such as breasts, explore other parts of their anatomy intimate. As we said previously, it's all about testing and passing.

You know, with these keys you will achieve that your partner achieves great pleasure through masturbation performed by your own hand. Let him know that his satisfaction is as important as yours and that together you can work to make it unforgettable.

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