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10 benefits of meditation (backed by science)

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An essential part of taking care of our health is to relax and, unfortunately, we tend to put this psychological need aside too often.

We do not give it the importance that being at peace with oneself should have. Meditation is often seen as a routine to which 'you don't have time' but that our organism suffers over time and you can observe it when you feel that you can no longer give more. That represents the requirement of the body, to take a break.

There are many ways to rest and recharge, but meditation is by far the most recommended. Because it has a direct effect on our mental health and physical balance, which helps you regain the ideal rhythm to continue facing your daily routine without problems.

Would you be interested in knowing a little more? Then do not miss this article, where We will talk about meditation and the benefits that its frequent practice can bring you.

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What is meditation?

What we mean by 'meditation'

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refers to a group of various practices whose purpose is to focus the mind on relaxation, by clearing anticipatory thoughts and concentrating on relaxation exercises. Which helps the body lower its stress levels, avoid muscle tension, and prevent heart or arterial disease. It can also help to accept a difficult situation, promote attention or focus the mind to find functional solutions to a problem.

The practice of meditation combines, develops and potentiates positive feelings like patience, love, understanding, forgiveness, and acceptance. The focus of these emotions is what produces a real change in the person, since self-destructive thoughts are put aside. Resulting in a new perception of the world and a more functional way of facing it.

How does meditation arise?

The beauty of meditation is that it emerged as a combination of different ancient techniques on the breathing work and concentration that have been used in some religions, cultures or exercises intellectuals.

Not as some kind of cult, but as a method to guide people who were lost on their way or they needed a moment to disconnect from their problems and then face them again.

Meditation practices

There are two ways to practice meditation, depending on the need of the person. In essence, people sit on their lap and with their eyes closed, in a quiet environment where there is no noise that disturbs concentration, but accompanied by incense, small or moving sources that produce sounds relaxing.

In most cases, people repeat a sound or phrase, also called 'mantra', which helps connect the spirit, mind and body.

1. Mindfulness meditation

The main objective of this type of meditation is to make changes in the emotional, attitudinal and thought sphere, when they are overwhelmed with negative charges. The purpose is to strengthen and improve positive energy, so that the person is able to face the difficulties functionally and not letting stressful situations or worries control your lifetime.

This is achieved by making the person have a sense of full consciousness, where he cannot judge or blame himself and the situation that is causing problems. But just focus on the flow around you, so you can distribute your emotions and thoughts in a more balanced way. Always in favor of improving their own strengths.

2. Transcendental meditation

Conversely, This type of meditation is done in order to relax the person from their overwhelming daily pressures. Which has a significant decrease in stress levels, anxiety and concerns. In this, the person repeats throughout the session a series of mantras that help them both to distract themselves and to later return to focus.

Benefits of meditating daily

It may seem like a simple practice, but it brings great benefits to our general health, since it acts directly against mental exhaustion and the reinforcement of physical energy. Learn about some other benefits that might surprise you.

1. The power of relaxation

Its main action is to achieve both physical and mental relaxation, but why is relaxation so important? It is because through relaxation it is possible to alleviate the mental pressures caused by the demands of daily performance, reduces muscle tension and the development of diseases, as well as the rest of the brain from the agitation caused by worries.

When we do not promote relaxation or adequate daily rest, tensions and anxieties accumulate, causing discomforts, disorders and diseases that can affect our routine.

2. Encounter with oneself

Many of us tend to put ourselves in the background to please other people, whether in the workplace, academic, love or family. What causes wear and tear and personal carelessness. But by practicing meditation, you have the opportunity to meet again, accept ourselves and get back on track in our own stability.

3. Change perception

Thanks to reducing the stress and pressure to which we submit ourselves on a daily basis, it is possible to change our point of view of the world. For example, you can stop seeing it as a cruel or unfair place and instead accept it as a path with obstacles that help you develop new skills.

4. Promotes health

Stress is a very common cause in the development of emotional distress, psychological disorders, and arterial disease. Therefore, the practice of meditation (which counteracts the effects of stress) is ideal to ensure a optimal health and in turn strengthen the immune system, as well as brain elasticity and the correct management of emotions.

5. Reduce pain

This is accomplished through work of breath. By guiding one's own breathing, not as a simple necessity to live, but as a method to reinforce the functioning of the body. Its power can be used to alleviate bodily ailments, as the brain does not focus on discomfort levels and the body regains its ease.

6. Helps the brain

Many studies have shown that people who do meditations continuously have high levels of focus, concentration, and problem solving. This is because they have the ability to clear your worries to see the solutions you need.

Also, this helps improve brain elasticity, gray matter production, prevent cell oxidation, and brain blood pressure.

7. Suitable for everyone

A very positive point about meditation is that it is suitable for people of any age and physical condition. Unless you have a special condition that prevents prolonged sitting or causes discomfort of some kind.

So, by itself, the activity does not have any contraindications or negative side effects. On the contrary, it only brings healthy advantages for anyone who wants to enrich their lifestyle or who wants to seek a natural guide to strengthen their own abilities.

8. Benefits positivity

As it is conducive to changing the harmful perception of the demands of the environment, it is possible to control the emotional responses we give to them. So we reduce agitation and increase calm expressions, which helps us to drive smoothly. situations, avoid stress and not let it have long-term effects on our confidence.

9. Relieves the negative effects of stress

When we tend to focus on a problem or situation that has caused some discomfort, its negative effects can spread over the long term. Which directly affects confidence, performance or self-image we have of ourselves, distorting them completely.

Meditation works on this distortion to make us accept our mistakes, forgive ourselves, and move on with a new, more positive motivation.

10. Boost creativity

Because our minds are no longer overwhelmed and confidence is restored, we may develop and even enhance our creative abilities. Which helps to solve problems in a more functional way, stay active, visualize new proposals and improve expression.

Steps to follow to meditate

If you are interested in getting started in this technique, you must take into account some necessary steps so that you can observe and embrace its benefits.

  • Find a place that is comfortable and quiet, to avoid being distracted by ambient noise. Remember that you must focus and you will not achieve it with distracting sounds.

  • If you don't like complete silence, then choose sounds that promote relaxation, how to do it? Look for sounds of nature such as wind currents, running water, crackling fire, soft birdsong, etc.

  • On the other hand, if you have a hard time concentrating without having a point of focus, then look for an incense with a pleasant and calming scent. This will help you focus on guiding your breath to find its scent.

  • You can also help yourself in repeating mantras, this will guide you towards proper concentration.

  • Try to sit comfortably, so that it does not cause discomfort of any kind. Remember that you have to be in the same position for a considerable period of time.

  • Always keep an open mind, put aside prejudices, worries or doubts and indulge in a moment of tranquility. But above all, have confidence that you will achieve positive results.

  • If it is very difficult to do it yourself, then seek out people who have experience in meditation for guidance.

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