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The 90 best phrases of the Dalai Lama

The Dalai Lama is known to be the highest authority on the religion of Tibetan Buddhism, also known as Lamaism and is revered with great admiration, respect and devotion because, in his tradition, he is considered as the reincarnation in the land of the ancient Buddha God. The current Dalai Lama (fourteenth in the descending line) is the Buddhist monk Tenzin Gyatso, whose original name is Lhamo Dondhup. He has been interested in making an international impact and has therefore made several trips for political and exploration purposes, although he defines himself as a ‘simple Buddhist monk’.

  • We recommend you read: "The 90 most famous phrases of the Buddha (and about Buddhism)"

Best quotes from the Dalai Lama

In this article, we will show you the best phrases said not only by the current Dalai Lama, but by the others who were before him, to make you reflect and see life with different eyes.

1. If a problem can be fixed, then there is no need to worry. If you can't, then there's no use worrying. There is no benefit to worrying.

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Worries only make problems bigger.

2. Give those you love wings to fly, roots to return, and reasons to stay.

Loving someone implies wanting them to grow up, but also offering them a home to return to.

3. A good heart is the best religion.

Having a pure heart is what brings us closer to God.

4. Every day when you wake up, think "today I feel lucky to be alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it."

Being grateful keeps us happy.

5. Altruism is the best source of happiness.

Helping those in need brings joy.

6. Anger, pride, and competition are our real enemies.

The enemy is not outside, but inside us.

7. Happiness is not something already done. That comes from your own actions.

Each of us has the ability to create our own happiness.

8. I believe that the fundamental purpose of our life is to seek happiness.

We have to focus on being happy.

9. We can live without religion or meditation, but we cannot survive without human affection.

As social beings, human contact and affection are of vital importance.

10. If you think it is too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.

We must not underestimate our importance in the world.

11. Time passes freely. When we make mistakes, we cannot turn back the clock and go back again. All we can do is use the present well.

Time is a treasure that we must not waste.

12. If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.

Mercy and charity are actions that demand little of you and give you a lot.

13. An eye for an eye… and we will all be blind.

Revenge hurts whoever wields it.

14. It is under the greatest adversity that there is the greatest potential to do good, both for oneself and for others.

Do not let any negative situation hinder the desire to do good.

15. When you are unhappy, you always want more, more, more. Your wish can never be fulfilled.

When you feel upset, take a step back to calm down before continuing.

16. Tolerance and patience are much deeper and more effective than mere indifference.

Cultivate patience. Will it give you good returns.

17. Happiness doesn't just come from external circumstances.

A fundamental part of happiness is being good with ourselves.

18. The essence of Christianity and Buddhism is the same: the practice of love, for which it is necessary to emphasize forgiveness and share the suffering of others.

If you practice kindness and empathy, then it doesn't matter what religion you are from.

19. There is a saying in Tibetan, "tragedy must be used as a source of strength." No matter what kind of difficulties we go through, how painful the experience is, if we lose our hope, that is our true disaster.

In the face of all difficulties we must keep hope

20. An open heart is an open mind.

If your heart is good, you will not have a restrictive mind.

21. There are only two days in the year when nothing can be done. One is called Yesterday and the other is called Tomorrow. Today is the right day to love, believe, and above all to live.

Don't focus on the past because it is past. Do not let the future take away your sleep because it has not arrived. Focus on the here and now.

22. Our main purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them.

If you are not going to carry something, go your way.

23. Give the people you love the wings to fly, the roots to return, and the reasons to stay.

Let's not stop working to maintain love and truth in our environment.

24. We can develop our mind infinitely, there is no limitation.

There are no limits to the mind, other than what we impose ourselves.

25. If we control our mind, happiness will come.

If you can control your thoughts, then you will be free.

26. The means to change your mind is affection, not anger.

If you want others to change their minds, show them empathy.

27. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.

Sometimes what we want is not what is best for us.

28. Silence is sometimes the best answer.

There are moments where only silence is valid.

29. We can never get peace in the outside world until we make peace with ourselves.

If you want to change the world, start changing your interior.

30. When you speak, you only repeat what you already know, but when you listen, you may learn something new.

Listening is a great way to learn.

31. A good friend who points out mistakes and imperfections and rebukes evil must be respected as if the secret of a hidden treasure were revealed.

True friends are a treasure.

32. Sometimes you create a dynamic impression by saying something, and other times you create a very meaningful impression by staying silent.

Don't underestimate the power of silence.

33. Even when we have physical obstacles, we can be very happy.

Physical defects do not mean any obstacle to achieving our goals.

34. All of our lives began with human affection as the first support. Children who grow up in affection smile more and are kinder. They are generally more balanced.

Affection is essential for each person.

35. Through inner peace you can achieve world peace.

To want a change, you have to set an example.

36. Be good whenever possible. It is always possible.

If what you want is good, then it is achievable.

37. The goal is not to be better than another man, but to be better than your old self.

Don't focus on being better than others, put your attention on being better every day.

38. Don't let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.

Do not allow what happens on the outside to influence you inside.

39. Peace in the outside world can never be obtained until we are at peace with ourselves.

Avoid at all times that these feelings take over you.

40. The more motivated you are by love, the more fearless and free your action will be.

Love is the most motivating feeling.

41. If they ever don't give you the expected smile, be generous and give yours. Because nobody has such a need for a smile, as someone who does not know how to smile at others.

Don't lose your ability to smile.

42. Friendship could only take place through the development of mutual respect and in a spirit of sincerity.

True friendship is based on respect and sincerity.

43. Here individual responsibility is quite clear since the atmosphere of peace must be created within oneself, then it can be created in the family and later in the community.

If you don't cultivate your inner peace, don't expect others to have it.

44. The essence of spiritual life is made up of our feelings and our attitudes towards others.

If you want to be a spiritual being, start by treating people well.

45. Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity can not survive.

No amount of money can buy these securities.

46. A spoon cannot taste the food it is carrying. Just as a fool cannot understand the wisdom of an intelligent man even if he hangs out with him.

Knowledge is not something that sticks, but is obtained with dedication and effort.

47. The true hero is the one who conquers his own anger and hatred.

Overcoming our weaknesses is quite an achievement.

48. Both the believer and the unbeliever are human beings. We must have great respect for each other.

There is no reason to disrespect someone just for not sharing the same belief.

49. The calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence, which is why it is very important for good health.

The mind is capable of healing you, but it can also make you sick.

50. When you practice content living you can get to the point of saying “yes, I already have everything I need.

Happiness allows you to achieve everything you set your mind to.

51. It is said that our enemy is our best teacher. By being with a teacher, we can learn the importance of patience, control, and tolerance, but we have no real opportunity to practice it. The real practice arises to meet an enemy.

When you meet an enemy, then it is time to put patience and tolerance into practice.

52. If you don't forgive out of love, forgive at least out of selfishness, for your own well-being.

Forgiveness is important to moving forward in life.

53. Open your arms to change, but don't let your values ​​slip away.

Never lose your values.

54. Our main purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least not hurt them.

Love is a tool that has the ability to change everything for the better.

55. Remember that the best relationship is one in which the love for each exceeds the need for the other.

Love doesn't have to be a cage.

56. My religion is very simple. My true religion is kindness.

The true practice of any religion.

57. Let go of people who only come to share complaints, problems, disastrous stories, fear and judgment of others. If someone is looking for a bin to put the garbage out of it, he tries not to be in your mind.

Being swayed by what others say can damage our confidence.

58. Old friends leave, new ones arrive. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend, or a meaningful day.

A significant friend or a significant day: in life everything happens.

59. If you contribute to the happiness of others, then you have discovered the true meaning of life.

Part of our own happiness is making another happy.

60. Although there are different religions, due to different cultures, the important thing is that they all agree on their main objective: to be a good person and to help others.

The important thing about religion is that we learn to be compassionate.

61. Almost all the good things that happen in the world are born out of an attitude of appreciation for others.

If you care about others, then you will have your reward.

62. If our mind is dominated by anger, we will waste the best part of the human brain: wisdom, the ability to discern and decide what is right or wrong.

When we get angry, both our physical and mental health suffer.

63. There are only two days in the year when nothing can be done. One is called Yesterday and the other is called Tomorrow. Today is the right day to love, believe, and above all to live.

If you respect others and help the needy, God is in your heart.

64. The roots of goodness are in the seed of gratitude.

Gratitude goes hand in hand with kindness.

65. Love is the absence of an act of judging.

When love is true, there is no room for disqualification.

66. People take different paths in search of happiness. Just because they are not in your way does not mean they have lost you.

Each person has their own way to find happiness.

67. We need to learn to want only what we have, not to have what we want, and thus achieve constant happiness.

Happiness consists of wanting what you do and not doing what you want.

68. We should not believe too much in praise. The criticism is sometimes very necessary.

A good review is better than a thousand compliments.

69. Know that great love and great achievements require great risks.

In life you have to take risks to achieve your dreams.

70. Death makes us all equal. It is the same for a rich man as it is for a wild animal.

Death comes to everyone equally.

71. Choose to be optimistic, you will feel better.

Optimism takes us further than negativism.

72. In the fight for our freedom, the truth is the only weapon we have.

Let us never stop always telling the truth.

73. There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophies. My brain and my heart are my temples; my philosophy is kindness.

If you have a generous heart and a caring mind, you are a great person.

74. Someone's action shouldn't determine your answer.

Do not let the actions of others influence your truth.

75. The planet does not need more successful individuals. The planet needs more people of peace, healers, restorers, storytellers and fans of all kinds.

Success is important, but creating peace is better.

76. If we assume an attitude of humility, our qualities will grow.

Humility is an attitude that achievers have.

77. Happiness is a combination of inner peace, economic viability, and most of all, world peace.

Fundamental elements of happiness.

78. When the main engine of behavior is greed and envy, you cannot live in harmony.

Keep selfish and envious people away from you.

79. The goodness or the badness of the acts is determined by their fruit.

Everyone has the ability to hurt or be kind.

80. I defeat my enemies when I make them my friends.

An enemy loses his power of vengeance when he becomes a friend.

81. Know the rules so you can break them effectively.

You have to know your environment to know what changes to make.

82. Judge your success by what you had to give up to get it.

If you had to lose a lot to get to the top, then was it worth it?

83. Peace does not mean an absence of conflict; the differences will always be there. Peace means the solution of these differences by peaceful means; through dialogue, education, knowledge; and through humane ways.

Life is full of conflicts, but we must solve them properly.

84. Happiness doesn't necessarily come from a search. Sometimes it comes when we least expect it.

Happiness is an invitation that comes when we least expect it.

85. Whoever transforms, transforms the world.

If you are able to change your way of being and thinking, then you are capable of changing everything.

86. The root causes of suffering are ignorance, longing and hatred.

If you want something and you don't get it, then you can fill yourself with hatred and thus enter the world of suffering.

87. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate action to correct it.

When you make a mistake, you immediately begin to repair the damage.

88. It is very rare or almost impossible that an event can be negative from all points of view.

Every situation has something negative, but also positive things.

89. When you lose, do not lose the lesson…

You also learn from failure.

90. The roots of all good lie in appreciating the good in itself.

If you are a good person, then your actions have a prize.

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