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12 foods rich in magnesium (and its properties and benefits)

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Many people talk about the importance of calcium or iron in the diet, but few take into account other micronutrients as important as the mineral we are talking about today. We refer to magnesium, a trace element that intervenes in many functions of our body.

Magnesium participates in many chemical reactions in our body. For example, it has anti-inflammatory effects, lowers blood pressure, and is effective in fighting type 2 diabetes. In this article we will see which are the foods richest in magnesium.

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12 foods that are good sources of magnesium

For our body to enjoy good health, it is essential to take enough magnesium. It is the fourth most present mineral in the human body, and it is not good that our body has to perform its functions without it. Problems of all kinds can appear (metabolic, mood, concentration, etc.)

Unlike calcium or iron, most people are unaware of even a single source of calcium. Next we are going to see what foods rich in magnesium we must take into account so that we do not lack this mineral at any time.

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1. Avocado

Avocado is a highly recommended food in our diet. Many will be surprised to discover that it is a fruit. In any case, taking avocado is very beneficial for our body. In addition to being a food rich in magnesium, its contribution in monounsaturated fat stands out above all.

2. Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds cannot be missing from our diet. Although traditionally the pumpkin was taken as another vegetable and the seeds were thrown away, it has been seen that these have a high nutritional value. It is a very interesting food that little by little has been introduced into the diet, and its contribution in essential amino acids and magnesium stands out.

3. Dark chocolate

Cocoa is a great source of magnesium. Thanks to the fact that dark chocolate has a high cocoa content, this food is a very interesting source of magnesium. It is very important to take as little sugar as possible in the chocolate. For example, a dark chocolate with 85% cocoa will always be better than 70%. The healthiest will dare to eat 100% pure cocoa chocolate.

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4. Nuts

Nuts in general are very good sources of minerals. In this case we point out walnuts, almonds and pistachios as foods rich in magnesium. This food can be eaten raw or roasted, and is eaten in all regions of the world. Although it is advisable to eat them on a regular basis, generally we should not eat more than a handful a day. They represent an important caloric source.

5. Vegetables

Legumes represent another food belonging to this list. Essential in a healthy and balanced diet, legumes represent an important source of magnesium. Lentils, beans, or chickpeas should be a staple in every household at least once a week. Other properties and benefits that stand out from legumes are their contribution in fiber and essential amino acids.

6. Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are those like spinach, celery, or chard. They stand out for providing us with other minerals such as iron, but they are also a source of magnesium to consider. They can be eaten raw or cooked, although taking them raw whenever we can is a good idea. When we cook food, minerals like magnesium remain there, but not many vitamins are lost.

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7. Flax seeds

The seeds in general are another food very rich in minerals such as magnesium. Taking them regularly is a great idea to take care of our health. Flax seeds should also be noted for their great contribution in essential omega-3 fatty acids. It is a type of nutrient that is not found in many foods. In the same way that happens with magnesium, it is appropriate to take them into account.

8. Whole wheat

Whole wheat and wheat bran represent a very good source of magnesium. There are many countries that eat a lot of bread and other foods that contain wheat flour, but in most cases it is based on refined wheat. This is a problem if we want to take magnesium. This mineral is found in a layer that covers the part of the grain, in which the carbohydrates that give us energy are found.

9. Tofu

Tofu is still a product that is made from soybeans, a legume. It is therefore a good source of magnesium. This food is very interesting for its versatility when preparing different dishes and for being a source of essential amino acids. It is one of the foods that is most associated with veganism, although people who follow this diet consume a wide variety of foods of non-animal origin.

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10. Quinoa

Quinoa is a pseudocereal that has become very fashionable. In any case, it is still a very interesting food on a nutritional level. We can find very good doses of magnesium and other minerals in quinoa. In addition, it stands out because it is one of the few plant foods that contains all the essential amino acids. This means that it is a very good source of protein for our body.

11. Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are another magnesium-rich food. We can add them to salads, in preparations such as bread or energy bars, or simply take them as a snack. It is an important source of omega-6 fatty acids, although in general we do not have to worry much about taking this type of nutrient. Contrary to what happens with omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6s are present in more foods.

12. Figs

The children are a fruit with a very good presence of minerals such as magnesium*. They can be taken both fresh and dried, and they are also a good source of fiber. Although it is advisable not to eat too many at once. Beyond its excellent nutritional properties, it is a fruit that contains a considerable amount of calories. It contains many natural sugars from the fruit.

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Bibliographic references

  • American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada (2003). Position of the American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada: Vegetarian diets, Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 103 (6), 748–65.

  • di Costanzo, J. (2000). Paleolithic nutrition: a model for the future?. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care, 3 (2), 87–92.

  • Houston, M.C. (2007). Treatment of hypertension with nutraceuticals, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy, 5 (4), 681–691.

  • Sabaté, J. (2001). Vegetarian Nutrition. Boca Raton: CRC Press.

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