Education, study and knowledge

The 40 best phrases of Emilia Pardo Bazán

Emilia Pardo Bazán she is by far one of the best Spanish writers. She was a novelist, journalist, translator, poet, literary critic, playwright, professor, lecturer, and essayist.

She was born in 1851 in La Coruña and was a descendant of an aristocratic family. Her great literary work and her avant-garde ideas left us as a legacy endless reflections that we present to you here, in this compilation of the best phrases by Emilia Pardo Bazán.

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40 great phrases by Emilia Pardo Bazán

To speak of Emilia Pardo Bazán is to speak of a feminist icon of Spanish literature. When the genre of realism came to Spain, she Pardo was a great fan of the movement and defended it, although her style leaned towards naturalism, a subgenre of realism.

"The steps of Ulloa", "Mother nature", "The throbbing question" are just some of the most representative works of Emilia Pardo Bazán. In addition to her excellent literature, we have famous phrases of which we have compiled the best below.

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1. There is no lever more powerful than a belief to move human crowds; not for nothing is it said that religion binds and squeezes men.

Emilia Pardo Bazán was a critical woman of social and political systems.

2. The feelings we do not choose come to us, they grow up like the weed that nobody plants and that floods the earth.

Undoubtedly the playwright also knew very well human nature and its motives.

3. We usually die by the mouth like simple fish, and it is not the death of a wise man, but of a cold, clumsy, raw animal.

At times humanity has been very clumsy in acting on it.

4. The education of women cannot be called such education, but training, since obedience, passivity and submission are finally proposed.

It is because of reflections and phrases like this that Emilia Pardo Bazán is considered a feminist.

5. The dictatorship is like an aria and never becomes an opera.

A brief but concise critique of the dictatorship.

Emilia Pardo Bazán

6. To the towns, the excessive intelligence harms them. What is convenient is a limited mass of people, meekly following a genius individual.

A critique of the exercise of power over the masses.

7. Loving is an act. Do not tire yourself in thinking: love.

A phrase to reflect on love.

8. Physical education makes a woman increase her stature and vigor and enriches her blood.

Women should always seek to exercise their body.

9. It is absurd for a people to pin their hopes of redemption and fortune on forms of government they do not know.

The people should always be well informed to make decisions.

10. And it is that before one reaches the celebrity with scandal and talent, than with talent alone; and she even she sometimes makes up for the scandal to talent.

Emilia Pardo Bazán also pointed out how scandals were praised above work and talent in all areas of art.

11. Naivete often resembles cheekiness.

A great truth in a short sentence.

12. Fatherhood, in the midst of its ordeals, provides generous joys that those of us who live armored in our prudent abstention do not understand.

People who do not have children will not be able to understand some specific situations of exercising parenthood.

13. Lord, why shouldn't women have the right to find men who are handsome, and why should they look bad if they show it? If we don't say it, we think it, and there is nothing more dangerous than what is repressed and hidden, what remains inside.

Another feminist position on not repressing the opinion and desire of women.

14. The world is a set of eyes, ears and mouths, which are closed for the good and open for the bad.

Unfortunately, positive things are more easily passed unnoticed.

15. All women conceive ideas, but not all conceive children.

The value of women does not lie in their reproductive capacity.

16. Great heartaches and amendment purposes often stay between the blankets.

Many times our pain and suffering is not talked about.

17. I do not like to live a slave to the bows, I fix everything possible, everything that fits, without wasting time that I must dedicate to better things.

Emilia Pardo Bazán was a practical woman who did not like to spend too much time putting on makeup or "adorning herself".

18. Only superficial and thoughtless people condemn selfishness, when altars should be erected as a tutelary numen: the Passion and altruism are what almost always put us in the case of annoying, damaging and hurting others: selfishness never. Adviser.

A paragraph from his work "Memories of a Bachelor" that talks about a different way of looking at the selfish attitude.

19. She usually pays tribute to another mania, unusual and fatal in women: and it is her ill-fated fondness for reading all kinds of books, learning strange things, studying hard and fast, becoming a bluesy marisa, the most hateful and unsympathetic thing in the world. world.

It seems that women who like to acquire knowledge and learn strange things, are often despised and discredited.

20. That of the three beasts, bull, bullfighter and public comes to light; the first, that she allows herself to be killed because she has no choice; the second, that charges for killing; the third who pays for them to kill, so that it is more ferocious.

A criticism or observation on bullfighting.

21. If she drop of wine to reinforce the vital spirits a little and restore vigor to the body.

Tasting a good wine is even healthy and beneficial.

22. The villagers are not soft-hearted; on the contrary, they tend to have it as hard and quiet as the palms of their hands; But when their self-interest is not at stake, they have a certain instinct for justice that induces them to take the side of the weak oppressed by the strong.

A great reflection on the action of the people in the face of injustices.

23. They are not the naturalistic novels that reached the greatest vogue and sale, the most perfect and real; but rather those that describe more licentious customs, freer and more colorful paintings.

As a critic she had positions about preferences for literary styles.

24. Medium minds always yield to the poise that fascinates them.

Some people are usually more impressionable by the charisma of others.

25. She has every age her literary struggles, which are sometimes battles across the line.

Emilia Pardo Bazán is a reference in literary criticism.

26. Political passion took advantage of even height, hair color, age.

She also maintained strong criticism of political activity.

27. The most shrunken and tight that can be imagined in the world, it does not manage to give an idea of ​​the degree of reduction that the stomach of a Galician Labrador achieves.

Emilia Pardo Bazán did not hesitate to point out situations that lived in her native country.

28. Woe to the human race if History were reduced to the oppression of the weak by the strong, to the triumph of violence!

About the history of mankind.

29. Look before you the fate of those who were; she looks before you the fate of those who will be.

You have to know our history to be able to look where we are going.

30. The Galician is not fished with an air hook; there Cicero would lose his eloquence.

Emilia Pardo Bazán did not take long to speak from different perspectives about Galicia and its people.

31. In truth, what we love in women is not the woman, but the spirit; and whoever seeks in the woman more than the spirit, will be abandoned by Brahma.

Another phrase about how women and her nature are visualized.

32. Discretion is at odds with the truth: as the truth is often indiscretion itself.

Perhaps you cannot be discreet without being honest and vice versa.

33. The village, when one grows up in it and never leaves there, debases, impoverishes and brutalizes.

Emilia Pardo believed that you had to go out to explore and get to know the world to enrich yourself with knowledge.

34. She was familiarizing Durvati with blood and pain, inseparable from glory.

Another phrase taken from one of her great works.

35. The unhealthy taste of the public has perverted the writers with gold and applause.

Sometimes the preference and praise of the public make the writers a mere object of worship.

36. The novel is no longer mere entertainment, a way to pleasantly deceive a few hours, ascending to social, psychological, historical study, but ultimately study.

Emilia Pardo Bazán, as a defender of naturalism, argued that the novel was no longer mere entertainment.

37. There are thus supreme moments in life when sentiment, hidden for long hours, rises roaring and overwhelming, and proclaims itself the owner of a soul.

We must let ourselves be dominated more often by feeling.

38. Is it true that fate is sometimes pleased in that by strange way, by winding paths, it find two existences, and stumble at each step and influence each other, without cause or reason for it?

A questioning about how it can be that destiny plays and influences people and situations.

39. Signs were that they denoted men who had reached the goal of human aspirations in decadent countries: entry into the offices of the State.

A harsh criticism of the political systems of the time.

40. The people cannot be enlightened. She is and will be forever a bunch of babiecas, a collection of donkeys. If you present natural and rational things to him, he does not believe them. She falls for the weird, bizarre, wonderful, and impossible.

Emilia Pardo Bazán had no problem in also criticizing the public and the people who sometimes seemed not to insist on educating themselves.

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