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How to remove cellulite from the legs and buttocks

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Summer is coming and we are all looking to get in shape for the long-awaited days of sun and beach that lie ahead. But sadly the idea of ​​being in a bikini puts all our insecurities on the surface and all the criticism begins about what is supposedly wrong with our appearance and hence the usual question: how to eliminate cellulite?

We will always tell you that the most important thing is that you love your body, which is perfect as it is, and that you do not feel that you have to adjust to beauty standards because you are already beautiful; but how do we know how annoying it is, let's show you these tricks on how to remove cellulite from legs and buttocks.

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Why do I have cellulite?

Before telling you how to get rid of cellulite, let's first break the myth of women with 0% cellulite: you should know that in reality almost all women have cellulite, some to a greater or lesser extent than others, but there are very few, almost counted with the hands, those that do not have a drop of cellulite. And the

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celebrities? Remember that the P_hotoshop_ can do it all.

Cellulite is the buildup of fatty tissue under the skin in specific areas of the body such as the legs, buttocks, abdomen and arms. When we say adipose tissue, we refer to a tissue formed by the accumulation of fats and toxins in adipocytes.

Our body, unlike men's, is much more prone to having adipose tissue because our fat content is higher than theirs; and while there is something in our genetic makeup that can make us have more cellulite, our nutrition is one of the major factors that cause cellulite and therefore, it also helps to eliminate cellulite. Circulatory problems, lack of exercise, being overweight, and hormonal changes are what give us that orange-peel appearance.

How to eliminate cellulite from the legs and buttocks?

These are some tricks and changes in your routine that you can do to eliminate cellulite or improve that orange peel appearance. It is normal that in some cases we can only reduce it considerably more, not eliminate it in its entirety.

1. It all starts with food

Make sure you eat a healthy diet that is sufficient for your body. Try not to eat simple carbohydrates like refined sugars or foods high in fat, and switch to foods that are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Also reduce salt intake, as this can make you retain fluids.

A great way to constantly detoxify your body and help it get rid of toxin buildup, and therefore eliminate cellulite, is by taking juices or detox shakes every day in the morning.

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2. Water is essential

Drinking your 2 liters of water a day is essential for those fats and toxins from adipose tissue can be moved and eliminated. I could say that, although it takes some time, it is the most infallible advice we can give you to eliminate cellulite.

If drinking plain water is not your thing, you can replace it with infusions. But without sugar, of course.

3. Move your muscles

To eliminate cellulite you have to exercise. It is what guarantees you that you burn fat and gain muscle mass causing the orange peel to disappear. Choose a routine that contains cardiovascular exercises to encourage fat movement, and contains exercises to work your muscles and make you strong.

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4. Lemon water in the morning

Drinking a glass of warm or hot water with the juice of a lemon every morning on an empty stomach helps you stimulate the movement of fats and toxins, so with perseverance, good nutrition and exercise you can eliminate cellulite that bothers you so much.

5. Get an anti-cellulite massage

Massages are a good way to help loosen and mobilize fat from adipose tissue and stimulate circulation. It is important that the massage is done with force and vigorous, even if it hurts a little; in this way you make sure that it is more efficient to eliminate cellulite.

Ideally, you can get a silicone suction cup of those that are now in all cosmetic stores and whose price, fortunately, is not very high. Put a little of the oil of your choice (preferably free of parabens and sulfates, 100% of natural origin) and with the suction cups begin to massage in a circular and ascending way.

It is normal that it hurts a little and that in some cases there are small bruises, but that is the work that is required so that the fat begins to loosen. Of course, you have to be constant with the massage so that the results last over time.

6. Anti-cellulite creams

There are many creams and oils on the market that promise to eliminate cellulite. We will not tell you that it is a lie that they work, but you should not rely only on this to remove the orange peel. These creams usually work superficially, so over time, if you don't watch your diet and stop using the cream, that orange peel is likely to reappear.

In any case, although some of these tips are aids to eliminate cellulite, the truth is that the most important thing is to take care of your diet, have an exercise routine and take a lot Water. Remember in any case that we all have cellulite and that does not mean that we stop being beautiful.

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