The 90 best phrases about youth
They say that youth ends when we get older, but the reality is that youth can be carried on the wing. It is a state of mind that accompanies us at all times as long as we know how to feed it. The best way to do this is to enjoy life and take care of our health, respect the things of nature and love ourselves above all things.
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Phrases about youth
To remind us and make us reflect on being and feeling young, we bring below the best phrases about youth.
1. The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions. (Oliver Wendell Holmes)
As young people, we tend to stick to what we know.
2. Youth lives on hope; the old age of memory. (George Herbert)
You are always eager to see what will happen tomorrow.
3. Young people today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, devour their food, and disrespect their teachers. (Socrates)
A reality that, in certain cases, has not changed.
4. Young people are convinced that they have the truth. Unfortunately, when they manage to impose it, they are neither young nor is it true. (Jaume Perich)
That is why we must always express our opinions.
5. Perhaps one day they will let the young people invent their own youth. (Cinchona)
Sadly, many young people are robbed of their time.
6. Travel is part of education in youth and part of experience in old age. (Francis Bacon)
Everything we learn when we are young is appreciated when we are older.
7. Unlike old age, which is always extra, the characteristic of youth is that it is always in fashion. (Fernando Savater)
You are always looking for a way to stay forever young.
8. The important thing for a young man is to establish his character, a reputation and a credit. (John D. Rockefeller)
Things not to be missed in the youthful years.
9. What is learned in youth lasts a lifetime. (Francisco de Quevedo)
There is no excess learning.
10. Wisdom is scarce in youth and beauty. (Homer)
It is during this time that the most crazy things are committed, just for experimentation.
11. Youth, even when no one fights it, finds its own enemy in itself. (William Shakespeare)
There are young people who all they want is to feel the adrenaline rush through their bodies, regardless of the consequences.
12. There are no bad youths, but misguided youths. (Saint John Bosco)
A phrase that denotes a great reality.
13. Forty is the ripe old age of youth; the fifty the youth of middle age. (Victor Hugo)
There is no age to stop being young, unless you want to.
14. The first symptom of true love in a young man is shyness, in a girl it is audacity. (Victor Hugo)
Ways to express love in youth.
15. Being young is not just being a few years old. It is to keep the illusion alive in the soul and awakens the capacity in the spirit to dream; it is to live with intensity and full of faith the heart. (Louise. Ferre)
A beautiful reflection on what it means to have a jovial spirit.
16. Youth is a religion that one always ends up converting to. (André Malraux)
Being young is a matter of attitude.
17. Why would I want life when I am not young. (Ruben Dario)
There are those who feel that life no longer has meaning when you are not younger.
18. One realizes that youth is over when one is nowhere. Young people are in places, and people who have ceased to be young are beginning to be absent. (Alejandro Dolina)
One of the ways youth is lost.
19. When I was younger I could remember everything, whether it had happened or not. (Mark Twain)
At this age, things are only valid from a personal point of view.
20. Youth is the age of growth and development, of activity, and of liveliness, of imagination and momentum. (Jose Marti)
An interesting way to describe the time of youth.
21. Youth needs to believe, a priori, superior. Of course he is wrong, but this is precisely the great right of youth (José Ortega Y Gasset)
In order to become wise, we must first make some mistakes.
22. Of my youthful absurdities, what gives me the most pain is not having committed them, but not being able to commit them again. (Pierre Benoit)
So do what you can do, because otherwise regret will attack you.
23. If I wait I will lose the audacity of youth. (Alexander the Great)
In youth you live in the here and now.
24. Youth is a defect that is corrected with time. (Enrique Jardiel Poncela)
You are not always young, at least not chronologically.
25. When youth loses its enthusiasm, the whole world shudders. (Georges Bernanos)
Young people are the spirit that animates the world.
26. I remember my youth and that feeling that will never come back. The feeling that I could last longer than everything, longer than the sea, longer than the land, longer than all men. (Joseph Conrad)
There are those who look back on their youth with melancholy.
27. You are only young once, and if you work it right, it is once enough. (Joe E. Lewis)
Live every stage of your life with love and respect.
28. Be modest in your youth to be honored in your old age. (Anonymous)
Very significant advice.
29. Youth is a summer sun.
Beautiful metaphor to describe youth.
30. Youth, do you know that yours is not the first generation that yearns for a life full of beauty and freedom? (Albert Einstein)
This is a desire that permeates every youthful heart.
31. A society that isolates its youth and cuts its moorings is condemned to bleed to death. (Kofi Annan)
Young people are the future of every nation.
32. Finding joy in work is discovering the fountain of youth (Pearl S. Buck)
Happiness in everything we do keeps us eternally joyous.
33. Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of the spirit. (Mateo Alemán)
A phrase to ponder.
34. The child is realistic; the boy, an idealist; the man, a skeptic, and the old man, a mystic. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
The different stages of life in our attitudes.
35. My youth is youth: my heart is strong and still young and existence does not tire me... (José Zorrilla)
Youth is inside.
36. When one is young, thoughts become love, with age love becomes thoughts. (Albert Einstein)
Love also has its transfiguration in the stages of life.
37. Neither youth knows what it can, nor old age can what it knows. (José Saramago)
That is why we must keep in mind to do what is within our power.
38. Youth is the vitamin supplement of the anemic social routine. (Fernando Savater)
And like any supplement, you must take it daily.
39. A young man without joy and without hope is not a real young man, but a man aged before his time. (John Paul II)
Great thought from the Pope.
40. The initiatives of the youth are worth as much as the experience of the old. (Josephine Knorr)
Never let them tell you that what you do is worth nothing.
41. The youth know what they don't want before they know what they want.
A great reality that shows the rebellious spirit of youth.
42. The duty of the youth is to challenge corruption. (Kurt Cobain)
The Nirvana singer always highlighted this point as a duty of young people.
43. Too much debauchery in youth dries up the heart, and too much continence bogs down the spirit. (Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve)
The ideal is to have a healthy balance between the two that allows them to experiment with the consequences.
44. The greatest misfortune of today's youth is no longer belonging to it. (Salvador Dali)
There is nothing worse for a young person than feeling left out.
45. I am sick of youth, the worst symptom is rebellion, I do not burn wastebaskets, I write poetry. (The chojin)
Each young man has his own way of rebelling.
46. We must see young people, not as empty bottles to be filled, but as candles to be lit. (Roberto Chafar)
Cultivating youth is the first step to a full adulthood.
47. If youth is a defect, it is a defect from which we heal too soon. (James Russell Lowell)
Youth should bring us teachings, not sorrows.
48. No man knows that he is young while he is young. (Gilbert K. Chesterton)
A great reality that we realize late.
49. Age is absurd and forgetful when it underestimates youth. (J. K. Rowling)
Never underestimate a person because of their age.
50. I'd rather see a young man blush than pale. (Cato)
Everyone should have this preference.
51. Acquiring such and such habits from a young age is of no small importance: it is of absolute importance. (Aristotle)
Learn everything you can, they may serve you in the future.
52. We should not discourage young people from dreaming big dreams (Lenny Wilken)
Dreams drive people to achieve great things.
53. Young people today seem to have no respect for the past and no hope for the future. (Hippocrates)
A situation that has not changed at all in many young people today.
54. I have had, successively, all temperaments: the choleric in my childhood, the sanguine in my youth; later, the bilious, and, finally, the melancholic, who, probably, will not abandon me anymore. (Giacomo Casanova)
There are things from our youth that we carry to the grave.
55. Educating a young person is not making him learn something that he did not know, but making him someone that did not exist. (John Ruskin)
The correct way of looking at education in youth age.
56. I know that you know that there is no quarrel for generations: there are young old men and young old men, and I find myself in these. (Salvador Allende)
In which one do you stand?
57. If there is something that ennobled the youth, it is the regard and respect for the elderly. (Jose Marti)
We must never lose the respect of those who take us more years and experience.
58. The path of youth takes a lifetime. (Pablo Picasso)
That is why it is possible to be eternally young.
59. Youth is about how you live, not when you were born. (Karl Lagerfeld)
Another phrase that reminds us that being jovial is a matter of attitude.
60. Youth is the gift of nature, but age is a work of art (Stanislaw Jerzy Lec.)
We must carry youth in our soul and let it grow.
61. I am not young enough to know everything. (J. M. Barrie)
It is very common for young people to believe that they know everything.
62. If there is something we want to change in boys, we should first examine it and see if it is not something that we might be better off changing in ourselves. (Carl Gustav Jung)
Sometimes what we want to change in someone is just a projection of ourselves.
63. Youth without rebellion is early servitude. (José Ingenieros)
Do you think this phrase is true?
64. The world will be what the youth want; if she loves the truth and the good, that will be in the world. (Werner Karl Heisenberg)
The power that youth has over the destiny of the world.
65. Youth is happy because it has the ability to see beauty. Anyone who retains the ability to see beauty never grows old. (Franz Kafka)
Let's learn to see the beauty around us.
66. I am youth, I am joy, I am a little bird that has exploded from the egg. (Sir James M. Barrie)
Always have a youthful attitude in yourself.
67. Wisdom serves as a restraint to the youth, a comfort to the old, wealth to the poor, and an adornment to the rich. (Diogenes of Sinope)
The philosopher did not consider wisdom as part of youth.
68. Better to be a young beetle than an old bird of paradise. (Mark Twain)
Youth brings with it that inexhaustible feeling of hope.
69. In youth we learn; when we grow up we understand. (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach)
A reality that never changes.
70. You are not born young, you have to acquire youth. And without an ideal, it is not acquired. (José Ingenieros)
Get the youth you want to have in your life always.
71. Thinking of old overwhelms me and, nevertheless, thinking of young, healthy and arrogant young man, seems so insipid to me… (Camilo José Cela)
You have to have a balance between arrogance and stillness during the youthful years.
72. Maturing is nothing more than the process of discovering that everything you believed when you were young is false and that, in turn, everything you refused to believe in your youth turns out to be true. When do you plan to mature? (Carlos Ruiz Zafon)
Have you been through this yet?
73. In the young, the future predominates... in the old... last. (Novalia)
Every young person is anxious about the future.
74. The age of man, seen from within, is eternal youth. (Hugo von Hofmannsthal)
We must not let age be an impediment to feeling young.
75. Before, being a teenager was a time of non-identity. But since the sixties youth is a grade. (Carmen Posadas)
Each age has its own way of looking at youth.
76. Youth is the period of the possible. (Ambrose Bierce)
We have the power to build the path to make our dreams come true.
77. In no other time will a person have the purity and selflessness with which, as a young man, he faces life. (Fidel Castro)
There are those who, as they grow up, let their purest qualities extinguish.
78. You are only young once, but you can be immature indefinitely. (Ogden Nash)
Immaturity has nothing to do with how old you are.
79. In the eyes of the young man, the flame burns; in those of the old man, the light shines. (Victor Hugo)
A reference to the wisdom that is acquired over time.
80. When we are young we regret not having a woman, when we grow old we regret not having a woman. (Cesare Pavese)
Even the needs of love evolve with age.
81. Youth is a wayward bride. We do not know how to understand or value her until she leaves with someone else, never to return... (Carlos Ruiz Zafón)
Is this harsh phrase true?
82. It is not enough to be young. It is necessary to be drunk of youth. With all its consequences. (Alejandro Casona)
Talking about the experiences that we should not lose in youth.
83. Every hour of time lost in youth is one more possibility of misfortune in adulthood. (Napoleon Bonaparte)
A great reality, so don't think twice and do it.
84. This enthusiastic youth is beautiful. She is right, but even if she was wrong, we would love her. (Jose Marti)
The best time to be wrong is in early youth.
85. Youth comes only once in life. (Henry Longfellow Wadsworth)
So enjoy it and make the most of it.
86. Among you young people is where I feel good. (Saint John Bosco)
It does not matter our age when we have an affinity with a group of young people to surround us.
87. How old is the Pope... I am a young man of 83 years (John Paul II)
The correct attitude that we should all have before our age.
88. Youth is the time to study wisdom; old age, to practice it. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)
So don't underestimate all the knowledge that you may acquire as you grow old.
89. At twenty, the will is queen; at thirty, ingenuity is; At forty, it is judgment. (Benjamin Franklin)
How our vision changes as we grow.
90. We never really grow up, we just learn how to perform in public. (Bryan White)
Maybe inside of us we will always be that young rebel.