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75 phrases of change (and famous quotes)

Life is not static, with the passing of days it is possible to appreciate that everything changes, transforms, improves or some things are eliminated of our environment that directly and indirectly affect the routine and affect our development of the different areas of growth.

But, How do you carry those changes? Are you afraid of the unknown? Or are you one of those who take risks?

Many people tend to fear change because they assume it as a synonym for deterioration or loss, even if it is offered just the opposite, an opportunity to grow. This is because we feel too comfortable in our comfort zone, that space where nothing can harm us but that sometimes does not allow us to evolve.

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If you are going through something similar, then take a moment to ask yourself this question: is it worth it to be so secretive when opportunities are in flux?

If you are still in constant confusion, then stay reading this article where we will give you some tips to embrace change and the best famous phrases to motivate you.

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What is change?

In its encyclopedic definition, a change refers to the transition that takes place one state from another, that is, a movement, a displacement or a transformation. And, humanly speaking, this concept does not deviate much.

Well, a change in a person's life is an event that alters the course of their path (work, social, interpersonal or family) and that affect the perception of the world of it.

Why do we fear change?

As we already mentioned, the fear of change is directly related to the fear of the unknown and the conformism that we normalize by staying in our comfort zone. What does this mean? When an opportunity presents itself, especially one that requires a lot of commitment on our part, the first thing we tend to think about is can we handle this?

This question triggers a series of negative emotions such as anxiety, worries and stress anticipatory that paralyzes us and in some cases demotivates us, causing us to reject the offer and remain stagnant, but secure.

Famous phrases to embrace the change in your life

Yes, the changes are a challenge but the benefits you will get from it, does not it make it worth facing it? If you want to cheer up, then look at the following phrases about change.

  • "When you can't achieve what you want, it's better to change your attitude." (Publio Terence)
  • "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." (Wayne Dyer)
  • "Change is not only necessary in life, it is life itself." (Alvin Toffler)
  • ‘One year later you will wish you had started today’. (Karen Lamb)
  • 'The future has many names. For the weak is the unreachable. For the fearful, the unknown. For the brave it is the opportunity. ' (Victor Hugo)
  • 'Change is the only unchanging thing'. (Arthur Schopenhauer)
  • "When we are no longer capable of changing a situation, we are faced with the challenge of changing ourselves." (Viktor E. Frankl)
  • "Courage is not the absence of fear, but the judgment that something is more important than fear." (Ambrose Redmoon)
  • "Your life doesn't get better by chance, it gets better by change." (Jim Rohn)
  • ‘The future left to itself, only repeats the past. Change can only happen now - in the present. ' (Nisargadata Maharaj)
  • "Nobody bathes in the river twice because everything changes in the river and in which one bathes." (Heraclitus of Ephesus)
  • ‘The sun is renewed every day. It will not cease to be eternally new. ' (Heraclitus)
  • "I can't change the desert in a single day, but I can start by making an oasis." (Phil Bosmans)
  • "Since we cannot change reality, let's change the eyes with which we see reality." (Nikos Kazantzakis)
  • "Only renewal can maintain, whoever remains unemployed is delayed." (Everhardus Johannes Potgieter)
  • "The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I change." (Carl Rogers)
  • "Everybody thinks about changing the world, but nobody thinks about changing himself." (Leon Tolstoi)
  • 'When circumstances change, I change my mind. What are you doing?'. (John Maynard Keynes)
  • "The first step for change is awareness, the second is acceptance." (Nathaniel Branden)
  • "We must be willing to let go of the life we ​​plan to have the life that is waiting for us." (Joseph Campbell)
  • 'The snake that cannot shed its skin dies. Also the minds that are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be. ' (Friedrich Nietzsche)
  • ‘We cannot change anything until we accept ourselves. The sentence does not liberate, it oppresses'. (Carl Jung)
  • "At the end of the day, we are what we do to change who we are." (Eduardo Galeano)
  • "If we want everything to continue as it is, everything needs to change." (Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa)
  • "Some changes seem negative on the surface, but you will find that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge." (Eckhart Tolle)
  • "Remember, the darkest hour is the one before dawn, the change often occurs when you have given up or when you least expect it." (Alfred North Whitehead)
  • 'Usually when people are sad, they do nothing. They just cry. But when their sadness turns to outrage, they are capable of changing things. ' (Malcolm X)
  • ‘We are not the same people as last year, neither are those we love. It is extraordinary that, by changing, we can continue to love someone who has also changed. ' (William Somerset Maugham)
  • "Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything." (George Bernard Shaw)
  • "The difference between a slave and a citizen is that the citizen can wonder about his life and change it." (Alejandro Gándara)
  • "You must be the change you want to see in the world." (Mahatma Gandhi)
  • "Whoever wants constant happiness and wisdom, he must accommodate himself to frequent changes." (Confucius)
  • 'Every day I look at myself in the mirror and ask myself: "If today was the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am going to do today?" If the answer is "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something. ' (Steve Jobs)
  • ‘The most dangerous human masses are those into whose veins the poison of fear has been injected... from fear of change '. (Octavio Paz)
  • ‘He who rejects change is the architect of decadence. The only human institution that rejects progress is the cemetery. ' (Harold Wilson)
  • 'Why should change be feared? All life is change. Why should we fear him? '(George Herbert)
  • 'Change is a law of life. Anyone who only looks to the past or to the present will miss the future. ' (John Fitzgerald Kennedy)
  • "All changes, even the most longed for, carry with them a certain melancholy." (Anatole France)
  • 'Change involves loss. In fact, all change implies loss, and yet life itself is change. We are always giving something for something else and the point is that we lose ourselves when we try to deny those changes, when we deny that life entails loss. ' (Sthepen Grosz)
  • "We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but we rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty." (Maya Angelou)
  • 'Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Do not resist that it only creates pain. Let reality be reality, let things flow naturally forward in the way they like. ' (Lao Tzu)
  • ‘If you realize that all things change, there is nothing you want to stay with. If you do not fear death, there is nothing you cannot achieve. ' (Lao Tzu)
  • "If people could see that change occurs as a result of millions of small actions that seem totally insignificant, then they would not hesitate to perform these small actions." (Howard Zinn)
  • "Although I am convinced that nothing changes, it is important for me to act as if I don't know." (Leonard Cohen)
  • "Nothing of what was ever is again, and things and men and children are not what they once were." (Ernesto Sábato)
  • "I was afraid of change, until I saw that even the most beautiful butterfly needed to go through a metamorphosis before flying." (Ernest Hemingway)
  • "No one can be a slave to their identity: when a possibility of change arises, you have to change." (Elliot Gould)
  • "If you are the one who causes the change, she will no longer scare you." (Spencer Johnson)
  • ‘Nature can be corrected, amended, otherwise we would be buried under prejudice. Without that there would not be a single great man. ' (Fyodor Dostoevsky)
  • "The pessimist complains about the wind, the optimist hopes it will change, the realist adjusts the sails." (William Arthur Ward)
  • 'Things don't change; we change. ' (Henry David Thoreau)
  • ‘Many people live in unfortunate circumstances and yet they do not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity and conservatism, all of which may seem like a peace of mind but in reality nothing is more dangerous to the adventurous spirit within a man than a future insurance'. (Jon Krakauer)
  • "If you are too good at adapting to the existing system, you may never realize that a change is needed." (Edward de Bono)
  • "Who wants to change will always find a reason to change." (André Maurois)
  • 'The world as we have created it is a process of our thought. It cannot be changed without changing our way of thinking. ' (Albert Einstein)
  • "The absurd man is the one who never changes." (Georges Clemenceau)
  • "I am not accepting the things that I cannot change, I am changing the things that I cannot accept." (Angela Davis)
  • "I cannot change the world alone, but I can throw a stone into the water to create many ripples." (Mother Teresa of Calcutta)
  • "People change when they realize the potential they have to change things." (Paulo Coelho)
  • "In a higher world it may be otherwise, but down here, to live is to change and to be perfect is to have changed many times." (John H. Newman)
  • "I never believed that we could transform the world, but I believe that things can be transformed every day." (Françoise Giroud)
  • "You cannot change the course of history by changing the portraits hanging on the wall." (Sri Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru)
  • ‘The species that survive are not the strongest, nor the fastest, nor the most intelligent; but rather those that adapt better to change. ' (Charles Darwin)
  • "In this world we inhabit, everything is subject to continuous and inevitable change." (Jean-Baptiste Lamarck)
  • "From the most remote antiquity, different schools taught in a veiled way the only possible freedom for man: his voluntary transformation." (René Rebetez)
  • "Only those who risk going too far are those who discover how far they can go." (Thomas Stearns Eliot)
  • "It is change, continuous change, inevitable change, the dominant factor in today's society." (Isaac Asimov)
  • "The most difficult thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which bridge to burn." (Bertrand Russel)
  • 'An opportunity means being willing to take action. Being willing to take action means being willing to take a risk. Being willing to take a risk means being willing to adopt a change. Then opportunity = action + risk = change '. (Michael Levine)
  • "The only way to make sense of change is to immerse yourself in it, move with it, and join in the dance." (Alan W. Watts)
  • ‘We can all change, but no one can force us to do so. Change usually occurs when we are faced with an unquestionable truth, something that forces us to revise our beliefs. ' (Isabel Allende)
  • ‘You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. It's something you're in charge of. ' (Jim Rohn)
  • "Rejoice in life because it gives you the opportunity to love, to work, to play and to look at the stars." (Henry Van Dyke)
  • 'Yesterday I was smart and I wanted to change the world; Today I am wise and I am going to change myself. ' (Yala ad-Din Muhammad Rumi)

Us as a source of change

However, it is not just about accepting the changes, but about generating them. That is, if you are not satisfied with any situation in your life, what do you want to do? That this change, right? Well So get up and look for a way that everything changes in your favorBe proactive, change your mind, change your attitude, try something new and don't hold on to the old.

Many changes are not accepted just because people do not accept that they must change with them, sometimes becoming an excuse for inappropriate behavior, hobbies or frustrations. But what if you decided to change and take a chance? Possibly you can have that improvement you want and everything in your world would become more positive.

Some reasons for fear of change

Many of these reasons stem from a specific fear that you may find below

1. Rejection

So much about leaving known life behind, the fear that you will not be able to win over people in your new environment or that they will eventually not value your work. Sometimes change represents an improvement for you, but it can put those you love on the back burner. So you may fear that they will change their concept of you.

2. Inability

It is related to the doubts that are generated about their own problem-solving abilities, optimal performance or giving favorable results, when a major change occurs. Even if talent overflows our being, it can easily be overshadowed by insecurity.

3. Coping

"I won't be able... I won't be able to." How do you know you won't be able to do that if you haven't tried? "But if I try, I can fail." Failure is one of the greatest fears of the human being, because this leads to disappointing people and not feeling more confidence in ourselves. So we prefer not to face new situations and stay with what is already known.

4. Attachment

Attachment, both to the place, the comfort zone and the people you love can bring you motivation to continue standing out, but it can also be an impediment to advance on your path.

This is one of the most common fears of change, "losing everything." For everyone, friendship, family and lifestyle is very meaningful and the possibility of no longer having it is unsettling.

Tips for dealing with change

The only way to put aside the fear of change is by taking the appropriate actions to accept it.

  • Be humble and accept your current stateIt is useless if you change your whole world if you do not recognize where you come from and everything you learned in it.

  • Be honest about the changes you want to see in your life. If there is something wrong and it is up to you to change it, then do it, instead of waiting for everything to magically improve.

  • Y if what you really need to change your system of thoughts, attitudes or decisions, do not hesitate to do so. Remember that change only represents a new opportunity, are you going to miss it?

  • Look on the bright side of life, regardless of all the difficulties you have gone through. If you have been able to overcome it, then take note of your mistakes, problems and solutions. The bad can become a great lesson for future obstacles.

  • Be glad for opportunities and don't be afraid to accept themEven if you don't feel capable, study and practice. If you have received that offer it is because your talent has stood out, why not take advantage of it and improve?

  • Beware of empty promises, changes become negative not because they happen but because of how they happen. Always analyze, think and act for your own benefit and that of your loved ones. But stay away from opportunities that look too suspicious or for which you are advised to turn.

  • Dare yourself! You don't lose anything by taking risks. It is never possible to know if we can achieve our dreams if we stay in the same place. But again, if you feel very uncomfortable or insecure, then leave a life preserver that you can return to if something you don't like happens.

  • Don't put your health aside. No matter how incredible that opportunity is, if it affects you mentally, emotionally or physically, prevents you from interacting with the other aspects of your life, or makes you unhappy. So that's not the right call, time to knock on another door and close this one.

  • Take the best memories with you, create a list of favorite moments, a picture or a collage of photos, ask your friends to give you something special or make a recording with your family. In moments of melancholy, you can have your loved ones very close to you.

  • Seek psychological guidance, especially if you want to move forward in your life but find it difficult to detach yourself from your past. Going to psychological therapy It can help you have the tools to increase your security and solve your conflicts.

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