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Knees without fat or cellulite: how to get it?

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Slim and contoured legs are the desire of the arrival of heat to wear shorts without fear. But sometimes those extra pounds are distributed throughout the body and there are some points that pose a difficult solution due to their location and that happens with the knees.

When you are overweight or just a few extra pounds, fat accumulates and sets just above the knee and on the sides, marking as an eyelash or bag of fat or also cellulite, which can be more or less visible.

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Why does fat accumulate in the knees?

The knee is a very functional joint, which is in constant motion throughout the day. And at the same time, the knee is the point of union of the muscles of both the leg and the thighs, precisely because it is in constant activity it has many ligaments. The great activity of this region and its important functions require a considerable blood supply.

Any obstacle, no matter how small, will stop the nutritional intake, stop drainage and return circulation, toxins accumulate, the area becomes swells, fluid retention occurs and consequently that small deposit of fat on top of the knee. First it will be like a small pearl, then like an eyelash, until it can become quite large, blurring the shape of the knee and reducing flexibility.

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In this area, exercises are difficult to solve for this specific accumulation of fat., but above all thinking that fat hinders the functioning of the leg, so that it produces joint pain, heaviness in the legs, fluid retention, swelling of the ankles and also of feet...

It is best to opt for an effective localized treatment such as the Shock Waves AWT by STORZ, since they work in depth, drain fluid retention, reduce swelling and melt fat and also localized cellulite. But it is also important to know that it has a tightening effect that leaves the area completely smooth and well drawn.

Shock Wave Treatment AWT

With AWT by STORZ Shock Wave technology and in just 12 minutes per session, we will eliminate in a painless way, without contraindications and effectively, this fat and cellulite that accumulates in this area of ​​the body. Storz Medical Shock Waves is a preventive system against cellulite and its results are cumulative over time.

In five sessions that can be scheduled at the rate of one per week, we will be able to reduce fat and eliminate cellulite located in a point as difficult as the knee. In just one month we will be able to wear knees without fat or cellulite, with well-contoured legs and without pain problems, since the treatment is totally harmless and painless.

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