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The 85 best phrases of Jules Verne

Jules Verne is considered by the world of literature as the father of science fictionThanks to his fantastic works but with a touch of realism that made more than one think different possibilities about what is hidden in our world. Named Jules Gabriel Verne, he was one of the most influential writers of the 19th century, with works such as "Ten thousand leagues under the sea" and "Journey to the center of the earth." Furthermore, he was a renowned poet and playwright.

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Great quotes from Jules Verne

Next we will take a walk through the 85 best phrases of Jules Verne about life, his works and other aspects that you will not want to miss.

1. We believe that instead of letting the books get moldy behind an iron rack, away from the vulgar gaze, it is better to let them wear away by reading them.

Books are to be read.

2. There are no impossible obstacles; there are stronger and weaker wills, that's all!

Obstacles can be overcome.

3. There is nothing like imagining to create a future, since what is utopia today will be flesh and blood tomorrow.
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The imagination of a better future can be built.

4. Civilization never goes backwards, the law of necessity always forces us to go forward.

Development is a fundamental part of society.

5. Paying attention to crazy people makes great discoveries.

Great personalities were once called crazy.

6. The earth does not need new continents, but new men.

The earth deserves people to take care of it.

7. It seems wiser to assume the worst from the start and let the best come as a surprise.

Sometimes it is necessary to have low expectations so as not to demotivate ourselves.

8. Everything that one person can imagine, others can make it happen.

Everything can start with an idea.

9. As long as the heart beats, while the flesh beats, I cannot understand why a being endowed with will allows himself to be dominated by despair.

Every day is an opportunity to be better.

10. Science is made of mistakes, but they are mistakes that are useful to make because they lead little by little to the truth.

It all starts with trial and error.

11. I looked, thought, reflected and admired, in a state of stupefaction not entirely mixed with fear.

Fear is always present, the important thing is not to let ourselves be controlled by it.

12. If there were no thunder, men would have little fear of lightning.

Fears are sometimes fabricated.

13. With the submarine there will be no more naval battles, and as increasingly sophisticated and terrifying instruments of war will continue to be invented, war itself will be impossible.

His opinion on submarines, a fundamental element in his stories.

14. Everything that has been great has been done in the name of exaggerated hopes.

Hope is an engine of development.

15. How many things have been denied one day, only to become reality the next.

The most impossible things to imagine are now a reality.

16. Opportunity that may now seem lost may present itself at the last minute.

Opportunities arise at any time.

17. What a great book you could write with what you know. Another much greater one would be written with what is not known!

For every knowledge, something unknown arises.

18. Everything that I invent, everything that I imagine, will always remain closer to the truth, because there will come a time when the creations of science will surpass those of the imagination.

Verne was confident of his powers of imagination.

19. Cats are spirits that have come down to earth. I'm sure a cat could walk on clouds without going through them.

A beautiful way to see cats.

20. In the presence of the great convulsions of nature, man is powerless.

A metaphor about not being able to avoid natural disasters.

21. It must be, because there is a logic to everything on this earth and nothing is done without a reason, which God sometimes lets scientists discover.

Talking about the relationship of God and science.

22. A superior force can demolish the best of arguments.

Speaking of the existence of something greater that inhabits somewhere.

23. While there is life there is hope.

The only thing you need to continue is to live.

24. Life is worth paying for freedom.

Freedom is invaluable.

25. All great actions return to God, from whom they are derived.

Showing his devotion to God.

26. It is said that the misery between two is bearable.

You don't need luxuries to live comfortably, but neither can you sustain a home in squalor.

27. From now on I will not travel except in dreams.

Dreams are a window to explore meaningless worlds.

28. We can defy human laws, but we cannot resist natural ones.

There are things that cannot be controlled.

29. Trains, like time and tide, don't stop for anyone.

Reflection on the trains.

30. Open your eyes wide, look.

Observing is inspiring.

31. The apparatus, floating in the air, acts like a scale of mathematical exactitude.

A fragment of one of his books.

32. The future does not worry me; what is hard sometimes is the present.

The present can be difficult to live with.

33. He wanted to be lost, not lost. Lost, they can still find one.

It is necessary to have a moment of solitude to find peace.

34. But to find, suddenly, before your eyes, that the impossible had been mysteriously accomplished by man himself: this reels the mind!

Sometimes the best things are those that we don't seek.

35. The need is the teacher who teaches best and from whom lessons are best learned.

We always have that need to learn.

36. Reality provides us with facts so romantic that imagination in itself could not add anything to them.

Reality surpasses fiction.

37. I see that it is by no means useless to travel, if a man wants to see something new.

Traveling brings us more knowledge than any book, since we experience it firsthand.

38. The sea is just the embodiment of a supernatural and wonderful existence. It is nothing but love and emotion, it is the Living Infinity.

Verne had a great love for the sea.

39. When the mind allows a doubt to enter, the value of the actions performed grows less, its character changes, we forget the past and fear the future.

Doubt eats away at our thoughts.

40. Loneliness, isolation, are painful things and beyond human resistance.

Loneliness also becomes a black hole of despair.

41. Goodbye, my dear mom, I love you and hug you with all my heart and hope to see you soon completely healthy. I pray to god. Your son, who loves you dearly.

A very emotional farewell.

42. The human mind delights in grand conceptions of supernatural beings.

There is a charm in the supernatural.

43. An energetic man will succeed where an indolent man will vegetate and perish.

Interest is the first step to success.

44. The Earth is smaller, since it can be traveled ten times faster than a hundred years ago.

An interesting analogy from one of his books.

45. Life, more intense than on the continents, more exuberant, more infinite, spreading throughout all parts of this ocean, element of death for man.

Another reflection on the ocean.

46. When a sage announces a purely speculative discovery to the public, there is never enough prudence.

Recklessness calls for scandal.

47. With time and thought, a good job can be done.

Look for these elements if you want to make a big project.

48. On the surface of the oceans, men wage war and destroy each other; but here below, a few feet above the surface, there is a calm and peace undisturbed by man.

Under the sea there is a whole unknown world.

49. All that is impossible remains to be achieved.

Perhaps in the future we will see even more fantastic things come true.

50. And the flash of his charms surrounds her like the rays of the Sun.

A beautiful verse.

51. In the memory of all the dead, the chronological differences are erased.

After death, nothing matters anymore.

52. Undoubtedly, under the impression of violent pain we all become polyglots.

Suffering is a universal language.

53. A scholar has to know a little of everything.

Knowledge is never finite.

54. The sea is the great nature reserve. The world, so to speak, began in the sea, and who knows if it will not end there.

The sea is the beginning and it can also be the end.

55. Chess is a game that I was passionate about as a young man, but one day it started to take too long and then I eliminated it.

Speaking of his experience playing chess.

56. A true Englishman does not joke when he talks about something as serious as a bet.

Talking about the character of the English.

57. On earth, even in the darkest night, the light never completely leaves its domain. It is diffuse and subtle, but however little it remains, the retina of the eye is sensitive.

The light is always present.

58. I am not particularly proud to have written about the automobile, the submarine, the airship, before they were in the domain of scientific realities. When I spoke of them in my books as real things, they were already half made up.

Presenting his opinion on his ‘advanced’ writing.

59. Poets are like proverbs: you always find one that is in contradiction to the other.

A reflection on poets.

60. Those with the face of rascals have no recourse but to be honest, otherwise they would be arrested.

The profiteers must wear a mask to commit their misdeeds.

61. Man is never perfect, nor sustained.

Perfection does not exist.

62. The sea is the vehicle of a prodigious and supernatural existence. It is movement and love, it is the infinite made life.

There is a mysterious element within the sea.

63. What is darkness for you is enlightenment for me.

Not everyone finds inspiration from the same site.

64. I convince myself that it is not useless to travel, if a man wants to see something new.

Travel always brings human wealth.

65. The only concern of this enlightened society was the destruction of humanity for philanthropic reasons and the perfection of weapons as instruments of civilization.

Weapons do not cause any benefit to society.

66. There is hope for the future, and when the world is ready for a new and better life, all of these things will happen one day.

There is always hope for a better future.

67. When an American has an idea in his head, there is never a lack of another American to help him carry it out.

Talking about the determination of the Americans.

68. The most skilled explainer of inexplicable things would not understand what you mean.

Therefore, we must be clear with what we are trying to communicate.

69. The great regret in my life has been the fact that I have never had a place in French literature.

A very peculiar regret, considering his success.

70. The sea does not belong to despots. On its surface, they can still exercise their wicked rights, fight, devour and transport all the horrors terrestrial, but thirty feet deep, his power ceases, his influence is extinguished, and his empire disappears.

Another revealing snippet about his passion for the ocean.

71. Why stoop to being proud of being American or British, if you can boast of being a man.

Our nationalities only say where we come from, they do not become our whole identity.

72. Great thieves always resemble good men. You will understand that those who have a trace of rascals have only one resource, which is to be honest people, without which they would be easily arrested.

Thieves don't always look careless or malicious.

73. Traveling allows us to enrich our lives with new experiences, enjoy and be educated, learn to respect the foreign cultures, establish friendships and, above all, contribute to international cooperation and peace throughout the world.

Traveling offers us much more than we think.

74. I only ask to live another hundred years so that I can remember you longer.

If there is something we all want to preserve, it is memory.

75. Don't get me too optimistic; I know my country, and many others that surround it. But there are signs, there are signs.

You can't always stay optimistic.

76. A dwelling built by nature would save us a lot of work and would certainly offer us a refuge. even safer, for it would be as well defended against enemies within as against those of outside.

Talking about using natural resources.

77. Difficulties were made to be overcome.

Only then can we see the difficulties.

78. Go to the dining room, take a walk around the table always looking at its center, and when you have finished the walk circular, you will have turned around yourself, since the view will have traveled all the points of the dining room. Well, the dining room is the sky, the table is the Earth and you are the Moon.

A very interesting way to explain and experience the movement of the moon.

79. The aroma is the soul of the flowers, and the flowers of the sea, splendid as they are, do not have a soul!

A very peculiar analogy.

80. I feel like we should always put some art in what we do. It's better that way.

Art is the way to beautify the things we do.

81. Humor had beaten science.

Humor is necessary.

82. The Great Architect of the universe built it with firm good things.

The writer makes a reference to divine creation.

83. The whales and I are old acquaintances, and I wouldn't be easily wrong.

Talking about whales.

84. Hope is so deeply ingrained in the human heart!

Hope lives in all of us.

85. Anything is possible for an eccentric, especially when he is English.

Never doubt your talents.

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