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Eliminate varicose veins on the legs: 7 effective home remedies

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Varicose veins are a very common problem and very present in many women, which is a problem in terms of health but also aesthetically, especially when summer approaches and we uncover our legs.

But there are ways to treat them and alleviate their symptoms, as well as to prevent their onset. We explain how eliminate varicose veins in the legs with 7 natural and effective remedies.

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Why do varicose veins appear on the legs

Varicose veins are basically an inflammation of the veins, making them visible under the skin. They usually appear on the skin of the legs, but they can also occur on other parts of the body.

Varicose veins appear when there is excess pressure in the veins, causing a lot of blood to accumulate and they dilate. It occurs in the most superficial veins, so they happen to be very noticeable on the skin, resulting in an unsightly problem for many women.

This accumulation of blood occurs when the walls of the blood vessels are weak, and can also be hereditary. But also

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is a common cause when a lot of pressure is put on these veins, especially that of the legs, as it can be when spending a long time standing or in the same position.

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7 remedies to eliminate varicose veins in the legs

There are ways to remove varicose veins effectively through surgery or laser treatments. However these are expensive treatments and can be too harsh on the skin.

The remedies to eliminate varicose veins that we give you below are all natural and can be easily done at home, helping to improve circulation and strengthen blood vessels.

1. Leg massages

Performing leg massage is an effective way to eliminate varicose veins, since helps activate and improve circulation, avoiding the accumulation of blood in the vessels of that area.

The massages should preferably be carried out with the legs slightly elevated, so that the blood can circulate more easily towards the heart, and should be done smoothly from bottom to top. To facilitate the massage you can use lubricating oils. Try not to press on the bulging veins and do it gently.

2. Physical activity

Another effective way to eliminate varicose veins in the legs is by exercising or maintaining an active lifestyle. Movement or exercise keeps cardiovascular activity active, promoting circulation and preventing the appearance of varicose veins, especially in the legs.

Avoid standing for long periods of time or sitting in the same position without moving. If in your workplace you have to stand for a long time or in the same posture, try getting up and walking from time to time to stretch your legs.

One of the exercises that works best when it comes to eliminating varicose veins is swimming, since it improves circulation in the legs.

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3. Anti-inflammatory diet

Food is always key to our health and well-being, but in this case it can be beneficial include anti-inflammatory foods to our dietto. There are a series of foods that allow us to improve circulation and fight varicose veins, since they are rich in vitamins that strengthen blood vessels and are anti-inflammatory.

They are especially beneficial for varicose veins foods rich in vitamins B6, B12 and C. An example are blue fish or those rich in oils, such as tuna and salmon; green leafy vegetables or broccoli; red fruits such as cherries and berries; dried fruits, such as walnuts; spices like turmeric and ginger; the garlic or sunflower seeds.

4. Compression socks

Compression stockings are one of the most used techniques to eliminate varicose veins in the legs. The gentle but constant pressure they exert on the legs reduces vein swelling and offers greater support to the walls of the blood vessels. It also allows the valves to do their job better, making it easier for blood to circulate better.

5. Clay

The astringent properties of clay help improve circulation and to alleviate the inflammation that varicose veins can cause. To benefit from this component you can use it as a mask or covering for legs with varicose veins.

To create a paste, simply mix red or green clay with natural mineral water in a container. When a paste has formed, you should apply it on the legs or in the areas affected by varicose veins. You can leave it on for half an hour or leave it overnight. To remove it you must rinse with warm or hot water and dry the area well.

6. Apple vinager

The benefits of apple cider vinegar are many, both for health and beauty care. This also turns out to be very effective when it comes to eliminating varicose veins. Its astringent properties help reduce vein inflammation and improve the elasticity of the vessel walls.

To use it, you just have to dilute the apple cider vinegar in the same amount of water, dip a washcloth in the mixture and apply it on the varicose veins.

It is also beneficial to take two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar diluted in a glass of water, since its detoxifying effect helps keep blood vessels clean and circulation, thus avoiding the accumulation of blood that causes varicose veins.

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7. Essential oils

There are many types of essential oils that are beneficial when it comes to fighting varicose veins. Rosemary, chamomile, or lavender oils are especially effective at reducing inflammation.

You can use them to prevent varicose veins or relieve swelling by massaging the legs with a mixture of these oils along with your usual massage oil. You can also dip a compress or washcloth in warm water and add a few drops of the different oils, to apply it immediately on the areas most affected by varicose veins.
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