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70 beautiful phrases to dedicate (of love and friendship)

We present you a collection of cute phrases to dedicate to your loved ones, be it your partner, your family or your friends.

This selection of beautiful phrases, both short and long, contains messages of affection and love that you can send to those special people in your life.

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70 cute phrases to dedicate to special people

Below you have a list of the most beautiful messages that you can express to someone to whom you want to send your love.

1. Thinking of my happiness, I remembered you

One of the cute and short phrases that you can dedicate to any of the special people in your life.

2. When you realize that you want to spend the rest of your life with a person, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible

This phrase belongs to the movie When Harry Met Sally, and expresses what we feel when we meet the person from which we no longer want to separate.

3. Your imperfections make you the perfect person

Nobody is perfect, but someone imperfect can be perfect for you. This is how this beautiful phrase expresses it, which you can dedicate to both friends and loves.

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4. Love me without questions, that I will love you without answers

A nice phrase to dedicate to those people I loves unconditionally.

5. It is crazy to love, unless you love yourself madly

Some loves are so intense that they cannot be explained rationally.

6. It doesn't matter what happens tomorrow or the rest of my life. Now I am happy because I love you.

This romantic phrase belongs to the movie Trapped in Time, in which its protagonist relives the same day over and over again.

7. How can I ever forget you? If you are my sun and my land

Another of the beautiful phrases of love, ideal to dedicate to the loved one.

8. Open your heart and don't be afraid of getting it broken. Broken hearts heal. Protected hearts end up turned to stone

It is better to love and have lost, than not to have lost the experience of loving out of fear.

9. One day I dropped a tear in the ocean. The day I find her will be the day I stop loving you

Another of the beautiful phrases to dedicate to a couple and send them our love.

10. Thank you for having come into my life, and it is that with you I have learned to be happy

This beautiful phrase can be dedicated both to friends we love very much and to loves that remain in our lives.

11. It is very difficult to find a good friend, even more difficult to leave him and impossible to forget him.

Good friendships are rare, but those that remain leave their mark on our hearts.

12. I chose you because I realized you were worth the risks, you were worth the life

Beautiful phrase by Pablo Neruda, perfect to dedicate to our partner.

13. Lots of people come in and out of your life over the years. But only true friends leave a mark on your heart

Another of the beautiful phrases to dedicate to the dearest friends and that you will not easily forget.

14. Friendship is the most important ingredient in life's recipe

Friends, no matter how few, are indispensable in our life.

Some phrases are ideal to share with our friends.
Some phrases are ideal to share with our friends. Fountain:Unsplash

15. You know it is love when all you want is for that person to be happy, even when you are not part of their happiness.

This is a beautiful quote from actress Julia Roberts, to reflect on the truly pure of unconditional love towards another person.

16. The greatest thing that can happen to you is that you love and are reciprocated

This phrase was popularized with the movie Moulin Rouge, but it belongs to the lyrics of the Nat King Cole song Nature Boy.

17. At least I can say that even having lost, it was better to love than never to have dared to love

It is always better to be sorry for having done it than for not having tried.

18. New day, new thoughts, new hopes and new opportunities

A positive phrase with a cute message full of optimism, to dedicate to our loved ones.

19. Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear

One of the most beautiful phrases to encourage someone to pursue their dreams, no matter how difficult it may seem.

20. A friend is someone who is with you because you need them, although they would love to be elsewhere

True friends are those who are by your side even in bad times, and prioritize you above all else.

21. Many years ago we met and promised to support each other, and today I can say that that promise has been fulfilled, because you have never left me alone.

A beautiful phrase to dedicate to our best friend or to those people who have always been by our side.

22. Friends are always willing to give their love at any time, to be present without being called, to make us smile every day and more. You are all that and more

Another quote about the good that true friendship brings us.

23. Time does not pass when you do not stop thinking about that someone you care so much about. That's why I miss you so much friend

Other ideal phrase to dedicate to those special people the ones we miss at the time.

24. I don't care if you spend less time with me, less love messages, less kisses, hugs or affection, I know that you love me and that I am a very important person for you, and that is the only thing I need to know about you

Even if the other person is not very given to showing affection, sometimes what matters is knowing that we are loved.

25. Of all gifts, big and small, your friendship is the greatest of them all.

A nice phrase to remember that friendship is the most valuable gift that someone can give us.

26. A friend is one who knows everything about you and despite this he loves you

One of the most beautiful phrases of the essayist Elbert Hubbard to dedicate to a close friend.

27. You are my best friend and I can't help but miss you. I would love to meet you soon

There are friendships that must be separated for a while, but the love and desire to see them are not lost.

28. Thanks to you I discovered what a true friendship is. I learned to trust, believe, love and more. You are a great friend who I love with all the strength of my heart

Another cute friendship phrase to dedicate to our best friends.

  • Related article: "The 65 best friendship phrases to share

29. You appeared in my life when I least thought about it and you have become my angel

This beautiful phrase can be dedicated to both friends and couples, or anyone who has supported us at a bad time.

30. For being the most important person in my life you are always present in my heart

This is another beautiful phrase that can also be dedicated to a loved one, regardless of the space it occupies in our hearts.

There is nothing more beautiful than loving and being reciprocated.
There is nothing more beautiful than loving and being reciprocated. Fountain:Unsplash

31. I never knew I had a dream, until that dream was you

A beautiful and most romantic phrase, to let the other person know that it is our dream come true.

32. That's why you weren't whispering in my ear, but in my heart. It wasn't my lips that you kissed, but my soul

A famous quote from Shakespeare, about the depth of love that reaches our soul.

33. I'd rather live a mortal life by your side than face all the Ages of this world alone

One of the most beautiful phrases in the movie The Lord of the Rings, to express how much we want to be by the side of that person we love.

34. The best thing in my life is to be in yours

One of the most beautiful phrases to dedicate to your loved one.

35. Love is the only one that travels through time and distance, without moving from the heart

There are loves that last for a long time that passes or by much distance that gets in the way.

36. Time is slow for those who wait, very fast for those who fear, very long for those who suffer, very short for those who enjoy, and for those who love, time is eternity

A phrase to express that when we love someone, time seems to go on forever.

37. I feel like I can conquer the world with one hand when you're giving me the other hand

One of the beautiful phrases that we can say to that special person, next to whom everything seems possible.

38. Just seeing your smile makes my life worthwhile

There are people we love so much that just by seeing them happy they make our life better.

39. I think I'd miss you even if we didn't meet

A romantic phrase to express how much we miss to that special person.

40. Tonight I'll go to bed early to dream of you longer

One of the most beautiful phrases that we can say to the person who occupies our dreams at night.

41. Distance prevents a kiss or hug, but never prevents a feeling

East beautiful message is ideal to dedicate to those who are far from us, but who we still love.

42. If you lived a hundred years, I would like to live a hundred years minus a minute so I don't have to live without you

A beautiful dedication to express our love to our partner.

43. Distance may prevent us from holding hands, but never from smiling as we remember

Again another phrase to reach those who are far away, but close to our heart.

44. True love stories have no end

Quote by Richard Bach about the eternal of true love.

45. Tell the distance that something is doing wrong, because I feel like you are next to me

Original and beautiful phrase to dedicate to your loved one.

46. Sometimes I wonder why life is so beautiful, but now I know. It is because you are in it

Some people make our life more beautiful and they make us see everything in another color.

47. You should be kissed every day, every hour, every minute

Cute phrase to dedicate to our boyfriend or our partner.

48. I love you. I loved you from the first moment I saw you. I loved you even before seeing for the first time

Lovely and romantic line from the movie A Place in the Sun.

49. The happiest time of the day is walking you home. It's the saddest time of the day when I leave you

This precious movie date can be heard in one of the quintessential romantic movies Love Actually.

50. We will last. Do you know how I know? Because I still wake up every morning and the first thing I want to do is see your face

Another romantic movie phrase, in this case from the movie "Postscript: I love you."

Love is beautiful and these phrases are ideal to express it.
Love is beautiful and these phrases are ideal to express it. Fountain:Unsplash

51. I keep hundreds of memories, thousands of thoughts, a million feelings, all for you

One of the beautiful phrases to use as a dedication to our loved ones.

52. Perhaps it is good to have a wonderful mind, but an even greater gift is discovering a wonderful heart like yours.

There is nothing like meeting a person with a big heart. Tell him with this beautiful phrase.

53. Think big but enjoy the little pleasures

A beautiful phrase about life, which reminds us that we must not forget that the important thing is the little things.

54. Love is wisdom in the mad, and madness in the wise

And it is a madman who pretends to live without experiencing love.

55. I already know why three-quarters of the world is salty: because all the rest is sweet you

A nice and sweet dedication for those special people in our life.

56. I wish I could talk to you, I wish I could smile at you, I wish I could hug you, but most of all I wish I could kiss you

A phrase that you can dedicate to that loved one who is far away in those moments.

57. Eyes that I will never tire of looking at, lips that I will always want to kiss, but best of all, a heart that I will never stop loving.

If we love someone, it seems to us that we will not tire of loving them.

58. The destiny of our lips is to meet, why lengthen it more?

A cute and flirty phrase that you can dedicate to the person you want to conquer.

59. Never before has a love like the one I feel for you been seen; it does not fit in my heart, nor in this universe

Nothing is more romantic than letting him know how great your love is for that person.

60. I was born when she kissed me, I died the day she left me, and I lived the time that she loved me

Sad but beautiful phrase at the same time, from the movie In a lonely place.

61. Leave a space in your heart to live the most beautiful love story of your whole life

We can all live a beautiful love story Once in life.

62. In a kiss, you'll know everything I kept silence

One of the most beautiful phrases of the poet Pablo Neruda and the universe of literature.

63. Love has no cure, but it is the only cure for all ills

The great Leonard Cohen left us this beautiful phrase about love.

64. Happiness in life is about always having something to do, someone to love, and something to look forward to.

A beautiful phrase about life and happiness.

65. You will not learn to love when you find the perfect person, but when you get to see someone imperfect perfectly

When you really fall in love, you discover that no one has to be perfect to love him as he is.

66. The true journey of discovery is not about exploring new territory, but about exploring with new eyes

A nice phrase about the importance of changing the perspective with which we face life.

67. I didn't need someone to lift me off the ground, I needed someone to lie down next to me until I could get up.

Sometimes we don't need them to help us out of the well, but to be by our side while we do it.

68. It cannot be that we part like this, before we have met

One of the beautiful and most romantic phrases of the magnificent writer Julio Cortázar.

69. We gave each other a verse, and we got into a serious poem

Funny and cute word game, perfect for inveterate lovers.

70. Your kiss shook my mouth, and the memory still shakes me

A nice dedication to express to the loved one what they have made us feel.

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