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The 90 best phrases about healthy life

Health is not limited only to not suffering from any disease or having a slim figure, also it's about having a good healthy lifestyle at all levels. And what does this imply? Avoid stress at all costs, be happy, smile constantly, eat balanced, spend time with family and friends, love your partner, do what you love, relax and enjoy every moment of your day to day. In short, to have a balance and a mental, emotional and physical health.

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The most famous reflections on healthy living

To remind us of the importance of taking care of our body and mind, we leave you below the best 90 phrases about healthy life.

1. Tell me what you eat and I'll tell you who you are. (Anthelme Brillat-Savarín)

Food affects our health.

2. The mind has a great influence on the body, and diseases often originate there. (Jean Baptiste Molière)

The mind has great power, as it is capable of healing and making you sick.

3. Leading a healthy life is like a treasure that not everyone has and that must be taken care of.

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Health is something that we should all be interested in achieving.

4. The best and most efficient pharmacy is within your own system. (Robert C. Peale)

Our body knows what it requires and needs, listen to it carefully.

5. The food you eat can be the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison. (Ann Wigmore)

There are foods that can benefit you, while others harm you.

6. Those who think that they do not have time for healthy eating will sooner or later find time for illness. (Edward Stanley)

Having time to eat is essential to stay healthy.

7. Keeping the body healthy is our duty. Otherwise, we will not be able to preserve our strong and clear mind. (Buddha)

If we don't have a healthy body, the mind also gets sick.

8. We never regret having eaten too little. (Thomas Jefferson)

Gluttony is something that has negative consequences.

9. Happiness lies, first of all, in health. (George William Curtis)

If you want to be happy, eat healthy, exercise and live healthy.

10. Let food be your medicine and let medicine be your food. (Hippocrates)

Food contains compounds and substances that benefit the body.

11. A healthy body is a guest room for the soul; a sick body is a prison. (Francis Bacon)

It is not pleasant to be sick.

12. Life is in health because you cannot live fully if you are not in good health.

Life and health and they have a very close relationship.

13. You can play sports, you can be young, but if you don't eat properly, your body will suffer sooner or later. (Juan Armando Corbin)

Good nutrition is the key to making health part of our life.

14. A healthy exterior starts from the inside. (Robert Urich)

If you want to look good on the outside, then cultivate yourself inside.

15. A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools. (Spanish proverb)

If you don't take care of your health, nobody will.

16. To ensure good health: eat what you need, breathe deeply, live in moderation, cultivate joy, and take an interest in life. (William Londen)

A healthy lifestyle doesn't just focus on food.

17. Striving for proper nutrition is the best investment for your body and mind that you can make.

If you love yourself, invest in good nutrition.

18. A calm mind brings inner strength and self-esteem, which is very important for mental health. (Dalai Lama)

Mental health is as important as physical health.

19. The first wealth is health. (Ralph W. Emerson)

If we are healthy, we can do anything in the world.

20. He who is healthy has hope; and the one with hope has everything (Arabic proverb)

When we are in good health, nothing can stop us.

21. Eating is a necessity, but eating smart is an art. (Francis VI)

Eating wildly is not the same as eating mindfully.

22. Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the foundation of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. (John F. Kennedy)

Exercise can contribute to higher mental abilities.

23. Life begins with a smile and nothing brings more happiness than feeling healthy and full of energy.

When we are healthy, every pore of the body radiates it through beauty.

24. Depression is the inability to build a future. (Roll May)

Depression hits very hard on people who suffer from it.

25. You don't have to cook complicated meals. Simply healthy food from fresh ingredients. (Julia Child)

Natural foods are the perfect ingredients for a healthy diet.

26. The greatest wealth is health. (Virgil)

Another phrase that reminds us that our greatest treasure is good health.

27. Disease is nature's revenge for having violated its rules. (Charles Simmons)

Talking about the impact of consuming junk food, instead of healthy meals.

28. Over 80% of the food on supermarket shelves today did not exist 100 years ago. (Larry McCleary)

The modern world brought unhealthy foods with it.

29. To be happy it is enough to have good health and a bad memory. (Ingrid Bergman)

Start to have a healthy lifestyle. Forget the past.

30. To be healthy, I would do all but three things: do gymnastics, get up early, and be a responsible person. (Oscar Wilde)

Adapting to healthy habits is not an easy task, but the results are worth it.

31. The only way to stay healthy is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you would rather not do. (Mark Twain)

Having healthy practices is something that benefits us.

32. Just because you are not sick does not mean that you are healthy.

It must be remembered that health does not only imply physical well-being, but also emotional and psychological well-being.

33. In health you find life and not only that but you feel that life in you.

When we are sick, nothing matters.

34. There are no cheats, shortcuts, magic pills, special potions, or special equipment. All you need is desire and will.

The effort to stay healthy is what gives you real results.

35. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar. (Adelle Davis)

It refers to the way we should eat throughout the day.

36. The secret of physical and mental health is not to regret the past, not to worry about the future, and not to anticipate problems. The secret is to live the present moment with intensity and wisdom. (Buddha)

Don't stay in the past or live the future, just focus on each day.

37. We are what we eat, but what we eat can help us to be much more than we are. (Alice May Brock)

Healthy eating makes us strong and healthy people.

38. I define joy as a sustained sense of well-being and inner peace, a connection to what matters. (Oprah Winfrey)

Inner peace is very important for complete well-being.

39. The body is our garden, the will is our gardener. (William Shakespeare)

A beautiful way to see our body.

40. Not all the money in the world can bring you back to health. (Reba McEntire)

Don't wait to get sick to know that there is nothing more important than that.

41. It is easier to change a man's religion than to change his diet. (Margaret Mead)

Bad eating habits are very difficult to change, but it is not impossible to do so.

42. If you have happiness and health, you have the greatest possible wealth in everything you need.

Are you healthy? You are happy? Then look no further. You're a millionaire.

43. You are what you eat. So don't be quick, cheap, easy, or artificial.

Fast food is irresistible, but it has negative consequences.

44. Going to bed early and getting up early, makes a man healthy, rich and intelligent. (Benjamin Franklin)

Great advice from a president on health.

45. Those who think they do not have time for exercise, sooner or later, will have to make time for the disease. (Edward Stanley)

Physical exercise is essential to stay healthy.

46. Eating healthy food is the simplest way to get rid of excess weight and become healthy and slim forever. (Subodh Gupta)

Do not believe in magic solutions to lose weight.

47. A healthy mind in a healthy body. (Tenth June Juvenal)

The mind also has to be healthy for the body to be healthy too.

48. Enjoy your good health; only young people are well. (Voltaire)

Reference that, when reaching old age, diseases appear frequently.

49. Love is not as important as good health. You cannot love if you are not healthy. You don't appreciate it (Bryan Cranston)

Being healthy is a way of loving yourself and others.

50. Health is not a state of matter, but of the mind (Mary Baker Eddy)

Our mental state can also affect our physical health.

51. Nourishing yourself is not selfish, it is essential for your survival and well-being. (Renée Peterson Trudeau)

Taking care of yourself is never a bad thing.

52. Life is 10% what you experience and 90% how you respond to it.

The way you respond to any situation can make you sick.

53. Being healthy is simply the slowest rate at which one can die.

Being healthy reduces the chance of premature death.

54. Only health gives life and makes you feel alive, you will never feel really alive if you are sick or in pain.

Life is health and health is life.

55. You don't have to eat less, just eat what you need.

Eat everything that nourishes you, not that hurts you.

56. Sorry, there is no magic solution. You must eat healthy and live healthy to be healthy and look healthy. End of story. (Morgan Spurlock)

This phrase reminds us that there are no tricks to having a good healthy lifestyle other than a balanced diet and exercise.

57. If you don't take care of your body, where do you plan to live? (Unknown author)

If we don't take care of our health, only death awaits us.

58. I have seen few starve, eat hundreds. (Benjamin Franklin)

Eating junk food has negative health consequences.

59. Discipline is the bridge that connects goals with achievements.

To achieve a goal, you have to have rules, order and perseverance.

60. There is no medicine that cures what happiness does not cure. (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

Happiness alleviates all ills.

61. I was born with good health and a strong body, but I spent years abusing them. (Ava Gardner)

The abuses we do to our health take their toll sooner or later.

62. Happiness is nothing but good health and a bad memory. (Albert Schweitzer)

Stop worrying excessively makes us have good mental health.

63. Wellness encompasses a healthy body, a healthy mind, and a calm spirit. Enjoy the trip while you work on your well-being. (Laurette Gagnon Beaulieu)

Enjoy all the good things in life.

64. Mental pain is less dramatic than physical pain, but it is more common and also more difficult to bear. (C. S. Lewis)

Physical pain is more bearable than mental pain.

65. Garbage in the garbage. (George Fuchsel)

Things that hurt you should be put aside.

66. You can have everything in this world but if you are not healthy you will never be able to enjoy, live and much less enjoy what you have.

To enjoy life, you have to stay healthy.

67. Every time you eat, it is an opportunity to nourish your body.

In each food there are nutrients that strengthen your body.

68. Don't dig your grave with your own knife and fork. (English proverb)

Try to pay attention to what you eat and how you eat it.

69. Ultimately, health is the best strategy to slow down the arrival of death. (Unknown author)

Maintain a healthy lifestyle and illnesses will be left behind.

70. Water is one of the most neglected nutrients in your diet, but it is one of the most vital. (Julia Child)

Water is so vital that it is the main source for good health.

71. Sweat, smile, and do the exercise again.

Exercise is synonymous with life and health.

72. Too splendid health is disturbing, because its neighbor, illness, is always ready to bring it down. (Giovanni Papini)

It never hurts to get a medical checkup eventually.

73. Besides education, you need good health. And for this, you need to practice sports. (Kapil Dev)

Sports are a great tool to prevent disease.

74. With the bitterness of illness, the sweetness of health is known. (Catalan saying)

When we are sick we know the value of health.

75. Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the doors of the soul open. (B. K. S. Iyengar)

Find that balance that allows you to have a good healthy lifestyle.

76. The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of the state of your mind. (Wayne Dyer)

The mind can play tricks.

77. Health is like money, we never have a real idea of ​​its value until we lose it. (Josh Billings)

Don't lose your health by not making the healthy choice.

78. Health is a state of harmony for the spirit, mind and body.

Another phrase that reminds us that health encompasses the mind and body.

79. If you keep good food in your refrigerator, you will eat good food.

The content of your refrigerator is your mirror.

80. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. (English proverb)

A phrase that reminds us that a good diet prevents the appearance of diseases.

81. The root of all health is in the brain. The trunk is in the emotion. The branches and leaves are the body. The flower of health blooms when all the parts work together. (Kurdish proverb)

Talking about the importance of taking care of our mental health.

82. You are what you eat. What would you like to be? (Julie Murphy)

You choose how to look and how to feel.

83. Health is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver. (Mahatma Gandhi)

By being healthy, you have everything.

84. The best medicine is a joyful spirit. (Solomon)

Happiness is the best of all medicines.

85. Health cannot be bought. Still, it can be an incredibly valuable savings account. (Anne Wilson Schaef)

Health is invaluable.

86. Good health and good judgment are two of life's greatest blessings. (Publilio Siro)

If you have both blessings, then take care of them.

87. It takes more than a good body. You have to have a heart and soul to go along with it. (Epithet)

Outward appearance is not everything. Our interior also matters.

88. Some seek the comfort of their therapist's office, others go to the corner bar and have a few beers, but I choose to run as my therapy. (Dean Karnazes)

Physical exercise is the best therapy to ward off problems.

89. In order to change, we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Illness, both physical and mental, keeps us imprisoned.

90. Any food that requires improvement due to the use of chemicals should not be considered food. (John H. Tobe)

Natural food will always be the best option.

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