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The 5 Tibetan rites that can help you in your day to day

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To have a good healthy and profitable lifestyle, it is not enough just to organize your day or start with an ideal diet. It is also necessary to include routine practices that help your body find a balance between the agitations of the day and rest that he deserves so much. In this way, the appearance of discomfort is prevented, stress is reduced and the energy that the body needs to function is ensured.

These practices or exercises are done with awareness, patience and openness, since they connect the body, the mind and the spirit so that they can harmonize with each other and thus help you feel more vital and even joviality. Although if you are a skeptical person who does not find the sense to invest a little time in these practices, then we recommend that you do it as part of a challenge or a curiosity to explore and make your own conclusions. You dare?

What are these exercises about? They are known as the Tibetan rites and in this article we will explain everything you need to know about them and why you should include them in your day to day.

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What are the Tibetan rites?

Conceptually, they refer to a series of high-powered exercises originating in the lands of Tibet, by ancient monks who ensured the possibility of reverse the effects of aging on the body, by practicing 5 sets of yoga exercises. Since then there have been stories and experiences of people who have performed these rituals and prove their effectiveness, by feeling stronger, energetic and healthier as they progressed in their routines.

This is one of the oldest and jealously guarded practices in history, originated 2,500 years agoIt is said that only Tibetan monks performed these rites, which were also known as "the fountain of youth", since they seemed not to be affected by the passage of time.

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How are Tibetan rites practiced?

The most important thing when carrying out this sequence is that you achieve a calm mind, a disposition of time that does not interrupt another activity, and focus on your deep breathing. Remember these are yoga poses and you need to have a certain degree of concentration so that they come out correctly and you don't have complications.

But to perform them effectively, it is recommended: first, practice it in hours of morning or evening preferably. This recommendation is due to the fact that in these stages we can achieve greater concentration and relaxation than in the rest of the day, where we are too agitated or tired.

You can do one set a day if you are a beginner until you find your own rhythm and if you wish, do it twice a day.

At first, 3 repetitions of each exercise are done, then two or three more repetitions are added each week until it becomes 21 reps for each pose.

Find an instructor, especially if you have not practiced yoga before, so you can know the correct way to do the poses and take advantage of its benefits.

The most important thing is to properly work the breathingIn this case, it is about taking deep, slow and calm inhalations and exhalations, so that the body manages to relax while your brain disconnects from the problems of the world.

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Therefore, it is important to first do a series of breathing exercises so that you know how to do it until you master it without problems. A good way to control them is to blank your mind and create a connection. With each inhalation the body is filled with energy and with each exhalation tensions and worries are released.

It is necessary to do it on a daily basis or at least between 4-5 times a week so you can better appreciate its rejuvenating effects.

Do them in a quiet area that transmits peace to you. It can be in your garden, in the living room, in a park or on the terrace, as long as there are no distracting elements such as noise, televisions, telephones or people that could interrupt you.

The 5 Tibetan rites that can increase your vitality

Now that you know a little more about what the Tibetan rites are about, it is time for you to know the postures that are practiced in it.

First rite: The dervish

This step is simple but no less complicated, since it requires attention and coordination so as not to lose balance. It is done standing, with the body straight, the arms extended in a cross and the palms facing downwards. Rotate on your axis clockwise, that is, from left to right, slowly until the turn is complete.

To avoid falling, keep your right foot anchored to the ground and push off with your left. At the end of the turn, stay with your legs extended at shoulder height and put your hands together, close your eyes and focus on the energy generated until you control the dizziness.

Second Rite: Leg Raise

This second rite aims to strengthen the body, while the first transmits energy. It is done lying on the floor with your back straight and prevents it from curving in the lumbar area (you can place your hands on the buttocks for this).

Then, as you inhale, lift your legs without bending your knees and bring your neck to the chest. As you exhale, lower your whole body back to the ground. It is a simple exercise but it can be difficult to do several repetitions, so it is good that you take a couple of deep breaths between each repetition.

Third rite: The bow

This posture is a bit more complicated and requires greater control of breathing, but it is the best for activating the body's functions and stretching the back. It is practiced on the knees to the ground, the arms stretched along the body, lean your torso forward with your neck stretched out and the chin pressed to the chest. Then tilt your head back as far as you can, spreading your thighs and pelvis, contracting your glutes to prevent you from falling while working that part of your body.

Rite 4: The Bridge

This is another one of the challenging poses for beginners and even those who are at an intermediate level. It is performed first sitting on the floor, with the legs straight, buttocks out and the back straight, the hands are placed on each side of the pelvis and the palms are firmly on the floor.

Arch your chest as much as possible, bend your knees and place the soles of your feet firmly on the floor to lift your pelvis until you body make a bridge. Inhaling and exhaling, return to the starting position with your legs straight and your chin against your chest. This posture is ideal for strengthening the extremities, pelvis, lumbar and back.

Fifth rite: The dog

Perhaps the best known yoga posture and one of the most difficult to master, since at first it is natural that you cannot support your heels on the floor or fully stretch your legs at the same time as your back, so you need perseverance and patience to do this position well. It helps with the flexibility of the legs and the back and to achieve a calm mind.

How to do it? Get on your knees first and then in a four-legged position (hands and knees flat on the floor). Then spread your legs across the width of your pelvis and your hands at shoulder height. Keeping your legs and back as straight as possible, begin to raise the pelvis off the floor and chin against chest inhaling.

Exhaling, let your pelvis drop with control, contracting your glutes and abs as you lift your head, stretch your body as far as possible. These poses are known as downward facing dog (inhale) and upward facing dog (exhale).

Why should we practice these kinds of rituals?

The benefits of yoga for the body are very well known, it not only helps to maintain an ideal figure and lose weight, but also strengthens muscles and promotes stretching and flexibility. This is great for proper internal organ function and better blood circulation. In addition, it provides energy and frees the mind from stress, thanks to relaxation and concentration in the postures.

The same happens with the Tibetan rites, since in reality they are specific yoga postures that work with greater intensity on the body, performed during several sequences. But there is also another point in its favor and that is to maintain balanced the chakras or the seven energy vortices.

We all have 7 essential points that are primordial energy centers arranged throughout the body and which are: Glands Adrenals (Muladhara), Gonads (Swadhisthana), Pancreas (Manipura), Thymus (Anahata), Thyroid (Vishuda), Pituitary (Ajna), Pineal gland (Sahasrara)

These glands are responsible for releasing hormones and enzymes for the body's functions, which is why they are vital to our being. In oriental culture they are known as chakras, which can help us to gain energy if they stay active or make us more vulnerable to disease if they are obstructed. One of the main jobs of the Tibetan rites is to keep these glands or chakras healthy and always active to avoid the problems of aging.
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