Education, study and knowledge

The 85 best phrases of Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein is recognized for many of his contributions to science, especially in the area of ​​physics and astronomy, thus becoming one of the most influential characters of the last century and an iconic figure for history.

However, his path was full of obstacles that he knew how to overcome, learning from his mistakes and insecurities, to later pass on his knowledge and wisdom to the rest of the world.

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That is why, we pay tribute to this great man with the best phrases of his authorship that you will read below.

85 Albert Einstein quotes about science and life

With these phrases you will be able to know a little of the wisdom that accompanied Einstein in his days.

1. Loneliness is painful when you are young, but very pleasant when you are more mature.

Over time you learn to see loneliness as a quiet companion.

2. Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted in important matters.

Lies, regardless of the context, always end up causing mistrust.

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3. We are all very ignorant. What happens is that not all of us ignore the same things.

Nobody knows everything in this world.

4. When I was young I discovered that the big toe always ends up making a hole in the stocking. So I decided not to use them anymore.

A funny anecdote that can be interpreted as a lesson to leave behind those things that prevent us from moving forward.

5. The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is capable of receiving.

The value lies in our good deeds.

6. The world we have created is a process of our thought. It cannot be changed without changing the way we think.

The world is constantly changing, because people's ideas are never the same, they evolve.

7. There are two ways of looking at life: one is believing that miracles do not exist, the other is believing that everything is a miracle.

A way to see the difference between people with negative and positive perceptions.

8. An evening in which everyone present is in complete agreement is an evening wasted.

The fun of a meeting is listening to different opinions, not the same speech.

9. Asking new questions, new possibilities, looking at old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks a real breakthrough in science.

Imagination is the main engine of science, since it gives way to creation

10. We are architects of our own destiny.

No one is responsible for creating an ideal future for us, other than ourselves.


11. I must be willing to give up what I am in order to become what I will be.

If we want to move forward, it is necessary to adapt to the necessary changes that are required.

12. When courting a girl, an hour seems like a second. When sitting on a hot coal, a second seems like an hour. That is relativity.

One of the best ways to explain a complex concept.

13. Never consider study as an obligation, but as an opportunity to penetrate the beautiful and wonderful world of knowledge.

The study gives us the opportunity to explore different worlds within the vast universe of knowledge.

14. Chance does not exist; God does not play dice.

God is not responsible for our actions.

15. Sad time is ours! It is easier to disintegrate an atom than a prejudice.

A sad reality that is still very much present.

16. Creativity is intelligence having fun.

The more creative we are, the smarter we can become

17. My political ideal is democratic. Everyone should be respected as a person and no one should be deified.

Equity and equality among peoples are the best ways to grow.

18. I speak to everyone in the same way, be it the garbage man or the president of the university.

Respect is not awarded for a person's position, but for what his soul is worth.

19. Most of the fundamental ideas of science are essentially simple and, as a rule, can be expressed in a language understandable to everyone.

The language of science shouldn't be complicated, that way we can all understand it.

20. Life is very dangerous. Not for the people who do evil, but for those who sit down to see what happens.

Even if you do not do a bad act, if you are indifferent to injustices, then you are as responsible for them as the one who perpetuates them.

21. Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.

Science and religion do not have to be enemies.

22. In times of crisis, only imagination is more important than knowledge.

To resolve a conflict, it is necessary to use creative ingenuity.

23. The ideals that illuminate my path and time and time again have given me the courage to face life with joy have been: kindness, beauty and truth.

If you have strong and positive ideals, you will see life always strong and positive.

24. I never think about the future. It comes too early.

It is not bad to make plans for the future, but remember that you should also enjoy it.

25. Mystery is the most beautiful thing we can experience. It is the source of all true art and science.

Mysterious things cause us such an intrigue that it turns us back into children full of illusion.

26. It has become terrifyingly obvious that our technology has overtaken our humanity.

The dark side of technological advance is that the human essence is increasingly shifting.

27. After the failure of humanity in the use and control of the other forces of the universe, which have turned against us, it is urgent that we feed on another kind of energy.

Why should we continue to be determined to act in the same way that has brought us so much trouble?

28. If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts.

If you don't like something, make the necessary changes to achieve your goal.

29. When you die, you do not know that you are dead, you do not suffer for it, but it is hard for the rest. The same thing happens when you're an idiot.

A great reflection that we must take into account.

30. If you want different results, do not do the same.

If you try something that doesn't benefit you, why do it again?

31. There is a motive force more powerful than steam, electricity, and atomic energy: the will.

The will can take us further than we can imagine.

32. Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.

Sometimes things are not as we know it.

33. I do not have special talents, but I am deeply curious.

Our desire to continue discovering and growing can lead us to great opportunities.

34. The important thing is not to stop questioning.

When we believe that we already have enough knowledge about something, we can stagnate instead of moving forward.

35. The human mind is not capable of conceiving the fourth dimension, so how can it conceive of God? For whom a thousand years and a thousand dimensions are only one.

An interesting reflection about people and their beliefs about God.

36. Love is a better teacher than duty.

With love we can learn to approach and appreciate people for who they really are.

37. When you stumble upon love, it's easy to get up. But when you fall in love, it is impossible to be on your feet again.

When we fall in love, it is a severe blow to our reality. Because it will no longer be the same.

38. There are two infinite things: the Universe and human stupidity. And the universe I'm not sure.

An ironic reflection on the infinity of people's stupidity.

39. The mind is like a parachute... It only works if we have it open.

Having an open mind we are able to understand everything in a deeper way, because we have no limitations in thinking.

40. Education is what remains after forgetting what has been learned in school.

What we learn in school is not enough, we always have to keep looking for new knowledge.

41. We mortals achieve immortality in the things that we create in common and that remain after us.

It is through our beliefs and contributions to the world that we can be eternal, through the memory of others.

42. Don't worry about your math problems, I can assure you that mine are older.

Sometimes you have to understand that, if our problems have some kind of solution, we cannot make them more complicated than they really are.

43. Maturity begins to manifest itself when we feel that our concern is greater for others than for ourselves.

Being selfish can lead us to an extremely lonely destiny.

44. All science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thought.

All scientific discovery has a humble origin in everyday life.

45. The joy of seeing and understanding is the most perfect gift of nature.

Having a judgmental and punitive attitude only leads to a miserable heart.

46. The distinction between past, present, and future is just a stubbornly persistent illusion.

If we insist on living clinging to the past or the future, we will not be able to enjoy our day to day.

47. Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.

To successfully face the things of the world, you have to have a positive attitude.

48. We live in the world when we love. Only a life lived for others is worth living.

A life full of love is more satisfying than one full of material things.

49. The word progress has no meaning as long as there are unhappy children.

What is the use of progressing in the world, if people continue to live in misery?

50. I don't know what World War III will be like, but I do know IV… with stones and sticks.

A metaphor about the primitiveness of people who continue to believe in wars.

51. If you want your children to be smart, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be smarter, read more fairy tales to them.

Imagination is what gives life to intelligence.

52. She tries not to be a successful man. Instead he tries to make you a man of courage.

There are people who the more successful and powerful they are, the more they become empty creatures.

53. Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.

Mediocrity is only synonymous with extreme ignorance.

54. Man's problem is not in the atomic bomb, but in his heart.

Weapons of mass destruction wouldn't exist if people weren't greedy.

55. If A is success in life, then A = X + Y + Z. Where X is work, Y is pleasure, and Z is keeping your mouth shut.

A fun and witty way of looking at life.

56. I love humanity but I hate human beings.

Although it sounds ironic, there are people who do not have an ounce of humanity in them.

57. If your intention is to describe the truth, do it simply, and leave the elegance to the tailor.

To tell the truth, you just need to say it without much adornment.

58. No one can read the Gospel without feeling the presence of Jesus.

The Gospel is one of the greatest manifestations of faith.

59. In the middle of the difficulty lies the opportunity.

Each problem is a challenge to test our abilities and conquer new goals.

60. At first all thoughts belong to love. After all the love belongs to the thoughts.

When love comes into our life, it takes over our mind completely.

61. Man finds God behind every door that science manages to open.

Einstein fervently believed that science is a way of exposing God's grace.

62. You don't really understand something unless you are able to explain it to your grandmother.

You are only able to say that you have mastered a topic when you have no problem explaining it to anyone.

63. Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.

Falling in love is not a matter of chance, but of causality.

64. We all know that light travels faster than sound. This is why some people seem brilliant until we hear them speak.

An interesting way of telling us that not all people are what they appear.

65. A person who has never made a mistake never tries anything new.

People who are afraid of failure get stuck in their comfort zone.

66. Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.

The point of solving problems should be that they don't happen again.

67. It's strange to be known so universally and still be so lonely.

This phrase reminds us that, no matter how many people know or surround you, sometimes you can feel very lonely.

68. Men marry women in the hope that they will never change. Women marry in the hope that they will change. Invariably both end up disappointed.

A harsh reality of marriages.

69. A perfection of means and confusion of goals seems to be our main problem.

Do you think this is extrapolated to reality?

70. We cannot solve problems by thinking in the same way as when we created them.

To find a solution, we must shake off the thought of what led us to the problem.

71. Words mean whatever you want them to mean.

Only you can put a certain purpose to what you want to say.

72. For those of us who are tied to old age, death comes as a liberation.

There are people who see death as a great gift.

73. Only those who attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible.

Only something is impossible when we do not try to explore it.

74. Everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.

Simplicity has nothing to do with belittling something.

75. The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.

An intelligent person is the one who finds in each change an opportunity to advance.

76. He who does not have the gift of wonder or enthusiasm would be better off being dead, because his eyes are closed.

People who do not find delight in things tend to have a bitter life.

77. The way they are trying to heal people is so slow that by the time they find the cure, the people will be gone. That is not very efficient.

To spread health it is necessary to promote more energetic lifestyles.

78. Everyone should be respected as individuals, but no one idolized.

Idolatry can lead a person to become a false God, just because of the obsession with power.

79. I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation. Nor can I believe that the individual survives the death of the body.

Einstein believed that the only people responsible for the consequences of his actions were humans and not God.

80. Peace can not be kept by force; that can only be achieved through understanding.

A very valuable message about achieving true peace.

81. I have a question that sometimes tortures me: am I crazy or others are crazy.

That uncertainty of whether our ideals are wrong or the world is in the wrong position.

82. What is correct is not always popular and what is popular is not always correct.

Things that benefit a certain number of individuals may not be effective for all.

83. All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree.

If they all start from creative genius, why so much effort to differentiate them?

84. The search for truth and beauty is an activity that allows us to remain children throughout our lives.

Solving mysteries of life is something that will always keep our creativity active.

85. There is an extremely powerful force for which science has so far not found a formal explanation. That force is: love.

Love is capable of giving us great strength that seems almost magical.

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