All countries with monarchy in Europe

Europe has historically been a continent where the predominant political system it has been the monarchy. In recent centuries, the monarchy has lost much of its influence in the European states, but there are still a number of countries that maintain monarchs. To know the current monarchies today in a PROFESSOR we are going to talk about countries with monarchy in Europe.
The monarchy is a form of state in which a royal family embodies the country's national identity, being the family leader the one who occupies the position of head of state. Although all monarchies have similar bases, the reality is that there is a great difference between the different types of monarchy, due in part to the changes they have undergone in recent centuries to adapt to new times.
We can talk in general about three types of monarchies in Europe, depending on the power of the monarch and if it is a democracy or not. The different types of monarchical regimes are the following:
- Absolute monarchy: It is the form of government in which the king exercises power without any type of control, and sometimes even has religious power. In this type of monarchy there is no division of powers, being incompatible with democracy. Most European monarchical states in the late Middle Ages had this type of monarchy.
- Constitutional monarchy: It is the form of government in which there is a division of powers and the king has executive power. Some examples of European constitutional monarchy are the German Empire and certain French monarchies after the French Revolution.
- Parliamentary monarchy: It is a form of government in which the king holds the position of head of state, but is subject to other powers, that is, the king reigns but does not rule. It is the most common type of monarchy in Europe today, a clear example being the Spanish monarchy.
To continue with this lesson on countries with a monarchy in Europe we must talk about the current monarchies in the old continent. With this we will understand how European monarchies have evolved, since a few centuries ago almost all European states were monarchies, and currently there are only a few.
Monarchy in Spain
Spain has historically been a state where the monarchy has been very important, being ruled by great monarchs for centuries. The Spanish Crown is heir to other great European crowns of the Middle Ages, especially the Crown of Castile and the Crown of Aragon. The current Spanish monarchy has been 1975, with the death of the dictator Francisco Franco, being Juan Carlos I and Philip IV monarchs who have reigned through the parliamentary monarchy system ever since.
A monarchy with less than two centuries of history is the Belgian monarchy. The current king of Belgium is Philip, which came to the throne after the abdication of his father, Alberto II.
The monarchy in Denmark
The Danish monarchy is considered the oldest monarchy in Europe, since it is supposed to be a dynasty that comes from the legendary viking kings. The current monarch is Margaret II, which he has been on the throne since 1972.
The Norwegian monarchy has existed since 1905, when the state separated from Sweden. Although it is said that they are direct descendants of Viking monarchs, and the Union of Kalmar. The current Norwegian monarch is Harald V.
The Dutch monarchy is one of the most important in Europe, being the most expensive and surely the most beloved for its town, there is even a festival in honor of the kings where citizens go out dressed in orange to the Street. The current king is William Alexander, which she has been on the throne since 2013.
The monarchy in the United Kingdom
The most respected monarchy in Europe, its queen being the monarch of the United Kingdom and a large number of independent states. The current queen is Isabel II, who is the oldest queen in the world and the longest-serving British queen.
Although technically the country does not have a king, since sovereigns are called princes, the reality is that this country is a constitutional monarchy. The House of the Prince of Liechtenstein is one of the oldest in Europe, and currently the head of the family is John Adam II, who has ruled since 1989.
Like Liechtenstein, Monaco is a Principality whose form of government is the constitutional monarchy. Albert II He is the current Prince of Monaco, who is said to be a descendant of the House of Grimaldi, a former Italian noble house.
In this case he does not rule neither a king nor a prince, but a duke. The current duke is Enrique, being the Head of State of the parliamentary monarchy of Luxembourg.

Image: The Reason