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The 90 best phrases about Pride

Our pride defines us for both good and bad. It is one of those human qualities with which we must maintain a healthy balance at all times, since it is the which helps us hold ourselves in high esteem but can also be a great impediment to experiencing things. With this selection of the best reflections on pride, we will understand how far its power reaches.

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Phrases about pride

To remind us of this, we bring in the following article a compilation with the best quotes about pride that shows us its ambivalent condition.

1. We can be proud of what we have done, but we should be much more proud of what we have not done. That pride is yet to be invented. (Emil Michel Cioran)

The first pride is in our creativity.

2. Perhaps pride will make you feel strong, but never happy.

Sometimes you have to put your pride aside to get happiness.

3. Pride costs us more than hunger, thirst and cold. (Thomas Jefferson)

Many people have done wrong or have not wanted to seek help precisely to preserve their pride.

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4. Although pride is not a virtue, it is the father of many virtues. (John Churton Collins)

This quality can be both beneficial and dangerous for us.

5. The humble man has everything to gain and the proud man everything to lose, because modesty is always generosity and envy pride. (Antoine Rivarol)

Envy is a feeling that under no circumstances makes us gain something.

6. Loving yourself means being aware that you don't need to be perfect to be great.

There is a slight difference between being proud of who we are and having a superb attitude.

7. If you are proud, you should love solitude; the proud are always left alone. (Loved nerve)

Nobody wants to stay with a selfish person for long.

8. If I only had one sermon to preach it would be a sermon against pride. (Gilbert Keith Chesterton)

Destructive pride is what we must avoid in ourselves.

9. It is better to lose pride in someone you love than to lose someone you love because of pride.

An important lesson that makes us reflect.

10. The walls of pride are tall and wide. You can't see the other side. (Bob Dylan)

Many are blind to reality because they only perceive the world through their distorted beliefs.

11. The only thing capable of comforting a man for the stupid things that he does, is the pride that gives him doing them. (Oscar Wilde)

If you do something, then you cannot regret the result you get.

12. Apologizing does not always mean that you are wrong and the other person is right. It just means that you kept your pride in that relationship. (Fabio Volo)

Acknowledging a mistake is not a mistake. On the contrary, it is a show of absolute courage.

13. If being proud of who I am makes me conceited, go ahead.

As we said earlier, it is one thing to have pride of your own and quite another to be self-centered.

14. That man who loses honor for business, loses business and honor. (Anonymous)

Pride doesn't always lead to success, sometimes it just makes you collapse.

15. The bad temper is what gets us in trouble. Pride is what keeps us in them. (Neil Simon)

Great conflicts have been generated only by the pride of stubborn people.

16. Who lives on pride, in the end dies of loneliness.

It is no coincidence that selfish people end their days without any company.

17. Too many people spend the money they earned… to buy things they don't want… to impress people they don't like. (Will Rogers)

There are those who take pride in their material possessions, even if none of them give them satisfaction.

18. Pride engenders the tyrant. Pride, when it has uselessly accumulated recklessness and excesses, soaring over the highest pinnacle, plunges into an abyss of evils, from which there is no possibility of escaping. (Socrates)

For the Greek philosopher, pride was the cradle of all human evils.

19. Pride almost always has an even worse companion: envy. (Alexandre Dumas)

Many have theorized that envy stems from unrealistic and unconscionable pride.

20. Only those who have hated themselves know how important it is to be proud of yourself.

It is important to trust us so as not to let ourselves be collapsed by the negative reviews of others.

21. If the emperor wants me, let him pay me, because just the honor of being with him is not enough for me. (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)

Pride does not give us any form of life.

22. Human pride knows how to invent the most serious names to hide its own ignorance. (Percy Bysshe Shelley)

Ignorance and refusal to listen are behind arrogance.

23. Pride is the hardest "food" to "swallow."

Referring to the fact that what is most difficult for us is to leave pride when circumstances are not in our favor.

24. When the pride screams, the love remains silent. (Peter Ustinov)

Many people agree that love and pride don't get along.

25. Much more than interests, pride is what divides us. (Auguste Comte)

A phrase that has everything really.

26. The only superiority over vanity is pride. By the fact that vanity expects everything, while by pride: do not expect anything. (Henry de Montherlant)

This is the best example of pride and arrogance.

27. Take a moment to realize how amazing you are.

We must remember daily how important we are.

28. He who is too small has great pride. (Voltaire)

Vanity may just be a cover for insecurity.

29. When pride rules, misfortune always reigns. (Ricardo Arjona)

This is because proud people only think of themselves.

30. Sometimes either you lose your pride or you lose the person you are interested in, it's that simple ...

A harsh reality that we must take as a lesson.

31. I am not proud, but I am happy; and blind happiness, I think, more than pride. (Alexandre Dumas)

Sometimes 'happiness' can be as harmful as selfishness.

32. In women, pride is often the motive for love. (George Sand)

There are times when pride can give us the motivation we need.

33. An ounce of vanity spoils a quintal of merit. (Turkish proverb)

A selfish action can ruin all the confidence built.

34. The only person I want to make really proud is me.

The first person we owe respect, love and devotion to is ourselves.

35. The wise are those who search for wisdom; fools think they have already found it. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

The proud believe that they know everything, when they can know nothing.

36. Pride is nothing more than stupidity supported by reasoning. (Renny Yagosesky)

A harsh expression on the part of the Venezuelan psychologist.

37. Do not allow your pride to be stronger than your feelings, perhaps later you will regret losing what you love because of him.

The only one capable of keeping pride at bay is you.

38. A proud man is always looking down on things and people; And of course, as long as you look down, you can't see something that is above you. (C. S. Lewis)

Many of the proud people are not able to accept that there is someone better than them.

39. Pride is a form of selfishness. (D. H. Lawrence)

Because you only seek profit for yourself, no matter who you hurt.

40. The surest cure for vanity is loneliness. (Thomas Clayton Wolfe)

When people are lonely they are able to reflect on their mistakes.

41. Today I have achieved it. Today I look back and I know that all the effort has been worth it.

There is nothing that makes us feel more proud than to say 'I did it'.

42. Science is proud of how much it has learned; wisdom is humble because it knows no more. (William Cowper)

A difference that can also be applied to people.

43. Vanity and pride are different things, although the words are often used synonymously. A person can be proud without being vain. Pride is more related to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we want others to think of us. (Jane Austen)

Another great example of vanity and pride on the part of the great classic writer.

44. Pride leads you to lose what you love the most, love helps you to rescue what you think is lost.

This is why love and pride do not coexist together.

45. Proud people breed sadness for themselves. (Emily Brontë)

Unfortunately, those who will suffer the long-term consequences will be them.

46. Pride is fine, but a sausage is a sausage. (Terry Pratchett)

A reference that pride will not make us better.

47. Pride ate breakfast with abundance, dined with poverty, and dined with infamy. (Benjamin Franklin)

The stages of pride.

48. I'm not going to apologize for who I am.

Never be ashamed of being who you are and what you love to do.

49. If you can enrich yourself by keeping honor, good faith, magnanimity, don't excuse it. (Epictetus of Phrygia)

By maintaining good values ​​we can move away from selfish acts.

50. Through pride we deceive ourselves. (Carl Jung)

It is not only a way to be defensive with others, but with yourself.

51. With tears you do not recover what you lost out of pride.

When we make a mistake, we must correct it with actions.

52. It is better to lose your pride with someone you love, instead of losing that being you love because of your useless pride. (John Ruskin)

A great phrase that shows us the danger of letting ourselves be carried away by pride.

53. Among all the dresses that I have seen put on pride, the one that most revolts me is that of humility. (Henry Mackenzie)

Humility always brings more blessings than pride.

54. Pride is the comfort of the weak. (Luc de Clapiers)

It can become a poor excuse not to work for what you want.

55. It is not pride, it is self-love. And it took me a lifetime to learn it. (Elena Poe)

Learn to love yourself more every day.

56. Your problems are not solved, if you just want to be right. (Cony Flores)

Especially when resolving a conflict or reaching an agreement. Pride is superfluous.

57. The more empty the jugs, the more noise they make. (Alfonso X the Wise)

A metaphor to express that a proud person is nothing more than an empty being.

58. Great relationships have been lost because of a "If you don't talk to me either."

There are times when we must take the first step.

59. I therefore ask my pride to always go hand in hand with my sanity. And when my sanity leaves me, because he likes to take flight, that my pride even flies arm in arm with my madness. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

When pride is detached from reason is when it becomes arrogance.

60. Nothing beautiful can come of the rivalry; and pride, nothing noble. (John Ruskin)

Most of those who act out of pride justify the vilest acts.

61. A proud man is extremely difficult to please, because he always expects too much from others. (Richard Baxter)

No one is capable of meeting the expectations of someone vain.

62. Until you value yourself, you will not value your time. Until you value your time, you will do nothing with it. (Scott Peck)

We must first accept ourselves before wanting to ask the world for something.

63. He despises the proud man who is ashamed to shed tears. (Alfred de Musset)

Showing emotions is not an act of cowardice, in fact it is the best display of honesty.

64. Pride always compensates and loses nothing, even when it renounces vanity. (François De La Rochefoucauld)

True self-pride is one that can go hand in hand with humility.

65. If he says "I'm sorry, I need you" after you've had a fight, it means that he cares about you much more than his pride.

You know that someone gives up his arrogance when he is able to accept his mistakes and act to improve.

66. I could easily forgive his pride, if he hadn't mortified mine. (Jane Austen)

The arrogance of one person is capable of destroying the self-esteem of another.

67. If your pride is not tempered, he will be your greatest punishment. (Dante Alighieri)

Sooner or later it is a high price to pay.

68. I detest myself and accuse myself of that madness of pride that makes me gasp after the chimera. A quarter of an hour later, everything has changed; my heart beats with joy. (Gustave Flaubert)

Use your pride as fuel to make your dreams come true.

69. There is a paradox in pride: it makes some men ridiculous, but it prevents others from being so. (Charles Caleb Colton)

The two faces of pride that we can handle.

70. Our pride only serves to make the gods laugh. (Javier Sanz)

One way of saying that pride is useless.

71. Pride goes before a fall, they say, and yet we often find that people shed all pride. They are often left behind. (Edgar Guest)

It is not about abandoning your pride, but about avoiding being blinded by it.

72. Pride is the only poison that can poison you, if you don't swallow it in time.

You have to learn to recognize situations when pride does not bring anything good.

73. Pride must die in you, or nothing in heaven can live in you. (Andrew Murray)

This reference made by the pastor and writer shows us how pride cannot be at peace with good deeds.

74. Pride precedes the fall. (Eugene O'Neill)

Pride may lift you up for a moment, but it won't be permanent.

75. The pride of the humble consists in always talking about themselves, the pride of the great, in never talking about themselves. (Voltaire)

Another phrase that shows us the disparity of pride.

76. There is only one pride that lasts forever: self pride.

Therefore, it is the only one who should care to work.

77. He knows everything, absolutely everything. Figure out how silly it will be. (Miguel de Unamuno)

Nobody knows everything and it is wise to admit it.

78. Pride is the complement of ignorance. (Bernard Le Bouvier de Fontenelle)

Ignorance keeps us in a bubble of distorted reality.

79. Get mad at your friend, and lose your pride 2 seconds later, because he made you laugh.

This is how we let go of pride.

80. All your life, other people will try to take away your achievements. Don't take them off yourself. (Michael Crichton)

We must always remain firm in self-confidence.

81. What is given with pride and ostentation depends more on ambition than on generosity. (Lucio Anneo Seneca)

Ambition ends up turning people into unhappy and empty creatures.

82. You will only be happy with someone when you are happy with yourself.

An important lesson that we must listen to.

83. The brightness of the man walking proudly under the sky is reduced to nothing. (Aeschylus)

A proud person never has the recognition of others.

84. I am very careful with thoughts of self-pride because I know so many idiots who believe themselves to be the kings of the Corsican who assures me that I am not one of them. (Alejandro Dolina)

For this reason, it is necessary not to get carried away by excessive pride.

85. When pride is greater than love, there was never love ...

Love needs commitment and teamwork. Not to dominate over the other.

86. If you see something in yourself that makes you proud, look a little further and you will find enough to make you humble. (Wellins Calcott)

Pride and humility in one only within us.

87. Humility makes us strong, wise, and pride, weak and foolish. (Niccolo Tommaseo)

The big long-term difference of these two states.

88. Look in the mirror until your eyes fill with pride.

Every day we must cultivate our self-love.

89. The louder I spoke of his honor, the faster we counted the silverware. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Nobody wants to hear someone boast about their selfishness.

90. Pride carries with it a punishment, foolishness. (Sophocles)

Conceited people are never satisfied.

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