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The 11 advantages of online psychotherapy

More and more psychology professionals decide to offer their services online. That is, they decide to bet on online psychotherapy. And in turn, more and more people decide to start an online psychotherapy, due to lack of time, comfort, lower cost, etc.

In this article we will explain what this modality of psychotherapy consists of, how it works and what are the 11 advantages of online psychotherapy, which benefit both therapist and patient in several ways. As we will see, these advantages refer to different aspects and areas.

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What is online psychotherapy and how does it work?

Basically online psychotherapy is based on conducting psychotherapy sessions with a therapist (psychologist) in real time, through the internet: for example through a videoconference, Skype or other online communication platforms (for example a chat, a web application, etc.).

This modality also includes the use of email, where contact or communication is not so immediate. As a patient, you can choose to use one of these means or several, in a complementary way.

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Thus, a new therapeutic modality arises that aims to use technology as a means to develop a therapy. It is a type of real contact between therapist and patient, although not physically, but in a virtual space that is the internet.

This type of service has certain advantages and certain disadvantages. We are going to focus on explaining the advantages of online psychotherapy.

The 11 advantages of online psychotherapy

Thus, as we have seen, online psychotherapy is a new and innovative modality of psychological treatment. It is a service that more and more psychology centers offer (or more psychotherapists autonomously, with private practice).

It is carried out in the virtual space, through calls, video conferences (the most common) through Skype, mobile applications, email, chat, etc. In other words, it implies that the therapist and the patient are not together physically, but in a virtual space shared in real time.

This type of modality provides some flexibility to both parties and the reduction of some costs, although it also has certain disadvantages compared to traditional (face-to-face) psychotherapy. We are going to know the 11 advantages of online psychotherapy.

1. Comfort

One of the greatest advantages of online psychotherapy is comfort and spatial flexibility; that is, the therapist and the patient can carry out the session even if they are very far from each other (even in different countries). This makes online psychotherapy a very comfortable tool for both patients and therapists.

2. Temporal flexibility

Another advantage of online psychotherapy is that the psychotherapist can be "always" available, for example through a chat or mobile. That is, you do not have to wait to attend your visit in person in your consultation, but you can have their services more immediately.

3. Lower cost

Online psychotherapy it is usually cheaper for the patient (Therapists reduce the fee in this case). In addition, the patient saves on travel, which can be an added cost.

4. Time saving

Another advantage of online psychotherapy is that both therapist and patient can save time by avoiding the displacement that we mentioned in the previous point. This time saving allows both of you to have a more flexible schedule to focus on other business or activities.

5. Redisplay the session

On the other hand, with online psychotherapy there is the possibility that both patient and therapist re-visualize the session performedas it can be recorded. For the patient, this can be of help when reviewing exercises at home, as well as when reflecting on certain arguments or responses, both his own and the therapist's, etc.

At the same time, for the therapist it is a good tool to carry out a good follow-up of the patient, in the event that they have forgotten some details of the session, for example.

6. Facilitates prevention

Another advantage of online psychotherapy is that can be a good prevention tool; that is, it can facilitate early intervention in cases that may need psychological help but are not yet attending mental health services in person. Thus, it can be a first therapeutic contact.

7. Session registration

As we already anticipated, online psychotherapy makes it possible to record the sessions. This is a great advantage when it comes to properly monitoring the patient. Thus, the fact of being able to record the sessions provides valuable material for short and long-term follow-ups.

8. Expression of emotions

Though not always, online psychotherapy can facilitate the expression of emotions in people who are more reluctant to attend psychotherapy in person.

This is possible thanks to the greater intimacy that these types of sessions allow, in the sense that therapist and patient are not physically face to face, which can overwhelm or 'intimidate' the patient, in somehow. This can be especially useful in the first sessions or when you have never seen a psychologist.

9. Schedule compatibility

The fact that it can be performed online makes this therapy modality a modality that makes it possible to reconcile the schedules of the therapist and the patient more easily and simply. In addition, the time slot in which the sessions can be held is extended.

10. Maintenance of anonymity

Another advantage of online psychotherapy is that it allows, in a certain way, preserve patient anonymity (or at least more than it would be in face-to-face therapy).

Although it is not a shame to go to the psychologist, on the contrary, it is a sign of courage, many people still feel the stigma to do so, or even fear that the psychologist himself may judge them (this could be reduced if the therapy is not performed physically).

11. Free choice of psychotherapist

The fact that psychotherapy is online, allows the patient to choose more freely the psychologist who wants to be treatedSince if you could only choose psychologists who are in your city or close to your home, this would greatly limit your range of decision (that is, the options available to you).

Thus, with online psychotherapy the patient has greater decision-making power, which can generate greater self-confidence and a feeling of empowerment, since you are deciding with complete freedom about how to solve a problem or how to feel better (choosing the person who will try).

Bibliographic references

  • Melchiori, J.A., Sansalone, P.A. and Borda, T. (2011). On-line psychotherapies: contributions and controversies about the use of the resources offered by the internet for psychotherapy. III International Congress of Research and Professional Practice in Psychology. XVIII Research Conference.

  • Vallejo, M.A. and Jordán, C.M. (2007). Psychotherapy through the Internet, Technological resources in the practice of psychotherapy. Psychology Bulletin.

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