Education, study and knowledge

The 75 best famous phrases of Aristotle

When we think of philosophy, the name Aristotle comes to mind almost immediately., as he is considered by many to be one of the key figures in the study of life and the way the world works in ancient Greece.

He left teachings that were the pillar for the areas of empirical science, rhetoric, physics, ethics, politics, biology, among others. Through his thoughts and his reflections, he demonstrated the intellectual capacity of which man is capable of use for greater goods, leaving a legacy of wealth to his people that to this day remains very appreciated.

Now, to get a little closer, we bring in this article the best and most famous phrases of this greek philosopher, which is part of the bones of history.

Famous phrases and reflections of Aristotle

Get to know in a closer way that intellectual charm for which Aristotle was so admired and respected. Below you have a compilation of the best phrases of Aristotle.

1. You cannot untie a knot without knowing how it is made.

To be able to solve a problem, we need to find out how the problem originated.

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2. Intelligence consists not only of knowledge, but also of the ability to apply knowledge in practice.

Wise people seek to continue learning, they always seek to assure themselves of any information.

3. Nature never does anything in vain.

From beautiful landscapes, incredible behaviors, or outright science, nature is amazing.

4. Friendship is a soul that inhabits two bodies; a heart that dwells in two souls.

Hope is in essence a dream that serves us as comfort and impulse, a dream that is born of our own will.

5. The ignorant says, the wise doubts and reflects.

A leader needs to know how to guide his followers and for this he needs to put himself in his place.

6. There is something wonderful in all things in nature.

Telling excessively lies will never take us seriously, as in the story of the shepherd and the wolf.

7. Hope is the dream of the waking man.

Character is defined by our experiences, but more than that, it is defined by the way we take our experiences.

8. Who is not a good follower cannot be a good leader.

A good citizen complies and watches over the law, a good man watches over justice.

9. The liar's punishment is not to be believed, even when telling the truth.

There is nothing smarter than talking until you have thought about what you are going to say and its consequences.

10. Our character is the result of our behavior.

If you want to know what someone really is like, take a look at their behavior.

11. It is not always the same to be a good man and to be a good citizen.

If we carry out a project, we must be able to realize that something is not going well in time, otherwise we could spend our entire lives in vain for not recognizing a mistake.

12. The wise man does not say everything he thinks, but he always thinks everything he says.

Those who do and seek good for everyone, do so because they are noble at heart and this translates into happiness whatever happens.

13. The soul never thinks without a mental image.

Friendships are not achieved just by wishing each other, in fact the longest and most lasting friendships are born from mere coincidence.

14. It is important for those who want to achieve certainty in their research, knowing how to doubt in time.

There is nothing more complicated than achieving our personal goals, since we always put them at our limit and whoever achieves it is a winner.

15. Those who do well are the only ones who can aspire to happiness in life.

The philosophy is based on questioning and thinking, but most people are not used to this and it can make them stressed or angry.

16. There are people who think that a friendship is based on wanting to have friends, as if to cure it was enough to wish the disease ended.

We make friends with people with whom we have things in common and in the end they are a bit like us.

17. I consider the one who conquers his desires more courageous than the one who conquers his enemies, since the hardest victory is the victory over oneself.

We could say that the "soul" is our intangible essence, the set of all that is not visible that makes us have an "I".

18. Philosophy can make people sick.

If we do bad deeds next, we will be bad people. If we do good deeds, we will be good people.

19. The friend is another me. Without friendship man can not be happy.

Getting angry in a fair way is certainly the most difficult, in the end anger is a very difficult feeling to control.

20. The soul is what we live, feel and think for.

Ingenuity is used to find quick and effective solutions, but sometimes the rules are broken with the solutions that are reached.

21. We are what we repeatedly do.

If we tell the truth but don't give proof of the lies that were told before, we will hardly be believed.

22. Anyone can become angry, that is very simple. But getting mad at the right person, at the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way. That is certainly not that simple.

What came through a lot of effort is cared for and valued even more than what comes fleetingly.

23. Wit is polite insolence.

The purpose of government is to provide a fair life for all, so if this is not achieved there is no good government.

24. It is not enough just to tell the truth, it is better to show the cause of the falsehood.

Wealth is not always material, it can be sentimental or artistic depending on what we enjoy the most.

25. What is acquired with a lot of work, the more you love.

If we are not able to teach other people about something, we do not really understand that "something" well.

26. As long as there is inequality before the Law, the government will not be final.

Thinking smart, but translating those thoughts into simple language will make our ideas reach everyone clearly.

27. Wealth is a range of joys, not belongings.

Being wise is of little help in times when everything is going well, but when everything is going wrong; being wise is more than a blessing.

28. One does not know what he knows until what he can teach another.

The greatest chains are those of our mind, so if we free ourselves from these we will be able to enjoy our freedom.

29. It is important for those who want to achieve certainty in their research, knowing how to doubt in time.

Change can be scary, but change will always have a positive side, we just have to learn to see this side in our changes.

30. Think as wise men think, but speak as simple people speak.

The way we usually do things is what shapes our personality.

31. Wisdom is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity.

The way we usually do things is what shapes our personality.

32. He who has overcome his fears will be truly free.

When we overcome our fears, we can achieve any goal.

33. Change is always sweet.

It may seem bitter and difficult at first, but when you see the benefits, you will know that it has been worth it.

34. The purpose of art is to embody the secret essence of things, not to copy their appearance.

It is through art that we can see the purity of the things we are inspired by.

35. Great knowledge breeds great doubts.

With each knowledge that we acquire, we obtain clarity about something that we ignored, but at the same time it is possible to continue generating more doubts that can be resolved.

36. You cannot be and not be something at the same time and under the same aspect.

Hypocrisy always ends up revealing people's true intentions.

37. It is during our darkest moments that we have to focus to see the light.

The only way out of a difficulty is to look ahead.

38. The purpose of work is leisure.

How can we enjoy our outings if we don't work to pay for them?

39. A traitor is worth it, even when he tells the truth.

When someone betrays you once, chances are they can betray you again.

40. The perfect friendship is that of the good and of those who resemble each other by virtue. They wish each other the good in the same sense.

The best friendships are those that have good wishes for the other to achieve their goals.

41. The crowd obeys necessity more than reason, and punishments more than honor.

Unfortunately, many political leaders use despair and fear to control the people.

42. To avoid criticism, don't say anything, don't do anything, don't be anything.

It is impossible to live and pursue our dreams without being hurt. It is part of our growth.

43. The secret of humor is surprise.

Surprises can make our day.

44. The absolute truth is impossible to find, just as you will never travel without a part of it.

The truth is always part of our life, even if we cannot find its absolute purity, because we are not sure that it exists.

45. Understanding is a smooth table on which there is nothing written.

To understand it is necessary to recognize that we do not know anything.

46. Everyone's friend is not a friend.

Usually, the one who is hovering around people is because he has a hidden intention.

47. Those who know, do. Those who understand, teach.

Referring to those people who do their work because they know everything about it and those who understand the mechanics behind it all, who want to share their knowledge with the rest.

48. Bad men are full of regret.

Any negative action fills our soul with unease.

49. Wealth is more valued when it is the fruit of hard work.

The fortune obtained with our own work is the greatest satisfaction of all, since it comes from our struggle.

50. The true disciple is the one that surpasses the teacher.

A good apprentice not only learns and continues, but learns and improves what his teacher has taught him.

51. It is thought that fair is equal, and so it is; but not for everyone, but for the same. On the contrary, it is thought that what is just is what is unequal, and so it is, but not for everyone, but for the unequal.

Equality should not take precedence.

52. It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

Regardless of whether you disagree with someone else's opinion, respect it.

53. Love is made up of a soul inhabiting two bodies.

A good relationship should make you feel complete and at home.

54. True friends belong to few people.

It is better to have few friends, who are faithful and are by your side in any circumstance.

55. Some believe that to be friends it is enough to love, as if to be healthy it is enough to wish for health.

A friendship is not only made up of liking, but also of commitment, respect and company.

56. The lonely man is a beast or a god.

Loneliness can be seen as a space for reflection or a place to sink.

57. Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.

If we do not know ourselves we will not be able to understand anything else.

58. The education of the youth is neither little nor very important; it has a universal and absolute repercussion.

Youth education is the foundation for future performance.

59. It is ignorance not to know how to distinguish between what needs demonstration and what does not.

There are things that we can change, but there are others that simply must remain as they are.

60. Acquiring such and such habits from a young age is not unimportant: it is of absolute importance.

Again the importance of using our youth to learn as much as we can is stressed.

61. Educating the mind without educating the heart is not education at all.

It is useless to have a great intellectuality if we are not honest of heart.

62. A despot only relates to other tyrants because he needs to be feted, and people with a soul will never flatter him.

People with selfish intentions can only relate to those who fuel his ambition.

63. It is an indisputable principle that to know how to command well, it is necessary to know how to obey.

If a person is not able to follow the rules, how can he have the authority to enforce them?

64. A state is governed better by a good man than by good laws.

Men who are just in heart and seek the welfare of their people will always be the ideal leaders.

65. Happiness depends on ourselves.

There is no one who makes you feel happier than yourself.

66. There are no states with excellent laws, but there are practical laws.

Laws should be an extension of values, not to repress but to create better citizens.

67. Time is the measure of motion between two moments.

Only we are capable of knowing how to take advantage of the time we have.

68. History tells what happened; poetry what had to happen.

History tells the events as they happened, while poetry is responsible for showing us the feelings involved in people.

69. The ideal man endures the accidents of life with dignity and grace, making the best of circumstances.

Each obstacle leaves us with a valuable lesson that we can use to improve.

70. The absence of courage is cowardice, while its excess is daring.

At all times, we must face the challenges of life with courage and sometimes with great boldness.

71. Speeches inspire less confidence than actions.

Actions are worth a thousand words, no matter in what circumstances they occur.

72. There is only one driving force: desire.

When you want to do something, you will find a way to do it, regardless of the difficulties involved.

73. Miser is the one who does not spend what he owes, or what he owes, or when he owes.

Greedy people always try to maintain a facade of perfection that only fools themselves.

74. The energy of the mind is the essence of life.

Your mind is your most powerful weapon to get ahead, so do your best to fuel it.

75. You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the highest quality of a mind alongside honor.

It is with courage that we can face our greatest challenges, but above all overcome our greatest fears.

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