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How to improve your self-esteem, in 10 psychological keys

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Self-esteem has a lot to do with the idea we have about ourselves and it greatly influences the way we face our day to day. However, we don't always pay enough attention to it.

If you have realized that this is precisely what is happening to you and you have decided to take action on the matter, you we tell you how to improve your self-esteem in 10 keys, because we want you to feel great about being on your own skin.

How to improve your self-esteem in 10 keys

Pay attention to these tips; surely with patience and perseverance you will notice your progress.

1. Think positive

Improving your self-esteem can start with a single action. From the moment that we are able to change our way of thinking, We also begin to change our emotions and, with it, our own reality as well.

If you have to build your days, start by choosing the materials with which you want to compose your life. Our thoughts are transformed into words, and these into our actions. What better option than to resort to the positive version of each idea that we have? Change the "I can't" to "I'm going to be fine."

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2. Don't compare yourself

When we measure ourselves with others, the vast majority of the time we are not taking into account neither the moment nor the circumstances of these people, which is not a fair assessment. Focus on you. Focus on your life and the paths you are creating so personally as you go through them.

We tend to idealize the lives of others and the only thing we will achieve is to lose focus of what matters to us, which does not have to coincide with what concerns those other people.

It grows as a person, and if you have to compare yourself with someone, let it be with yourself in your previous version: I'm sure that when you look at it, you feel proud of how you have improved.

3. Don't beat yourself up

Break the vicious cycle that feeds back your low self-esteem. Every time you reinforce a negative idea in relation to yourself, by repeating it over and over again, you only get more distance from your ability to improve your self-esteem.

Criticism is good and necessary as long as it is constructive, since it offers us the possibility to detect those aspects that we can improve ourselves and to get down to work with it. But it must be with the aim of encouraging us to get the best of ourselves, not to sink.

4. Be realistic with your goals

Think that from zero to one hundred there is a whole margin of action. Therefore, nothing justifies that you consider your goals as an "all or nothing" that will lead you to think of failure as soon as you start.

When you think that way in the face of set your goals, the only thing you get is to increase the feeling of helplessness by not seeing feasible to achieve what you propose. Or give up too soon because the road to your achievements is long and uncertain.

The key would be fragment these processes into more manageable stages. In this way, with each objective achieved, we will feel the necessary rush to push us towards the next one on our list. Don't you think it's a good way to improve your self-esteem by feeling capable of achieving what you set out to do?

5. Take personal time

With the pace of life that we lead, it is very possible that, when establishing priorities, you feel that the last of all your occupations is taking care of your well-being **. ** How long has it been since you indulged yourself with the intention of pampering yourself to feel best?

Think about it: If everything you do, after all, depends on you, it also influences your mood. And this in turn also influences your attitude. Taking care of important matters is vital, but if you do not understand that it is just as important that you are well to be able to take care of them, sooner or later it will take its toll on you.

So, make taking care of your well-being one of your priorities hereinafter.

6. Do an exercise of acceptance and forgiveness towards yourself

Find a moment that we mentioned in the previous point and dedicate the time you need to do this reflection exercise. Take a pencil and paper and write down everything you dislike about yourself, everything you regret or weigh on you. Take it all out and write freely and sincerely; it's just for you.

When you finish, read the letter you have written very carefully, and think about how you could change each of these aspects or situations in a realistic way. Make a commitment to yourself to begin to change everything that you have captured.

Say goodbye and tear up the paper feeling that you are starting from scratch, with a new learning but no longer blaming yourself. From that moment you will feel that you are starting a more positive stage.

7. Remember your achievements

With that tendency to reproach ourselves in such an exaggerated way for the things we do wrong and to belittle our own merits, there is hardly any light left to cling to and we can feel ourselves dark.

Do not allow it: you will be throwing stones on your own roof. A good way to improve your self-esteem is recapitulate those goals achieved over time, whatever type they are. And in doing so, realize that of all the possible outcomes, the one that has finally come about is the one you wanted. And who has achieved it? You and you. Do not forget what you are capable of. Remember it when your self-confidence wavers.

8. Find the root of your lack of self-esteem

Perhaps you had a difficult childhood in which the praise seemed to be dedicated to others while no one paid attention to your achievements. Or maybe it's something more recent. Ask yourself if there is a before and after at some point that you remember where your own perception of yourself will change. Maybe you are before the key to your insecurity.

In any case, try to analyze how those thoughts relate to the way you feel now. Sure you can learn something new about yourself and your way of relating to your own being.

9. Cultivate the habit of loving yourself

Do you know how long it takes to establish a new habit? 21 days. Well, here is a new challenge; love yourself Y love yourself conscientiously; Show it to yourself, in the same way that you would consider showing other people that you love her. And now, put it into practice for 21 days in a row.

Surely if you seriously consider it and carry it out, when those three weeks pass that inertia will remain that will help you improve your self-esteem.

10. Start right now

If after everything we have told you, you realize how important it is to feel good with yourself and you really want to improve your self-esteem, do not postpone that first step with which to activate the change. Do it now.

Take advantage of the push of having internalized this reflection and make your wish a new challenge. Put the focus of attention on your way of thinking, acting and on the messages that you send to yourself. Ask yourself if all this contributes to improving your concept of yourself and find a way to answer this question in the affirmative.

Break the vicious cycle and enter the virtuous one that provides healthy self-esteem. You will know that you have entered it because your daily reality will begin to be friendlier and more palatable.
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